View Full Version : Aeronavita, the Naive Wind Demon

06-03-10, 06:28 PM
Name: Aeronavita
Age: 21 human years
Race: Wind demon
Hair Color: Short fur - Gray, hair - black with red streaks
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 7'9
Weight: 125 - Hollow bones
*Occupation: Wanderer
*Personality: Quiet and rather naive when it comes to society in general. Doesn't like having her wings pulled on or watching people get hurt. Keri acts as a 'voice of reason' to Aeronavita.

Appearance: Tall and lithe, Aeronavita is a Wind Demon. She has almost a weasel-like appearance, short gray fur covering her body, and waist length hair. Eyes glow faintly, She has long ears that are usually pointed backwards that are at least a foot and a half long. Each ear has piercings in them. Six in the left, seven in the right. She has a black patch of fur that curves from her jaw to a few inches from the tip of her nose on each side that is black. She has a set of black feathered wings. Her usual clothing is a black trench-coat, chest wrappings, and a pair of gray or black jeans.

History: Aeronavita's birthplace was never found. She has no memories between the time of birth, or until she actually touched the ground of the planet, but the feeling of a deep "warmth" in comparison to her birthing place leaves Keri to believe that Aeronavita is a native to Hades, but had yet to be corrupted. After she had been sent to the planet, Aeronavita wondered around randomly, taking in the strange sights of the trees, rivers, animals, and the sounds that went with them. For a long time, before rescuing and 'adopting' Keri, Aeronavita nearly starved to death, thinking her body was growing at her, instead of being hungry. She found Keri, tired and beaten, outside of a slave-owner's mansion. Curious to what the creature was, Aeronavita took it with her, and eventually was able to get her back to strength. Keri is a winged cat with white fur and green eyes. Since it was saved by the wind demon, it decided to follow her and keep her company. Keri taught Aeronavita all she needed to know about basic living.
Aeronavita and Keri travel together, and have no set destination other than wherever their feet take them, or whatever Keri can talk Aeronavita into doing that will give them a good set of supplies for their travels.


Magic: Wind and fire based.

- Wind: Aeronavita can turn the winds tot he direction she wants, as well as increase/decrease it's power. This can allow her to get better lift while flying, or very slightly deflect projectiles if she sees them coming from far off. She could also use it to create her own tornadoes or other whirlwind sort of features, but she's too afraid of the loud noises it causes to try.

- Fire: Aeronavita has a very basic control over fire. She can't create it, but she can take a small ember and make it larger.

Hollowed Bones: Aeronavita's bones are hollowed. This allows her to stay exceptionally light to allow her flight. It also makes her more nimble and quick, but makes her much easier to hurt.

Flight: Aeronavita can fly. She has wings.

Naive: Aeronavita hasn't been in the human world for long, and lacks a basic understanding of emotions or human qualities. They tend to confuse her, even ones she expresses.

Glow: Aeronavita's eyes glow. The glow allows her to see in near pitch black areas; however, it makes her a target in dark areas as well.


Voice of Reason: Keri knows much about human society. If Aeronavita doesn't catch something, she more than likely will.

Fire Breath: Keri can breath fire. It's not very deadly, because she's only about a foot and a half long, but it's annoying.

Equipment: Aeronavita carries only a basic backpack with the supplies she needs to be safe while she travels. She has no weapons other than her own claws and magic.

*Familiars: Keri - White winged cat. Breaths an annoying, yet not deadly or lethal, fire. Is, in all honesty, much more intelligent than Aeronavita when it comes to basic survival, human society, and emotions.

06-04-10, 09:26 AM
This looks good. Just don't powergame the wind magic and create a full-grown tornado or something. At least not yet. ;)

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.