View Full Version : Legendary Items of Althanas

Caden Law
06-08-10, 12:00 AM
...player edition. Previous version here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1237). Please note that a lot of the old items are missing from this list. Post three explains why (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=166729&postcount=3).

In this thread, we honor famous items. Plenty of Althanas' heroes have wielded swords with special names, properties, powers. Many a gun has pistol-whipped its way into our hearts. Every now and then, someone goes that extra hundred miles to earn a prize worthy of both envy and praise.

These are the items that people should be talking about. Even if they're utterly plain in appearance and ability, they have been used to accomplish great deeds. The one common thread for all these items is that they have actually been used in a thread. "Legendary items" that have never actually been used will not be posted here.

Here is the current list of legendary items. They're alphabetized according to the first name of the character who originally owned them. If interested in questing for any of these items, scroll to the second post of this thread.

Legendary Items from the Lands of Althanas

Anita's Holy Water
Item Type: Holy Water
Legendary Feat: Signature Weapon of Anita Orlouge
Current Owner: Anita Orlouge
Previous Owner: A merchant in the Auction House
Description: A small glass container with a glass cork. Contains a liquid that looks like water.
Special Abilities: Anita's holy water does incredible damage to demons and the undead. Furthermore, it never empties. Once the container is deprived of all of its liquid, it instantly refills with the holy water. Also effective for clearing harmful toxins out of one's body.

Rayse Valentino's Kapteyn
Item Type: Knife
Legendary Feat: Jointly with Teric Bloodorse, laid the final blow on Saint Denebriel (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=157772&postcount=19)
Current Owner: Rayse Valentino
Original Owner: Rayse Valentino
Description: A six inch knife with a liviol handle and a stainless steel blade. Basic Salvic military knife, well balanced with a reduced cross section for better penetration.
Special Abilities: Absorbs and nullifies magic, becoming increasingly red hot in the process.

The Gemini Blades
Item Type: Twin Swords
Legendary Feat: Weapons owned by Sei Orlouge, The Hero of Radasanth
Current Owner: Sei Orlouge
Original Owner: Unknown
Description: Two swords, one with a brown-bladed s shaped blade about a foot long. The other a three foot long blue bladed sword
Special Abilities: The Gemini Blades are one of thirteen Zodiac Weapons. They grow in power as their user does. Also, they are able to sense other Zodiac Weapons when in close proximity. The Gemini Blades are able to make an exact doppelganger of their user, complete with full abilities and weaponry. The catch is that the doppelganger appears in whatever condition the weilder is currently in when he uses this skill.

Ebony and Ivory
Item Type: Twin Prevalida Daggers.
Legendary Feat: These Daggers are the embodiment of Seth's path of destruction, claiming blood from famous people such as Letho Ravenheart, Damon Kaosi, Ranger Nailo, and most notoriously Karel and Helena Dahlios, the parents of the infamous Lavinian Demon.
Current Owner: Seth Dahlios
Original Owner: Unknown
Description: Both daggers are steel in terms of their handles, blades and hilts. Their edges have had prevalida smelted upon them to make them sharper. One is coated in the chemical dye weapon black, making it invisible in low light situations.
Special Abilities: Both blades act as if coated in salt, increasing the pain they inflict upon slashing into someone. They also are insanely devoted to their first owner, hurting anyone who isn't a direct relative if they should touch them bare handed.
These blades can be gained from their owner via quest, and only if the person attempting to gain them has good reason. PM me at TwinCast or TaintedBushido with any efforts, or on AIM SethDahlios.

Teric Bloodrose's Magicide Blade
Item Type: Longsword
Legendary Feat: Jointly with Rayse Valentino, laid the final blow on Saint Denebriel (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=157772&postcount=19)
Current Owner: Teric Bloodrose
Original Owner: Denebriel's Armory
Description: Masterwork dehlar longsword.
Special Abilities: Absorbs and nullifies magic.

Caden Law
06-08-10, 12:01 AM
Adding Items to the List

In order for an item to qualify for legendary status, its owner must have done at least one of the following while using the item as his or her weapon/tool/etc of choice. Exceptions can be made for non-combat items based on material or storytelling value. Won a tournament. Led a power group that owned an HQ for at least three months or defeated an HQ-holding PG. Been a critical player in a tournament (such as The Cell) or a major player in a site-wide event (such as To Rule All Flesh). Carried out a canon-shaking action in any region (like taking over a city or killing a king). Been famous. Maybe your character is unique and memorable, or they made one huge contribution to Althanas after another, or they left a mark on people in a way that can't be expressed in the above list. The item itself did something fascinating, such as slaying a major character or ending a war. Provided this happened in an actual thread with PCs present, and not in a backstory event or 'offscreen' somehow, the item itself might qualify.

If you qualify, PM me with the item you would like to see added to the list. Use the following format:

Name and categories in bold
Item Type: What is it? Keep this short and simple; an actual description comes later.
Legendary Feat: Why is it important? What did you or someone else do with it? Feel free to link to provide a link to the exact post the event happened in, but it isn't necessary to do so.
Current Owner: Remember to PM me if the item switches hands after being listed.
Original Owner: Or Previous Owner, but not both.
Description: One paragraph summarizing what it looks like. Keep it semi-short to avoid cluttering the list.
Special Abilities: What, if anything, can it do? Feel free to leave this off if it has no special powers. Remember to keep it semi-short.
*If it can be quested for or won in Player-vs-Player combat, say so in italics at the bottom of the entry.*

As an example:
Caden Law's Wizard Hat
Item Type: Headgear
Legendary Feat: The signature item of Caden Law, one of Althanas' most notorious spellcasters.
Current Owner: Caden Law
Description: A tall, pointy blue hat with a thick black leather belt around the base of it. It has a wide brim and tilts slightly forward.
Special Abilities: Functions as a minor Hat of Holding for Caden's grimoire and other small items. Never comes off unless willingly removed by the owner.

Remember that a legendary item should be enormously important to your character. It should be a representation of some aspect of who or what they are, or a clear marker of what they've done in their lives. If possible, it should be something other people are likely to know about -- or even just tell rumors about. You can have multiple items, but each item has to qualify on its own merit.

You can nominate another person, provided they were on the last list or the item itself is worthy of it. If a player is inactive for a long period of time (six months or more), contact a moderator for permission and stipulations to quest for one of their items. If an item changes hands, please PM me with the new owner. If an item evolves (gains new powers, changes appearance, is reforged), let me know. If an item is destroyed, please let me know so that it can be removed from the list.

Caden Law
06-08-10, 12:01 AM
The old list of people deserving items has been removed because it was hardly ever updated. If you feel someone has a legendary item, just send it. As mentioned above, you can nominate other people if they meet the criteria.

Furthermore, the old list was erased because many of the players there have a habit of vanishing off-site for months or even years at a time. This is not a sleight against them so much as it is an attempt to start fresh for new players to write their own legends. It also spares me from having to go through and reformat every damn one of those things, checking to see if any were actually used and worthy of meeting the new criteria. If you were on the old list and feel you should be on the new one, simply PM me an updated version of the item and you will be re-added accordingly.

Caden Law
06-09-10, 01:44 AM
...and y'know, it'd be nice if someone de-stickied the old thread and put this one in its place.

Just sayin'.

No pressure.


06-09-10, 02:57 AM
I personally think that the old list shouldn't be removed, merely updated because inactivity doesn't change the fact that these people did something extraordinary with their weapons, thus qualifying them as legendary. On top of that, the list is sort of a homage to those that are no longer with us, something to remember them by. So while I understand the intention to give the newer players a chance to write their own legends, they can do it without walking over the graves of the old ones. Is joining the list of past legends of Althanas not enough? Or do people crave even more attention nowadays?

Savas Tigh
06-09-10, 03:19 AM
I personally think that the old list shouldn't be removed, merely updated because inactivity doesn't change the fact that these people did something extraordinary with their weapons, thus qualifying them as legendary. On top of that, the list is sort of a homage to those that are no longer with us, something to remember them by. So while I understand the intention to give the newer players a chance to write their own legends, they can do it without walking over the graves of the old ones. Is joining the list of past legends of Althanas not enough? Or do people crave even more attention nowadays?Hate to be brutal here, but your whole post reads as Simpering Elite not wanting to fullfill a reasonable player request.

Sighter is gone. The old list was stagnant and the criteria were obsolete; it offered no context for why the items on the list were still remotely important, even when many of the people who used them aren't around anymore. Out of all the old items, the only one that probably would not make the cut for the current list is Findelfin's Twisted Sword, and only because it appeared once and presumably wasn't mentioned again in any of his roleplays. The only reason these items haven't been re-added is because I'd like for the players to come back or for someone to consider them important enough to update and re-nominate them.

The only reason your own items aren't on there is because I hadn't gotten around to updating them myself. Sei nominated you when I last spoke to him but didn't provide the updates, and you're such a big name I figured it was an Okay thing to do.

06-09-10, 04:33 AM
Hate to be brutal here, but your whole post reads as Simpering Elite not wanting to fullfill a reasonable player request.

Not acceptable. It's not Elitist in the least to want to remember and pay homage to those that came before us. If it wasn't for those people, and what they did, this site probably wouldn't have been put in the right direction to continue functioning to begin with. So, no, ignoring all of the past isn't going to happen. Sorry.

I'd rather discuss this, and have it adapt or change to a current useful function of Althanas without ignoring what it was at the same time.

06-09-10, 04:54 AM
Hate to be brutal here, but your whole post reads as Simpering Elite not wanting to fullfill a reasonable player request.

Sighter is gone. The old list was stagnant and the criteria were obsolete; it offered no context for why the items on the list were still remotely important, even when many of the people who used them aren't around anymore. Out of all the old items, the only one that probably would not make the cut for the current list is Findelfin's Twisted Sword, and only because it appeared once and presumably wasn't mentioned again in any of his roleplays. The only reason these items haven't been re-added is because I'd like for the players to come back or for someone to consider them important enough to update and re-nominate them.

The only reason your own items aren't on there is because I hadn't gotten around to updating them myself. Sei nominated you when I last spoke to him but didn't provide the updates, and you're such a big name I figured it was an Okay thing to do.In all honesty, I didn't post here because I felt slighted in any way because my items are not on the list. And the whole elite thing (god, how many times now have I been called that? I lost count) would make sense if I in any way wanted to prevent the new people to join the list. I wish no such thing. While I do care about the legacy the departed veterans left behind, I care just as much about our current members. I was merely asking for the old to be remembered and for the new to stand at their side.

However, as you said, it is possible to re-nominate other people, so it's probably all good. Your third post sounded like they needed to do it themselves, and the reality is that most of those people are never coming back. The only issue I see is that some of those old people might get left out even if they probably should be up there just because nobody nominated them. I mean, shit, I know people like Devon and Sorjax or whoever were big way back when and probably did some legendary stuff, but it was before my time and I couldn't possibly nominate their weapons because I know nothing about them. And yet they probably are legendary.

At any rate, I do appreciate the effort you're willing to put into this. Perhaps my post seemed a bit harsh, but I'm somewhat of a nostalgic and not a big fan of pampering the young. So take it as you will. :P

06-09-10, 05:09 AM
Devons Steel Sword slayed a god at the end of Althanas' first FQ.

Sorjax was one half of the original Lornius Corporate Challenge winners if I remember correctly.

Silence Sei
06-09-10, 05:50 AM
Sorjax was one half of the original Lornius Corporate Challenge winners if I remember correctly.

Not to mention runners-up in the second.

06-09-10, 07:21 AM
Devons Steel Sword slayed a god at the end of Althanas' first FQ.

Sorjax was one half of the original Lornius Corporate Challenge winners if I remember correctly.

Devon also lead a regional war if I remember correctly. Devon Starslayer v. Sighter in the last true Raiaera v. Alerar war that actually took place on the site. It was epic, at the very least.

Visla Eraclaire
06-09-10, 07:34 AM
I don't see why you can't have this thread for overcontratulatory circle jerking of current members and the other as a memorial to circle jerks past. Though the current problem is that everyone is having a big wanking nostalgia fest in this one already.

Old things are great because I remember them, but not so well that I remember what wasn't great about them!

Silence Sei
06-09-10, 07:34 AM
That is correct.

Didn't Valentina win the second or third Cell thanks to the Plagueblade??

The gospel speaks
06-09-10, 08:25 AM
since most of these people are gone perhaps there should be a thread where some current heroes decided they wanted to go hunt down a bunch of legendary items. It give us new players a chance to learn of some of the past adventures on Althanas, but not necisarily giving us epic drops.

Caden Law
06-09-10, 12:52 PM
Going to refrain from arguing with Letho and Task. Let it be said that I severely disagree and will continue to post and update this thread. Sticky the fucking thing.

Please do not argue further. I'd rather this not get completely derailed.

Moving along.

If anyone can provide me a name for which god Devon offed, and a very rough description of the sword (European, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi whipsword; what'd it look like?), I'll do the rest.

Sorjax, if someone can tell me what he actually did with the sword, will have Naris re-added.

06-09-10, 05:39 PM
That is correct.

Didn't Valentina win the second or third Cell thanks to the Plagueblade??

That would be the second one I believe. I forget who won the first. I just distinctly remember the finals was Gild, Valentina Snow, Slayer of the Rot, I think Yari was the fourth, then Dirks snuck in for a fifth...

As for Devon's sword I believe it was the sword that struck down Xem'Zund before the current FQ. Its the reason it took so long for him to get back to his old works. That FQ was also the reason that Eluriand was for awhile overrun with undead.

Corvus MacCallum
06-09-10, 10:15 PM
I'm a bit curious now. As owner of "Tarry Wheeler's Sword" from the old list, I'm wondering that with the refresh really if some details about it can be changed, like dropping the alien origin while still retaining, for future activation the attached spirits of past wielders. Or even while no longer on the present list am I still stuck with its original details?

06-10-10, 02:07 AM
I've been thinking of a way to as diplomatically as possible put this Corvus...but, since the item wasn't yours to begin with, I don't think you get to magically change the history without talking to Terry. Luckily for you, Grim137 (Terry) was on site recently so you may yet get to ask him if that's okay.

Caden Law
06-10-10, 08:56 AM
I'm a bit curious now. As owner of "Tarry Wheeler's Sword" from the old list, I'm wondering that with the refresh really if some details about it can be changed, like dropping the alien origin while still retaining, for future activation the attached spirits of past wielders. Or even while no longer on the present list am I still stuck with its original details?
Original owner need not be included, just the previous one.

Details on its origin aren't really listed. Just what it looks like, what it can do, and what you (or someone else) has done with it.