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Chibimon Red
05-29-10, 01:37 PM
“Hello, my name is CRABGRASS, and welcome to the world of Chibimon." Crabgrass said lightly.

"Dude, Grandpa, it's me."

"What are Chibimon you ask?" he gently chuckles, moving on as if the voice never spoke. "They are small creatures that help us with everyday activities. Some people aspire to become Chibimon trainers. What is your name?”

"Grandpa, it's me! Yrag ! What the hell? Why don't you remember me you dementia poster child? I seriously told mom we need to put you in a home..."

“Ah! Excellent! Welcome Yrag! This is my grandson, he has been your rival since you were little kids. What was his name again?”

"JESUS GRANDPA, DON'T YOU KNOW ANYBODIES NAMES? It's Hsa , My rival since...oh, you said that already..."

“Hsa! Hsa was his name! Are you ready, Yrag? You’re very first Chibimon adventure is about to begin…”

“Dear god, Grandpa, I'm going to get you help..."

Age: 15
Eyes: Red
Hair: Brown
Armor: Chibimon. If all six Chibimon in the party faint, then he blacks out.
Weapon: Chibimon. See armor.
Height: 5’8’’
Weight: 124 lbs

Current Abilities:

Run: Yrag can run faster than a normal person to escape from danger. 1.5 times the speed of a normal coward to be exact.

Switch: Due to the fact that only one or (occasionally) two Chibimon can be battling at the same time, Yrag uses his Chibiballs to recapture his owned Chibimon to switch them out for a new one.

Items: Yrag reaches into his pockets and pulls out the item he needs. His current inventory only holds one Chibimon potion (which slightly recovers his Chibimon) and 12 Chibiballs.

Fight: Yrag issues his Chibimon to use one of its four attacks. Most of the Chibimon obey, but if they are far more powerful than Yrag’s yelling, they may ignore him.

Current Chibimon:

MysDark- A wolf from Orlouge Drantrak that irradiates shadow energy out of it’s red fur. It has no pupils and is weak against light magic. Can evolve into MysCloak, and finally MysShadow. Teeth and claws are comparable to steel. Uses only four attacks

Bite: Doesn‘t need Visla Eraclair to explain that one… The MysDark bites.

Mystic Protection: Defense move. Casting it allows for one hit to be blocked, and countered with wisps of dark energy. The energy concentrates the shadows around it onto the target, rather than shooting out. May cause blindness.

Scratch: The MysDark scratches. Der de der…

Roar: Scares away Chibimon not possessed by another trainer. If possessed by another trainer, switches out the Chibimon currently in use. (If they don't have anyone to swap with, this attack will have no effect.)


((Make it double, baby!))

Yrag is my name, and I’m a trainer destined to be king! I always wanted to be a Chibimon trainer since I was little and found out Hsa wanted to be one. On my 15th birthday, I got my wish and was able to choose one of three Chibimon. MysLight, MysDark, or MysSteel. As I went to go pick up MysLight, my douche bag rival Hsa immediately made a move for MysDark, and what a cock, cause that’s the Chibimon’s weakness! I mean, who would do that? That’s just sooo not cool. So I took the Chibiball with MysDark in it from him.(Of course, according to Hsa, it was me, Yrag that took MysLight from –him- last minute.) This forced Hsa to choose MysLight, and the two of us began our journey with a fight blind sighted fight against Hsa when he wasn‘t expecting it.

Both Chibmon knocked themselves out, causing both of us trainers to faint. We woke up on different sides of Akashima, prepared to find and capture Chibimon to train in order to defeat the other one.

This is where our tale begins…


Boisterously long hair spiked upwards peeking outwards like a mountain stone. He wears a navy blue shirt. He wears green army boots and green army cargo pants. He wears a Red belt that has his items pouch, his ChibiDex (A small handheld device that gives info on Chibimon), and six Chibiballs. Currently, he only has MysDark in one of those Chibiballs, though he plans on getting more rather soon.

05-30-10, 04:21 AM
Wait, didn't I do this one already? Talk about deja vu.

You are approved. Now go play with your balls.