View Full Version : ~Book I: Year I~ (Open to all)

05-30-10, 02:29 PM
Day 1--

Arriving from Dressed Fish Town, Yusukai was a fresh recruit for the meat grinder. A tradesman, the youth had learned all he could in Dressed Fish Town and was sent on a journey across the world of Althanas for education purposes. Concentrating on the teachings of his trade-skills, Yusukai put all other projects on hold. Back in Dressed Fish Town, the youth had started the education process of a Kuthai Warrior, but that didn't put food on a man's table. So it was no longer a priority. For the time being, Yusukai was no longer worried about the Kuthai Arts. It had become a secondary concern since he was ill aware of the dangers of the world.

Fresh on the region of Underwood, Yusukai knew he needed to gather information and resources. His most recent family-trip took him to the island of their origin, Akashima. That trip had proven an educational one, and the youth had gotten his hair done in the ways of the Akashiman warriors. His hair, once spikey, was now tied back into dreadlocks. He wore it as one long bundle that was waist-length. Yusukai dressed in the attire of a commoner from Akashima, however, he wore a wide-brimmed fedora hat and a backpack outfitted for travel. His intense green eyes shined with the intellectual capacity that were hidden within. Yusukai stepped off the carriage that had traveled from Dressed Fish Town.

Walking across the stone floor, Yusukai looked up at the sky for a moment. Clouds of war were gathering. Yusukai had done his homework on Underwood and knew that they were at war with a group of renegade goblins calling themselves The Scourge. Yusukai was prepared to do his part for greater good. Walking towards a guard, the youth looked up at the man with a nod.

"From Akashima are you sir?" The guard asked.

Yusukai responded. "No. From Dressed Fish Town. Akashima is the place where my forefathers hail from."

"Fair enough. What can I do for you young man?" The guard asked.

"I got this letter of Recommendation from The Miner's Association and Blacksmith's Guild. I was told to ask for the right directions. I am looking to become a sanctioned worker for Underwood."

"Ah. Fresh meat huh? You'll fit right in." The guard smiled. "Head to that building over there. Government offices. You'll definitely find what you're looking for there. You'll have to pay periodic taxes though."

"I know." Yusukai said with a sincere tone of voice. "I don't mind paying my fair share." Yusukai just wanted a place to work. "You have a good day sir." The two shook hands, and Yusukai was on his way.


A time later, Yusukai Hyakureiki was a citizen of Underwood. He'd filled out all the legal papers necessary to work out of Underwood, and was given a job at a local workshop. Government sanctioned, it all had a nice ring to it. Yusukai found himself working one day as per usual when a particular client walked into the workshop. Looking up from the forge, Yusukai glanced at the man for a moment. The Kuthai energy around the fellow was particularly vibrant. The observation made Yusukai uncomfortable in his own skin. Walking over towards the master of the workshop, Yusukai averted his eyes so as not to draw attention to himself. What Yusukai had noticed was that the fellow was dressed in regal attire, an aristocrat's clothing. He also had a sharp expression on his face.

Yusukai did not try to hear the men speaking, instead, he focused on his work. Work put food on a man's table. That's what was most important to him. He did not have the ideals of the Kuthai Order, and was content to be a blacksmith and miner for the rest of his days.

If Yusukai were to have been paying attention, he would have seen the document exchanged between the aristocrat and the blacksmith. A further conversation was exchanged, and then, suddenly, the old master blacksmith called for Yusukai. This caught the apprentice off guard. Standing up immediately, he finished tending to the units he was working on, and walked over towards his master and the aristocrat. Yusukai did not like being interrupted.

"What is it my master?" Yusukai asked.

"This fellow would like a word with you." The old blacksmith asked. "It seems a matter of great import has decided to rear its ugly head." There was a hint of agitation in the blacksmith's voice.

"So you're Yusukai Hyakureiki?" The aristocrat suddenly said. "You possess an impressive Kuthai Halo." Hearing those words made Yusukai flinch as if he'd been struck by a fist. "Can we talk in private?" The man suddenly asked. "I have a matter to discuss with you. Your master has already given me expressed permission to discuss this matter with you."

Yusukai had no choice but to comply.


"You want to what!?" Rarely did Yusukai loose his cool. But by then, he had finally started to feel his anger in his gut. Yusukai did not like what he was hearing. "I am a member of the Kuthai Order, but I do-not adhere to its ideals. I'm no hero. I just want to work." Yusukai said.

"Whilst I understand your position on this matter, I am afraid you have very little choice in the matter." The aristocrat handed Yusukai a stately document. "These are orders from my masters to arrest your Father and Mother, force your children into adoption, and utterly destroy the remainders of your clan. I understand how you wear your name with great pride, but this is a matter of great import. Once, your relative, Neosaim Hyakureiki was a legendary hero. We need heroes. The time for their kind has long since passed and great villains plot in the dark." He said casually. "I am prepared to fully compensate you should you join the Order of Omni." He said. "You have a great talent, but furthermore, yours a potential uniquely your own."

Yusukai sighed. He ran his hand through his hair. "You leave me no choice in this matter." Yusukai said. "If harm should fall to my family after I've agreed to join this Order of yours, you will regret it." Yusukai threatened. "When do we begin?"

"It has already begun."



The warrior said as Yusukai attempted to clean dirt and blood from his mouth. Yusukai growled angrily. This was only the first month of his training as a member of The Order of Omni. Already, brutally scarred and ravaged, the youth was not enjoying himself. Currently on the floor, his instructor had successfully parried an attempt by Yusukai at disarming. Yusukai spit blood on the ground. They'd been at it for hours. Mentally and physically tired, the youth stood up and looked at his instructor. His whole body ached. He readied the wooden training sword, Bokuto, and prepared for further training...


Time passed. Yusukai had achieved the training rank of a Neophyte Paladin. But there was still a long way to go. Yusukai sat in his bed chamber in the Underwood headquarters of the Order of Omni. There was a knock on his door. "Come." Yusukai said. "It's open." Yusukai was treating some of his injuries from the previous training session. Someone entered the room, and it was the aristocrat who started this whole mess.

"How are you feeling?" The fellow asked.

"Like a sack of manure." Yusukai responded, not thrilled at all. "I still don't understand why it has to be me?" Yusukai still questioned the aristocrat's insistence that he was somehow special. Yusukai was no different than any other Kuthai Warrior.

"You're hanging in there. Don't worry about it so much, just roll with the punches. You will be fine." Then the aristocrat continued. "I have a job for you. I have discussed this with your elders. They believe you are now ready for your first job as a Paladin of the Order."

"If you say so. But I am interested in earning my keep."

"Good. You are to..."


And that's how Yusukai returned to the town of Underwood proper. He walked into the Peaceful Promenade, and held the officially stamped job offer. Yusukai sighed as he did this. His eyes narrowed carefully. Already, he'd talked to the bartenders of the establishment and they cleared him to post the job-offer on the wall.

Dear Friends,

We are looking to extend the resources of Underwood. An old Mine once run by locale Mining Company 12, has been overrun by monsters of a deadly sort. We are looking to clear out these mines so that workers can once again work the nodes located therein. There will be a substantial reward for those involved. Our representative contact is a Neophyte named Yusukai Hyakureiki. Your task is to clear the mine monsters, and locate the source of the monsters. That is all. Any treasures found within the mines are yours to keep.

~Paladin Guild

Yusukai sat and waited, keeping himself quite visible, and ordered his lunch for the hour...hopefully the sellswords would come.

06-07-10, 08:34 PM
Artemis was new to Underwood. He had just come in today, and found himself wondering where to begin. He had noticed people acting very wary of him, but he did not mind. He generally kept to himself anyways, so he expected little trouble.

He found himself at the tavern that night. It was the primary tavern of the town and was called the Peaceful Promenade. It seemed quite lively, but Artemis had a tough time finding any joyfulness within himself. He had still not been able to recover from his history, and so he simply found a place to quietly sit down. He found a corner table where he hoped he could find a meal with relatively little attention. As he sat down, he propped his chair up against the wall ever so slightly, as he leaned back, and pulled out one of his daggers just about two inches. As he sat there, he found himself rubbing his thumb on the engraving on the blade. This seemed to have become a comforting habit of his.

As he gazed down at the floor, he saw feet approaching. He raised his eyes to find a waitress approaching him to ask for his order.
"What will yeh be havin' this evenin'?" She asked.
"Whatever dinner was," Artemis quietly replied. "It's fine if it's cold."
She gave him an odd glance as he reverted his gaze back down to the ground, continuing to rub the engraving of the blade. She went back to the bar and he sat there quietly, remembering the journey that had brought him here.

Artemis glanced to his side and saw what looked like a mission board. He saw a mission regarding some mining company, and decided that he would look into it. He was a smith, after all. Maybe he would find himself some interesting ore that he could bring with him, and eventually work when he developed his skills further. He noticed a man near the mission board. He looked as if he were waiting for someone.

Just then Artemis' meal arrived and he ate quickly. This seemed like it might be an interesting job, and Artemis realized that he could use the pay. After leaving coin for the meal and leaving an empty plate, he got up and approached the man. He had very strange hair that was purple, and he seemed rather young. Though he wasn't taller than Artemis, he was definitely more built, and Artemis guessed he weighed more as well.

"Hello? Do you happen to know anything about the mining company job?" Artemis inquired.

Gable Rose
06-12-10, 08:40 AM
Since her time spent in Scara Brae over the past months since Gable had arrived in the common, known part of Althanas she had learned a few things; people could not understand her. Her words were garbled at best in the ears of the denizens of the backwater civilizations. Instead of appearing as a higher intellectual being, a human descendent and raised in a culture striving for scientific and technological perfection, she seemed uncouth. It was disconcerting. Gable took to heart the raised eyebrows and sneered facades of the people when she spoke. As tough as she wanted to appear, she could not help but feel the pain that came from disgusted or purely confused glances. Melding with the common culture of Althanas’ humanity was out of the question. Illiterate, no desire for change, and the impracticality of their superstitious beliefs would never be qualities that the woman would possibly wish for. Instead, she began to work on her dialect. Only the slime that rested in the stagnant puddles of Althanas’ underbelly compared to her way of speech, giving her a bad reputation without anyone knowing anything of her.

The second thing she had come to know as a fact; no matter how hard you try, people will always believe in magic if they do not study nature itself. Magic was as pervasive as religion – both of which sickened her to her core. The Empire – the nation she had months earlier departed – was a world built on the fundamental understanding that nothing was without realistic and perceivable explanation. Unique to the world, or so Gable felt, her ideals were unfamiliar and generally unaccepted.

Finally, she knew one thing would be true no matter what part of the world she was traveling to or from. There would always be something interesting, challenging, and time consuming to take part of.

Underwood was no exception to any of the three rules. Though it was little more than a crossroads town, more underrated than the previous capital cities she had passed through as she explored Althanas. The people were peaceful, if not a bit aloof in their greeting of new faces that intended to stick around. Gable wandered aimlessly, taking in as much of the world around her as she could. Surrounded by a thick grip of woods, she had come to find out was called Concordia; the place was a veritable copse of serenity.

“How are you, little lady?” Gable smirked, the greeting the first thing to meet her as she entered the largest building of the town, the Peaceful Promenade. It was moderately filled, citizens and travelers alike scattered through the large common room. The fireplace on the far side of the room was empty of all but a large gathering of ash from the night before. Lamps were left empty of flames, the sunlight from the rising sun beaming through the paneled windows. Natural light always looked strange to Gable in a tavern. “What can I get you today?”

“A drink, no’ sure wha’ you have but whatev’r is fresh will be good with me.” Her words were forced, labored, and it was more an attempt to remember how to properly replicate the accent of common. She smiled as politely as she could, though every time any male felt it necessary to call her anything she took as degrading – such as ‘little lady’ – she took it as a slight. Strong willed, brash, and quick to rise to anger, it was little wonder there were five braids knotted into the mess of cherry hair. Each braid noted a duel to the death won. “Anythin’ going on? I’m lookin’ for som’thing to do, work or even ‘elping someone else.”

06-12-10, 09:09 PM
Sharp eyes studied the clientele that wandered in and out of The Peaceful Promenade. Yusukai was a Hyakureiki, the blood of heroes flowed through his vessel. Yusukai had an order of tea in a pitcher. It was hot and flavored with honey and spices. His food was simple locale cuisine. Rothlakien Oxen steak from the local forest of Concordia. It was seasoned and flavored with various herbs and spices. The smell of the food flowed as hot steam up into the blacksmith's nostrils. Yusukai noticed it when Artemis wandered to his person and inquired about the job. Yusukai slowly stopped eating. Then, he motioned with a free hand towards an empty chair placed around the table. Yusukai looked at Artemis quite carefully, as if analyzing a priceless mineral vein.

"Be seated." Yusukai said with a deep voice. His thick accent from Dressed Fish Town had heavy overtones of an Akashiman dialect. "I am the contractor for the job, rather, I was contracted for the job. I need several Adventurers to accompany to a nearby Mine. It is located in The Comb Mountains near Jadet." Yusukai said very carefully. "We will have to travel North from this position in Underwood." Yusukai turned his attention to Gable as she wandered into The Peaceful Promenade. From his position in the general gathering area, Yusukai had a good view of everybody present. More importantly, he had a view of the front doors of The Peaceful Promenade.

"Are you hungry? I can purchase a meal for you." Yusukai said calmly.


Meanwhile, the bartender noticed Gable Rose. She was looking for work, and the bartender knew exactly who to send her to. "See that lad over there with the purple hair? Not many like him. He's one of them Akashimans. Strange lot they are. Anyhow, he posted a job on the mission board. Ask him for employ." The bartender said and moved on to serve other people their orders....

06-13-10, 02:16 AM
Artemis took the seat beside the man with the purple hair. He was a bit put off at how deep his voice was, and was unsure of where his accent hailed from. Regardless, there was an air of strength about that man that Artemis couldn't dismiss. As he sat down and let his thumb find its way to the engraving on his blade, he spoke.

"I appreciate the offer for a meal, but I just ate," Artemis replied graciously, "You may call me Artemis. It's a pleasure to meet you.

With regards to the job, you say it is North in The Comb Mountains. How many days journey is it? I'm interested in the job, but what peaks my interest is the ore. A mining company out in the mountains means there is bound to be some ore, and I was hoping to find something of quality to work. By no means do I intend to pillage the place, but if I find that there is an abundance, I would likely take a bit for myself, simply for the sake of expanding my knowledge of the material. I'm a smith by hobby, and hope to improve my skill. If that is deemed acceptable, then I'd be more than happy to join you."

As Yusukai prepared to speak, both men were distracted by a woman with a powerful stature who had just approached the table. Artemis felt out of place among these two strangers. There was the man, who sat with a strong posture and both strange hair and a strange accent. Now, there was a woman who seemed even more out of sorts. She had deep red hair that she wore pinned up with five braids, and green eyes that showed a determination that Artemis was not yet accustomed to seeing, especially in women. She was a few inches shorter than Artemis, weighed significantly less, but was clearly not a novice to fighting. Artemis wondered how many people had made the mistake of assuming she was a novice, and found themselves in a bad place.

With that, Artemis smiled at her and gave a nod, much more preferring that they settle their business amongst themselves while he sat quietly in his own seat.

Gable Rose
06-13-10, 08:00 AM
Careful not to bunny other people’s characters, I haven’t posted yet, so moving Gable over to the table isn’t normally supposed to happen. However, in the spirit of questing (which I think always needs a little bunnying from time to time) and for the sake of helping out with the pacing of the thread the bunnying is ok. Just be careful.

Akashima meant little to nothing to the crimson haired woman. From the inflection and undertone of the barkeep it sounded like a nation or at least a place somewhere on Althanas. Whatever the case was, the man was indeed a strange thing to behold. His dreadlocked hair was tinted purple, a strange color for hair if there ever was one. Gable’s blood red was a rarity in her homelands, where most of the people had either naturally dark almost black hair or artificially colored platinum blonde. Odd colors like purple, blue, green, those were things that not even the industrialized nation of the Empire had bothered to attempt though. If he was the way into finding something of interest to do then the woman would bother him and his blue eyed friend.

Gable grabbed her ‘fresh’ mug of ale, poking at the foamy cap with a leather covered finger. It popped slightly but didn’t disappear quickly as she had expected. With a curious little smirk she leant into mug and sniffed it. The aromatic ale was a heavy brew, it had undertones of cinnamon oddly enough, and yet the hoppy liquid was as dark as dirt. When she sipped it, the flavor of the scent was absent and it tasted more like it looked than it smelt. She cupped her mug in both hands and shifted her way to the table, sashaying her hips through the tables and men.

“Aft’rnoon,” she said with a wiry grin. The two men were quietly staring at her. The blue eyed man was looking at her up and down, a notion that made her wonder what it was that he saw. Most looked from her glove to the rapier at her waist, or just at the general attire of the woman. She wore a tight corset over a pair of tight leather pants, with a blue skirt bunched around her waist. Though she saw it as a common dress, many others saw her as just another piece-of-meat-woman-to-be-had. Gable wasn’t sure if the lingering eyes were an insult or not, the barkeeper had already created strike one for the men of Underwood as far as she was concerned.

“The keep tol’ me that you ‘ere ‘iring? Wonderin’ what the job is, an’ iffin you’d be welcome to me joinin’ in?” Gable took a seat without waiting to be asked. She took a heavy pull from her mug and downed a forth of the ale before placing it on the table. Manners were one thing, being respected as a person and not being looked at as only a woman was much more important for her. She tilted a brow towards the blue eyed man and then quickly towards the purple haired man across the table. “That is, of course, iffin you don’t min’ a woman coming along?”

06-13-10, 09:51 AM
Watching the approach of the woman, Yusukai immediately admired strength. Though others would judge her frail form as being weak, Yusukai knew better. His training as a Neophyte Paladin meant he had to look at the world differently than other men would. Enemies like Xem'Zund and Morian were on the prowl. The world was engulfed in darkness, and now was a time for heroes. Carefully taking a sip of the tea, Yusukai looked at both of the would-be Adventurers. The fellow, Artemis, was a blacksmith in training. Just like Yusukai was, and the neophyte knew that he could work with Artemis back at the workshop. Yusukai returned his inclusive gaze back towards Gable Rose. His eyes had a fierceness in them, an intellect that perhaps would seem familiar. Yusukai was not a sexist, or a racist, so he would of course accept Gable's company in the adventure.

He spoke, at times, the heavy Akashiman accent came out.

"A blacksmith? After this clean-up job in the mine I have further work for you if you're interested. Of course we can work the ore in the mines if we can locate veins." Yusukai said simply. Then he turned his attention to Gable. He took a sip of the hot, aromatic tea. "To explain the job is a simple matter. We are to go to a Mine known as Locale Mine Number Seven." Yusukai explained to Gable, giving Artemis further information as well. "It is located in The Comb Mountains." Yusukai did not doubt the woman or the blacksmith's fighting capacity. "The mine has been overrun with monsters. The intelligence I have been provided is a bit sketchy. But the monsters do not seem native to the Nation of Corone. We are to dispatch the monsters and figure out why they are there. If there is a source, we must destroy it. Afterward, we are free to do as we please until return back to town."

He took another sip of the tea.

"If either of you have any questions, feel free to ask."

As he spoke, another gentleman wandered into The Peaceful Promenade. Yusukai recognized the gentleman. It was his contractor, the fellow wore a business suit that was pin-striped. He also wore dark sun-glasses and a black tie. He was dressed in the attire of someone who was a professional individual. His hair was black and tightly cropped. First, the man spoke to the bartender briefly and they exchanged some sort of a small parcel. Then, the man in the suit approached Yusukai's table.

Yusukai respectfully bowed his head towards the man in the suit, he did not expect his new-found companions to do the same as they did not know who the man was.

Yusukai spoke in native Akashiman to the man who also spoke the same.

(Note this is translated from Akashiman just so you guys know what's going on. Its okay if your characters don't understand the language yet, Yusukai will tell you what just happened)

"<Yusukai-kun. Have you gathered the adventurers for the job yet?>"

"<Hai Sensei.>" Yusukai said. "<They are the two with me.>"

"<Very good. Your Uncle would be proud of your success.>" The Sensei said.

"<You offer praises when none is needed Sensei. Do you have the information I requested?>" Yusukai asked.

Just then, the man in the suit produced a stack of documents and plopped them on the table on a free position.

"<The information will cost you a little extra Yusukai. But that can be taken care of later.>" The man in the suit folded his arms across a powerful chest. Then, he looked at the trio, with his eyes hidden behind the glasses. He spoke in perfect common-tongue, albeit, heavily accented. "Forgive my interruption. I trust you are all eager to get underway. I am the contractor for this job. My name is a Masato Hikiri." He was speaking in a plain tone, making sure that they could understand what he was saying. "Forgive the secrecy of the job, but we only just received the missing information for the mission. Apparently, there are Monsters in Mining Company Seven that have terrorized locale workers to the point where an entire mining company has been slaughtered. You are to avenge the murder of these workers. From what little information we have gathered, the monsters seem to be a species not native to Corone."

Masato paused, then continued.

"They are a small, humanoid, group of monsters that are known to possess Intellect. They are cunning and dangerous. Furthermore, there are supposed to be a lot of them there." Masato continued. "If there is a source for the monsters, locate it and neutralize it. You will all be paid 500 Gold plus whatever you find on the bodies of the monsters is yours to keep." Masato nodded towards Artemis and Gable. "In those documents is a Map of the mines. Use it well."

Yusukai had to ask.

"Sensei. Will we have reinforcements?"

Suddenly, Masato's face became very serious.

"You are the reinforcements. If there are survivors, they are your top priority."

06-13-10, 11:32 AM
When Gable Rose downed a quarter of her dark ale in one swig, Artemis had a feeling that he probably shouldn't get on her bad side. Artemis didn't like liquor, and her ability to stomach such a potent drink so quickly set him on his heels.

Not long after, a man in a pin-striped suit appeared. Artemis sat back and listened as the man began to speak. He spoke in a language that Artemis had never heard, and given the purple-haired man's fluency, he guessed that was probably where his accent came from. The conversation came to an end, and Artemis was left with two new bits of information. One, there would most definitely be combat involved. Two, they now had a map.

"A map should prove useful," Artemis thought out loud, "It will help us determine in what kind of quarters we'll be fighting. It would be useful to understand each others' fighting styles so that we can compliment one another. I fight in close quarters with my two daggers. It seems like a mine will be closed off enough to benefit me. How about yourselves?"

After waiting a moment, and hearing no response, Artemis prompted, "By the way, may I have a cup of tea?"

With that, Artemis smiled at the purple-haired man, and looked forward to hearing more of their fighting styles. The only word that came to mind for Artemis was "unconventional," but that was what he found most exciting. He also had a strange feeling that neither of them wanted to discuss their fighting styles, and that their responses might simply end up being "you'll see." Artemis wasn't a fan of surprises, especially when his life would likely be on the line, but he also knew better than to push the subject. He knew it was better not to assume, so he let his curiosity hang unacknowledged, waiting to see their responses.

06-23-10, 02:53 PM
We're moving on. Gable, you're free to post whenever you can. I need this story completed for my Character's back-history thank you for understanding.

Asking for some tea, Yusukai nodded in Artemis' general direction. Taking an extra goblet, Yusukai poured some hot tea into it. A moment later he carefully handed the piping hot substance towards Artemis.

"It is very hot. But once you get used to that fact, the tea is actually quite delicious. I've been drinking it for a long time. It is a delicacy where I come from and an import from Akashima."

Yusukai was referring to the herbs native to Akashima. Making herbal tea was a long-time tradition in Akashima. Boasting a sweet flavor, the herb was known as mint-tea leaves. Additional flavors were added such as honey and sugar grown in Corone's sugar fields. Yusukai took a sip of the goblet he had in his possession, his own goblet, and smiled at Artemis. A soft, kind expression, Yusukai's hard features actually radiated a certain goodness from them. His eyes told the story. From behind that steely gaze, there lurked a fierce intellect and thirst for knowledge. Yusukai was a detail-oriented youth.

Judging by Artemis' willingness to try the tea, Yusukai learned a great deal about the other man. Firstly, Artemis seemed quite willing to experience new adventures in life. That is an admirable trait. Yusukai thought to himself in his native tongue of Akashiman. Secondly, he understood that Artemis was a Sell-Sword. As such, the man had a certain air of professionalism about him that Yusukai immediately respected. Sell-Swords were a mysterious lot as it was...

With the map in his possession, he was prepared to answer Artemis' questions. He is also very observant and naturally inquisitive. I like that.

"I fight using these." Yusukai raised his hands and showed him the combat gloves he almost always wore. They were padded with iron and appeared to be quite comfortable. "And this..." For a moment, Yusukai's eyes went distance. Electricity flashed in them from the depths of his soul. Yusukai gathered Kuthai Energy and focused it so it manifested around his left hand. Soon, ripples of electric psionic energy passed across his arm, cascading in the forms of tendrils. Several such ripples passed across his arm until they faded away. His control of The Kuthai force quite apparent. A moment later, the energy vanished as if it were never there.

"We shall eat and drink and share a story or three. From then, on the morrow, we will journey to our objective in The Comb Mountain range. It will be a long journey so be certain you get some rest. There will in fact be plenty of combat from what my contractor has told me." He pulled out the map at that point. "We will also be armed with this to plan strategical tactics for our foes once we encounter them."

06-23-10, 03:47 PM
As Artemis took a sip of the tea, he burned his tongue a bit. However, as the man had informed him, getting past that point lead to a delicious mouthful of herbal flavors. The most pleasant aspect of this tea was that the actual herbal flavors of the mint had an interesting effect on the pallet; they cooled the mouth. Taking a sip of the hot tea would bring with it a very warming feeling. After swallowing the liquid and breathing in some air, an overwhelming cooling feeling would rush into Artemis' mouth and lungs.

The vagabond closed his eyes and enjoyed the experience a few times before speaking again. He looked up to see the man smiling at him.

"Well, I can't compete with that trick; I just cut things. Versatility will be useful. It seems the plan is set, so talk of business is done for this eve. I'd like to simply rest and enjoy this wonderful tea of yours, and learn more of who you are. We will continue with the contract in the morning. If Gable decides to join us on this journey, I will look forward to seeing what abilities she has."

With that, Artemis sat back and began sipping the wonderful tea again, enjoying the delicious liquid as he closed his eyes.

'This should be an interesting little adventure', Artemis thought to himself.

With eyes still closed, Artemis prompted Yusukai, "So what brings you to Underwood? You don't seem like you are from around here. You speak a foreign language, carry a slight accent, and you also have a very particular look to you. What is it you seek in Underwood?"

Gable Rose
06-24-10, 08:14 AM
“I apologize for my delay,” Gable said solemnly, merely sipping at her ale instead of downing it full gulps at a time. Her eyes lingered as the two shared their tea, words passing between the two but never truly creating any interest to the woman. She was not intentionally rude, but passing chatter and sudden appearances of strange men in suits made her wonder what exactly it was she had joined. The woman’s lingering green eyes found other eyes directed at her, focusing on what she was more than who she was. A girl, it was all they saw, she was convinced. Gable saw their lack of understanding as an advantage for her against them; luckily the two men did not seem to react the same way. “I don’ mean ta be rude, just ‘ave a lot on me min’. I’m Gable Rose, by the by, lover o’ technology and genr’l explorer o’ this worl’ you all know so well.”

“Ta answ’r yer question, I ‘ave a fluid style o’ fightin’. I prefer ta combat in duels, never fought when no’ in a duel to the death. I ‘ave my rapier and buckler, as well as a bladed boom’rang, and this little beauty.” Gable rested her right hand on the table and wiggled her slim fingers. Covering the back of her arm and reaching half-way down her elbow was a metal-leather mixed glove. On the back was a panel that glowed a gentle blue color when looked at directly, but otherwise let off no light. “I call it a thund’r glove. It’s som’thin’ I made meself. It collects ‘nergy from the sun, stores it, and uses it to cause a wicked stin’ when I punch som’n with it. I’s not really a true fightin’ style I use, more a ‘win ‘ow you can’ kinda thing.”

Gable smiled and grabbed the mug with the same hand she showed them, taking a heavy gulp and pushing aside wayward thoughts. Warmer thoughts of what might come about from random adventuring with the two men were accompanied by the warmth of the brew as it settled comfortably in her stomach. If there was anything of interest to be pulled from the mission, it was Yusukai’s interesting ability.

He seemed to call electricity to his body at will, as if by magic. Magic, she knew full well, was impossible. Everything was an extension of personal knowledge and scientific understanding. However, she had found one thing about Althanas disturbing above all else: Magic and Religion went hand in hand to corrupt everyone from nobility to urchin. She would one day deduce the nature of both, and their dominance, but time would allow as time saw fit.

“Sorry, but I’m no’ one for stories. No offense, but I jus’ don’ see a point in sharin’ the little things. Imma get another ale and a room. I’ll see you both in the mornin’.” With that she rose and nodded to both men before heading back to the bar.

07-05-10, 03:02 PM
Gable spoke and the metahuman listened. He listened to both of the prospects, but most importantly, he developed an admiration for Gable. Her demeanor and mannerisms clearly showed someone who was not to be messed with. Yusukai could see it in her eyes. She was tough, she had an air of mystery about her. Turning his attention to the last set of questions that Artemis asked, Yusukai nodded. Taking a slow slip of the tea, Gable left just as he placed his goblet on the table. Interesting. I'll have to remember she is not a fan of socialization.

Yusukai waited a moment or two before answering Artemis' questions. His eyes were locked upon the vagabond. Yusukai formed an adequate answer in his head. Why am I here? Why is anybody anywhere? But I must satisfy the man's thirst for knowledge. Otherwise, we won't work well together... Yusukai finally answered the question a minute or two later. His response was carefully crafted, words eloquently chosen, and the response reflecting a serious demeanor. Yusuaki was young, but he was not a fool. He clearly understood matters of business relations.

"Why am I here? Good question. I came here looking for work. I come from a small town called Dressed Fish Town. It is a window to Akashima. A miniature Akashima right here in Corone." Yusukai closed his eyes for a moment, he was picturing the Shirayama slopes. Their snow-capped peaks were like daggers piercing the heavens. "Many folk from Akashima live in Dressed Fish Town. I came into Underwood hoping to improve my education, and like I said, seek out work." Yusukai took a pull of his exotic tea. "I found Radasanth enveloped in a civil war, and work to be found. Many places in Corone proper needed good crafstmen. That's why I'm here."

Yusukai leaned in close to Artemis. "The war ravaged the population of Corone. Many crimes were done by the parties involved. I personally care little for politics, but a crime is a crime. The aftermath left plenty of work available for those willing to roll up their sleeves. I intend to help fix the damage that the civil war caused. 'Tis my duty as a Coronian." Yusukai relaxed his seating position just then and waited to hear Artemis' response. After they were done speaking, Yusukai would retire for the night, after all, it had been a long day...

07-06-10, 12:19 AM
Artemis opened his eyes as he watched Gable Rose take her leave, realizing that despite his own flaws in conversation, she seemed to actively choose to avoid it. Though the fact made Artemis a bit sad, he could understand that not all people sought to converse.

After she had been gone for a bit, the man began to explain his purpose in here. He mentioned something regarding fixing the wrongs of the war, and though the vagabond didn't know any details about the history of Underwood, he knew that war always had a negative impact on at least one person who wasn't at fault.

"You know," Artemis began, rubbing his thumb on the engraving of the word VIRTUE on his dagger, "war brings about some terrible things. I admire you for trying to fix the wrongs that war may cause. A virtuous act, and I'll do my best to aid you in that endeavor. I'm not sure how much I can contribute, but something is more than nothing."

With that, Artemis took his tea and simply relaxed, letting the delicious liquid warm his very core. His eyes closed, thinking about his past, he was in his own little world. It seemed pretty apparent at that point that there was not much else to say. Tomorrow would begin a journey that hopefully proved fruitful to the group as a whole.

The man found himself dozing off, and the comforting warmth of the tea played its part.

"Well, it's been a pleasure, and I thank you again for the delicious tea." Artemis said in a tired voice, "I will see you in the morning. Hopefully this mission goes well and we can share another pot upon our return. Sleep well."

Saying his farewells, Artemis payed the innkeeper for the food and a room and made his way up the stairs. A good night's sleep was all the vagabond needed.

Gable Rose
07-06-10, 11:23 AM
By concentrating, as hard as it was with alcohol flowing through her veins like fire, Gable was able to hear the words of the two men. Murmured and muttered words flowed through the tavern, most of them slurred or hushed. Listening to the men while she downed another ale made her face cringe. Althanas was full of idealism, virtue by assertion of personal beliefs on others notions. The red-head felt like she was being dragged down by a quagmire of others personal haughty words. The two men she had joined, they were exactly what she expected from the medieval world stuck in a realm of superstition. Overhearing the two of them finish up their conversation made the woman dwell on just what the purple haired man had to say. It made her want to drink her ale faster, and add three more to it.

“Crimes,” she thought with a huff. Her slim hands put the almost empty mug back on the bar as she raised her hand to the barkeep for another. Crimes to the man were injustices from his perspective, but might not have been as devious in nature as far as Gable could think. He hadn’t gone into detail from what she had heard, but it sounded like he was a wannabe knight from old. Unconventional, without the plate armor and shining sword at his side, Gable could not help but see the same spark in his eyes that she had seen in so many others. She looked back to the bar instead of glancing over her shoulder at the two men and sipped at the mug, foam covering her upper lip. “Crimes to who? Crimes to you? Or do you think everything done from raising taxes to sending troops to a town is considered a crime?”

Gable put her gloved finger in the soft white foam and moved it counterclockwise, watching as the small bubbles popped more vigorously. She leaned on her elbow and inhaled slowly and deliberately. If the two men’s words and speech was any indication, Gable knew she had found her way into a group she did not fit in. She could only hope that the gains that came from raiding the mines would be enough to compensate for her assistance.

“Imma ‘ead ta me room,” Gable called out to nobody in particular. The barkeep slid her the key to a room upstairs, smiling as he pointed towards the mug. “Oh, Imma take that with me. I’ll seez ya in the mornin’.” With that she stood up and took another two gulps from ale and was on her way. The others would eventually each go up to their own rooms; Gable did not care when they went or how long they stayed up. She knew, for her at least, a good night’s rest was more important than anything else. If she was going to be forced to walk all the way to the nearest mountains and then fight her way into the mine, doing so with black bags under her eyes and still feeling a night of drinking was not the best idea.

07-12-10, 06:37 PM
(Folks, sorry for the delay on my behalf. I will speed up my pace)

Whilst the pair accompanying Yusukai gradually turned in for the night, the youth remained at his table. There were matters he needed to prepare for, charts that needed studying, and a plan that needed forging. As Yusukai pulled the charts out that his Sensei had given him, his eyes moved to them. Soon, he was locked in the task at hand, his eyes analyzing routes through the mines, studying side passageways, and other critical information needed for the journey at hand. They were going into the depths of a mine. Little information was provided about the creatures they would be fighting. However, Yusukai knew that he needed to be prepared for anything that would come to him.

He had to protect the companions he had made from Kajeenith's forces. The corrupted forces of Kajeenith were everywhere. As a Paladin-in-training of the Order of Omni, Yusukai was well prepared to handle the threats of Kajeenith. However, Kajeenith was a secret evil. Ancient as well as secret, the dark entity rested in the hearts of men. Yusukai knew this because the elders of his order knew this. They taught the scriptures to the neophytes of the order to be certain that Kajeenith's corruption would not infect the neophytes further. Yusukai's thoughts were on that situation as well as the situation at hand.

You are the reinforcements. Sensei had told them, which really concerned the neophyte considerably. There would be no back-up, there would be no other teams to come in after them. If they failed, the secrets of the mine would die forever with them. So Yusukai studied. At least one of them in the group had to be ready for what lay ahead. The Paladin would be certain it was him, leadership was the forte of the Paladin in training. He would take full responsibility for the actions of the Adventure Party. The youth took another pull of the tea he'd been sipping at for a moment, when someone walked up to him. He turned towards the presence and saw that it was his Sensei, Masato Hikiri. Yusukai Hyakureiki immediately set the documentation for the mission down and stood up, bowing towards his mentor.

The two started to talk in native Akashiman.

"< May I have a seat, Hyakureiki-san?>" Yusukai heard Masato ask with a small smile touching the side of his lips.

Yusukai moved to an empty chair next to him and moved it for his mentor.

"< By all means Sensei. >" Then he sat down in the same chair he'd been sitting at the entire time. He watched as his Sensei sat down. "< I am studying these charts. There isn't any information on the creatures we are supposed to eliminate, the dossier is not complete. >" Yusukai sighed, as he realized they could very well be walking into a death-trap. "< How can I use the strategies of our Order if I do-not know our enemy? >" Yusukai asked cautiously, careful not to overstep any boundaries with his mentor. The man, Masato Hikiri, was a ranking officer of the Order of Omni.

"< This mission will fully test your capacity to survive. >" Masato said calmly. "< It is the first Test you will be facing on your own through the Order. We are confident in your resourcefulness to succeed where others have failed. We are counting on you to discover what has happened in that place. >" Yusukai listened as Masato spoke.

"< Do I need to bring back specimens of the creature? >" Yusukai asked.

"< You are very wise to think of that. >" Yusukai saw Masato rub his chin gently. "< If you can bring back the source of the creatures intact, you will get an extra reward from the Order. Do-not tell your companions about this matter. Recover the source if you are able to. Destroying it is a top priority, but recovery is a secondary matter. >" Yusukai heard Masato say.

"< What about any survivors? >" Yuskai asked.

"< If you can locate any, they are a priority. If not, figure out what happened to them. Avenge them if you can. >" Yusukai studied Masato's eyes as best he could. This time, they were behind dark glasses. Yusukai had a hard time reading the expressions of his mentor. "< There is one other matter. Kajeenith's forces carry a Signet Ring. This is a very vile and evil artifact. If you can locate an agent of Kajeenith amongst the creatures in the mob, recover the Signet Ring and deliver it to us. Do-not attempt to analyze the ring, or place it on your person. It is an exceedingly dubious artifact. I do not want to loose you. If you can bring us this Signet Ring, the Order will award you handsomely. Those are your objectives. I could not tell you matters of the Order before your companions. Their concern is merely defeating the monsters and finding the source of the monsters. That is all. >" Yusukai heard Masato say.

Yusukai frowned at that point, there was an anxiety in his heart.

"< That is a lot to deal with Sensei. I will keep everything in mind and I will use my training to full skill level. >" Yusukai said. "< Will I be able to get anymore weapons? Or are Items procure on site only? >" Yusukai asked.

"< Procure on site. We can-not spare resources to an unproven neophyte. You must use ingenuity to recover items of value to your party. Be clever Yusukai, Omni's power courses through your blood. The Light is always on your side, remember that. >" Yusukai heard his mentor say. "< One other matter, Yusukai. Return. Please return alive. We have far too few active Paladins these days, and times are dark all around Althanas. >" Yusukai nodded as his mentor spoke.

"< By the will of Omni. >" Yusukai said.

"< Then I shall leave you to your thoughts, good luck my student. >"


Day 2--

The next day, Yusukai knew that his mentor, Masato Hikiri had sent word to Gable Rose and Artemis Eburi that the hour had come to travel to the Comb Mountain range. With morning dew, clinging to the surface of Althanas, Yusukai stretched. He had not slept. His eyes were focused on the task at hand. Members of the Order of Omni rarely slept, but often went into a deep meditative state to relax the troubles in their heart and minds. Masato Hikiri was already waiting for Yusukai Hyakureiki and his Adventure Party outside of the Peaceful Promenade. It was roughly 5:30 A.M. standard Althanas time.

Poking out from behind the Comb Mountains, the sun was just rising in the sky. Clouds were slowly parting and the stars were still partially visible. Birds chirped all around Underwood. Horses and Oxen were driving carriages to and from Underwood. The air was clean and fresh, Yusukai took a deep pull of the crisp morning air. Already, commerce was visible in Underwood. Foodstuffs were being delivered to the Peaceful Promenade as well as other shops in the area. Supplies and goods were also being shipped out of Underwood.

All sorts of merchants were visible on the streets, as well as the refugees fleeing the civil war. As usual, the beggars of Corone proper were also on the streets in force. Their words pleading for a loose gold piece. Yusukai looked back at the Peaceful Promenade. He stood in front of the building, near the large porch area. There was a canopy that hung over the porch, where several chains connected to rocking benches. Some folk were on the benches, conversing with one another about the dark times that struck Althanas.

Despite the sins of Corone, business was business. Yusukai was hired to perform a job for the Order of the Omni, and perform it he would. He felt slightly uncomfortable without proper equipment, but that would be a matter that he would have to deal with on his own. Yusukai turned towards his mentor, studying him for a moment. He continued to speak to his mentor in native Akashiman. It was a custom from master to apprentice.

"< How will we travel to the Comb Mountains? Horseback will take sometime, and it could possibly be too late by the time we arrive there. Is there some other alternative to horseback we can use? >" Yusukai asked, remembering the one question that remained.

Yusukai heard as Masato Hikiri started to speak.

"< I have made arrangements with the Magi of the Circle of Elerdhen, allies of the Order of Omni, to teleport you three to the Comb Mountain. Free of charge. I have discussed the matter with our elders. It has been taken care of. You will not have to travel horseback. >"

"< Very well. Oh. Here they come now... >" Yusukai said in response to his mentor's words. His allies had arrived.

07-12-10, 07:47 PM
Artemis had slept soundly, the pleasant herbal tea stirring and soothing his stomach. Without waking even once, the night passed quickly and soon enough, light began to trickle in through the window of the small room.

Lying on his back, stirring from the pleasant rest, the young man stared at the ceiling of wooden planks, distracted by thoughts of home. Remembering the fight with his father as if it had only just occurred caused rage to swim through the young man's blood. Still in angry denial of his past, he clenched fists in frustration and disappointment.

'You are not my father,' was the only thought the vagabond could muster before hearing a knock on his door.

Unclenching fists, he walked to the door, opened it, and saw a young woman standing there.

"Yes?" Artemis prompted.

Sheepishly, the young woman spoke, "Um, I was told to tell you that Mr. Yusukai awaits you downstairs for departure."

"Ah," the young man smiled, "well thank you. I will gather my belongings and head downstairs."

Artemis reached into his pouch and produced a gold coin, handing it to the young woman who quickly bowed and walked away.

'No time for distractions,' Artemis reminded himself.

Gathering his belongings, the vagabond made his way downstairs and out in front of The Peaceful Promenade where Yusukai awaited. Beside the purple-haired man stood the gentleman who approached the group the previous night. They seemed to be discussing matters of business. After getting close enough to Yusukai for the man to notice him, Artemis waved to acknowledge his arrival and stood off in waiting, not wanting to disrupt the conversation.

07-27-10, 07:10 AM
Closed and moved at request...