View Full Version : Tsubasa

05-22-10, 01:55 AM
Name: Tsubasa
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Charcoal Grey
Eye Color: Bright Jade Green
Height: 5' 11''
Weight: 160 lb
Occupation: Mercenary

Personality: Tsubasa is a very "go with the flow" kinda guy. He loves to interact with people and play the occasional prank (non harmful of course). Quite contradictory to his nature, he does not like to stay in the same place for long, due to fear of losing those closest to him.

History: Tsubasa was born and raised in Akishima. At the sprite young age of four, he was trained in the weapon of his family, the scythe. Through the years, he followed under the guidance of his step-father and his mother until the age of eight. Two months before his ninth birthday, his step-father caught neumonia which he died from shortly after. Knowing excactly how this would affect his mother, having to take care of two people on her nearly non-existant income, Tsubasa left home in the dead of night. He now wanders the world in search of something greater in life...and in himself.

Skills: Scythe weilder- The scythe is of a tainted purple steel with a fine tuned and well cut blade. (Same as in my profile picture if you want to get specifics on the weapon.)

Cresent Vortex: This ability allows Tsubasa to create a "vacuum effect" around his scythe. Allowing him to reduce the amout of wind resistance times 1.5, thereby increasing the speed of his weapon. Though a master at this ability, it often causes him headaches and can blur his vison anywhere from a few minutes to a week, depending on the area size and duration of time used.

Basic Water Control: The ability to manipulate and control water through a series of fluid hand movements. (VERY LOW LEVEL)


Clothing: A slightly skintight, hooded jacket (black) with a black and purple long fur trim on the cuffs and trim of his hood. He wears a single silver ring on each of his ring fingers, and has a three small chain loop length cross earring on his left ear. He wears a pair of black flared pants with two silver studded belts. (one correctly around his waist, the other dropped to a slant).

Shoes: A pair of stylish black shoes. (just your everyday run of the mill black shoes)

Additional Items: (if allowed) He carries around a violin that was played often by his step-father durring his training to help calm his nerves.

05-22-10, 03:28 AM
Just two minor things. Just for clarity sakes, could you please add that he's currently skilled with the scythe? I know you said that you're not claiming him to be a master, but a skill named "Scythe Master" can be quite confusing.

Also, about the Crescent Vortex. I'm assuming you meant that it makes his scythe 1.5 times as fast as usual. Because 1.5% isn't really that much.

Everything else seems to be in order.

05-22-10, 05:18 AM
Yea... just a minor typo on the Cresent Vortex, and I'll change the skill right away!

05-22-10, 08:41 AM
Awesome. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.