View Full Version : The seven journies.

05-22-10, 08:35 PM
I need seven separate questing partners to go on seven separate journeys with me. Before I can update Calbrena to level one, there is a task that MUST be accomplished. I must give her the power that is rightfully hers, the ultimate power of corruption. Yet this is locked, sealed away, and Calbrena cannot obtain it on her own.

There are seven Thayne, and seven planes, fourteen jewels that must be acquired. I need one person for each quest to go with me, for these jewels are secured in holy places Calbrena cannot enter, and I need you to get them for me. Of course, these are places devoted to a Plane and a Thayne. Powers run through these places, your bound to find something that interests you. A weapon, a spell, an ability, anything. Ask for it, and it is yours, so long as I get the jewels I cannot obtain on my own. I'm too evil, except for N'jal's, but I'm not evil enough to get hers.

Each thread will take place on a different plane. Each jewel is one fourteenth of a key to a lock, both devised by the elder demons of long ago to hide a power they could not control.

The first, is a journey into the caverns of Castus Malum, where lie the twisted and foul abominations that have never seen the light of day. Here lies CM's jewel, and that of N'jal. (Claimed by Lorenor via IM)

The second Journey will take us into the great Nether, into the fields of paranoia and doubt. All those who enter suffer these curses to a far greater degree than normal. In the center of these fields lies the forgotten battlefield where there waits the lost soldier who waits only for his last victory before he can move on. He guards the jewel of The Great Nether, and holds the jewel of Hromagh the strong.

The third journey will take us into The Pyre. Hidden beneath the fires lies the valley of indecision. Those who enter lose their ability to lead others, to make decisions for themselves, and to do anything meaningful. It is a network of pathways, each dividing, always joining. Those who find their way to the end are faced with the ultimate decision, though this decision is unique to each who face it. Make the right decision, and the treasure of The Pyre is yours to plunder, including the jewels of Jomil the hermitess, and The Pyre.

The fourth journey ventures one plane over into The Containment. Beneath The Soul Forge is the fragmented parts of all the souls who have been reincarnted upon the forge. These fragmented parts are the cast off bits that were lost in reincarnation. They join together and bellow their rage at never seeing life. Defeat the lost souls, and you will win the jewel of The Containment, and Khal'Jaren, the Sage.

The Fifth Journey takes us to the firmament. Atop the comb mountains lies the flying sanctuary, a temple to Y'edda the wild. A race of bird people live in this temple, guarding their lady's jewel, and the jewel of The Firmament. They will give it up to any who meet the three challenges of Cunning, Dexterity, and Escape.

The Sixth Journey takes us into the Anti-Firmament. There is a special place there known as The Illusionary Dream Maze. It is chaos and insanity given physical form. Solve the maze, and you may take Draconus's jewel, and that of the Anti-Firmament.

The Seventh journey takes us into Phantaria, and the great Dimensional Door Maze. Past, Present, and Future collide across all planes, as Phantaria is explored to its fullest. Here lie hidden V'dralla the Fair's Jewel, and the Jewel of Phantaria, but only at a very specific point in time, in a specific point in space.

Silence Sei
05-22-10, 09:03 PM
Very impressive idea.

So there's a jewel for each plane, and a jewel for each Thayne, correct?

05-23-10, 01:08 AM
I want in!

And I'm gonna level with ya, the only thing I want out of this thread, beyond an enjoyable read, is the boss' corpse, and the souls at the pyre, all of them.

Also, what is the treasure, and what exactly do these gems do?

05-23-10, 09:54 AM
@Sei: Yes, but not created by the deities or places themselves.

@Knave: If you want. However, I will leave this open for a few days, to see if a small party forms.

The treasure is limited only by your imagination and the plane on which it lies. For example:

On the great Nether, you might find a staff with an ability to curse a target in some fashion such as temporary blindness.

On Phantaria, you might find The Master Key, and return to the land of doors whenever you wish. Imagine being able to return to Phantaria whenever you wish, and being able to access any point in Althanas, literally, any point.

In the firmament meanwhile, you might find the Phantom summons, which will allow you to summon a phantom to do your bidding.

As for the gems, as I said before they were not made by the deities themselves. Each of the fourteen gems was made by the Elder Demons to seal away a power they made and even they themselves could not control.

Each gem is only keyed to the deity or plane it is named after. Each gem is also completely useless both by itself, and with each other. Even if we were to gather all 14 gems, we could not use them, they would be useless, and worthless without the accompanying pedestal. There is a door hidden in Phantaria, separated from all others by a great void. Before the void is a pedestal with 14 slots, all connected by runes, Sigils, seals, and other forms of written magic.

Insert the 14 gems, and the pedestal will draw upon the gems, using their connections, and undo the enchantments separating this door, from all the others. This door only opens, once the seven planes on its surface are in alignment, a process that can be done by whomever is infront of the door. Once they are in perfect alignment, with the six outer planes surrounding The Firmament, the door opens to a secret sub-plane within Haidia, influenced by the outer six planes. Within this plane, lies a power few can control.

If anyone else wishes this power, then they must pay the same price Calbrena must pay, and prove they are truly evil of their own free-will. Not evil because it is their nature, not evil because they have no choice, not evil because they know no other life, but having learned of both good and evil, they have chosen evil of their own free-will with no influence. Such proof varies from person to person, but is often the same in nature. Sacrifice innocence born of your own blood. This price is why Calbrena will undertake all seven journeys pregnant...

05-24-10, 07:41 PM
Knave, would you like to go on all seven journey's with Lorenor and I? Imagine all the treasure you could get, the dead bodies of powerful monsters you could have, and the things you could see.

I did indeed explain the treasures as Esmerelda. If you say yes, then that will be that, and I will begin the first thread, tomorrow.

Visla Eraclaire
05-24-10, 08:03 PM
This interests me significantly, but I generally don't subscribe to the same cosmology outlined here, so I'll have to see how the initial ones go. I may join in along the way.

That's not to say I think this is wrong, it seems to be the "canonical" one, but cosmology is the kind of thing no one can ever truly know, so I figure it's fine to play with whatever you like. I generally operate on the D&D planar cosmology for my characters, with some modifications. I'll have to see what I'd analogize to the Abyss, because that'd be the best place for Visla to visit.

05-24-10, 08:11 PM
Meh... I'm always up for something interesting, and this looks interesting

05-24-10, 08:26 PM

Much thanks, I like how this looks on the whole and it was tough to figure out which one I really wanted. Horrors, angels, and a villain I could learn from. I'm in! FEED ME!

With any luck this will be a good chance to push myself and this all purpose character of mine.

PS. When do we start?

05-24-10, 08:34 PM
So far that's a party of four. Lore, Knave, me, and Metaldrago.

I shall start the thread tomorrow night when I have all night to concentrate.

We do them in the order I listed in post one.

05-26-10, 04:28 AM
Metaldrago, Knave of Spades, and Mutant Lorenor:

Our threads up!


I tried to give you somewhere to end, instead of just warping into white space.

05-26-10, 11:15 AM
I will be posting shortly my good man. I also owe you a post in the Eldritch Horrors thread!!!

09-08-10, 03:50 AM
This ain't dead yet, back to the front of the line!

09-08-10, 12:06 PM
I'm trying to get done with my classes. The quarter ends the middle of next week. I'll try and have something up before then, but I can't promise anything. I have a lot of work to do in the meantime

09-08-10, 08:02 PM
I've been patient MD, school is something that can't be helped. We can't really skip you this round, because your fight with big red has to be resolved.