View Full Version : In search of a past and a distant future

06-05-10, 11:00 PM
Full Name : Akator de Krishiz
Race: Appears to be Human
Age: Appears to be 18
Hair Colour: Silver-White
Skin Colour: Pale
Eye Colour: Red
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs
Occupation: Librarian turned Adventurer

History: This is the story of a young librarian's journey. Having no recollection of his past, Akator decides to go on a journey after being haunted by dreams of extreme violence and gore. He has the same reoccurring nightmare, fragmented episodes of following someone, a path full of mutilated corpses in a sea of blood, and an intense battle resulting in him getting pierced through the chest. Each time he encounters these dreams, the burst shaped scar on his chest radiates with pain.

The earliest memory that Akator has is of 10 years prior. He remembers waking up in an unfamiliar room with himself covered in bandages with a burst shaped scar on his chest. Apparently, he was found abandoned within a ghost town by the chief of a small village. Akator is raised for about a year within the village, until bad luck befalls him. Before this however, the chief has noticed that he had a remarkable affinity for books. The young child would just sit and read books in amazement. The chief, having noticed this, decided to allow the child into his personal library. This library was filled with a variety of books, ranging from ancient texts, alchemy, magical, and even cookbooks. The young child would just spend his days reading away. This was mainly because he was shunned and ostracized by the other villagers. Akator appears to be albino, having a very pale complexion along with red eyes and silver white hair.

A year after having been found by the chief, the small village was then raided. In the course of a night, the village was utterly wiped out and erased from existence. It seems as though someone decided to turn the village into an experimental summoning ground, summoning daemons from the netherworld. It unknown what certain events led to the destruction of the village, but Akator seems to have been the sole survivor. He does not recall any memory of the situations that has passed during that day.

Once again, he awakens to an unfamiliar room covered in bandages. This time, it seems as though he has been found by the knights of the capital. They were in pursuit of this sadistic summoner and happened to have found Akator amidst all the destruction. He and a small book that he had clenched up to his chest were the only pieces of evidence that the village had ever existed.

Time passes and the young man grew. After his founding by the knights, a series of events followed that allowed him to become the librarian for the capital's greatest library. He spent his days reading inside with barely any social interaction with others. One fateful day, after waking up yet again from his reoccurring nightmare, he finds himself face to face with a cloaked individual. This person introduces herself as a traveling seer and forewarns Akator of impending doom brought to him by his past. Not knowing anything about his past, he asks the seer what she meant. But in the time he asked the question, she had disappeared without a trace...

Personality: Because of his appearance, Akator has barely any social interaction. This has made him very socially challenged and made him to be a lone individual. He prefers to read books and spends most of his free time reading.

Skills and Traits: Due to spending an enormous amount of time indoors and reading, he is very physically inept. He is so horrible in extraneous physical activities that even a 12 year old child could run circles around him while he is exhausted. He does however have a few special traits.

Intense Concentration: Reading from a young age has caused Akator to become extremely focused. This is both a bad and good thing. The bad: He completely loses track of his surroundings. If he were to read and walk, he would most definitely walk into a wall or fall into a pitfall without noticing anything at all. The good: Because of his intense concentration, he is able to comprehend anything that he reads after learning the theory behind it. Though he does understand the theory, putting it into actual practice is quite different. An example of this is reading martial arts scrolls. Though he may understand the theory of fighting and the movements, he actually has a hard time physically recreating the movements. His latest achievement was learning how to make bbq ribs, after an intense trial and error that could have resulted in the genesis of pigs.

Photo Sensitivity/Light Sensitivity: Like most other albinos, Akator cannot stay out in the sun too long. His skin will start to burn and he could also die from a heat stroke because of his physical ineptness. He also has problems with seeing in the light, as his eyes are very sensitive to light. This however, leads him to be able to see very well within the dark.

Equipment: Akator is clothed within a special robe to ward off the sun's harmful rays. He also has a wide broad brimmed hat that he wears to cover his head and protect it as well. He also carries an enchanted mystical notebook with him. He uses this notebook to write down notes on everything that he has learned during the day. He also uses it in combat, whacking things with it and also crushing things after releasing the spell to allow the notebook to return to its original size. The book in its true form is about almost as tall as Akator himself.

06-06-10, 04:48 AM
Looks good.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.