View Full Version : When We Fall, We Must Learn to Stand

Enigmatic Immortal
06-06-10, 02:27 AM
With Sei Orlouge off in the world searching to name his weapons, Jensen felt a comfortable peace at home in the tomb. Plenty of opportunities presented themselves to the immortal, first and foremost alone time with his daughter, Kyla. Jensen debated on the multitude of ways for them to enjoy the alone time, but before he had a chance to ask her out for dinner Anita sternly stormed over to him, blocking all access.

The conversation they had was pretty blunt and to the point. Without Sei in the tomb, Jensen wasn’t allowed to be near Kyla. Anita took her duties well, and while Jensen was sure he could take her in a fight, he wasn’t so sure of his odds with the rest of the Nine Ixian Knights backing their lord’s wishes.

Regrettably he decided to back off, leaving the cooped up woman to her own devices as he tried to pass the time. He played card games with the other members of Sei’s amassing army, talked to Stephanie and Adolph, trained a bit in the Citadel, but found himself wanting. When news spread that Sei would be out for at least another two months Jensen decided to pack his bags and head for a new area.

He wasn’t going to go far, he promised the group that he would be back before Sei was. Not sure what he was going to do he ventured outwards towards the mountains of Corone, only one oversized shoulder sack his companion as he moved out alone.

The trip didn’t take him long, only five days of constant walking with a few breaks for rest and six or so hours to sleep at night. He stayed in the inns of Corone, testing each one’s different class and matching it up with the styles he knew of from home. Nobody seemed to make an End Times quite like Ashley the bartender. Still, he drank them in quiet peace, continuing his quest for some form of enlightenment, on in the very least a cure for his boredom.

On his ninth day of travel, Jensen had reached the base of the mountain, debating whether or not to scale it’s peak. Walking along the villages of the base he came across a large gathering of men all talking about some grand fighter who was supposedly so skilled in hand to hand combat he could best anyone, even if they held a weapon. Intrigued the enigmatic immortal asked them for directions and he was now off, a few scant footsteps away from the large base of the fence that led into the sanctum of Ta’gaz No-siba, the fabled legendary fighter.

Jensen looked upon the front gate, a mere wooden frame with two cherubs upon the front of the oak above the large knockers that would open the doors. Grinning he lifted his hand up and knocked on the door.

“Think we found a cure for my boredom…” Jensen whispered as he heard the front door swing open, followed by a call from a grizzled throat.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-06-10, 02:43 AM
“Who’s there?” a man asked, his body that of a muscle necked statue of perfection. He didn’t seem to have an ounce of body fat that was wasted on him. He was barrel chested, bald, and full of an air of confidence of someone who has been through much. Jensen eyed him as he looked out to the immortal, seeing his tiny frame through the opened door. “Can I help you, friend?” he asked politely.

“Probably not, since I’m not your friend,” Jensen replied dropping his nap sack five feet from his opponent. “I heard your some hot shot fighter. I wanna test that theory.” Jensen began to bob and weave in place as he moved to the rhythm in his head as he felt his blood boil in anticipation.

“Caeiporeia?” The man shouted to him in disgust. Jensen merely grinned as he kept moving, throwing out a few maneuvers to show his skill which over the years of being with Sei had expanded and only grown. “Get your garbage out of here. I’d flatten you in one hit.” Jensen slowed his step as he merely shuffled in place.

“I’d like to see you try,” Jensen taunted, leveling his finger and taunting him to come at him. “What are you, chicken?”

“No boy,” Ta’gaz said softly without a hint of pride. “I’ll literally hurt you. May even kill you.” He turned back towards his house and reached for the doorknob.

“What’s the point of living if all you’ll do is be a coward and run?” This stopped the man’s retreat back into his house. He sighed deeply as he stepped outwards, his bear feet moving in the rich grass. He looked before Jensen, crossing his arms over his chest and shaking his head.

“If I knock you out, will you leave me alone?” he asked, a hint of joviality in his tone. Jensen shrugged.

“Wouldn’t hurt the chances of me walking away.” He grinned to Ta’gaz, moving back into full swing as he danced in place.

“Can I ask you something before we begin?” Ta’gaz’s tone was caring and soft. This man didn’t appear to be like the rumors aside from his huge girth, but with no bite to his bark Jensen felt he could take him. To answer him Jensen merely rolled his hand forward, begging him to ask so he could fight.

“Why do you seek the thrill of battle?” It was an innocent question, one Jensen had heard many times in his life. His answer usually involved a straight up curse and a middle finger salute, but today he felt spunky. He advanced slowly forwards, moving in time to his beat as he prepared to attack, figuring he could accomplish both answering the question and taking out this guy in one blow.

“Something to do,” Jensen moved in a roundhouse, cart wheeling forward as Ta’gaz merely lifted one hand pushing him aside like he were a play thing. Easily Jensen rolled to face the man, his body moving side to side in large movements. “I find in life the reasons never matter. It’s like debating a point. Some will get it, others won’t.”

Ta’gaz merely lifted one knee up, accepting Jensen’s answer, lifting his hands out before him curling them into two fists that he held at the ready. Feeling the rush of battle in his blood Jensen let out a maddening laughter, moving and darting around, letting out probing kicks to test the patience of the warrior who merely shrugged off all of the immortal's testing blows.

Prepared and ready with a strategy, Jensen dove in with a fierce set of rapid kicks, each one moving in a tandem of speed up and down. Ta’gaz merely kept his cool, lifting to block his face but allowing his chest and his knees to take the brunt of the attack.

"GOT YA!" Jensen cried out, laughter echoing in the mountain air as he shouted his mirth.

When Jensen rolled to perform a flash kick to surprise the taller man he was met with a stiff punch that knocked him right in the side of his temple. The immortal fell like a stack of bricks, eyes rolling in the back of his head as he took a shuddering gasp of breath before feeling his brain grow cloudy. He couldn’t even see out of his right eye, his left eye turning pale as the world softly grew white.

In one punch the fight ended, and in that same punch Jensen Ambrose died.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-06-10, 03:21 AM
Jensen’s world spun around as he softly flittered his eyes open. He felt a wet wash cloth over his head and a soft pillow behind his neck. Moving up slowly he shook his head back and forth clutching the temple where he was hit and softly rubbing it. He turned to see a large bowl of rice presented before him, and following the bowl he saw Ta’gaz’s face full of amusement.

“How long was I out?” Jensen asked pushing the bowl away with a rude shove. Ta’gaz merely placed it down on the table next to him.

“A day or two. I could have sworn I accidentally killed you. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened, I’m afraid to admit. You pulled through like a champ.” Jensen brushed him off as he stood up, feeling a bit of nausea but willing the pain away.

“Jensen Ambrose,” he said softly.

“I know.” Ta’gaz said with amusement. Jensen’s eyes immediately lit up as he turned to Ta’gaz, but just when he was about to ask how he knew, the immortal let out a soft groan. He flopped back into the bed, rolling his back towards the man who killed him and stared out the window.

“Why you here?” Jensen mumbled. To his irritation he heard a soft laughter, a feminine voice calling to him.

“And miss the opportunity for Jensen Ambrose to get killed by one punch? Like hell I’d miss that!” The voice belonged to his only companion in the Ixian Knights he could trust, and that was Stephanie. Her long red hair was curled up into an elaborate double pony tail that stretched to the small of her back, her eyes glowing with mischief as she sat on the cot by Jensen’s feet.

“Shut up,” Jensen muttered. Stephanie merely pushed him as she looked up to Ta’gaz.

“Thanks for playing with an idiot. I’ll be taking him away now.” Ta’gaz merely shook his head as Jensen turned towards the man.

“I am grateful to you, Stephanie, for telling me about your estranged compatriot. However I will not let you take him against his will. If I believe I understand him correctly he will now make his life goal to break my very soul.” Jensen glared to both of them.

“What makes you both experts on my life?” He asked, his voice trialing off in anger as he stepped up and dusted himself off. “A lucky punch, fucker. That’s all. And screw you Steaph. I’m not leaving until I floor this guy. I’ll show you.” He said heatedly.

Ta’gaz merely motioned for them both to follow, and feeling compelled to they both did. They walked into his backyard where he had a small dojo hidden away near a cave side. They entered the dojo where there was a more controlled area for fighting and Ta’gaz stepped into the center.

“Fancy place you got,” Jensen mumbled kicking off his boots and losing his jacket as he shuffled around in place, his head still a little woozy. As he did a roundhouse flip he felt a wash of vertigo hit his head and he collapsed, nearly puking as he pounded the ground.

“What the hell, Jensen,” Stephanie called to him. “You really going to fight like this? He’ll flatten you.”

In response Jensen merely stood up and tried his best to clear his mind. He looked towards Ta’gaz, who merely shook his head sadly before getting into his stance.

“Alright, baldy,” Jensen said feeling a bubbling cry of mirth in his stomach. “Let’s begin!” He laughed again with that maddening echo that filled the dojo, running through Jensen’s system like a fire as all his blood began to boil.

The immortal rushed forward, feeling wind behind his ears as he ducked in low coming up with a wheel kick. Ta’gaz cursed loudly, but not in shock or surprise, but rather in disgust and disappointment. Jensen felt his ankle being lifted up awkwardly as Ta’gaz gripped it and spun, tossing Jensen aside like a doll.

The knight rolled a few feet away but he was back on his feet, taking in a large breath as he laughed feeling a rush of adrenaline to be fighting. Ta’gaz merely glanced at his behavior, shaking his head sadly.

“What makes you an authority on life, you fucker?” Jensen charged back in, attempting a diving sweep kick. All Ta’gaz did was drop his one leg, absorbing the blow of the sweep lifting his other and slamming it down on Jensen’s chest. The immortal coughed up blood, feeling one of his ribs break under the impact and his breaths became ragged and dull.

“Your weakness is your lack of care.” Ta’gaz spoke with vindication. “I was assured I would fight someone with passion, someone who felt the call of battle in their blood. Instead I see a puppy barking at everything that moves. I do not feel your emotions, Jensen. These are all baseless motions! Simple gestures you go through because you feel the need to.” He kicked the immortal in the shoulder, and the knight screamed loudly in pain as he felt the muscles deaden.

Before he could respond Ta’gaz’s closed fist slammed into the pad next to his ear, feeling the rush of force behind his blow, and the crunching of the wood underneath the padded floor. Jensen’s eyes widened in fear as Ta’gaz breathed over him, snarling in contempt as he pulled himself up.

“Show me your convictions.” Ta’gaz said darkly. Jensen didn’t know what the hell happened, for one moment he was fighting some jolly giant, and the next he was fighting some crazed blood thirster. Jensen feebly lifted his hand, the strain in his chest far to much. Angrily Ta’gaz grabbed the immortal in the back of the head and pulled him up easily. His scalp felt on fire as he wrenched some of his hairs loose, eyeing him before throwing three rapid knees into the knight’s stomach, tossing him over head like a potato sack.

“You have none, don’t you?” Ta’gaz said disappointedly. The immortal crumbled under his own weight, his body unable to move from the beating as Stephanie ran over to him. Jensen eyed her, seeing her concern, but he didn’t pay her any attention. Instead he looked down upon his own hands.

“If you do not have a reason to fight, instead finding battle nothing more than a play pen then you and I are done. Go ahead and live your life immortal, feeling content that the only way you’ll ever win is by laughing like a jackass as someone pounds your flesh in over and over. I fight warriors, not clowns.”

Jensen listened to his words and felt something twinge at his heart. A nagging voice spoke behind his ears, a voice he couldn’t exactly understand as he felt so much pain behind his eyes. He thought about those words, and tried to makes sense of them. Instead he felt emptiness in his silent reflections. Not even the usual comfort of his laughter seemed to make sense to the immortal.

Why the fuck am I doing this? He wondered to himself. What’s the point? What’s to prove? By the horsemen this asshole is right…I’m lacking some serious convictions here… He glanced to see Ta’gaz looking over him. Jensen kept his eyes focused on his foes, though he couldn’t move.

“Well?” Ta’gaz asked him in a rude manner. “Can I expect you to wake up again and take me more seriously?” Stephanie looked to Ta’gaz and then back to Jensen.

“You fool, give it up, the guy is pretty strong, and you got nothing to prove!” Jensen merely flipped her off. He stubbornly lifted his hand out, the limb shaking with every motion. He determinedly stood before him on all fours, his hands curled into white knuckle fists to support him. With on wheezing breath he looked up to Ta’gaz.

“Kill me.” Jensen whispered. Ta’gaz’s scowl only depend. “Kill me, and claim your victory. It’ll heal my wounds faster.” Jensen spoke with determination in each word, feeling his pride softly scratching his surface. For far to long had Jensen fought laughing at the battle, making sport of his foes and generally being an ass on the field of battle. The immortal died many times for his foolish behavior, but not anymore.

He would find his convictions and drive them behind a force that compelled him to strive to achieve them. Without even knowing what happened his world went black, a bright flash of white as something collided with the back of his head.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-06-10, 03:35 AM
“You been training for days, Jensen,” Stephanie said as she watched her friend twirl and move in tandem, stopping himself before rolling into a series of fierce jabs and uppercuts, swiftly rolling back and diving forwards with a wheel kick. After he landed he turned to her, face full of contemplation.

“I suppose I have, yes,” Jensen admitted.

“Why?” The question charred Jensen’s bones when he heard it. The reason it did so wasn’t because the answer should have been obvious. In the end of meditating for seven hours Jensen realized he had no convictions nor cares. He had tossed them aside. He lived life without a care, and with that lack of care he fought the same way.

Jensen honestly didn’t remember a fight he actually won. The last real victory was against Jennifer Oakley. And she was a summoner, not a fighter. Not a warrior. He reflected on all his past battles, feeling a twinge of grief for himself and guilt for his actions.

William Arcus, the demon host with the fiery temper, had always physically defeated the immortal, breaking bones, smashing his face in, and killing him both times they went at it. Jensen hadn’t the ability to walk away from those battles with his head held high. Instead he just walked away.

The strange mutant of N’Jal had thoroughly crushed him, kicking his face in, breaking his arm, smashing his knee cap all because Jensen didn’t really fight back. What was his victory in that fight? Slitting his own throat.

Sei Orlouge didn’t just defeat Jensen physically, but mentally as well. The mystic mute just countered everything he threw, and when he tried to just kill himself the fairy king managed to sprout some wings and save his life. He couldn’t live with that shame, and now he felt even more shame because he instead wanted to just seek death as his reward.

Sarah Dahlios was just another humiliating lesson in destruction. Back in his younger days the immortal thought it would be worth a chuckle to sexually harass Sarah’s child, being a perverted pedophile. In the end he was beaten to a pulp and left for dead. His eyes had taken days to heal, his strange powers of reincarnation never healing them fully like they normally did. Jensen felt that he had a moral victory in scaring the shit out of her daughter, but in the end he was nothing more than a freak on a leash.

Taka Benjiro was his final humiliating realization, the Akashiman merely lopping his head off like it were nothing. He found tranquility in Jensen’s sea of madness, as did all the people he fought. His tricks seemed to only work once, and that was it. Should he fight any of these people again he wouldn’t have anything to defeat them with.

So when Stephanie asked her question at to why, it left a sour taste because he had no answer. Why was he training so hard indeed? He wasn’t sure if he was tired of losing, or tired of fighting without convictions. He had nothing in his life he cared for, and in the end that was probably the worst feeling he felt.

“I’m training to beat this guy.” Jensen replied after leaving her alone in the dark for a few seconds. He turned away from her, beginning his regiment of rapid kicks into rapid flips into a few cross cuts and jabs, flowing from one fighting stance into the other. Stephanie sighed as she looked to him with a caring smile, running a hand through her hair as she merely sat and watched her friend train.

“I don’t understand, Jensen, but if you need anything I’m here.” she whispered to him.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-06-10, 03:51 AM
Jensen awoke early the next morning, seeing Ta’gaz in the dojo talking with Stephanie as both laughed happily. He was training her in a few of his own moves, and it seemed she was picking it up quick enough. She moved flawlessly because of her Caeiporiea experience, but the use of one leg for balance and the other for attack was new to her. She had learned many new tricks to add her repertoire, including using her feet to pull opponent’s inwards where she could flip up and mule kick them in the chest.

As the immortal stepped into the dojo he took off his shirt, performing a few stretches and jogging in place before stepping up into the padded ring with both of them. Ta’gaz gave him a wary glance before nodding his head to Stephanie. She smiled sweetly and jogged away to a corner by herself, training on a practice dummy the new moves she was taught to perfection. Jensen watched as she trained, seeing her glow in ways he never saw before.

“You have trained very hard lately,” Ta’gaz entered his fighting stance. “Show me what you discovered.”

Jensen nodded once before pacing back and forth quickly, his feet moving in tandem. When he felt confident and ready he dove in, kicking low. Ta’gaz dropped his foot to parry the kick, yet Jensen twirled, running his extended foot out on the ground to drag him into position as he let out a flurry of jabs and punches into Ta’gaz’s exposed stomach.

He pulled back and rested on his back foot, kicking upwards in a stiff straight kick. Ta’gaz blocked it with one fist, his other coming out and slamming underneath Jensen’s knee popping it out of place as he screamed in pain dropping before the larger warrior. The man gripped the immortal's head in his hands, squeezing tightly as he lifted Jensen upwards.

“Lesson two,” he spoke softly. “Effort doesn’t equal victory. Training for days on end has conditioned you and even granted you the ability to fight like a warrior, but all you are is armor with no body to protect! What convictions do you have beyond this one fight? All I see is determination to win this one fight, but what of those after it? What compels you to win those fights? What drives you to at least give it your all?”

Weakly Jensen looked to him, his brain feeling pressurized as he weakly kicked his legs in Ta’gaz’s mighty grip. Drool dripped down the side of his face, and he noticed Stephanie stopped training observing the fight. Ta’gaz merely looked into Jensen’s eyes, seeing the direction they pointed and he spoke in a whisper so only the immortal could understand.

“She does indeed have a reason to fight, a reason to give it her all each time battle is called. Her reasons are foreign to me, and I do not understand them, Jensen, but she at least has them. You have nothing, nothing to give you the heart of battle, the warrior’s pride!” Jensen felt his eyes ready to bulge as he squeezed harder. Sighing the warrior tossed Jensen onto the ground, bringing his foot up.

Weakly Jensen looked upwards, seeing the eyes of Ta’gaz glaring down at him. Yet the immortal merely smiled. This stopped Ta’gaz from attacking, but he kept himself ready.

“I don’t know why I fight…because I don’t know why I live…” Jensen nodded to the man, and in return Ta’gaz nodded to him. With a deafening crunch Jensen’s skull was cracked open and he died.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-06-10, 05:30 PM
Jensen felt all of his muscles ache, all of his ribs ache, all of his body ache. When some people complain about their pains and anguish from minor bruises he now wanted to slap them silly. If he could lift his arm that was. He had died seventeen times in his trip out to visit Ta’gaz, almost every waking moment Jensen had was either in meditation or in training before Ta’gaz would come and ask the immortal what he discovered. Always the results were the same. Jensen lacked any substance and Ta’gaz destroyed him for it.

Irritably Jensen ate his food, using two fingers to eat like a starving child. His dexterity wasn’t what it used to be and a few days ago Stephanie had to feed him herself as he couldn’t move his muscles at all. Each time she saw him she smiled, but he could see the pain in her eyes of watching her friend being beaten to death multiple times. She just couldn’t grasp why this was so important, but Jensen was starting to come up with an answer to her.

He was training and fighting to learn why he did so.

A strange sensation coursed through him as he watched her train with Ta’gaz, a simple thrill just watching her move next to her mentor who trained her in the arts he employed. Her kicks were getting stronger, her attacks faster and even her agility and balance seemed to improve dramatically. Her skills were getting better and better, and the reasons he was impressed wasn’t how she grew, but why she trained just as hard as her friend.

He inquired several days ago, and she merely shrugged saying if it meant that much to him she would train to find out the reasons why as well.

He munched his rice feeling his strength return to a few of his limbs. Lately all he had energy to do was meditate as he waited for his body to heal. Each fight Jensen managed to last a little bit longer against Ta’gaz, feeling the scales of balance shift gently closer to his side. In a few days time he would fight again, and this time he promised not to go down so easily.

“Whatcha doin?” Stephanie asked sitting behind Jensen, resting her back against his as they sat cross legged on the floor. Ta’gaz was in his kitchen, making two meals for himself and Stephanie. Jensen looked over his shoulder, and glancing at the sweat on her body. She was in a particularly long training session, and it seemed this was her first break in four hours.

“Just minding my own business,” Jensen muttered as he felt Stephanie’s hand inch towards his and wrap a few fingers in with his. She leaned her head on his shoulder, and he leaned his on hers as they both sighed at once. She giggled and Jensen chuckled, both enjoying their estranged habits that they shared.

“You find out the reasons yet?” Stephanie asked lifting herself up and drawing her knees in. Jensen lifted his head and thought about his answer long and hard. In the end he remained truthful to himself as he softly shook his head.

“Not a clue.” He stood with a groan, watching Ta’gaz walk forwards with food in hand. He entered the small shrine at the mouth of the cave, handing Stephanie a plate with a sandwich upon it. Greedily she took a large bite out of it, gulping it down quickly and burping. She turned red in the cheeks as both looked to her, before all three let out a joyful laughter.

Ta’gaz took a generous helping of his sandwich, placing a bowl of rice in front of the immortal. Jensen willed himself to ignore it, standing upwards to look Ta’gaz in the eye. The warrior merely looked to Jensen like he were an acquaintance, not in a friendly way like he did to Stephanie. Jensen didn’t need his approval, but he did want the man’s respect. He hadn’t gone through this nightmare just to be spat upon at sight.

“Why do you fight?” Jensen asked, feeling his hair as he rubbed it gently. “What gives you the power to fight with all your might each time you are called to battle?” Ta’gaz merely placed his sandwich on the table, motioning for the immortal to follow him. Jensen sighed as usually that was the man’s way of saying, come and get your ass kicked and reflect on the meaning.

“I once fought like you, Jensen Ambrose,” Ta’gaz said as he walked towards the dojo. “I once fought and killed men in prize fighting arenas, merely to earn a coin and move on to find another fighter. Eventually I came across a man in Akashima who stopped me and asked to fight. Suffice to say I fared little better than you, only hitting him five or six times before he knocked me out.”

Ta’gaz stopped at the entrance to the dojo and looked over his building. “He asked me the questions I asked you, and I had no answer at the time. He told me to go on in life, and fight the way I see fit, but if I ever wanted to challenge him again I must learn the reasons why I fight.” Ta’gaz gently opened the doors, with reverence as he stepped in and walked to his padded mat. He performed a few stretch kicks before resting in his fighting stance.

Jensen felt his body protest as he flowed into his own fighting stance, keeping his Caeiporiea more tight knit and less exaggerated. He would lose much strength behind his kicks as they had less time to build up momentum, but he could land more blows and surprise Ta’gaz more successfully.

“At first his words meant nothing to me, but then I fought again and again, seeing people like myself who fought purely for sport and nothing more. Those fighters had style, but not heart. It became rather pathetic to fight people like that.”

Ta’gaz moved in with a dash, kicking his leg out in a horizontal blow that Jensen ducked under, moving in with rapid kicks. Ta’gaz took several blows but managed to bring in his leg again to block the blows with. Jensen stepped backwards, cart heeling a second time as his opponent dove upwards with a fierce uppercut. When he landed Jensen went for a low sweep, feinting it as he turned in step with a stiff straight kick to Ta’gaz’s jaw. The blow landed and the warrior staggered, allowing Jensen to hop forwards and upwards with his right knee catching the man in the throat.

He fell to the ground, his fists blocking his face as Jensen mounted him and began a series of punches and kicks to the softest part of his foe’s flesh. With an angry roar Ta’gaz used both his fists and hammered Jensen in the side of the face, knocking him over where both men kipped up to their feet.

“I then thought if I had a purpose and the determination to see that purpose victorious I would be a better fighter, but in the end ideals and purposes are merely trivial. Like you said before, Jensen Ambrose, reasons why people fight are like debating opinions. Some will understand them, others will not.”

Ta’gaz advanced with his knee outstretched, Jensen having to lurch to the side and come up after a tight roll diving inwards and tackling Ta’gaz’s other leg. The warrior felt the impact, even grunted, but he didn’t fall. This attack cost Jensen the match as Ta’gaz’s other leg pounded into the immortal’s ribs, cracking them all over again as he lost all the ability to fight, no wind in his sails.

“Answer…my…question…” Jensen wheezed. Ta’gaz merely smiled.

“I had learned it’s not the purpose of seeing your vision made real, but simply to fight and give your all to an ideal so that you perform at your peak performance. It’s never been about victory or loss, but doing yourself and the ideals you hold proud by fighting with everything.”

Ta’gaz lifted his foot up, but held it above the immortal. “I fight anyone who shows me they have an ideal they will fight for, just like that man had shown me. I fight, Jensen Ambrose, for I wish to challenge that man again.” His leg came crashing down, but the immortal rolled to avoid it, breathing heavily.

“Thanks…” Jensen said weakly. Ta’gaz looked down upon Jensen, then grabbed him by his neck and lifted him up and over his shoulder.

“Your food is getting cold,” he said to the immortal with a smile.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-06-10, 05:50 PM
It was evening in the mountains, and a chill wind fell over the land of Corone as Jensen watched Stephanie practice her new fighting moves on the dummies. He watched her saw a determination in her eyes to perfect all she learned, and he noticed the several bruises and cuts and scrapes of failure. Each time she missed a move she would vent her frustrations by planting her fist into the padded mat, speaking a calming mantra, then get up and try it again. Her obsession was baffling the immortal, and he couldn’t quite understand why she did all this.

“She’s a unique woman, Jensen,” Ta’gaz said in a jovial whisper, stepping behind the knight. “Her heart is not made for war, but she made it her life. Her heart is not made for fighting, but she will crush anyone who opposes her beliefs. An enigma, that would be a good word to describe her.”

“Pain in the ass is usually my going description,” Jensen yawned as he watched her fail another series of twists and turns while balancing on one leg. This time she pounded her fists multiple times in the mat, teeth flaring in spite as she stood up and tried it again, only to fail far faster.

“Yet for what she is, at least she has a reason to fight.” Ta’gaz said softly.

“Right now her reason is going to bruise her knuckles. Do you know why she fights?” Jensen turned to the man, who merely nodded silently. As he watched Stephanie trained he sadly looked upon Jensen with a smile.

“I do indeed, and it’s one I cannot fathom, but it’s enough for her to get up and fight with her all every time she is in battle. She cares deeply for someone, she said, maybe even love this one soul. She continuously strives to be stronger, faster, better overall for this soul, in the hopes one day that soul will understand the reasons her heart beats. If she can be strong for this person, then said person wouldn’t need to destroy themselves.”

Jensen looked back to her and shook his head.

“Fucking useless,” he muttered under his breath scratching the back of his head. “Adolph and her…I always knew she liked him, but never goes out to say anything about it. Now she’s in their destroying her body just to prove she loves that moron of a giant.” Jensen stopped his thoughts. “Not that he’s a bad choice for her love, far cry better than me.” Jensen admitted touching his chest softly before turning to look at Ta’gaz. The man still looked sadly to him with a smile as he walked towards a bench next to the dojo, sitting down. Jensen followed him, sitting down comfortably as he rested one leg on his knee and placed his arms behind his head, taking in the crisp mountain air.

“Have you never once fought for love, Jensen?” Ta’gaz asked simply. The immortal at first was about to say no, but then softly nodded his head.

“Yeah, yeah I did come to think of it.” He let the memory resurface in his mind’s eye as he spoke distantly. “There is a woman back at home that I kinda fell for. Kyla Orlouge. She’s smoking hot and a fire cracker to boot. In one night I had the time of my life, feeling emotions and joy that really made me feel good. Well long story short her ex-boyfriend shows up and challenges me to a duel to fight for her honor.

“Some asshole then kidnaps me and tortures the shit out of me until I can’t even stand, blood pouring out of my mouth, one hand charred to a crisp, and missing an eyeball that was stabbed by a needle. Pain never felt so good when compared to that. I couldn’t even feel. Well when I was there to fight the guy who challenged me we just both kind of stared at the other, then I collapsed and died.”

Ta’gaz remained quiet, looking back at Jensen with a knowing look of someone who’s experienced similar traumas, but what they were he didn’t speak of, instead asking the question, “Was this Kyla even there?”

Jensen shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe. Someone was screaming my name, but I couldn’t focus outside my immediate area. Stephanie usually is there, whenever I die she has this nasty habit of being there.”

“What of Stephanie?” Ta’gaz asked curiously. Jensen shrugged.

“What of her? I like her nice enough, but she’s just my fellow knight. Nothing but that, and probably nothing ever more than that.” Ta’gaz nodded his head. Jensen looked to the man not convinced he accepted his answer. “She’s a sweet kid, but let’s face it. She just doesn’t know what my life is like, nobody does. I’d be surprised if she ever could glimpse the pain I go through…” Jensen looked to the house and stood up, stretching his back and yawning. “I’m hitting the bed. Goodnight, Ta’gaz.”

The warrior merely waved him away and Jensen left, thinking of that one moment he did have an ideal he would fight for, but shaking it out of his mind as he figured he would save that for tomorrow’s meditation.

In his thoughts the immortal never heard it, but behind the Dojo wall Stephanie cried bawling tears as she shivered, hearing the hurtful words of the man she loved.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-06-10, 06:18 PM
“I’m getting really tired of tossing you around, Jensen Ambrose,” Ta’gaz said cheerfully as Jensen’s body slammed into the dojo wall and he fell like a stack of bricks. This time he as fighting, fighting for Kyla, and he was getting beaten to shit, beaten so badly it was embarrassing. Stephanie merely watched from the side, her face in a scowl as she watched Jensen’s body get torn to shreds.

He had thought he found it, excited enough to even wake up Stephanie. When he told her what he would fight for she merely told him to fuck off and rolled back into her blankets, sleeping. Jensen merely pushed her playfully as he spent the morning hours training, feeling content that this was the reason he would fight.

Ta’gaz accepted his challenge, the man always did, and was even content to learn of Jensen’s passion for this Kyla Orlouge, but in the end it was probably doing the immortal no better than if he just fought because he was bored. Thinking about as he got up, he realized he was doing better if he just didn’t care at all.

Jensen came back in with a wheel kick, only to have the small of his back kicked in and he flew out towards Stephanie, bouncing and rolling until he stopped just before her. The two locked eyes, a hint of anger, but also of care in her eyes as she flipped her hair out her face with an impatient hand.

“How goes your love for Kyla?” she sneered.

“As you can see, not so well. How’s your period?” Jensen sassed back receiving a slap from the girl as she growled to him. Ta’gaz merely shook his head dropping his stance.

“Jensen, I’m done. You’re performing even worse than usual. Sad really.” Jensen at first felt like protesting, but in the end he just nodded his head. “May I suggest something?” Jensen shrugged. “Find a new ideal to believe in, what you believe in now is a joke.” Jensen felt his ire raise, but he just huffed out his anger turning his back and looking up to Stephanie.

“No, he’s seriously right.” She spoke venomously, eyes turning into two slits of hatred. Jensen merely rolled his eyes.

“And your love for Adolph is any better.” Her eyes went wide at this accusation, and she gripped him by his neck, choking the life out of him.

“TAKE THAT BACK!” Jensen choked and gurgled his responses before they both stood, his hands on hers as her thumbs tried to squish his lymph nodes. He placed on knee on her stomach and pulled her backwards, extending his leg outwards and kicking her off him. The girl placed two hands on the floor and cart wheeled back to her feet, lifting her leg up in a fighting stance.

“You think you’re just so cool because you love Adolph,” Jensen hissed. “Well don’t let your frustrations for him not loving you back get taken out on me!”

“Ya know something, Jensen,” Stephanie said lowering her leg. “Fuck you. Fuck you and your little immortal curse. Fuck you and your holier than thou attitude and your stupid love for stupid girls. Fuck you and your blind eyes that cannot see what‘s clearly in front of you!”

“Fuck you bitch!” Jensen called back, lifting her the bird as he shuffled in place. “Fuck you and your I-gotta-be-right-all the time attitude, your snaky dumb comments and your childlike need to follow me around everywhere I go! Fuck you and your constant babying of me!”

Both screamed for blood as they charged, coming up in a vicious flying jump kick for Stephanie, Jensen rotating in the air with a back kick. Both their boots collapsed on the other’s jaw and they fell like a stack of bricks, legs tangled over each other. Both breathed heavily for a moment until Jensen started to laugh. Stephanie merely glared as she propped her head up, looking to Jensen.

“You okay there, dumbass?” she asked, feeling a bit of mirth in her heart as she saw him smile.

“Yup, you okay over there, stupid broad?” he asked. She nodded to him, a sly grin covering her face.

Both glanced to the other before they out a long, hard laugh as they untangled themselves. Both stood up and bowed to the other, before Jensen began to rotate in step as Stephanie lifted her knee up high, lifting her hands over her chest in a ready position.

“Thanks,” Jensen said to her, which caused her to drop her guard for a fraction of a second.

“For what?”

“Everything, kid.” Jensen whispered as he came at her, moving in complex steps as he danced around her kicks. She in turn moved flawlessly around him, darting in and letting go a few probing jabs with her foot before cart wheeling backwards to defend against the immortal.

They fought all day, both laughing and enjoying themselves as Ta’gaz merely watched from his back porch, sipping green tea and smiling.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-06-10, 06:49 PM
Today was the day, today was the day Jensen would beat Ta’gaz. He merely had to fight with Stephanie to realize what he cared about, what he would do to fight in all he did. He saw it when he looked into her eyes, seeing the longing there. It was never about Kyla, it was never about his pain, it wasn’t even about humiliating defeats or his need to laugh.

Jensen Ambrose discovered why he wanted to fight, and this purpose filled his heart as reason and logic agreed with it in his own mind. This was acceptable to his psyche, and with his entire being; body, mind, and soul, all resonating on the same wave length he felt energy he didn’t know existed.

As he stepped into the Dojo he found Stephanie training with Ta’gaz, but one look at the immortal and the girl grinned wildly, knowing at long last the man had found his reason to fight. Ta’gaz also smiled, a predatory smile of one who was ready to fight some big game with his bear hands. He lifted up his bandages from the ground, tightening them around his knuckles tightly before gripping his fist and looking to the immortal.

Jensen merely lifted his shirt off his back, kicking his boots off and removing his socks as he curled his body and let out a loud yawn and a large stretch. He shuffled in place, feeling his blood boil with new heights of energy and the immortal was ready as he shuffled in place.

“Show me everything you have to offer!” Ta’gaz said excitedly.

Jensen and the warrior both moved in the other, the immortal going low as Ta’gaz kept himself tight. When they met the knight turned and cart wheeled, kicking upwards and twisting, bringing his other leg out in a right angle as he spun twice into Ta’gaz’s face. In return the man tightened his fist and dove forwards, his fist coming up in a fierce uppercut, only to jump through air.

With a maddening laughter Jensen rolled underneath the attack, coming back out of his roll with a stubborn mule kick that hit the taller warrior mid air. He crumbled to the ground, air pushing out of his lips in a grunt as he rolled to the side to avoid the immortal’s dropping heel.

Moving in step he slid his extended heel back, twirling and stomping his foot at the fallen Ta’gaz, keeping up the pressure as he continued this dance. Ta’gaz at last managed an effective block, grabbing Jensen’s foot and twisting so he flew outwards. Using his hands for a brace he flipped onto his feet again, coming up with a flash kick that hit Ta’gaz while he climbed to his knee. The impact sent the older man backwards onto the flat of his back, rolling backwards and coming up with a high knee that caught the advancing immortal off guard.

His stomach heaved at the impact, feeling his eyes water as he fell backwards, but he shook his head quickly wiping away the effects as landed in a skid on to the mat, filling the dojo with laughter. They stood apart for a moment, each sizing the other up.

“You’re clever, old man,” Jensen admitted. “I didn’t see it before, when we talked. You gave me the hint I needed to find what I was lacking. I had the purpose all along inside my heart, and you saw that when I fought you the first time! You wouldn’t have accepted my challenge if I didn’t already have it.”

Ta’gaz pointed to him with a knowing grin. “You did indeed have that passion, but you were unconsciously using it. I merely taught you how to bring it to the fore! Now you have conviction, you always had it, but this time it’s conscious in your mind. Not locked away.”

Jensen and Ta’gaz dove in again, Jensen performing a series of cartwheels before coming up with a triple spinning kick, each part of his foot connecting. The first hit knocked his arms out of the way as the second spin knocked him in the chin, the third hit kicking him off the ground a few inches as he stumbled onto one knee.

Stephanie watched, feeling her own blood boil to see them fight like warriors. Something was different about Jensen, he laughed, laughed wildly like he always did, but this time it didn’t seem out of place, nor wrong to do so. He laughed like a freak and it echoed throughout the dojo unnerving her. What had changed inside Jensen, she didn’t know, but she smiled as she thought how at long last the immortal found what was in his heart.

She sighed sadly however, as she watched him fight, coming to the realization of why Jensen fought, her heart beating rapidly to even think of it.

Jensen’s foot came out in a roundhouse, Ta’gaz blocking it with his fists, grabbing it and bringing up his other hand to snap the joint. Jensen turned into his hold, kicking upwards and outwards ina tight roll that pushed the larger warrior away as Jensen got back on his feet, smiling and laughing as he moved in the rhythm of his own beat.

“Amazing,” Ta’gaz said. “You fight like you did before, but with more purpose now! I knew you had it locked away, but I never knew you had embraced it so fully. I’ll admit I do not exactly what drives you, but I am curiosu to know.”

Jensen merely laughed, coming in with a series of air kicks before landing in a flash kick. Ta’gaz blocked each blow, driving his right leg forward and kicking with his left to Jensen’s side beating him back with a series of combination punches and kicks as he took advantage of the fight.

When Jensen saw an opening he took it, diving forward with his fist in a curled hook, laughing and cackling as he screamed out his joy. “You just ran outta luck!” When the fist collided Ta’gaz felt his wind knock out of his lungs, eyes bugging out as Jensen kneed him in the face. “Don’t cry now!”

Ta’gaz’s face lifted upwards and Jensen spun to end his finishing maneuver, feeling excitement in his lungs as Stephanie covered her mouth in surprise, her tears swelling in pride for her immortal friend, but all joy soon turned to a stunned silence.

“Pouncing Puma!” Ta’gaz whispered as he lurched himself forwards, jumping into the air and slamming both knees into Jensen’s face. The knight fell backwards, yet his wrist felt a tug as Ta’gaz merely brought one fierce knee into Jensen’s gut, letting him crumble downwards. Ta’gaz gripped the back of Jensen’s head, slamming it into the ground before lifting him up and tossing him in the air.

“You grew strong, Jensen Ambrose, for that you have my respect and honor to see the end of my Puma Claw Strike.” Jensen barely heard the words of praise, his back arching in the air as he spun and fell back to the dojo floor, but only to find Ta’gaz lifting himself upwards with fierce speed, one fist rising above the other as he slammed it into Jensen’s jaw bringing the immortal up higher.

When they both descended Ta’gaz landed on his feet, Jensen falling flat on his shoulders and crumbling into a sack of bones as his neck ached something fierce.

“They call me a legend for a reason,” he said pride fully, looking down upon Jensen as Stephanie ran over to her friend. Jensen merely looked to him, and the warrior’s nodded as Jensen passed out in Stephanie’s arms.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-06-10, 07:22 PM
When Jensen awoke iwas late in the night. Stephanie was resting her head on his chest, one slender arm draped across his body as her knee hooked with his lovingly. Her other hand was softly scratching his hair, and she breathed peacefully. He looked up to see Ta’gaz standing over him, smiling as he lifted up Jensen’s traveling kit.

“You did well, Jensen. Took nearly four weeks, but you learned what you always knew.” Jensen smiled as he softly moved Stephanie off of him, being careful not to wake her as the two stepped out onto the back porch. Jensen felt his neck stiffen from the cold air, and Ta’gaz gripped him in a bear hug, lifting one hand and popping the neck with ease, bringing instant gratification to the immortal’s discomfort.

“Thanks,” he mumbled rubbing his sore spot. They stood silently before Ta’gaz dropped himself into one of his chairs, pouring himself tea as well as tea for Jensen. “I never felt so excited about fighting before. My blood always sang in battle, I always laughed like a hyena, but I never knew why until now.”

“Feels a whole lot different, doesn’t it?” Ta’gaz asked. “Imagine my eyes when I learned that I was fighting merely so I can prove I can fight that one man again.” he laughed sipping his tea. “Winning and losing stopped mattering to me, I just wanted to prove myself. It’s different than yours-”

The immortal lifted his hand interrupting him. “But the effect is still the same. To fight with a purpose, no matter what it is, is different from fighting without passion. I see that now. I never had to change who I was, never had to search for something that wasn’t there. The reasons are always with us, but we need to just open our eyes and see them.”

Ta’gaz smiled to Jensen, patting him on the back. “And losing to me?” The immortal laughed.

“I lose a lot of fights, actually. Lost to Sei, Sarah Dahlios, Taka, Stephanie…I always lose, but this time…I feel okay with it.” Jensen thought about that one. “I’ve always been okay with losing. I only started caring when you clouded my mind. But once I learned why I was fighting it all became clear again, and the wins and losses, they meant nothing.”

“So why do you fight, Jensen Ambrose?” Jensen looked back to Stephanie as she slept, and smiled to the girl.

“I fight because I want to know why I live. Each battle I feel will bring me closer to the answer of why I cannot die. In the very least it’s the only time I feel really, truly alive.” Ta’gaz sipped his tea, slurping it a little as he looked to Stephanie then to Jensen.

“You do not feel alive when with your friends?” Jensen shook his head sadly. “Why is that?”

“My real friend’s froze to death, so I try not to get attached to people. They have a tendency to die around me…Denzel, Chanelle, Miguel, Razgriez…People I love die. Kyla’s always in danger, she’s the freaking daughter of Sei Orlouge, so I feel safe falling for her.”

“But safe isn’t always right, you know.” Jensen looked to his tea and swiveled it around in the porcelain cup. “You can’t always expect the best in life, Jensen, for then you build walls made of paper, easily breakable. You also cannot live in complete anguish for your past, for you build walls of stone that will not show you the light of a new day. You must learn to just have no walls, Jensen, and merely live each day.”

“No offense, but that’s a hell of a lot easier said than done, Ta’gaz.” The warrior merely nodded. They stood in silence, listening to the rustling of the trees as Jensen sipped his tea. The smooth taste warmed his heart as he held the cup delicately.

“So do we fight again in the morning, Jensen Ambrose?” Ta’gaz asked.

“No, I think I’m done. You’re strong, Ta’gaz. As strong as the legends say. I got no need to rattle your dojo with my body and defile it with my blood and sweat. I should probably head back to Sei’s tomb. He’ll be back soon if he isn’t already.” Jensen looked to the man. “I don’t normally act this way. I’m a total jerk. Yet you, you really reminded me of someone I have a lot of respect for. Your strong, and you know your strong, and you won’t be afraid to use that strength for what you believe in.”

“Who do I remind you of, if I may ask?” Ta’gaz asked.

“Xavier Sigma, the man who helped bring the broken pieces of my mind together as a child. He’s kind of like a father figure to me, a man I’d give my life for a thousand times if necessary. Don’t get me wrong, if I see an opportunity to watch you die I’ll grab front row seats!” The both laughed as they looked out over the stars, watching the moon shift ever so slowly in the night sky.

“What about Stephanie?” Jensen looked back to her and felt his heart twinge. Then he remembered burning his friend’s bodies upon a pier, taking their ashes and entombing them forever in the halls of Death’s Cradle, his fortress home in the knight’s of Apocalypse.

“I can’t tell. I don’t’ know…I kind of just like things are the way they’ve been going.” he admitted. “I’ll admit I feel strong kinship towards, and she’s been really good to me, but friend is a strong word for me. Can’t expect you to understand it, Ta’gaz. But maybe I can help her fall with her loving Adolph. I owe her that much for sticking with me. Still don’t know why she does…” he mused.

Ta’gaz, who knew that Stephanie loved Jensen, felt compelled to say something, but remembered his promise to Stephanie not to speak of it to the immortal. Instead he sighed to the knight, hoping one day his thick head would see what he has in front of him. Find a new reaon besides fighting to live. The Enigmatic Immortal grew on the large warrior, and he felt confident in the next words he spoke.

“I wish to join you, Jensen Ambrose,” Ta’gaz said sternly. “Stephanie has alerted me to the plight that plagues Corone, and I think I can be of some help. I’d also like to spar with you, for I haven’t had an opponent who tested my skills so strongly. If even a fraction of what I heard of the Ixian Knight’s is true, I should find many opponents even stronger than you to test my skills against.”

“What of this mountain home of yours?” Jensen gestured to the beautiful surroundings.

“Oh this place? It belongs to Yu, the man I wish to fight again someday.” Jensen looked to the man with a curious look before laughing out loud. Ta’gaz joined him, both men clasping the other on the back as they stood. Jensen took one last look out over the night, feeling the chilling presence of fate’s winds blowing in the direction of Sei’s tomb, but he wouldn’t bother wasting his time fearing it.

Instead he looked to the wind with a snarl of mirth, feeling elation at the prospect of fighting all over again.

Jensen receives nothing, but I wish to request that the Ixian Knights gain the use of NPC Ta'gaz No-siba, a legendary hand to hand expert to help with Horturi in training the Ixian Knight's army. This would in effect, pending NPC character approval, allow him to be used as an NPC without my permission to any member of Althanas.

Silence Sei
06-08-10, 08:15 AM
Story (20/30) ~ A decent 'training to be better' story, with some actual *gasp* Development with Jensen! Maybe he'll be less of a douche now.

Character (25/30) ~ You played all three characters involved well. I just wish I saw more of Stephanie's character come out.

Mechanics (10/30) Several times you said 'bear' instead of 'bare'. Remember, when referring to the hug (Unless the hugger is naked) or the animal, it's bear. If it just means without clothing or without something, it's 'bare'. There were also a few typos that I caught

Wildcard (8/10) If only I had seen more of stephanies love story sub-plot come out, this woulda been a 10.

Total: 63

EI gets 2075 exp, and 130 GP