View Full Version : ~Book I: Second Journey~ (Closed)

05-31-10, 01:11 AM
~Year I~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21019)

Spinning the hammer in his hand, the blacksmith tossed it in the air. After a few seconds, he caught it without looking and proceeded to strike at the project he was working on. Sparks reflecting Yusukai's iron-will burst out from the contact of the hammer with the ore he was currently refining. Tools were used in the ancient process, but part of it was the purification caused with hard labor. Sweat glistened down his muscular body. Kuthai symbols all over his person seemed to glow with the synergy of labor. Yusukai had the blood of heroes flowing within his veins.

But for now, he was an apprentice of The Paladin's Order, and skilled tradesman. Yusukai struck the ore before him with his enhanced reflexes, his body tiring from physical labor. However, the youth did not care. So focused was he on the task at hand, that he had bothered to take a break. He knew that slacking off meant he would have to return to the sadists at the Paladin's Order. Enjoying his break, the youth wanted to get as much done as he could before he was summoned once again by The Paladin Order.

Once Yusukai was done with his physical labor, the youth decided it was time to return to the guild house of The Paladin Order. He thanked the mastersmith who was his employer and moved to "clock-out" of the workshop for the day. His afternoon though, was far from over. Working since the evening before, Yusukai rarely slept. Not because he disliked sleeping, but rather, because he was always busy these days. Yusukai had no way of knowing that there was a storm coming on the horizon.

A storm from the depths of the pyre that would shake the very system of belief that the youth held dear. As honest and kind-hearted as the youth was, Yusukai was still very much uneducated in the ways of the world. Yusukai finished his work for the day, collected his standard pay, and began to walk out of the shop. His destination? The youth was walking towards The Peaceful Promenade which was stationed nearby.

Walking towards the familiar structure, heroism, sacrifice, courage, were the last few interests in his heart. Yusukai was a hard worker, and physical labor was his domain. As he walked forward, something strange happened. A figure manifested, a cloaked figure with glowing red eyes appeared before the startled youth. When the figure manifested, Yusukai's mind cleared and presence entered his head.

"Do-not order Ale. Or any alcoholic beverage. You are still a servant of Omni. Remember, Kajeenith's forces are still at large and will always be at your back." The man spoke without speaking, he could hear the voice in the back of his head. "You will meet a certain individual on this day. A man you are fated to know. This man is meant to be your Apprentice. Train him well."

"Do not fear The Fate that is coming."

Then, the robed figure vanished...


Tapping his hand to his head, Yusukai wondered what the hell just happened. He shook his head for a moment attempting to orient himself after a dizzy feeling struck his gut. Before he knew it, a guard was standing in front of Yusukai. The fellow wore the standard Underwood worker's uniform. Yusukai blinked and then relaxed his posture.

"Oh sorry. I did not see you there." Yusukai said.

"How long have you been living here Mr. Hyakureiki?"

"A few moons now. Give or take. Why?" Yusukai responded.

"No need to act so formal. You are a good worker. Anyway, you seemed out of it for a moment so I wanted to make sure everything was okay."

"Y-yeah...everything is fine." Yusukai lied.

Mentioning a stranger with glowing red eyes was probably not a good idea. Yusukai looked at the man and prepared to continue to The Peaceful Promenade. He needed a drink after a long, hard day's work.

Enter here^

Rehtul Orlouge
06-27-10, 10:05 AM
A young man could be seen walking through the crowd on his way through Underwood. His eyes and hair were an odd color of blue, a striking compliment to his pale skin and clothing style. He was dressed in a white suit with blue accents. His hands clenched a blue pack that he had slung over his right shoulder. Most people would probably think that it was full of food, or money, or something like that, but they would be wrong. The pack had five books in it, one of which was the book his father had given him when he passed the Light Trials, the book called Elemental Ice. The young person had just recently finished a small foray in the Dansdel against a woman named Ruby, and wanted a place to simply relax. His ice-blue eyes surveyed the area around him. He’d only been in Underwood a couple of times during the course of his life, but he wasn’t too concerned with it. This town was actually one of the calmer places he had ever visited, or so he thought.

After a few moments of relative nothingness, he felt the tell-tale shiver running down his spine that warned him something required his attention. He turned around and saw a robed figure with his hood up, deep inset red eyes peering at him quizzically from deep within the shadows. Rehtul sighed deeply and approached the hooded figure, and the immediately stopped about three feet away from the being. He smells like garbage left out in the sun and rain for a week. He thought as he gasped for air. He covered his mouth with one of his white sleeves and struggled to breathe the putrid air through this minor filter.

“You will meet a man in the Peaceful Promenade that you are destined to know, for he will know you, and you will know him. Learn from this man and gain all you can from this meeting. For it is through him that your power will begin to awaken.” The man spoke with his mind, similar in character to the Mystic’s Uncle, Sei Orlouge. He sighed and turned away from the man. He was not one to ignore things like this, even though it could have been a trap. He wanted to see where this was going. He could run away if he desperately needed to.

When he turned back around to thank the man for the information, he was greeted by nothing more than empty air. “Well,” he mumbled, “at least I don’t have to breathe through my coat anymore.”

He walked toward the Peaceful Promenade with his head held high, and searched within his pack for his father’s book. When he took it out, he caressed the spine and opened it to the last page he’d been studying. He black boots kicked up dust behind him as he walked. It appeared the region hadn’t had much rain in recent days. The air was slightly warm, the after effects of summer, and dry as a bone. Over all, it was a little uncomfortable to the young Mystic. He preferred the cold, and often used his own magic to make the air around him colder to some degree. This time, however, he sensed that it would be something of a wasted effort.

The Peaceful Promenade was busy as usual, but Rehtul had no problem securing a place to sit. When he did sit down, he decided he wouldn’t order anything, but rather use what little time he had to sit back and relax a bit. His eyes surveyed the area around him, and not seeing anyone or particular interest, he returned his eyes to the book in front of him. His eyes moved across each page, devouring the information held within and he ran one of the fingers of his left hand along the surface of the wooden table he sat before, feeling each bump and groove in the surface. It wasn’t the most amusing pastime, but it worked to keep his hands busy while he waited for whoever it was he was supposed to meet here.

07-08-10, 11:12 PM
All around Yusukai was the area of Underwood proper. The Peaceful Promenade was just one district of the township of Underwood. Yusukai lived in the town for a few months prior to this strange event, and worked at a local workshop. As far as smithies went, Wyvern's Scale was like any other Coronian workshop. It was built out of the appropriate Corone-materials. As far as employment went, the workshop sought craftsmen of any skill level. Training was given to those who sought the education and could afford it. Finding himself in that fold, Yusukai was content with working hard for the rest of his days. Heat clung to the air from the harsh summer-time weather. Yusukai wanted something cold, and he knew exactly what to drink. There were many locale drinks that were like shakes and icecreams.

Earth beneath his boots crunched with every movement he made. Yusukai wore tradesmans' clothing that day. A simple workman's outfit. He wore overalls made of linen, the leg parts baggy. A pouch was visible at the front of the overalls, and suspenders held the whole outift up. He wore boots, his favorite pair of gloves, and a hat. Leaving his excess materials and tools back at the workshop, Yusukai felt the earth beneath his boots. Crunching against that topsoil, Yusukai made his way to The Peaceful Promenade.

Several carriages were traveling through the streets of Underwood. Some were public carriages, whilst others were private carriages owned by wealthy noble-folk. People from all walks of life walked through the streets of Underwood. Beggars reached out with their hands attempting to obtain a hand-out gold piece, or perhaps, snatch a purse or three. Yusukai's eyes studied the dregs of Underwood with distaste, a deep disdain for the current government system in place in Corone proper. Yusukai knew that corruption existed everywhere. He would rise up against that corruption. Stepping into the cool air of The Peaceful Promenade, Yusukai inhaled it for a moment or two.

Closing his eyes, he let the cooler air within the structure caress his flesh. Fueled by magical devices, the temperature in the tavern/inn was considerably colder than the temperature outside. Yusukai felt his sweating muscles cool down. He looked around The Promenade for an empty table, but it was the business's busiest our of the day. Yusukai was not the only civil employee getting off work at that exact time. His eyes scanned across the room, they fell upon Rehtul Orlouge. Yusukai felt a strange shiver go up and down his spine.

But the first order of business was something cold to drink, and a hot meal. He walked over towards the bar and sat down on an empty stool. The air was thick with tobacco and hemp smoke. Feeling his nostrils flare for a moment or two, Yusukai still was not used to that intense smell. As he sat down, one of the bartenders walked over to Yusukai's person.

"What'll it be Yusukai?" The bartender asked.

"I would like a strawberry shake, and boar-beef with Akashiman white rice."

"You got it! Coming right up!" The girl went to get Yusukai's order.

His eyes returned to Rehtul Orlouge's person, they lingered. But soon, he turned his head away.

The hour was ripe for eating...