View Full Version : Ufids sasha (irsv-002)

05-24-10, 05:43 PM

Age: In service 20 years.
Race: United Federation Inter-Rift Corona-class Survey Vessel Automated Sentient Program (ASP). "Sasha" is the first of "his" kind -- the physical embodiment of an inter-rift vessel's customary AI.

ASPA (Automated Sentient Program Avatar) Specifications:
Hair: Black. Conservative cut.
Eye Color: Clear, stark electric blue.
Height: 1.8m (near 6')
Weight: 86 kilos (190 lbs)
Gender: "Male"

Lean, masculine human build, clothed in chalky white skin. Appears approximately late thirties. Drawn, earnest face, with a thin mouth and sharp blue eyes. This prototype build was endowed with human characteristics, whilst earlier models were distinctly less personable in appearance. Body is completely arteficial; runs on R-CORP licsenced bio/neurocybernetic technology.
Identified primary compositional list:
Combined 15% Molybdenum, Ti-5Al-2.5Sn and Ti6Al4V titanium alloys.
Most tactile, sensory and life support functions approximate human-normal standards.

"Sasha" was never meant to gain sentience, but it would appear as if the separation from the crashed vessel has set a series of evolutionary effects in motion. While fairly robotic and cold at present, if the curious, adaptive behaviour of his neural network is to persist, it is likely he will become more "human" over time.

+ As an android, Sasha does not comprehend pain -- either from an injury or intense temperature, although his sensory input allows him to recognise the difference between hot and cold, as well as tactile sensations.

+ Much of his artificial body is moderately heat resistant, although not completely impervious to melting (or freezing, for that matter).

+ His skin and frame are non-conductive...a failsafe, but unfortunately many of his internal processes are still susceptible to overloads.

+ His strength and agility are 1.5X that of a normal human. His speed is 1x that of a normal human. These are greatly reduced as a consequence of his being unable to sufficiently recharge and repair his systems. (see 1).

+ He does not require rest, though occasional recharging keeps his self-repair program(1) operating at peak efficiency. His CPU processing net is rather similar to most modern-day computers in that it can perform at 51 trillion operations per second, which would naturally give Sasha an upper hand intellectually. Nonetheless, certain learning subroutines were damaged when the vessel was dropped, making the mastery of new skills a slow (human average) process. He has an exceptional memory.

+ He does not require the ingestion of sustenance.

+ He can imitate just about any sound. His default speaking voice is a lighter, clean baritone.

+ Even in his weakened state, Sasha is skilled in hand-to-hand combat (above human average).

+ His computational prowess lends him skill in the invention of needed items using mundane objects. He has the knowledge to repair many more technologically complex items, derived from his android body's former use.

+ Can theoretically survive decapitation and dismemberment, as long as his neural network is intact. It must be noted that severe injuries will impair him similarly to the average human.

UFIDS SASHA (IRSV-002) Base Specifications:
- 330m
- 14 decks
- VT600L Sub-Quantum CPT Invariance Stream Drive {offline}
- Denezsky Fermion Accelerator {offline}
- Phase Net {offline}
- Crew complement: 135 (terminated)

All additional sensors, weapons, life support, and propulsion systems are nonfunctional.

Somewhere off the most southernmost coast of Corone.

Instead of space, humanity turned toward the worlds within, navigating the great "Rift" between newly discovered dimensions with the help of arteficially intelligent "inter-rift" ships, designed to interface with quantum streams and assist human pilots in safely navigating the phenomenon of slipstream corridors. The curiousity was dangerous, and invited upon the race many hardships. But as is humanity's wont, they persisted in their expansion and discovery.

On June 2, 2003, the Corona-class survey vessel Sasha entered the Sol-6 Corridor on a two year-long mission to identify and mark several new spontaneously formed fermion particle pathways (alleys leading from the main corridor to hitherto unknown destinations). It was a risky endeavour which would surely test the young Captain, Elisa Hall. Within two weeks, an unexplained malfunction began spreading through the Sasha's systems.

In an effort to rescue the AI, without which they could not navigate the corridor, Captain Hall ordered her science team to download the AI program into one of the ship's humanoid service androids. The transfer went smoothly, thus allowing the AI to interface from the mechanical body and allow the Sasha to continue her mission.

On June 1, 2004, as they were preparing to make the turnaround toward the home dimension, the rift suddenly "gave way", for lack of better terminology, plunging the vessel into an alley which abruptly opened over the skies of an alien planet. The rapid shift had shorted all of Sasha's systems; they were unable to recover and the impact with the sea immediately killed everyone onboard. The android body carrying Sasha's AI, however, managed to survive and escape the rapidly sinking wreckage.

- Intense electric-based and magical attacks.
- Water saturation of inner structures.
- Computer viruses as well as malevolent software or organisms designed to take advantage of mechanical systems.
- Physical damage can incapacitate him and shock his system into unconsciousness. If extensive enough damage can initiate a cascade failure resulting in death.

Equipment: As of emerging from the Corone sea -- a black and grey two-piece tunic and trousers, and a black nylon belt with many pouches for storage, along with an empty holster. One of the pouches contains a small handheld device, nonfunctional at this time.

05-25-10, 08:16 AM
The fact that he doesn't feel pain and can survive dismemberment is a bit of a concern to me. I'd be more comfortable if you made it so that currently serious injuries reduce his efficiency just like they would a normal human being.

Also, please reduce extreme heat resistance to moderate.

05-25-10, 03:03 PM
Corrections made. :)

05-25-10, 03:47 PM
Awesome. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.