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05-29-10, 06:44 PM



∼Race:∼Althanas Metahuman. (Sapiens Rex Primus) Note: Metahumans are different from standard Althanian Humans (Homo Sapiens) and are capable of much more miraculous feats. Born with a much higher metabolic rate, and a higher capacity for the conducive nature of energetic properties, Metahumans are an interesting lot. The average Metahuman possesses a much higher Intellectual capacity than the standard Althanian human. Metahumans typically originate from a small area of Corone known as Dressed Fished Town. This advanced Intellect is the byproduct of an advanced brain-structure that is capable of processing energy at a much higher rate than the average Althanian Human.

Metahumans, as a result of their metabolic rates, are a much sturdier lot than the standard Althanian Human. However, this does not make them sturdier than Dwarves or other combat-oriented Races of Althanas. Metahumans also have the interesting properties of being able to manipulate a raw energy pattern that they simply call ∼Kuthai Force∼. This energy is a unique energy pattern native to Metahumans and capable of manifesting in various feats that Metahumans refer to as "Miracles". Kuthai Force functions as a collective "pool" of energy. This energy pattern serves as the fuel for the various miracles that an individual Metahuman can potentially perform.

Each Metahuman is unique and capable of mastering a certain amount of miracle types. This is depending on the individual's dedication to the Kuthai Arts. Masters of the Kuthai Art become potentially very powerful with the energetic patterns that they wield. Kuthai manifestations are symbols that appear on the body of the Metahumans and represent the various arts that the individual will become knowledgeable in. A single Metahuman may be imbued with several manifestations of the Kuthai Arts.



∼Alignment:∼∼Lawful Good (LG)∼

∼Job Class:∼∼Kuthai Arts Neophyte∼/∼Adventurer∼/Apprentice Paladin


∼Virtue:∼∼Faith∼Is a follower of the Thaynes of Dressed Fish Town. Recently however, the youth has discovered the cult of ∼Lord Draconus∼ and has become a member of that organization. It should be noted that Dressed Fish Town has its own religious Mythos, but they acknowledge the All-Thayne and its offspring. Citizens of Dressed Fish Town follow several largely overlooked Lesser Thaynes of the pantheon. Now, he is learning to become a follower of the Omni...

∼Psychological Evaluation:∼∼Yusukai is a healthy youth that grew up in Dressed Fish Town. It is a small township located somewhere on the coastal regions of Corone. He learned basic skills of Hunting and Fishing at an early age. Trained to be a Fisherman and a general gatherer for Dressed Fish Town, Yusukai was brought up within a middle-class income family. Yusukai's Father was a successful Merchant, and his brothers were all all Fishermen and Hunters. His Mother was a gifted Warrior that worked for the City Guards doing patrols. Yusukai was brought up with a very distinct code of honour and a rigorous Corone-esque education process. He went to the locale Academy of Adventurers at an early age where he learned many fundamental skills.

Yusukai has the gifts of the Metahumans of Dressed Fish Town. A certain portion of the population will be born Metahumans almost entirely at random. No known genetic marker has been identified. Yusukai was taught many skills within a harsh regimen of education. One of the main skills that Yusukai learned was the languages of Althanas. (Explained in the Skills section below) Yusukai had a knack for deciphering things like logic puzzles, and strategic scenarios. Observed in the learning environment, Yusukai was noted as being an extremely quick-learning individual. With the gifts of the Metahumans, Yusukai had 3.0x's the Intellectual capacity of the Average Dressed Fish Town Human. This learning capacity was applied to learning skills at an advanced rate.

Yusukai is often found reading the books, scrolls, tomes necessary to increase his knowledge capacity. He is a book-worm as much as he an Adventurer but his Kuthai Arts do not make him a skilled Magus. Yusukai's Kuthai Arts manifested as Combat Oriented Arts. He was classified as a Warrior early in his youth. Yusukai trains his body as much as he trains his Intellectual capacity. Yusukai is a well mannered, soft-spoken individual of a strict Thaynehood upbringing. His demeanor is one of a serious mind for his age. He is extremely observant and hungry for knowledge in all of its forms. He recently discovered the Thayne, Lord Draconus, and has since become one of its followers. ∼

∼Goals:∼∼Acquire advanced knowledge. Master the Kuthai Arts. Acquire property and land. Become a famous Adventurer representing Dressed Fish Town.∼

∼Likes:∼∼Learning and Adventure.∼


∼Description:∼∼Yusukai stands at an Average height for a standard Althanian Human being. He stands at approximately five-feet-six-inches and weighs in approximately one hundred and eighty pounds. Yusukai has spikey, wild, purple hair that is not dyed. As a meta-human, his hair colour is capable of being any hue of the rainbow, and it so happened that he was born with purple hair. He has deeply green eyes full of intelligence. His posture is confident and upright. He always appears to be very relaxed. Yusukai appears to be a humanoid of Akashiman descent.

His eyes are somewhat slanted, and the green eyes are rare for an Akashiman. Yusukai has a slender nose, nostrils that are built closely to his face, and broad cheek structure. His brow is well defined and round. His chin is broad. Yusukai has thin, well-kept eyebrows. He has absolutely no facial hair. As a matter of fact, there is no body hair anywhere on his body, his skin is completely hair free, except for the hair atop his head. Despite that, Yusukai currently has no powers of Regeneration. His body may scar naturally like any other humanoid person. Limbs do-not grow back unless they are assisted through other means. Yusukai has large hands. He has equally large feet for his size. On his body, he wears several body piercings and has a few tribal tattoos that represent native markings of the men of Dressed Fish Town.∼

∼History:∼Yusukai was born to one of Neosaim Hyakureiki's relatives. The man was one of Neosaim's older siblings that never made it to the pages of Althanas' history and lore. Yusukai seemed like he would be an average human-being from Dressed Fish Town. However, when he was born, he was decorated with a certain symbol on his person. This mark meant that Yusukai was meant to become one of the legendary Metahumans of Dressed Fish Town. Known to produce a rare strand of Humans, Metahumans are beings born with fantastic powers. When the mark was identified upon his person, the Elders of Dressed Fish Town identified the Halo around the lad. Citing that the Halo was particularly brilliant for an individual with "The Potential" the Elders of Dressed Fish Town worked to train the youth in their ancient ways.

It was in this environment that Yusukai grew up. As a hard-working student, Yusukai became a boy of many talents. He learned quickly and excelled in all of his studies attending the local Monastary's education system. Within the Monastary's walls, Yusukai became a practitioner of something called the Kuthai Arts. This study is a power passed down from generation to generation taught only to the Metahumans of Dressed Fish Town. Within this environment, Yusukai learned how to control the vast forces at his disposal. When the Elders identified which Kuthai Property that he possessed, Yusukai was anointed with the Job Class of electromancer.

Yusukai showed a proficiency for the Kuthai Arts of Electricity. Forsaking all other training except for the basic tenants of the Kuthai warrior arts, Yusukai soon accelerated his understanding of his power. At the teachings of the Elders within the monastery, Yusukai was content to spend the rest of his days learning about the Kuthai Arts. Yusukai learned the nature of the symbol emblazoned on his body, and how to control his vast Kuthai Force Pool. With the Kuthai Force Pool, Yusukai learned how to manipulate vast amounts of electricity around his person, and even conjure electricity at will.

This allowed the efficient study of a certain combat style. The Kuthai Warrior Arts. When Yusukai came of age, the youth was placed on his First Trial from the monastery. Then, he could begin to write his own legacy like his famous Uncle once did, Neosaim Hyakureiki.

Yusukai has a living family. His Father and Mother are of Akashiman descent. His Father, is a third-generation native of Dressed Fish Town. He met Yusukai's Mother whilst on a long trip to Akashima. His Father was named Kihegi Hyakureiki. His Mother was named Srer Hyakureiki. Yusukai had a younger Sister named Ronha Hyakureiki. Kihegi was a famous Merchant from Dressed Fish Town who often traveled abroad, especially to trade with Akashima. Srer was a Huntress. She often joined hunting parties that would venture into Concordia Forest to gather food from native Monsters and other sources.

The head of the monastery in charged of Yusukai's education, and other children like Yusukai, was a man named Loshoshac Akather. He was the Headmaster of the monastery. Kihegi, Yusukai's Father, and Loshoshac, arranged for Yusukai's expensive education and training. In exchange, Yusukai would follow a life of indentured servitude to the Kuthai Order.

Amended notes: During his tenure within the Kuthai Order, a certain organization noticed Yusukai's progress. Gathering interest in the youth, the organization contacted Yusukai's Elders and proceeded to enroll him in a specialized training program. This training program was meant to prepare the youth to become a Paladin of the Order of Omni. (Note: Order of Omni is Roy's creation and I am posting this information with permission from Roy as him and I agreed) For now, Yusukai is still an Apprentice of Omni.

∼Ability Grid:∼

1-Kuthai Force Pool∼Students of the Kuthai Arts are imbued with a Kuthai Force Pool. This is a raw energy source that certain humanoid types give off under the right conditions. Without a Kuthai Force Pool, humans would have no knowledge of the Kuthai Force. With intensive training, a practitioner is able to sense, feel, and manipulate Kuthai Force. All students of the Kuthai Arts have a certain pre-set amount of Kuthai Force within them. This energy source grows over time and training. Students of the Kuthai Arts are capable of sensing Kuthai energy at will. They are also capable of using Kuthai energy at will. In order to perform one of the Arts, the student must "burn" some Kuthai Force in order to cast one of the Arts. Each Kuthai Art has a pre-determined casting cost of Kuthai Force.

Kuthai Force Pool regenerates on its own over time. With use, the Pool is depleted, but it can come back on its own. When the student rests, or consumes food or drink, (Healthy beverages only) Kuthai Force returns at a rate that is Double the normal regenerative rating.

2-Electrokenisis-Yusukai's unique Kuthai Art. By burning Kuthai Force, the young student may conjure Electricity of an elemental nature. Note, this element is -not- magical in nature, but rather, psionic in nature. Yusukai can conjure electricity from deep within himself. This electricity can be used in several different ways. It can be used to short-circuit machines of a clock-work nature. It can be used to paralyze other humanoid individuals with a probability of 20% for equal level PC's, and 5% chance of paralysis for PC's two-levels and higher. NPC's have a 40% chance of paralysis upon contact.

Furthermore, Yusukai may hurl the Electricity in the form of Lightning Bolts. The Bolts of Electricity may cause moderate-heavy damage on bare flesh. Armor ratings, drastically reduce this damage rating. Versus Iron, the Electricity may super-heat the metal to a point where it becomes extremely high-voltage and shocking to the touch. Versus steel, it can -heat- the metal, but only to make it somewhat uncomfortable. So far, the Lightning Bolts cannot break through Steel. But they can tear up Iron, Brass, Copper, etc. Leather is shredded by the Lightning Bolts all together. Advanced Armour, currently negate the effects of Yusukai's Lightning Bolt. Versus Adamantime Armor, the Lightning Bolt will -always- have no effect.

3-Kuthai Warrior Art-Taught a particular combat style by the Warriors of the Kuthai Order, Yusukai has learned to control his emotions in battle. Yusukai is very effective, and has learned to fight both Armed and Unarmed. Yusukai is also an ~Adept~ at dual-wielding one-handed weapons. Yusukai, in general, is an ~Above Average~ warrior with his melee skills.

4-Kuthai Reflexes-Yusukai has ~One point Five Times~ the reflex capacity of the normal Althanian human being.

5-Kuthai Intellectual Capacity-Yusukai has ~Genius Level~ Intellectual Capacity. This applies to all matters of problem solving, learning new abilities and skills, and general strategy and tactics.

∼Skill Grid:∼

Note: For all of the forging/gathering Skills, the thread's rewards are affected by the final score. So anything Masterwork will require approval by the moderator as determined by score. Notice stipulated by Letho!!!

1-Linguistics∼Due to his intellectual level, Yusukai has learned all of the spoken languages of Althanas, except languages he has not yet encountered.

2-Mining-As a profession, Yusukai has become an ~Expert~ in mining, and can mine up to ~Plynt Ore~ from Plynt Nodes. Items salvaged from Nodes can be sold on the open market as either bars, or salvaged ore. Ore must be refined from its unrefined state before it is sellable. Certain Ores (Like Prevalida) require extra enchanted means to draw from Nodes.

3-Blacksmith-As a profession, Yusukai has become an ~Expert~ in Blacksmithing. During a thread, he can smith up to ~Ten Items~ per thread. These Items can be up to ~Masterwork~ in nature, with exceedingly extra effort. In the case of a ~Masterwork~ Item, Yusukai must spend extra resources, and extra supplies to properly forge the Item pending Judge's approval. Items forged in this fashion are sellable on the open market.

4-Engineer-Yusukai has learned the secrets of metallurgy. He can also forge Items of various Engineering feats. Engineering requires more effort and concentration than Blacksmithing does. Despite the ~Expert~ skill level Yusukai has obtained, Yusukai must concentrate that much harder on crafting Engineered Items. As thus, he has a 30% to fail any Engineer attempt. When an Engineer attempt is botched, Yusukai must wait a cool down period of about 30 minutes before he can attempt another Engineer Item. Items crafted by the Engineer Skill can be up to ~Masterwork~ in nature.

5-Jewelcrafter-Learning the secrets of metallurgy, Yusuaki has learned to take the gems and ores he salvages from nodes and construct various pieces of jewelry. These pieces of jewels can then be enchanted. Yusukai likes a lot of jewelry. Jewels crafted in this fashion can be sold on the open market.


1-Commoner's Outfit-Yusukai wears a simple outfit. He has a brown linen pair of overalls, thick hide boots, and a long-sleeved cloth shirt he often wears that is white.

2-Large Backpack-He can often be seen wearing a large backpack. It has many pockets and pouches attached to it. On top of the backpack is often carried a simple tent when Yusukai goes on hunting expeditions either in Akashima or in the wilderness of Concordia near Dressed Fish Town.

3-Belt-He wears a leather belt that has a buckle with the insignia of the Paladin Order of the Omni.

4-Skinning Knife-He keeps a basic skinning knife on his person at all times to hunt small monsters with. He then cooks monster meat so he doesn't starve in the wild.

5-Fishing Equipment-A tool used by the Fishers of Dressed Fish Town. Yusukai spends much of his time Fishing and Hunting. With Fishing, he has become an ~Expert~ and it is second nature to him. He likes to Fish in order to provide food for his family and himself.

6-Wide-Brimmed Fedora Hat-Often, Yusukai wears a wide-brimmed fedora hat to ward off the sun while he is fishing or hunting.

7-Iron Padded Leather Combat Gloves-(A pair 2x's) A simple pair of combatant's gloves that are of Masterwork nature. The main glove functionality is made of Leather, with the top part of the glove being outfitted with a iron plate used for striking monsters and sometimes peoples' faces.

8-Kuthai Amulet-A simple amulet with Kuthai markings.

9-Kuthai Grimoire-A book of Kuthai teachings.

10-Writing Equipment-Simple writing tools, including a writing tablet.


Shadow/Dark Element-Shadow Elemental Spells and Abilities are twice as effective on Yusukai and does moderate-lethal damage.

05-30-10, 04:30 AM
Two things, one minor and one major.

First, I need you to lower his reflexes to 1.5X that of a normal human being.

And second, this concerns Mining, Blacksmith and Engineer. I have no beef with him being an expert in these, but I want you to add a stipulation so the score of your thread determines the quality of the product. So basically the judge which evaluates your thread can determine whether you get Plynt of Ten Items or less.

That is all. Fix that and you'll be set to go.

05-30-10, 11:18 AM
I amended the following notice: Note: For all of the forging/gathering Skills, the thread's rewards are affected by the final score. So anything Masterwork will require approval by the moderator as determined by score. Notice stipulated by Letho!!! I placed it right on top of the Skill Grid.

I hope it will suffice.

Further edits: I lowered the Reflexes capacity to 1.5 times that of the normal human. Is everything okay my good man?

Just so you know, me and Roy discussed the character becoming a Paladin of Omni beforehand. So you know everything is legit. I have permission from Roy to build this character into a Paladin from his mythos.

05-30-10, 11:49 AM
That's good to know. This looks fine now.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.