View Full Version : Let The Sin Begin (Gorax)

05-25-10, 10:46 PM
Name: Gorax
Alias: The Western Wyrm
Age: Eternal Being (basically an immortal)
Gender: Male
Race: Wyrm
Origin: The Western World
Current Residence: The Settlement of Bridgeport, Raiaera
Occupation: Devouring Wyrm
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Height: 5’8”
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: No Hair
Eye Color: Olive Green
Skin Tone: Green; his skin consists of a smooth layer of green scales that protect his reptile-like interior. His face however consists of no scales, just a very thin layer of raw, pale flesh.
Body Type: Muscular Build
Additional Info: Gorax’ teeth are sharp and close to a half inch in length. Though he is a Wyrm, which is essentially a dragon-like creature, he has rather humanoid features. Exceptions of that are his skin, teeth, and face. His face is ghoulishly white and sports a series of emerald green veins. With that being said, his blood is green and oozy.
Clothing: His only garment is a simple brown loincloth.

Information Regarding Personality: Cold and careless. Those two words have been used for millennia to describe the Western Wyrm. His heart is cold and without care for anything living. His only, true goal is ultimate power. He wishes to obtain complete dominance over Althanas and it’s warriors. However, that isn’t to say he isn’t able to show loyalty to the few who are daring enough to take arms with him. In fact, the Wyrm treasures honesty and loyalty above all else. He will never make a pact he intends to betray, or tell a promise intended to break. Also, he does not take counsel with those he deems untrustworthy.

It all began eons ago.

The Wyrm of the West was created. The events surrounding his creation were a mystery, but he did have an insatiable thirst for living flesh. Soon he discovered that with each devoured being he became stronger, faster, and more agile. He even grew in knowledge as he fed, which fueled him to feast more.

In the Western World, known by its inhabitants as Quaran, the Wyrm Gorax was beginning to build a reputation. Soon people would begin to call him The Devouring Wyrm, or “Cathu Anu Estea”, which translates to The One Who Eats. It took the tribal men of Quaran one thousand years to build the courage to hunt him. Before that, he was allowed absolute free reign.

After the men began to hunt him, Gorax fled. He navigated oceans aboard a massive vessel for several years, until finally he arrived to a new realm, known as Althanas.

A thousand years passed since the Wyrm of the West’s relocation to Althanas. A thousand years in hiding, but now more than ever, he is ready to make his presence known. Ready to feed his hunger, a hunger that has gone unfed for a thousand years.

-None Currently-

Linguist: If Gorax hears or reads a foreign or ancient language regularly, he can pick it up in due time. He will not master a language until being accustomed to it for several levels, but at this point he can pick up common words and phrases with ease.

Arcane Magic: Namely geomancy, but he has a pretty wide knowledge of arcane arts as a whole. However, at this time he has not managed to unlock any useful spells. His knowledge of the Arcane Arts is currently above average.

“Scale”-Mail: His skin/scales acts as an armor coating to his internal body. Currently his scales are equivalent to iron defensively, but only provide defense against piercing or slashing attacks.

Swordsmanship: His knowledge and usefulness with swords, and various similar weapons, is currently average.

Power Source: Gorax draws his powers from the devouring of living things. The weaker the object/person/thing he ingests, the weaker he will ultimately become, but the more powerful, the more he gains. For him to gain any powers, at all, from devouring a being, the being must be fresh and not lifeless. He cannot just go corpse robbing or scouring battlefields for meals. Also, the boosts in his power will evolve over time (at level up), not over night (from spoils). Currently his power in strength is equal to that of an average Althanian warrior, but his speed and reflexes are 1.5x that of the normal Althanian.

Regeneration: If Gorax is badly injured, including a severed limb, he can regenerate in the moonlight. The process of regenerating any major wound is 8 hours of uninterrupted moonlight. The scales will take longer to heal properly though, which basically means that if he loses an arm and grows it back, the scales will take closer to a month to regain their full defensive properties.

His Face: His facial tissue is unlike the rest of his body’s. It is raw and soft, which makes it easier to cut of tear. Also, he feels pain at higher intensities on his face due to a series of exposed green veins. (Facial damage multiplied by 2.0x; only on his direct facial area- forehead and back of his skull doesn’t apply.)

The Thayne Draconis: Gorax is a sworn enemy of the Thayne Wyrm and all he resembles. He has built such a hate for the Dragon that symbols, relics, etc. that contain heavy power ties to Draconis hurt him with great intensity. Anyone blessed by the Thayne is likely to do double the damage to him with attacks. He cannot enter a holy place that is devoted to the worship of Draconis without going into an unquenchable rage.

Fear of the Frigid: He has an extreme weakness to the cold. Temperatures that reach below freezing will weaken him drastically. Any cold/ice based spell/projectile will likely do double damage upon impact with Gorax.

Serpents Wrath: A blood stained, steel long sword (of average quality) that sports a hilt molded into the shape of a land dragon. The hilt is also garnished with a series of emerald jewels, but besides that, the sword is basically worthless. This sword has accompanied him for millennia and is more priceless to him than any other material object, so he would not sell it for all the gold in the Bazaar.

His skin: See “strengths” above, for details.

Miscellaneous Possessions:
-None Currently-

05-26-10, 12:50 AM
Everything seems to be in order.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.