View Full Version : Artemis Eburi the Quiet

06-06-10, 11:48 PM
Name: Artemis Eburi
Age: 25
Race: Human
Hair Color: Dark Brown with some grays
Eye Color: Piercing Blue
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 165 lbs
Occupation: Formerly worked as a blacksmith as a hobby


Artemis is a very quite individual who seems quite pained. He seems to be lost in his own thoughts the majority of the time, and is very emotionally guarded. This makes him seem emotionless to some, but still exerts an aura of power and awareness. He is generally seen as rude, but only because his energy in conversation seems to be lacking. He is kind, though his gestures are known to be misinterpreted because they do not fit into the social norm. He keeps to himself while looking for ways to distract himself, and is known to admire craftsmanship of blades. The only sparkle people see in Artemis' eyes is when someone walks by with a fine blade. It is not a look of greed, simply one of admiration. He is often found conversing with the local smiths and is always available for helping others out. Though he does seem cold, he helps with almost any task. These task range from putting up laundry or getting a kitten from a tree, to hunting and extermination missions.


The character is somewhat on the shorter side, and yet very well refined. His muscles are not the largest, but are certainly well honed. Though his blue eyes are a piercing shade of blue, they seem empty and cold, as if his iris is constructed of ice itself. He wears a very dark blue full body leather armor that fits very snug and allows for fluid movements. He also occasionally dons a black cloak when in towns, but mostly wears only his leather armor, which has a strange emblem located on the front and back, with a hood attached as an extra accessory. His face is often emotionless and almost always seen as scruffy. He keeps his facial hair somewhat groomed, but it is never clean shaven. His facial features are very handsome, and though women seem to be quite attracted to him, he doesn't seem to notice.


At a young age, Artemis admired his father's craft. His father was the town smith, and was very much liked and respected. Artemis would often times watch his father at work the entire day and take in as much as he could. At the young age of 12, he was already smithing small blades as toys for himself, though they were very crude and low quality. His father enjoyed watching his son fall in love with the craft, because he knew that soon he would be able to apprentice his son and continue the family tradition of smiths.
At the age of 16, as Artemis began to apprentice for his father, he also began to pay more attention to some of the customers and visitors. He learned that his father was part of a group of fighters, but did not know much more. Artemis wanted to join and learn to fight. However, his father was a big and burley man and was known to fight with a two-handed maul. Artemis had a fancy for shorter blades. So Artemis' father introduced him to a town friend, a dark elf who went by the name Hawk. Hawk was a somewhat young yet wise dark elf who was skilled with dual wielding, and began to teach Artemis everything he knew. Artemis was so passionate that he impressed Hawk, and so Hawk would go above and beyond in trying to teach Artemis. The training was often long, and would go into the night. Though it was clear that the hours were taking a toll on Artemis, he refused to slow down his training. At the age of 22, he had mastered working with two blades, and after a mere 6 years, Hawk had nothing left to teach. In fact, it seemed that despite his youth, Artemis' raw talent and youthful creativity would allow him to surpass even Hawk soon enough. Artemis then crafted himself the finest daggers he could, and after years of apprenticing with his father and training with Hawk he knew exactly what he needed. He crafted two daggers for himself out of fine steel, the finest his father could get his hands on. He spent nearly a month on each dagger, folding the steel over on itself repeatedly. The blades were extremely durable, and were so well worked that even his father admired the workmanship.
On his 23rd birthday, Artemis found out that his father's group of fighters was surprisingly a small branch of a larger group of assassins who killed innocent people for the sake of a contract. In anger, he charged his father, and the emotion quickly escalated. The battle became a death-match, and Artemis' agility defeated his father's strength. However, standing over his beaten father, unarmed and hurt, a tear shed from his eye and fell on his father's face, mixing with the blood of a cut that Artemis himself inflicted. He denounced his relations with his father, and said that they were no longer family. He packed up his necessities and prepared to leave. Right before leaving, he visited his father's smith one last time to engrave two words on his finely crafted daggers. For his right hand, he engraved the blade with the name Virtue, and for his left hand, the name Violence. The engravings were designed as reminders to himself of the conflict he would forever face. That conflict was the challenge of balancing a virtuous life with the one of violence that he intended to live.
He left that same night, blades in hands, with the white of his knuckles showing as he gripped them so tightly. He left with no direction, but only wanted to find a place that reminded him of how cold the world could really be, and so he left for Salvar.


Keen Senses: as a result of his training, as well as his fear that his father will send people after him, he is always very in tune with his surroundings. He is very perceptive of sounds, smells, and has a very strong intuition that has saved his life before.
Ambush: When attacking a target that is either engaged with another enemy, or that is simply unaware of his presence, Artemis attempts to attack critical points to inflict either fatal wounds or debilitating wounds, depending on if he wants to kill the target or not.
Dual Wield Proficiency: Years of training have given Artemis the ability to act as if his two arms are fluid companions to one another that can work individually or in unison without any interruption.
Counter: Artemis' preferred method of inflicting damage is to wait for his enemy to attack, and in the same motion of his enemies attack, Artemis strikes.
Increased Agility: After years of training, as well as a continued focus on movement, Artemis has an above-average degree of agility that allows him to move very quickly, as well as change direction quickly. His body can bend and move in ways that most people are not capable of. (1.5 normal level of agility)
Increased Balance: Due to his incredible agility and refined muscles, Artemis has a very good center of gravity, and is even able to fight effectively while on difficult terrain.
Endurance: Due to his years of training, years of working as a smith, as well as his continued cardiovascular training, his stamina has increased. (1.5 normal level of stamina)
Precision: Not a single attack is wasted. Thinking through every strike and waiting for the right opportunity, as well as with a thorough knowledge of anatomy, Artemis is able to find critical points quickly and effectively. His knowledge of armor smithing has also allowed him to find weaknesses in enemy armor.
Proficiency of Dark Elf Language: Years of training with his mentor, Hawk, has resulted in a conversational understanding of the Dark Elf language.
Journeyman Blacksmithing: Years of apprenticeship and travel have given him a fair grasp of blacksmithing, especially with blades.


A very dark blue full body leather armor with an Emblem (http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/4607/consortiumtabard.jpg) on both the front and back stitched in white. He also wielded two finely crafted steel daggers, both of which have an engraving on the hilt. The one he wields in his right hand is engraved with "VIRTUE" while the one in his left hand is engraved with "VIOLENCE."

06-07-10, 06:16 AM
While it looks as if you have a large number of skills, a couple of them are more of a clarification of his way of fighting (Ambush, Counter and to some degree Precision), and a couple of them are not combat-oriented (Language, Blacksmith), so I'm not going to ask you to remove any of them.

However, I'm not comfortable with his stamina being drastically increased, not at level zero. You can have 1.5 times the stamina of a normal person. Same goes for his agility.

Also, regarding Dual Wield, Balance, Precision, keep in mind that at this point he should be far from faultless when using these skills. A bit ahead of the rest of the class, but not by much. I'm not going to ask you to classify it as average/above average/whatever, but I will advise you to play it fair and within realistic limitations of your level or you will be penalized by the judges. If you need any further explanation, let me know and I'll elaborate.

06-07-10, 07:09 PM
Understandable. I made the 1.5 adjustments for agility and for stamina. But can you elaborate on the story writing? Do you mean to include mistakes and such when writing stories? I'm one of those "I WANNA BE EPIC!" kinda people even though I'm level zeroooo. Could you elaborate a bit on how I would go about presenting the lack of expertise? Would it be in the form of, as I mentioned, making errors that result in taking damage and such? For example:

As he attempted to counter the enemies attack, he found that the enemy quickly changed direction of his attack. Without any time to adjust, he was only barely able to avoid the bulk of the hit, but still suffered a gash on the upper part of his right arm.

Something like that?

06-08-10, 10:35 AM
Yes, that's a pretty good example. You don't necessarily have to take damage as a result; simply keep in mind that at this point your character will make mistakes when using his abilities and will sometimes fail, especially against more skilled opponents. This isn't to say that you have to play him as a weakling, though. It's perfectly acceptable for Artemis to slip his dagger through the weak point of someone's armor in the heat of battle. What's not, however, is slipping it through the weak point with pinpoint accuracy every time, without much trouble.

At any rate, you are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.

In case you're still not certain what your character should and shouldn't be able to do at this point, PM me and I'll try to give you a couple of specific examples. But in all honesty, I think you'll do fine, since you seem to have a decent grasp of the system already.