View Full Version : Broken

06-09-10, 05:03 AM
Closed. Takes place a month after Keep it Classy. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21024)

It had been at least a month since they had removed the splint from Aislinn's wrist. Still her ribs gave her problems from time to time, and so following the promise she had made her sister, they had stayed. Everyday saw Aislinn looking outside the catacombs at times, pondering what lay out there. She had taken every opportunity to be outside the dank cave, rather than inside it, and took to wandering Radasanth more than once or twice during the day, always following the curfew that Sei had insisted upon following the fight in Underwood.

Felicity of course recognized the signs of her sister's wanderlust better than anyone else. She was looking for a way to leave soon, that wouldn't compound her injuries. While she had been well taken care of, to the point she had begun putting on a little weight, she was obviously hungry to get back on the roads. Felicity was worried of course, that if that happened, that the witch would turn her back on her family once more. Despite what she had been through and the help Sei had given her, Aislinn still kept up her paranoia about the catacombs. It frustrated the eldest of the twins, to see her sister so closed off, and raring to escape the tombs.

They had finally been reaccepted by their family, and getting help to boot. Despite this, Aislinn was still being stubborn and stating they didn't need that help, and in fact that they would be better off without it. The rate her sister got into fights, and the alarming fact that they were turning more lethal as of late, made Felicity worry about her estranged sister even more. Having heard about the situation, and that Uncle Sei was furious over it, made Felicity visibly cringe when she got the details from her cousin Anita.

And enduring those baby clothes in order to get it out of her was humiliating enough.

However, one small kernel of hope came through the story. Apparently her sister had bonded with one of Sei's bodyguards, the enigmatic immortal Jensen Ambrose. Deciding to act upon this information, she began to move through the caves slowly, making sure not to miss sight of the boisterous human. Of course, she was more than certain she would hear the oaf long before she would run into him. That did not deter her from being careful, lest he not be boasting about his recent fight.

It took awhile, but she found him acting much like her sister, up in the park relaxing. He seemed to have a blade of grass hanging from his lips as he closed his eyes, obviously dozing off on the job. Had anyone else caught him, certainly he would be in some kind of trouble, though to hear Anita talk about the man he was always in some kind of trouble, much like Aislinn at times. The parallels between the two were humorous to say the least. It seemed like a match made in heaven, and while Felicity wasn't sure this was a quest to get Aislinn laid, at the very least getting her a friend would help.

She could work on the former later.

Stalking up to her prey finally she pounced, landing squarely on the human's chest before she drilled his eyes with her ice blue orbs and spoke calmly, Hello Jensen Ambrose, I'm Felicity Ourlouge, and I need to talk to you about my sister…

Enigmatic Immortal
06-09-10, 10:39 PM
It was one of those days where the world was begging for you to sit outside and just relax, the temperature just right, the wind gently breezing, and every breath you took demanded your body to rest and be blissfully lazy. The immortal had seen many days like these, and they interestingly occurred every time Sei had asked the knight to do something.

A funny coincidence, that was.

So with blade of grass in mouth he took the day off, despite the growing irritation of his other comrades who were only to happy to play lap dog to Sei Orlouge. Stephanie usually would try and con the immortal into working, but this was a day where he couldn’t pass up the call of nature. Adolph, the other fellow from his order of knights, just waved him away, already expecting Jensen to slack off anyway.

His thoughts were pure as he let nothing but just the calming peace of mind rest within his soul, getting ready to doze off when something pounced upon his chest. It was lightweight, like somebody had kicked their ball and it rolled onto the immortal. Causally he flicked one eye open, seeing the cutest little kitten he ever saw.

When she introduced herself as an Orlouge it quickly turned into a hideous monster.

Jensen wasn’t too keen on the Orlouge’s, which probably was a by product of the fact Sei had defeated him in battle, and Anita always reminded the knight of that. From what he heard the other members of the Orlouge family were part of some fairy convent, each one a faggot that deserved no respect from him. Only Kyla seemed to be the one who broke the mold, actually being a person Jensen could tolerate. Wanting to sleep with her also helped his opinion of the lady, he supposed.

“Oh look, another faggot fairy Orlouge telling me to do something,” Jensen mumbled grabbing the cat by the scruff and gently tugging. Felicity’s ears went back as her eyes widened, but she didn't emote hostility nor discomfort. Instead she just spoke to him using the same telepathy trick Sei used to speak to others.

“I’ve never asked you to do anything,” the cat sassed.

“No, but you inevitably will, all your Orlouge’s do.” Jensen brought himself up to a sitting position, lifting the cat up by her front legs. He looked over the cat and it made Felicity hiss as he began to shake her left and right. “Look, it’s super kitty!” Jensen shouted tossing the cat into the air, grabbing it before it landed.

“MR. AMBROSE!” Felicity shrieked. Before she had a chance to spur him Jensen merely laughed tossing the cat upwards as he stood, catching in her in one arm bringing her up to his shoulder. Felicity took the hint and gently positioned herself upon his shoulder, eyes fixed on the side of his face.

“Listen cat fairy queen or whatever,” Jensen spoke crassly, but honestly. “I’m not the kind of person who does charity work, nor do I do things for free. You should know this if you know my name. It’s one of those things that go hand in hand. Ya follow me fuzz ball?”

“Felicity…” She tried to interject.

“Fuzz ball.” Jensen insisted. “Now what do you want, let’s not get flowery here. Facts, kitty, keep to ’em.” Jensen moved towards the tomb and Felicity let out a soft purr, the immortal guessing it was her way of sighing.

“You know Aislinn Orlouge, do you not?” The knight nodded recalling the name. “She is very dear to me, and currently she is…” Felicity didn’t speak for a moment, trying to figure what was safe to say, and what wasn’t.

“In a world of trouble with the faggot fairy king?” Jensen wiped his hand in the air dismissing the whole ordeal. “I tried to take the heat for her, but I can’t stop the king if he wishes to be an asshole.” Jensen shrugged, nearly knocking Felicity off his shoulder. She adjusted, digging her claws softly into his jacket trying to not tear it.

“Well, the point is…” Felicity realized that Jensen was going to be a far harder person to crack than she imagined, but she did have a solid idea. “You have a doctor’s appointment, do you not remember?” Jensen shrugged his shoulders.

“You came all this way to tell me you have news about your sister, then try to remind me I have to see her for a doctor’s visit?” Jensen whistled to Felicity. “You sure have strange methods. Ah what the hell, I got an afternoon to kill, may as well do something constructive…” he mused as Felicity dropped off his shoulder nuzzling against his legs as they walked.

“Just follow me, I’ll show you the way, Felicity purred. If she couldn’t explain it to a man who didn’t want to listen, maybe she could show him the pain her sister was going through.

06-09-10, 11:15 PM
Aislinn meanwhile was busy writing more information in the medical journal she had been keeping for the Ixian Knights. If she would have to tend to these men later she had to have a careful note of allergies, preexisting conditions, and any potential illnesses they may have been exposed to. Treating a few of the more lewd members of the knights was an overwhelming task, especially when they didn't use discretion and only wound up getting sick again for it.

She was finishing up her notes on William Arcus, concluding that she would rarely see the man due to his demonic nature. It was that moment when the enigmatic immortal waltzed into her office. The door first slammed open causing an eyebrow to rise from the red head as he came in pirouetting upon one foot. The other eyebrow rose when the twirl of his foot knocked over a few vials that had extracted medicines from the plants she had carried with her thus far. She remained silent, even as Jensen looked over at her, a guilty grin of 'what are you going to do about this' plastered upon his face.

"May I help you Mr. Ambrose?" was the coy reply. Better to not let him get to her, and figure out just what he had ruined in the aftermath of his visit.

"Yeah, I'm here for that check up thing you were bitching about the other day. Is this the part where I drop my pants?" He asked crudely, before with great fanfare he ripped his belt from his pants, and promptly dropped trouser in front of the mystic. He then began to dance lewdly in the center of her office.

Aislinn let out a small sigh, before closing the book before her. Her eyes never left the book as she carefully set her pen down and rose from her seat. Grabbing a pair of gloves she carefully put them on before she spoke, "So nice of you to get right to the point Mr. Ambrose. Very few men are so willing to begin with the rectal examination." Jensen raised an eyebrow before she promptly grabbed his shoulder, and in the shock of the forward action was pushed over the desk. Fingers went straight between exposed cheeks before she continued, "I need to get deep. I would not clench if I were you, it might tear something…"

The immortal let out a wail as his virginal bum hole was probed by the witch. Moving about for a few seconds she promptly tossed the gloves into the fire, not expecting to use them for much else before she spoke candidly, "Alright, now that that is over, would you please put your pants back on so I can continue the investigation?"

The immortal grumbled as he carefully pulled his pants back on. Finally accomplishing the task, with some difficulty due to ripping his belt out of the loops for such implements he looked at her expectantly. She then grabbed his wrist and carefully took his pulse, silently counting while doing so. He then made his second move, and carefully laid a rather sloppy kiss on her cheek.

Immediately she grabbed his face by the cheeks, forcing an 'o' of surprise on his face before her free hand grabbed a small flat stick. Promptly shoving it into the immortal's mouth she said firmly, "I am sorry Mr. Ambrose, I did not know you wished me to check your throat as well." The stick was shoved deeply into the immortal's mouth, causing him to gag and open the back of his throat. Looking inside she nodded firmly before she roughly shoved him away. "Well, your heart is healthy, as are your teeth and your rectum. Not too alarming for a man who talks out of mouth and anus in equal measure…"

Felicity watched her sister in awe at the way she handled the rather crude immortal. She didn't seem to be getting angry, no, it was more of a game between them, an escalation of who could anger who more. Aislinn would use any medical examination possible to make sure that what she did could be explained away, while Jensen attempted anything that could be easily explained as an accident. She continued to watch, seeing almost a hint of amusement on her sister's face as they continued on.

Of course neither sister knew how much more the Immortal could take…

Enigmatic Immortal
06-10-10, 07:00 PM
Jensen hadn’t understood much about Aislinn when they first met, but this little meeting of theirs opened up many doors of understanding into the female Orlouge’s mind. Simply put, she was a bitch. She wasn’t even a unique bitch, she was an ice queen bitch. The one who played off the tough exterior that never cracked for a moment, afraid of the down pour of pent up emotions coming out.

He looked over to the cat, who merely looked to him in contemplation of whether or not the decision to include Jensen in its plans was well worth it. In his mind the cat should be thinking the answer was no. However, the Orlouge family was rather tricky, as they never really understood the concept of simple minded things. So to make the matter perfectly blunt, Jensen watched the girl bend over to pull something out of a drawer and he shoved his hand right up her skirt, striking gold.

“Dry as a fucking desert!” Jensen exclaimed loudly in shock. For his efforts, he received an elbow, but not much more. He looked back to the cat, who starred at him incredulously, unable to comprehend such blatant harassment, and Jensen looked back to the girl in shock as well, unable to understand why she was just so unwilling to play the game.

“I shall have you know I am perfectly fit for my age, and everything is in working order.” Jensen eyed her with a confused stare.

“How do you know?” He asked. “Ever took it out for a spin?”

“Hardly a matter for you to know about,” she said waving his comment off as if it were nothing.

“She ever had a good time, fuzz ball?”

“Not that I know of, The cat shrugged, which looked damn right adorable. He leaned against the counter as she made her notes. Jensen shook his head looking around as he saw a few tools. He walked over to them and picked up a weird looking hammer. He popped it on the table and turned to Aislinn.

“What’s this for?” She sighed glancing up, seeing the tool.

“A reflex hammer.” She mentioned offhandedly. Jensen smiled as he looked right at her, giving her a second to register what she had informed the immortal of. The dawning moment came with a sudden turn, lifting her hand up, but it was far to late, the hammer hit her square between the eyes softly, but the impact still irritated her.

“Guess your reflexes suck,” he huffed out with a chuckle. Turning back he looked at the other tools.

“When was the last time you got sick?” Aislinn asked, her tone more edgy as she tried to keep her cool in Jensen’s attempts to annoy her. Jensen looked up to the ceiling and thought long and hard about that one.

“I don-” Jensen was hit square on the nose by the reflex hammer.

“Note to self,” Aislinn spoke loudly scribbling in her diary. “Reflexes dreadfully…dull…” She finished with a smile shutting her book. Jensen gave her a coy grin, shaking his head. Been a while since he got someone to play back. Stephanie usually would handle this, but the girl nowadays was so stressed with fulfilling Sei’s stupid orders that she lost her temper a lot and tried to kill the immortal instead.

Then it dawned on him what the Cat wanted Jensen to do. He looked to the fuzz ball and it beamed to him, as if trying to bore into Jensen’s soul and let him feel all the things the cat had been troubled with. Aislinn was just like Jensen, a confused soul in the world who responded with cold detached fury and a sarcastic wit to make others lives miserable. He eyed back to Aislinn, who gave the immortal a sneer, waiting for him to make the next move.

“You got a prescription for curing me of one Faggot Fairy King or something to knock him out so I can screw Kyla?” Aislinn’s lips curled into a soft smile, turning away from him as she finished the last of her evaluation.

“I forgot my cousin is smitten with you,” she muttered loudly. “I am afraid Sei makes it a daily habit of ruining others lives. I find myself with the same desires as you to be rid of, as you so eloquently put it, the ‘fagot fairy king’.” She smiled at the title, finding humor within it.

“And his little yippy dog too?” Jensen asked, of course referring to Anita, Sei’s daughter. Aislinn snorted in mirth, a soft patch of amusement escaping her normally cold demeanor. She looked to the immortal, and when their eyes met she shrugged.

“I suppose my cousin is permanently attached to my Uncle’s leash,” she thought aloud, enjoying the freedom of bashing a group of people almost all of Althanas respected, including his council of Nine. Jensen laughed with her, nothing boisterous, just two people enjoying themselves. They continued on like that for a while, the girl telling him stories of how she hated her Uncle, and Jensen filling in awkward silences with moments where he despised the man as well.

Felicity watched with excited eyes, her body instinctively purring softly as her tail whimfully wisped back and forth gently. Though they were far from calling the other friend, they were at least declaring their non-hostile treaty in these insults. A simple diplomatic agreement that the other was off limits from the others hostile wrath and practical jokes. It wasn’t what she wanted, but it would take time.

And time is something a cat has in abundance, she thought with a purr.

06-10-10, 10:45 PM
They had talked well into the afternoon, with Aislinn only occasionally ordering the myriad of workers under her to check provisions and make sure everything was in order. She was more than certain she would kick herself for the laxness of her work ethic tomorrow, but she endured it only because she had finally found someone who understood. It was thrilling to know that she indeed had found a small treasure in the man called Jensen Ambrose. At first the man had seemed standoffish, but she was more than certain that was only because of the fact he was always standoffish. She likened the man to the packleader, asserting dominance before settling down.

He just seldom had someone who let him showboat, and returned it in kind.

"So, I must inquire, how did your lecture to the children on racial tolerance go over?" Aislinn asked, reminding Jensen of the punishment he received for the fight they had partaken of together.

The immortal groaned before he leaned against the desk and said firmly, "I have never had my mouth covered so many times. Fagot fairy king decided it might be best for me to only agree and not talk after the third 'fuck' escaped my lips. I'm beginning to think he's into bondage or something."

Aislinn let a soft giggle escape her lips before she gestured to the infirmary, "Welcome to my cage of gold companion. Remember, while made of gold, it is still a cage. I have been preparing for this so called war going on two months now, and if it were not for the fact I have been diligent in doing so, I doubt we'd be even this close to being prepared."

"So, he roped you in?" Jensen asked an amused lilt in his voice.

Felicity wisely was hiding beneath one of the beds watching the two converse more casually. The brother in arm's mentality certainly was opening up her sister, bit by bit as she looked down and stroked a few strands of hair from her face. Jingling a few of the fetishes she used to conceal the Shadow Trinket from the casual observer she looked back up and replied, "I am working off a debt to him. I shall probably take my leave once paid in full, though to consider all he has done, I fear I may never get away."

Jensen snorted in mirth, seeing a bit of discomfort in her features before he sassed, "I'll bet you pissed him off big time if you're working off a debt to the bastard. I haven't seen him charge anyone for his fairy antics."

"It was my decision more than his, though I am beginning to believe that I made an error in judgment. Perhaps I have locked myself in the cage this one," Aislinn mused before she slammed her medical journal shut. Looking up at Jensen she said firmly, "Any pre-existing conditions I should know about?"

"I have the libido of a two copper whore," Jensen replied raising an eyebrow.

Aislinn laughed before she shook her head, "Normal for one so young. Enjoy it while you can Mr. Ambrose, I dare say you might miss such youthful vigor in coming years."

At those words Jensen guffawed, slapping his thigh hard before he shook his head. Looking over at her he gave her a vile grin before he said, "You haven't heard toots?"

Aislinn raised an eyebrow before she said simply, "Heard what?"

"I'm immortal. I'll be stuck like this till the end of time."

Her eyebrows shot off her forehead before she queried, "Immortal? In what sense? You do not take injury or-"

"Oh I take injury, died more than once, except to King Fagot. No, I just wake up next day, almost good as new," Jensen replied crossing his arms.

"Almost you say?" Aislinn asked opening her journal.

"Yeah, I just get cramps at the spot I was killed. Made it really difficult to do my job when Ronin boy chopped my head off…" Jensen replied coolly.

Aislinn nodded jotting down a few more notes before Jensen casually closed the book on her. She frowned looking up at him before he said firmly, "You're goldbricking, so do it right!"


"Yeah, you're playing hookie," Jensen said nonchalantly.


"Jesus lady! Do you know any slang? You're faking work!"

Felicity only shook her head, Aislinn was so naïve at times…

Enigmatic Immortal
06-11-10, 06:53 PM
“Well?” Felicty asked to the immortal as they left the infirmary.

“All I see is a troll looking for an outlet, but doesn’t have one because she’s an ice queen.”

“So be her outlet, the cat purred rubbing against his leg as they walked. “You had fun, right?” she insisted as they turned a corner heading towards the knights personal chambers.

“Sure, but what do you want me to do? “ Jensen asked admiring a particularly cute medic walking by with a grouping of plants. Felicity jumped up his leg, clawing into his hip gently as she rested on his shoulder, her tail gently wrapping around his neck.

“You see how she coops herself up inside the hospital wing all day and night. She’s either trying to finish one project, or finish another to Sei. She needs…” Jensen rounded another corner, slamming his door open as the cat jumped off his shoulder, looking up to him with big confused eyes. She was looking for the right word to say, knowing she had to be careful with her next words.

“A friend?” Jensen said for her. The cat gave a tentative nod, which again, coming from a cat, was down right adorable. Jensen lifted his hands behind his head as he collapsed on his bed, still feeling a little sore in his ass. Aislinn sure knew how to ram her fingers up there…

Felicity jumped onto his bed, softly pawing her way on his chest as her cold little nose pressed against his, looking to him expectantly. Jensen eyed her with one glancing orb before deciding to relax and take a nap. The door creaked open again, his roommate and closest trusted comrade in arms, Stephanie, walking in.

“When did we get a cat?” she asked, dropping a few bags full of clothing that she purchased as she moved over to pet the cat. Felicity looked to Jensen for help, and the immortal merely shrugged indifferently. Expecting the worst, Felicity cringed, but her expression softened as she realized Stephanie was actually being soft with her gentle caress.

“It’s a rodent of a cat,” Jensen said loudly. “An Orlouge.”

“A what?” Stephanie asked, mirth covering her face as she looked down upon the cat. When she saw the intelligence behind the cats eyes, she started to understand. “Any other place on Althanas and I’d say this was weird, but in Sei’s Tomb? Not so much,” she sighed, pursing her lips as she gently scratched the cats chin.

Standing up and stripping the girl got into a set of loose clothing, showing her curves, but remaining tasteful as she prepared for her appointment with the chief doctor. When she was doen changing and getting ready she turned to Jensen.

“Going to come?” She asked. “It’s check up time.” Jensen waved her off.

“Already went, just want my nap now.” The girl shrugged kicking a few bags under her bed as she left. When she was gone Felicity looked down upon the immortal again.

“How about a date?” Jensen’s eyes both opened now as he shuffled forwards.

“A what?” He asked, his voice straining.

“Just one date, it’d be good for her!” The cat meowed loudly. Jensen shook his head as he pushed the cat aside.

“Hell no,” Jensen muttered. Felicity merely paced around, before jumping back onto Jensen’s stomach.

“I am fully prepared to negotiate with you. I have some small funds available if it’s money you desire. If not I also have a few books on spells, if you wish to learn magic. I even can spy on someone for you if need be, or even be a look out for Sei while you do…things…with Aislinn.”

“Whoa, you want me to screw her?” Jensen asked, getting a little uncomfortable talking about sex with a cat.

“Do you deny the woman is in desperate need of a good laying?”

“No, but-”

“You are the only person who she can talk to, Mr. Ambrose. She’s in desperate need of someone to vent to, and unfortunately I cannot do the job myself. She needs a companion, a human companion, who she won’t belittle on first sight. She likes you, and I know you like her. So what’s the big deal?”

“Uh…She’s a faggot fairy?” Jensen spoke weakly.

“Had she been any other name than Orlouge, would you attempt to sleep with her?” Jensen shrugged, nodding his head. “You realize how incorrigible you are being at the moment, right?” Jensen smiled, snapping his fingers and pointing to the cat. The feline hissed to herself, digging her claws into the bed. She then calmed herself with a gentle purr before looking to Jensen, a wily smile crossing her features as she thought of what she would say.

“What’s with that look?” Jensen asked.

“Nothing…coward,” she mumbled. She looked away for dramatic effect, and even moved towards the door, softly scratching the wood. Jensen got out of bed, giving her a dirty look. “I just thought I would try and tell the others how you were not some emotional child, or as the slang goes, an ’Emo’,” she didn’t look to Jensen, but smiled despite her tough talk.

“I’m no emo!” Jensen cried. “You want me to fuck your sister, fine! I’ll fuck her until the cows come home, ya here me fuzz ball?” Jensen ripped the door open and the cat ran off. “I’ll wine her, I’ll dine her! Then I’ll make her beg for more! She’ll be all like ’Ouu ya, Jensen, that’s the spot!’ And I’ll be all like, ’Yeah bitch, come on!’ While I grab her hair and pull back, taking her from behind. Then she’ll scream ’Right there, Jensen, right there!’ and then I’ll give her the corkscrew donkey punch!” Jensen screamed this entire conversation to the retreating cat, it’s giggles hidden behind his rant.

“Go ahead and tell her I’ll meet her at the bar tonight! And dress sexy!”

While most people in the cave knew Jensen was an enigmatic man, nobody knew Felicity was a real person with sentient thought, so they just all looked to the man oddly. Shaking their heads as he slammed his door shut they all went about their business.

In the grand scheme of things, cat fucker didn’t seem off from his more boisterous personality.

06-11-10, 08:38 PM
"And why pray tell, should I do this?" Aislinn asked, even while she continued to jot notes down on the third member of Sei's cadre of bodyguards. Stephanie was normal human with a few mental scars that much was apparent. The girl was certainly in good health physically, mentally was a region that Aislinn was loathe to even explore. The girl wasn't quite right in the head, much like her partner Jensen Ambrose. Finishing the touches in the medical log she looked up to see Felicity perched upon her desk, resting on her rear haunches.

It would be good for you sis, you need to get out, get some fresh air, Felicity said firmly.

Aislinn closed her book before looking balefully up at her sister. Perhaps it was the time spent with Jensen, or perhaps the indignation of enduring one too many of Sei's family speeches, but she had hit a limit of people telling her what to do. Felicity seemed to sense the hostility surrounding the woman as she spoke softly, "I believe I have gathered all the fresh air I need dear sister. Perhaps you should think of yourself a bit more than me?"

I could say the same about you. You've been sacrificing any sense of a life for me, and now that you're starting to create your own life you spend it cooped up in this god awful infirmary, Felicity countered, even as her tail idly swished across the girl's desk.

"Even if I were to go, all I have is what I'm wearing, I would not have anything to parade about in order to dress up so to speak," Aislinn returned coolly, even as she picked up a report. Felicity jumped, shoving the hand down before she clawed softly into her sister's arm, causing a hiss of pain to escape the Witch. "What was that for!?"

No more work today, doctor's orders. You're going out tonight and you are going to have fun. So help me, if I find you collapsing on your cot tonight because you decided to work instead of enjoy yourself, I will make your life miserable dear sister. Don't think I haven't watched you enough to know how!

Eyes locked in a battle of wills, and perhaps it was the fact that Aislinn still had not recovered from the battle that had brought her to this cage of a tomb, but she found herself looking away. It was disconcerting to see her sister assert herself so, and blamed the comfortable position of living in such a well established area. Perhaps this little foray into living into the tomb was not as bad as she had expected, Felicity seemed to be enjoying herself.

Aislinn let out a soft sigh, checking her arm for blood, before she said firmly, "I still have nothing to wear. I'll be showing up as is, unless you find me something…"

Almost on cue Stephanie had shown up, almost lost and confused as she looked across at the two sisters conversing. She then stumbled into the infirmary and spoke casually, "Hey, um…did I leave something in here? I could have sworn I had a jacket to go with my top and now I can't find it."

Aislinn gestured about the infirmary before she said firmly, "Feel free to look. Since there are no patients just do not break anything, the store room is over there, incase one of the workers moved it in the interim." Her hand gestured to an opening halfway down the wall where the scent of many plants could be seen, wafting into the room in a relaxing scent.

"Thanks," The girl replied before she cotninued to look around, muttering to herself as she did so.

Listen, Sis, I'm sure one of the girls around here would be willing to help you, Felicity explained, having ample time to formulate just who might.

Aislinn let out a soft laugh before she said firmly, "And just who? I doubt any girl matches my physique, especially since I'm so, 'rail thin' as you eloquently put it. I don't believe any girl would have a wardrobe capable of helping me."

At those words Stephanie straightened up and looked over at Aislinn with an appraising eye. The Witch was focusing on her sister as their battle of excuses continued to wage, each one becoming a casualty against the iron curtain of Felicity's resolve. Kyla was put forth, only to have Aislinn scoff at what clothing Kyla already wore. Anita was far too conservative both agreed, and even more was a bit too small for Aislinn as well. The war continued on as Stephanie took another step closer, and then one more before she gently stroked her chin in thought.

"Red would be too gaudy, but perhaps a sapphire blue? No, green wouldn't work with your hair either, it certainly isn't the day of the Open Hand. Purple just wouldn't work with that hair either, and I doubt you'd be able to work with white…black…yes…black would accent your eyes and hair. It wouldn't take much, a few brush strokes and we could probably tease it into something passable," The words drifted to the two sisters as Stephanie continued to observe Aislinn.

"Pardon me?" Aislinn asked.

"You're a bit more slender, but you got some of my build. I'm a leaner person so my clothes would work for you, since you're so skinny. It's just a matter of color, I think black would suit you best, other colors would just be overwhelming or too striking to be effective," Stephanie explained.

You'd do it? Felicity asked. Stephanie seemed shaken out of her revelry before she looked at the cat, realizing after the meeting with Jensen that it was the one who spoke. Arching and eyebrow she shrugged.

"You could call makeovers a past time of mine. I have some old dresses that might work nicely. Nothing too prudish, but nothing overtly slutty either. It would at the very least be more decent than the loincloth and tube top look she's got going now. Not that it isn't a bad look, but I can tell it had no thought put into it beyond covering essentials…"

Aislinn bristled at the dissection of her clothing choices before she said firmly, "No, I refuse on principle alone. I will not be dolled up in some ludicrous mating ritual!"

Felicity looked at Stephanie before she meowed and said, Any help you could do for her would be wonderful. She needs to enjoy herself tonight.

"Have you not heard a word I said Felicity?" Aislinn said standing up and leaning over her sister angrily. The cat ignored her sister looking at Stephanie.

Stephanie looked Aislinn over before she said firmly, "Yeah, I think I could do it. I like a challenge anyways…"

Aislinn was not used to being ignored, especially when she was acting so hostile. It was confusing to the girl who collapsed in her chair before finally resting her head in her hand. A sigh of frustration left her lips before she said, "I am surrounded by imbeciles. I must be going mad for even catering to their foolish whims…"

Enigmatic Immortal
06-12-10, 11:37 PM
Jensen sat upon the wooden chair, leaning back as he heard the oak creak from the exertion he placed upon it. The knight didn’t know why he was bothering to do this, but he did it anyway. Just take the girl out of the cave, enjoy a free meal, and then get some sleep. Not a very hard mission, all things considered.

He was into his third beer when the door opened, his eyes glancing upwards to see a couple walk in, laughing lightly as they took a seat, a waitress attending to them. He sighed into his bottle, looking to the clock. Waiting wasn’t really his thing. A common misconception about immortals was they had infinite patience, since they had no time to kill, but the truth was they were just as impatient as anyone else.

The door creaked open, but Jensen saw nobody enter. He looked around, trying to find what could cause the door to open when he spotted a small black tail. He followed the tail until Felicity came into view, jumping upon his table and sniffing his beer.

“What is it fuzz ball?” Jensen asked, his hostility towards the feline clear. He wasn’t to proud he got tricked into a date by a mere cat. Even if it was intelligent. At this the cat merely knocked his bottle over, lapping some of the last traces of the near empty bottle up.

“My sister is on the way,” She purred as she rested on her hind legs. “So remember the deal. Good time for her tonight, got it?” Jensen shook his head in irritation, rubbing the bridge of his nose between two fingers.

“Yes, ya stupid rodent, now get out of here. I don’t need an audience to watch me as I do my thing.” Felicity merely purred one last time, running out and waiting until the door opened. When it did Jensen took a double take of the girl who walked in, seeing Aislinn dressed in a very tasteful black dress, the slip running up one side of her pale legs, her red hair tied into a tight pony tail at the tip of her skull. Her eyes scanned the room, finding Jensen.

Her disappointment to see him dressed in something so casual as his everyday attire was clear as day. This made him smile, getting up with exaggerated motions as he walked towards her. She took him in, eyeing his every inch, and surprisingly she noticed that indeed Jensen did seem to clean up for the date. His clothing looked like it had recently been washed out, and even the layer of filth that accompanied him was gone. Even his hair seemed to be combed neatly.

She took his arm as he led her back to the table, seating her like a gentlemen before waving down one of the waitresses. He ordered a rather fine vintage wine for their table, as well as a piece of steak. Aislinn accepted a chicken house salad for herself, and as an appetizer Jensen ordered break and butter. When the waitress left the witch looked to the immortal with a wry grin.

“You cleaned up for me, I feel honored,” Aislinn sassed. Jensen shrugged.

“Truth be told Fuzz Ball has a big mouth,” Jensen softly rubbed the back of his head. “Sei caught wind of our play date and the asshole demanded I clean up for it.” Jensen then gave her a coy grin of his own, pointing to the dress. “You however, dressed up nice.”

“Oh stow it,” Aislinn hissed looking down upon herself. “It was merely to entertain my idiot sister’s whims as well as sate Stephanie’s insistent need to conquer a challenge head on. If it were up to me I would be sitting with you at the bar, drinking a mild concoction while insulting your intelligence without you being the wiser.”

“Kinda like now?” He asked, teeth showing as she nodded, lifting her hand up to allow the waitress to drop off the bread. “So Fuzz Ball insists I sleep with you. I figure if I bang you tonight, I can slip into Kyla’s room for a nice fun time, and then top it off with Anita for the win. Hell I may go cuddle with Sei after a smoke. What do you think?”

“Incorrigible,” Aislinn joked. “Take me out of the equation and I say you have a chance.”

“Party pooper,” Jensen mumbled. “Wonder if Fuzz Ball is good in the sack…”

“Why do you insist on degrading my sister with the name ‘Fuzz Ball‘?” Aislinn said irritably. “She’s gone through enough in her life, Mr. Ambrose.”

“Oh?” Jensen asked lightly. “Then pray tell, enlighten me as to why your little Fuzz Ball gets kiddy gloves and nobody else does.” Jensen said leaning back in his chair, enjoying the soft creek it gave off. Aislinn looked to him, pouring herself some wine and looking to the immortal.

06-13-10, 03:14 AM
"You are allowed your fun, but I refuse to let you torment the girl. She has had enough trouble with being stuck in that form to begin with. Atop this is the problems with surviving seventeen years on our own from the age of ten," Aislinn replied icily.

"All I hear is another Althanas sob story, you think because you had to run around doing your own thing for so long you're special," Jensen scoffed sipping another beer before he gave her a critical eye, "I would think someone like you would understand the world owes you nothing."

Aislinn sipped at her wine in quiet contemplation before she responded, "Funny, you seem to demand special attention when you force everyone to endure your halfwit antics."


"Is your way of making everyone pay for you having to 'run around and do your own thing for so long', as you eloquently put it," Aislinn cut him off, "At least I keep others out of the line of fire. If they insist on intervening, only then do I degrade them as you do merely as a means of hiding your own pain."

Jensen stopped looking at her as he raised an eyebrow, carefully lifting his beer he spoke firmly, "Point to you. I never thought I would be out jerked by a chick."

"I never thought I would need only one sip of wine to outwit you Mr. Ambrose," Aislinn replied herself, biting softly into her biscuit. Carefully wiping the crumbs from her lips she looked to Jensen expectantly before she said firmly, "I must admit, as refreshing as it is to find someone who can appreciate my wit, I do not expect this relationship to become anything more."

"What? Saving it up for the wedding night? Let me tell you girl, that isn't-"

"Nothing as asinine as that Mr. Ambrose, I merely do not care that much about you," Aislinn replied cutting off the speech.

Jensen feigned twisting a knife in his chest before he said firmly, "Oh thaynes twist the knife some more you Witch!"

She snorted softly in mirth before the dinners were set before them. She winced while picking up the fork before he muttered softly, "I must remember to continue to work with this wrist, it is still too sore…"

"So then what is this for?" Jensen asked gesturing to the hair, the dress and the obvious attempt at dressing up.

"I thought you listened to me when I first arrived. The only reason I relented is my sister's insistence on acting as the big sister for once, and Stephanie's inability to leave any challenge unanswered," Aislinn replied raising an eyebrow.

"So then…why the hell are we even pretending?"

"For posterity I would believe. In case my increasingly nosy sister is watching. Smile for Felicity," She as she let a rather fake smile cross her face.

Jensen frowned hearing those words before he shook his head, "You're crazy, you know that?"

"The thought has crossed my mind more than once since being dragged into the Ixian Knight's affairs…"

Enigmatic Immortal
06-13-10, 02:19 PM
The rest of dinner was mind numbingly quiet. He was wasting his time with Aislinn, and he didn’t even want to be hear in the first place. All she was doing was being a bitch, and when he poked fun at Felicity she got this high and mighty air about her. To break the tension he would tell a joke, but Aislinn either thought the joke was beneath her, or it went way over her head. Either way, the dinner was a bust.

“Well to make the Fuzz Ball happy, we have to sleep with one another,” Jensen said as he dropped the coins on the table next to the bill. Aislinn merely shook her head.

“There are some things I will be willing to do for my sister, Mr. Ambrose,” She eyed the knight carefully. “But to sleep with you? I am afraid that is just out of the question.” Jensen shrugged.

“Makes no difference to me,” he mused. “I didn’t even want to do this shit. Stupid Fuzz Ball.”

“She merely wanted to get me out of the cave, her intentions were good.”

“I’d say she was living vicariously through you,” Jensen suggested as he opened the door for her, stepping into the cool air behind the woman mystic. They both stopped long enough to enjoy the night air before heading back towards Sei tomb.

“I suppose it would be prudent to note she crossed a line with me sleeping with you,” Aislinn admitted. Jensen felt a soft breeze and his skin raised up in protest as they turned down the forested path that would lead to their home. Jensen just shook his head.

“Baffles me,” he said bluntly. Aislinn gave him a look of confusion, and the immortal talked briskly. “I don’t get it. Why she wants you to be so happy. I get the whole, I’m being a good sister thing, but I don’t get the whole going out of her way part. Any good sibling would want their kin to be happy, yet going so far as to trick us into a date in the hopes I’ll sleep with you? Over and above the call of duty.”

“Well, imagine what it would be if you had a friend that was in constant pain. That is what my sister sees, me giving up my life trying to find a cure for her condition. She sees me passed out on my cot as I try to balance organizing the medical ward of my Uncle’s army. To her she sees me in pain. Would you not want to help your friend who is acting like that?”

“I don’t have any friends,” Jensen mumbled. “I gave up that concept. Sure I have confidants and comrades in arms. I’ll admit Stephanie and Adolph are two people I’m fond of, but to be friends? Nah, I gave up that term.” Aislinn looked to him again, her face expecting a story, but instead Jensen just walked on. “Friend’s to an immortal is a dangerous thing, kiddo. They have a tendency to die while you live on. Imagine a life time of watching the people you care about grow old and die, until eventually you are the only one left to bury them.”

“I would imagine that would be dreadful,” Aislinn spoke softly. “Yet to completely wash away the concept of being friends with somebody?”

“Who’s your friends Aislinn?” Jensen asked, turning around and linking his fingers behind his head as he stepped backwards in pace with her. “And Fuzz Ball doesn’t count,” he added. Aislinn gave him a cold stare, but the answer never came. Jensen pointed to her with a coy grin. “See, you don’t have any because you coop yourself up.” He turned again.

“The concept isn’t lost to me, however!” Aislinn shouted to him as he skipped off, jumping up onto a low branch and lifting himself up with a few boisterous movements. “I can appreciate their value, and even if I did have to watch them be the ones who die around me, I would still have the fond memories we shared! All you are acting like is a child who is being stubborn!”

“Yeah, and you’re acting like an ice queen who thinks the burden she bares is for her and her alone.” Jensen pointed out dropping next to her. She looked to him angrily, but his eyes didn’t look to hers. He seemed to narrow his eyes in suspicion and when she made a move to talk he lifted his hand up to her mouth. Irritated she swatted his hand aside, but before she could protest the Knight twirled covering her body with his. A yelp of pain came out from his lips, Aislinn hearing the sound of something piercing through flesh. She clutched the front of his jacket in fear as he hunched over, his other hand lifting backwards and pulling out a throwing knife. It was long, elegant and of a quality only one race of deadly warrior’s would employ.

Dark Elven.

“Look at the little puppy protecting his master,” a feminine voice cackled as white hair drifted downwards from the trees. A silhouette of a dancer’s body happily moved from tree to tree, graceful in every motion that made the god’s jealous.

Jensen turned around, growling as he heard the voice of the elf, his racial intolerance for them coming to the fore. She dripped painfully slowly to the ground, her movements precise as she lifted herself up flicking her hair out of her eyes. Her red orbs landed upon his and the smile she held was full of vile intent.

“Go ahead and bark, puppy. Bark to protect your master!” she hissed as she lifted another curved dagger up to her teeth, licking the edge of the blade seductively. Jensen pushed Aislinn back as he slipped into his Caeiporiea fighting stance, stepping into the rhythm with the beat in his own head.

“Get out of here, I’ll handle her on my own,” Jensen ordered to the witch.

“No,” Aislinn said stubbornly. “If she is here then-” But she never had a chance to finish that sentence as a pair of hands gripped her mouth and neck, the male drow companion to the female elf pulling Aislinn aside.

Jensen took stock of the situation, eyes darting around quickly and efficiently. Two elves, one he knew was a better fighter, the other a mage that could enhance the powers of his fellow elf. Aislinn didn’t seem capable of doing much in her predicament, not knowing how her witchcraft worked. That meant she was in deep danger if he couldn’t handle the situation. That left one option to him, and he filled his lungs full of air to scream for help.

Before he could let it out the female elf’s knee flattened against his stomach, her hand pushing him down on the ground as he came up in a low roll. She was already on the attack, her feet moving in tandem with her bodies twirls as she kept the pressure on the immortal. She laughed the entire time, smiling like a cat playing with a mouse and Jensen moved to counter her attacks.

“Lousy bush humpers,” Jensen spat as he fought.

06-13-10, 05:41 PM
Dragged into the bushes, Aislinn immediately regretted her moment of laxness. As she struggled against her captor she could feel his hands tighten, even as he hissed darkly in her ear, "A fighter to the last. I respect that…truly. That was a rather old spell book you burned though, and I am going to break you a thousand times over for every spell I lost within it."

An elbow lashed out, causing the man to groan in pain, hunching over and releasing the Witch. A quick turn revealed the drow hiding in the shadows, wearing darker clothing to blend in with the night. Her eyes narrowed before she muttered, "A coward and a charlatan that is what you are. I did your teacher a service in removing you from his service!"

Arcane mutterings filtered through the air, Aislinn recognized the feel of Ghyran, the Breath of Life, once more filtering through the area as she frowned. This man pulled upon Ghyran much when they had fought last, though Aqshy, Wind of the Pyre, had also been a wind he dabbled in. Reaching forward to the wind she made her plea, "What would it take for you to forsake him?"

The wind stopped, causing the mage to let out a curse of befuddlement, even as it began to flow about Aislinn, seeming to suffuse her soul. Hearing the Winds speak was not like a normal conversation while Aislinn would seem foolish talking to one, it never truly spoke. Its words merely were understood to one who knew how to listen to the winds of magic. You wish to make another deal while amidst a first?

The mage was already rushing forward, staff in hand. Aislinn regretted in listening to Stephanie, who had insisted the dress would not work at all with her normal staff. He swung at the Witch, who jumped back, hissing in pain from the exertion that twisted her ribs. She was well upon the path of healing, but even now she was still hurting, and it was not as if she could heal herself through Ghyran. Looking upon the Mage he swung again, before Aislinn hissed, "Is that against the rules? I was not informed I could not make another bargain while negotiating a first…"

No child, it is not. We are always looking for our next deal, the fact that you deal so readily with me, is amusing. Much as the child who has money burning a hole in her pocket, you wish to spend what you have so freely, The wind's words were spoken in a truly neutral tone, and yet she though she could detect a hint of amusement in its words. The chiding behavior of Ghyan not withstanding it did have a point.

Aislinn felt the staff crack against her ribs and she immediately fell to the ground crying out in pain. The Drow cackled wildly as he said firmly, "I should have known you didn't have the stamina for something like this. I should have just beaten you to death and taken you for a slave. I suppose I can do that now as well…"

I wonder, if you can fight without us, or whether you are truly reliant upon us. I will speak with my brethren, and all magic shall forsake this fight, for the both of you.

Aislinn lay on the ground, fighting to push herself up, even as she heard more arcane mutterings. Aqshy moved through the clearing swirling about the woman in a brief hello before moving about the mage, cooing at it's enticing words. Energy began to form in his hands before she spoke softly, almost inaudibly, "Deal."

The orb went out, and the mage let out a growl of frustration, "What did you do to me?"

Aislinn attempted to rise, only to have a savage kick hit her in the chest; she let out a shriek of pain, even as she rolled over. She lay helpless upon the ground, looking up at the starry night, and contemplating just how helpless she felt. Fear raced through her frame, and in this moment she was doomed. She couldn't fight, all she had done was destroyed any chance she had of destroying the mage before her, in a hasty bargain. A boot stomped into her ribs again causing a wail of agony to pierce the night. He ground his boot into her chest causing a moan of pain before he leaned forward and breathed, "I asked you a question Witch, answer it!"

She looked up into those hate filled eyes, seeing the predatory delight of trapping a prized prey. Her eyes began to unfocused as the pain became overwhelming. When last they had fought, she had her staff to prevent such blows from reaching her ribs, but now that she was disarmed of any possible means of fighting, it was clear who the superior creature was. Straddling her lower waist he began to reach down to choke her, before he pulled her bodily up to his face. His foul breath washed over her, causing her to cringe before she managed, "Too close…"

"What was that?" He asked.

"Too…close…" She managed. Fighting through the pain for a second she lifted a leg up. Another shriek of pain escaped her mouth, before a new sound of pain pierced the night air. Male in pitch the tone was one of wounded pride and further, of being hit in a spot no male should ever have to endure. As he groaned, releasing her, she rolled feebly away from him. He tried to right himself, only to find that he was in too much pain at the moment. A few moments later, finally he shook off the shock of having been kicked in the groin before he growled out;

"Alright bitch, your luck just ran out…"

Enigmatic Immortal
06-13-10, 08:40 PM
Jensen’s face moved left and right all at the whim of the corrupted elf that danced around him. His jaw was on fire as blood poured down his face, feeling his fingers curl in anger as he couldn’t bother to find some sort of offensive. She was fast, far faster than ever before, and suddenly she was stronger to boot. The immortal was positive the woman was getting buffed by the spells of the mage.

Jensen’s stomach lurched as a stiff kicked lifted him the air, the woman using her new found strength to hold him in place, laughing wildly as she rolled him off her toe, dropping his body on the dirt caressing his cheek, dabbling her toe in his blood.

“You two will make fine pets,” she cooed as she stood tall. Jensen felt a strong wind blow across the earth and he angrily rolled his feet back into a vertical position. When he stood he felt the woman moving, turning quickly to block her attack. The elf’s foot landed upon his forearm with much force, but the earth quaking intensity it had before was gone. Both looked to the lock up with shock; the immortal realizing she had no strength, the elf wondering where her speed went.

Jensen immediate went on the offensive, bringing his body in a twirl, locking her foot in his hands spinning. She lost her balance coming up in a roll, her hands lifting up as a vicious foot came down to claim her head. She snarled in protest to his strength, lifting up to knock the knight off balance.

Jensen turned in with her as she lifted, tightening into a small ball before mule kicking her chest with his free leg pushing her backwards as Jensen flopped onto the ground on all fours. He pushed up on his hands and feet, spinning his legs around like a top as he kicked her repeatedly in her jaw her body feebly moving to intercept the spinning wheel kick.

When he spent his momentum in his attack Jensen came back to his feet, looking upon the girl as she wiped blood from her chin, glaring at him.

“Filthy leaf licker,” Jensen muttered hatefully.

“Mangy dog,” She spat back.

They were back to their dance, both spinning and jockeying for position to exploit the other as they gracefully moved around the other, spinning, cart wheeling, coming up for an attack only to flip back as they moved in tandem. To the untrained eye it seemed like they were waltzing with unorthodox style, but those with a warrior’s intuition could see the brutality of what the two were doing. Each one was waiting for a single moment to exploit to knock the other over and take the victory for themselves.

Jensen moved around the forest floor, darting over the shrubs as their fight took them everywhere. Both used the trees to their advantage, leaping upwards into the dark depths of the branches to gain height over the other as they never stopped moving. Her foot caught hold of a branch and she swung under Jensen like an acrobat on a pole, flipping to her feet back on the ground. Jensen flipped off, bringing his foot hammering down.

The girl dodged with a roll as his foot landed hard on the ground, dust fluttering into the wind as the two moved back into their fighting style. Jensen felt her probing kicks and continued to wait, feeling pain rack up his side as she continued to harry him in the side with her stiff assault. At last she did a quarter turn jump, her foot coming out in a violent kick aimed for his weakened hip.

“Not an ounce of grace,” Jensen taunted as he spun away from the kick, coming up with a series of rolling jabs into her gut. When she felt his fist upon her stomach she let out a groan of pain, his hits taking their toll on the lithe fighter as she stumbled back. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, her other rubbing the spots Jensen used as a speed bag.

Jensen laughed wildly to her. “You got so used to fighting with magic and your tircks you don’t know what the hell you’re doing anymore! I’m gonna tell you what. Run now, and leave bush fucker. I’m in a rare mood.” Jensen bowed to her, offering her the escape.

“Piss off, you worthless mutt!” She cried out as she stood ready to fight again.

Before when they fought Jensen thought to her as a superior in the ways of fighting. But after spending five minutes with the man Tagaz, who had killed Jensen repeatedly to teach him the meaning of why he fought, he had learned the woman lacked some serious convictions.

Jensen stiffened his shoulders, looking to her with a wry smile of intent. When he spoke, it was a crass, low tone that was insulting and oozed with distaste for all skill the opponent had. It was a taunt that boiled the blood of the elf, which was his sole purposes for doing it.

“Can’t touch me…” he sassed, lips curling into a snarl of spite and glee. With an enraged cry of hatred she charged forward, feet moving along the ground solely on the balls of her feet. Each bounce made her swifter as she ran in, and she came up with a horrific flash kick aimed squarely for Jensen’s chin.

The immortal’s world flashed white from the impact, his feet resting the sole of his boots as he teetered backwards, but quickly he regained his composure, feeling the world return sharply into focus. When the girl landed his fist already punched her square in the gut, her body turning rigid as all the air left her stomach and she wheezed, eyes open wide with exhaustion.

Jensen then grabbed her head, lifting it up by her ears as he wrenched them in the palms of his hand, grinning like a fool as he smashed his forehead into her nose. Disoriented and out of breath she lazily lifted her arms to her face, a cry of triumph escaping Jensen’s lips as he jumped up and spiked the heel of his foot upon the top of her exposed toes. He heard something crack and she hollered out in pain, her body growing rigid and limp. Jensen then giggled as he grabbed the woman’s breasts and gave them one good twist.

Beaten, shamed, humiliated, and broken, the female elf gave into her exhaustion and fell upon the ground, crying as she curled herself into a little ball of agony.

“You were a fool to fight me,” Jensen said hostilely as he bent over her, grabbing a fist full of her hair and forcing the elf to look to him. “And if I ever catch wind of you trying to jump us again, next time I’ll just kill you.” He warned slamming her face back into the ground as he ran towards Aislinn.

She didn’t’ seem to be faring to well, and the mage was getting more aggressive with her. When he pulled out a knife Jensen moved in, grabbing the mage’s hand with relative ease as he spun the man in and lifted him to his shoulders in a fireman’s carry. He spun in circles, laughing stupidly as the male elf screamed for help from his companion. When the immortal stopped spinning he found an over turned log and shrugged lifting the elf up and over his head and landing his burden upon the wood, back first.

The pain the mage felt had to be excruciating as he howled out to the uncaring gods in the sky.

“Now that I sufficiently broken your ribs, let’s see how you fight!” Jensen shouted as his fist slammed deep into the man’s mouth. “God damn preying upon the weak,” The knights fist slammed down into his foe’s nose, breaking the frail bone line as the male whimpered in pain. “Think your so smart and clever with your pointy eared intelligence and faggot fairy magic?” He kneed the elf in the stomach. “Talk to me tree fucker, you’re boring the crap outta me!” Jensen laughed as his fist came up in a violent uppercut. The man fell upon the log again sitting weakly as he tried to regain his breaths.

“Tired already?” Jensen taunted as he spun his foot around and kicked the man weakly in his chin. He collapsed upon the floor and cried for mercy, several teeth falling out of his mouth as blood pooled around his head. “But I thought you faggots had superior stamina to us lowly humans!” Jensen cried out hatefully, his fist slamming upon the down form of the mage. “Guess they don’t come like they used to.” he shrugged as he spat on the elf’s cheek. He chuckled as he looked to the man, glancing to see if Aislinn was okay. She seemed mildly disturbed, but not shell shocked. He couldn’t’ tell if it was from his display of beatings, or just being snuck up on.

“Did you bush fucker’s learn a lesson?” Jensen said in a dead serious tone returning his attentions to the elf mage. “Like I told your bitch of a girlfriend or whatever the hell she is, if I ever catch wind of you this little beating will be nothing compared to the hell I’ll put you through, comprendo, leaf licker?”

The elf feebly nodded, whimpering as he was glad the pain was ending. With a final stomp to the man’s head Jensen walked over him, stooping low to lift Aislinn up.

“Heh, if this is the kind of dates we’re going to have, then I suppose going out with you won’t be so bad.” Jensen joked. When he was positive they were away from the elves he fell to his knees, clutching the wound in his arm from the dagger that impaled him. “Got any more of that bark? I think I ripped something in my fancy speech…”

06-14-10, 04:09 AM
Aislinn looked upon the Immortal, seeing him in such a wounded condition before she shook her head regretfully, "I did not bring anything other than myself. This will not be the first time tonight I wished I were on my daily routine. I can however help you."

Jensen eyed her with a look that spoke volumes of his disinterest before she let a shuddering breath go. Ignoring the pain that would distract her she called Ghyran forth once more, feeling the wind whip furiously about them, before she nodded softly. The Breath of Life swirled about Jensen seeming to bleed away the pain and agony, even as the wounds slowly began to scab over and heal, going the span of weeks in only a few short moments. Leaning heavily against Jensen she let out a steadying sigh as she whispered, "No more of that today I am afraid to admit."

"It was enough, erm, well thanks…" Jensen replied, unsure of what to say. Looking down a few of the deeper knife wounds were healed, with the initial stab that had caused the most damage easily ignored. What had been a rather lethal situation had been reduced to an everyday cut in the matter of seconds. Aislinn however, looked more the worse for wear as he asked, "Can you do that for yourself?"

"Ghyran is not a wind for the selfish. I cannot ask him to aid myself, only others," She replied firmly.

"Girl like you needs to get an A in sharing? What kind of mumbo jumbo was that?" Jensen asked causing Aislinn to laugh softly before wincing once more. He stopped, seeming to check on her before she held up a hand, staving off further questions as to her health.

"I need to get back to the tombs, I can at least treat you more there and begin treatment on myself," She replied to the implied questions. Jensen nodded moving them along the road before she continued, "Thank you, I was not sure how spread out he had used his magic, and in a rather brash move I had the winds leave the area entirely for a moment…"

"So you fought that guy without any magic, whatsoever?" Jensen asked raising an eyebrow.

Aislinn shrugged before she said, "I suppose in telling the winds to go away I had only made it harder on myself. Nothing shows how weak you are than the removal of your favored toys…"

By now they had reached the city limits of Radasanth. A comfortable silence had replaced the one in the tavern. This was the peace they had found about each other in the wake of the previous fight. It was the feeling of companionship, and the mutual understanding that they were both a side of the same coin. Both suffered the painstakingly slow death of Loneliness, one by choice, the other by obsession. For the two of them this was but a fleeting moment, meant to pass as all things would. They knew this peace would be like the last and soon they would be at each other's throat again. It was their very natures.

Once within the tombs she carefully peeled herself from Jensen upon reaching the infirmary. Felicity upon seeing them return rushed forward in an effort to greet them, until she saw that Aislinn was not in her best of shapes. Moving into her private quarters she said to Felicity, "Inform Stephanie I shall have to pay her back for the dress. I appear to have defiled it in such a manner to make it unusable for more than bandages. Also give to her my apologies for such inattentive considerations of her property."

The door closed and Felicity turned anxiously to Jensen.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-15-10, 01:03 AM
“What happened?” Felicity asked.

“Filthy shrub humpers, the same ones that we beat the crap out of a few nights back.” Jensen replied turning away from the door and getting ready to leave.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Felicity asked furiously darting in front of him and extending herself out in an attempt to block the knight’s passage. Again, the expression coming from a cat was just heart wrenchingly cute. Jensen lifted his leg up and over the ball of fluff and she turned jumping upon his back and climbing to his shoulder, hissing in his ears. “This isn’t part of the deal, you still need to finish out the date!”

“Ya know, dinner and a fight is really more excitement than I can handle right now. Call me old, but I’m tired and want to sleep.” Jensen said irritably. Felicity bit his ear, which illicited a painful cry from Jensen as he grabbed the cat by the scruff and held her in front of his face. “What’s the big idea, Fuzz Ball?”

“I don’t want this opportunity to go to waste,” Felicity meowed loudly, drawing a bit of attention. Jensen ignored them as he lifted higher on the cat until they were eye to eye. The cat’s face was covered in a scowl as she looked to him, but her eyes were pleading, begging even. “She needs this!”

“Why?” Jensen shot back, his anger matching Felicity’s. “I don’t particularly care about the girl. I honestly only got one Orlouge on my mind, and it ain’t her.”

“Because she’s killing herself!” Felicity hissed, her thoughts impeding inside Jensen’s brain as they echoed between his ears multiple times. He dropped the cat from the feedback, never hearing a telepath yell inside someone’s mind before. Needless to say it wasn’t pleasant.

Jensen stood before the cat, wondering what that was supposed to mean. He bent over, leaning in over Felicity as he listened. The cat sighed, looking down before sitting on her hind legs and looking up to the immortal with remorseful eyes.

“I suppose the start would be a good place to begin,” she mumbled. “You see, every mystic is eventually put through a test, and this test is very important. It’d be no different than your squires training Stephanie told me about, a baptismal of courage and skill,” Felicity looked off to the side, her posture hinting at regret. “As you can see, I didn’t fare to well…”

“You failed and got turned into a cat, big freaking deal. Life sucks and then your…a cat I guess…” Jensen said losing track of his insult. Felicity had really been pissing him off as of late, and his patience was getting more and more thin with the feline.

“Well, Aislinn has been hell bent on trying to find a cure for me, dedicating her life at the expense of her health and good social graces…even going so far as isolation and ostracizing herself from the family tree.” Felicity continued. She looked back to Jensen, with pleading eyes. “So you can see Mr. Ambrose, why I need her to enjoy this night. It’s for her, to get back on her feet and see the good things life has to offer, so maybe, so maybe she’ll stop…”

The cat teared up, shivering in what Jensen could only surmise as crying, and he felt a need to pet her, but as he lifted his hand out a sudden feeling of unease washed over him. He looked to the cat, knowing her pain was genuine, but something was really off.

“What aren’t you telling me?” Jensen ordered. Felicity looked up, her kitten like face a wreck as she blinked repeatedly.

“Excuse me?” She asked, sincere confusion in her features, but absolute fear in her eyes.

“I don’t see why this is so important. I don’t get it. I can’t seem to rationalize why this is so important. Christ, Fuzz Ball, do I need to spell it out for you? You-Are-Hiding-Something.” He made grand hand gestures to Felicity, making it abundantly clear she wasn’t going to fool him. The cat looked behind him, and checked the nearby area. Then she moved closer to Jensen, rubbing against his thigh. He sat down for her, cross legged, letting the feline make a little bed out of his legs. She looked up to him, and she had a guilty face on her features.

“Uh, I kind of would appreciate it if you kept this next bit to ourselves for now,” she purred. It wasn’t a happy purr, but a painful purr, like she was whispering dark heresy to the immortal. Jensen shrugged. Felicity waited a bit and then spoke.

“I’m dead Mr. Ambrose,” she said bluntly. “And nothing Aislinn can do will change that…” She ducked her head into his thigh, hiding it in shame as she tried to bury her body into his flesh. Jensen processed the information, and then he grabbed the cat by the scruff lifting her to his face again.

“You mean, nothing at all, don’t you?” Jensen said darkly. “As in, she’s wasting her life away for you,” Jensen continued. “As in, this whole set up was your way to get her to stop so you don’t have to break the fucking news to her!” His tone had turned to cold venom, seeing Felicity for the spoiled brat and manipulator she was.

“I am impressed, Fuzz Ball, a cat suits you perfectly for a prison of a body!”

Jensen dropped her in a huff, all his will power being spent not to chuck it against the wall. He stood up looking to Aislinn’s door. Felicity carefully moved back to him.

“You have to understand me!” she begged. “The truth would destroy her!”

“I’m sure it would, and it would be a far cry better death than this painful, slow trickle, that you so carelessly seem to be okay with.” Jensen muttered walking towards the girls door. “Love how your conscious kicked in so late, Fuzz Ball. Made me think you really cared for a moment,” Jensen mouthed off to the cat. Before he got farther he felt sharp claws impaling into the back of his scalp, Felicity’s paws digging them deep. He let out a cry of frustration as he gripped the feline and pulled her before him.

“Don’t you dare question my love for my sister, Mr. Ambrose! It’s a concept you have no right to judge me on, considering how carelessly you tossed it away yourself!” Felicity hissed violently, her hair on edge as her little ears perched back. “What I do is for the good of Aislinn at this moment. I’m not so dumb and Naïve like my cousins, I know exactly what I am doing. Maybe your right, maybe a cat was a perfect choice for my exile, but that makes me no less feeling. Do you think I enjoy keeping that secret from her?” Jensen shrugged in an uncaring manner.

“Whatever, Fuzz Ball. You wanted me to help your sister,” he said dropping her away. “So here I go…” he whispered, walking into her private room without knocking, and shutting the door before Felicity could enter.

06-15-10, 01:51 AM
Aislinn heard Felicity and Jensen arguing, paying it no heed other than to make occasional note and listen for hostile action. Hearing none she had managed to peel off the dress, checking herself for injury, before managing her traditional loincloth. She had barely finished crossing the cloth she used in lieu of a top when Jensen came barreling through the door. A shriek of indignation left her lips before she pointed to the doorway, "Out!"

"Listen, we gotta talk about your sister. That girl is-"

"Out!" Aislinn ordered again as her face flushed with embarrassment. She stormed over to Jensen and clearly pointed the way behind him, showing him exactly where he was to go. The immortal quickly gripped her wrist and carefully pulled her hand down before he opened his mouth once more;

"Listen to me! I don't care about your mediocre breasts! Your sister-"

"I told you to get out! What in the name of Althanas makes you think it is okay to enter any lady's room without permission!"

"Oh please, you are hardly a lady! Besides your sister-"

"How many times do I have to tell you? OUT!" Aislinn finally got physical shoving the man back, who looked at Aislinn in disbelief. The Girl hardly got physical, this much he knew, but she seemed dead set on removing him from her room.

"Listen, you need to know something about your sister!" Jensen finally managed.

Aislinn frowned before she said firmly, "Is she hurt? Did you hurt her?"

"What? No I didn't-"

"Then OUT!" Another shove saw the immortal outside the doorway. A fragile hand gripped the doorway before she moved to slam the door, only to find the immortal's hand gripping it tightly. Hiding behind the door Aislinn glowered at the immortal who had caught her in a moment's indecency.

"Listen, your sister…" He paused, unsure of how to continue. If truly the Witch had given up her entire life to finding a way to fix Felicity, then how do you break that news to someone. It would be like Jensen finding out he…

…couldn't do it. No, this was wrong, the more he thought about it the more wrong it felt. Even if he had this power over Sei, it would be wrong of him to abuse it. This information, the very information that would shatter someone's world, could also send them to their death. To spring it on someone suddenly?

Even Jensen Ambrose was not that big of a jerk. Instead he looked at her and said, "…she needs to talk to you about what you're doing. I would suggest you don't let her get out of it. She-"

"If you are going to waste any more of my time on your asinine antics I would suggest you leave my sister out of it. I do not need a lecture on how to take care of my sister, when the only care you seem to have Mr. Ambrose is in where you bury your dick each night!" Aislinn said firmly as she moved to shove the door closed before Jensen stopped her cold with five words;

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I meant it how it was said Mr. Ambrose. You do not care for anyone about you. You can not possibly fathom what it takes to take care of someone other than yourself. You have no concept of sacrifice for another, nor any concept of what your selfish antics do to others. You are the child left out in the cold, with no clue as why no one will warm you anymore!"

Jensen's eyes darkened before he spoke, "You're a Witch, and I hear you can see the past and the future…" With a casual motion his sleeveless coat was left in one hand before he shoved it through the door and spoke venomously, "Why don't you find out how true it is, before you go around pissing people off so you can go back to being miserable in the damn cage you made for yourself."

With that he stormed off, only sparing a dirty glance at Felicity who dodged his tread to hide under a bunk. Aislinn looked at the immortal's retreating back before she gazed down at the coat, seeing the first odd thing about it…

…stitched into the back of the coat, were the missing sleeves. Around them, were names neatly stitched so as to not be lost through the ages. Looking upon the Jacket she picked it up, smelling the scent of the immortal a bit in the aged leather and cloth. Looking back at her sister she carefully closed the door, unsure what to make of the moment of sincerity that Jensen had given her.

She had some investigating to do, if she wished to know what was going on.

06-15-10, 06:03 AM
Aislinn had managed to finish changing, lest any other rude interruptions postpone her work. Pulling on her boots after finishing with her top she let out a soft sigh, looking over the coat, seeing the hints it gave. Jensen had challenged her to find the truth using that jacket, and she would try, but first, first she needed the help of one of the more elusive winds. Unlike Ghyran, who was ever present, or Aqshy who only required a lit flame to be there, Azyr required a bit more work to coerce into action. It also came as no surprise that Azyr, Wind of the Thayne, and their source of power, required more from any deal made with it.

She softly began to sing a hymn of praise to the All Thayne, from which Althanas drew its first breath. The words were soft, only a muttering and yet the voice that brought them forth was beautiful. Far from trained Aislinn continued to sing, the song itself beautiful, and yet at the same time sad. She held up the jacket, and waited, until she felt the breeze. It was subtle, yet anyone who looked within the room could see the candles flicker, threatening to go out from the strength this wind bore. She continued until she got to the responsorial, and let it die on her lips following its passing.

"Hello Azyr, it is nice to see you again…" She said plainly, looking upon the jacket. The wind seemed to whip about her, catching her clothing in an updraft and teasingly playing with it, bringing a rare smile to her face. She waited solemnly to be addressed by the powerful wind.

What have you need for child? By what token do you call us forth by that ancient hymn?

She smiled before she raised the jacket up and spoke plainly, "You have seen all that occurs on this world, I only wish to share that vision for a brief moment. I beseech you to share the power of sight, both past and future. I know this is by far a powerful gift, and I know that you may not grant such a thing to me at all…"

The wind whipped about her furiously before it grinned softly and spoke, You sing well young Witch, it delights us to hear the ancient melodies sung with such a young voice. We shall grant you the power of Vision, but in return, you must sing for us as the sun falls from the day's sky. In the moment of twilight, the world needs a lullaby, and you shall sing that hymn.

She nodded before she said, "How shall I know I can stop singing?"

You shall know, and in time you will understand the necessity of these Hymns. Until that time, enjoy your gift child, enjoy the voice you have.

Aislinn nodded as the wind whipped about her for a moment, and she gripped the jacket tightly before she whispered, "Show me these names, show me why they are here…"

“Hey, lazy asses!” Jensen cried out to a small group of three people as he lifted a rabbit like it were a trophy. “Come on, get up, I got breakfast!” None of them moved.

“Get up you idiots!” Jensen called out with a forced laugh, his nerves starting to sting as he felt a wave of panic rush down his spine. He lowered the rabbit. “Guys…guys get up!” he called out, no mirth in his tone, no joviality. “GUYS!” Jensen shouted, his echoes calling out into the world behind him as the rocks shook small patches of fresh snow drift onto the floor below. “GET UP!” Jensen shouted, his voice in a panic.

…they never did. Aislinn watched as Jensen chastised himself over the situation. He had attempted everything he could think of to revive his comrades, but even without touching the body's, Aislinn could see that they had all frozen to death in the nights air. Jensen's words from earlier this morning seemed to float through her mind…

"I'm immortal. I'll be stuck like this till the end of time."

Her eyebrows shot off her forehead before she queried, "Immortal? In what sense? You do not take injury or-"

"Oh I take injury, died more than once, except to King Fagot. No, I just wake up next day, almost good as new," Jensen replied crossing his arms.

"You take injury indeed…" Aislinn mused looking upon the names. Denzel, the confident leader, Chanelle, the exotic love interest, and Miguel, the budding magician, all met their end in a rather traumatic way to the immortal who blamed himself for their deaths. In the end he had sewn their names into his jacket in memorial, and much like Aislinn he also wore them as chains to remind himself of why he cannot feel good. The sleeves of the jacket were perhaps in homage that he would toughen himself up, rather than rely on it for the warmth he had craved when killing his friends.

Perhaps they were more alike than initially thought. Her brow furrowed as she looked over the situation. Jensen was an enigmatic creature, and she could not for the life her figure out why he insisted she look upon these visions. Shaking her head she let the jacket rest on the chair before she looked upon her journal, and slowly looked through all the entries. Until roughly two months ago, she had not written anything more than potential cures and information on Felicity's condition. Even then, she had been rather meticulous in musing about it during the two months, but she had filled the pages with more than just her normal obsession.

The journal seemed to show her why Jensen at least was doing Felicity's bidding. She looked upon the pages some more before she opened the pages once more, and began to write in the log. This time, she would make a new entry, and see what she could work through in her mind.

It didn't take her long to realize what her problem was…

Enigmatic Immortal
06-16-10, 07:01 PM
Jensen’s evening had been long, and so had the next day. Wind of his date with Aislinn had caught up with Kyla and Anita, and both of them had been pulling one prank after the other to make his little life that already was a bum rap even harder. He took the lumps, played their games, and was now in his room with Stephanie, who was also being a wise ass to him, her temper shorter than both girls combined.

At least he expected that from her, the woman getting more irritated as of late. She never told him why, telling him to open his eyes each time and that she wouldn’t spell it out for him, so he just assumed that time of the month was going on for a month. He didn’t know anything about the human body, and frankly, as an immortal, he didn’t care.

“Lunge jump, Claw slash,” Jensen said softly, boredom creeping along the edges of his tone as he played two playing cards from the game RazeRed. It was a growing game in the region, getting very popular amongst the children and young adults. Stephanie had happened upon it with Sei when she was protecting him at the local bazaar a month or so ago. Considering the fact the man needed no help, she found herself just buying a few things. She had known Jensen was getting stir crazy in the cavern tomb, so she bought the game and taught him how to play.

By teaching him to play, it meant she taught him how to play just enough so she would always beat the crap out of him. Yet lately he had been getting better and as Adolph, his other fellow knight from the Apocalypse order, watched on he felt confident in this strategy.

“You get a chance to Ukemi, you got that card?” Jensen asked her. Stephanie sulked and shook her head, drawing a card from her defensive deck. Jensen got to draw two from his attack deck and grinned as he pulled a follow up combo card. He played it, and slapped four attack cards down. “Claw slash, Hado-Claws, lunge jump, Claw strike,” Jensen drew a few cards for successfully completing a combo. He grinned again, teeth showing as Stephanie merely watched. “Drew another combo follow up, any Ukemi’s?”

“I think I played them all,” she muttered lifting up a few cards from her defensive deck. “Go on, I can’t stop the combo.” Jensen squealed as he continued to inflict damage onto Stephanie’s Lady Vampire card, his Neko-Girl’s agility coming to the for with dozens of strikes. Jensen looked to the new cards he drew as he whooped in glee.

“Did you draw an Ukemi?” he asked.

“I told you no, idiot!” Stephanie snapped. The prospect of her losing made him very happy.

“Then get ready for the big one!” Jensen cried happily lifting a card up into the air for dramatic effect.

“Uh, Jensen…I don’t think this is wise,” Adolph warned. Jensen gave him a quick ’Shut up’ glance and dropped the card.

“Kitty Klaw Katastrophe!” He sang dropping the card down in front of her, signaling the finishing move for massive damage. He knew once it hit, the Lady Vampire was toast and he won the game.

“God Jensen, when do you ever stop and look at things around you?” Stephanie groaned, but with a slight smirk on her face. She placed her left hand on a card outside of play and flipped it before Jensen.

“OH SHIT!” He cried grabbing his forehead in agitation. Stephanie giggled as she dropped a few cards down.

“First I Barrier Burst, disrupting your attack, then I drop down Coattail Carnival strike, followed by Umbrella Sword, followed up with Tiny Lobelia. Any Ukemi’s?” She asked. Jensen drew a defensive card.

“Fuck,” he shouted. “No…” he sighed knowing what was coming next.

“Ha, loser!” She sang. “I play Bardum Lily Thunder Rose. Since I have a Tiny Lobelia on the field it does more damage. You lose.” Jensen grumbled as he tossed the cards on the bed, Stephanie laughing as she collected them both and placed them on the shelf. “I’ll play you later tonight, I promised Anita I would take her out for ice cream.”

“Why?” Jensen asked.

“For pissing you off today.” She smiled as she left with Adolph. Angrily Jensen drew his feet onto his bed, turning to get ready for sleep, but when he heard a knock at the door he cried out angrily towards the wooden frame.

“Whoever you are, die in a fucking fire!” Jensen screamed.

The door opened with a gentle creak, footsteps echoing as he saw part of a loin cloth fall forwards into the doorway. He noted that Aislinn had walked in, his jacket in hand as she shut the door.

“Oh god, please, I already got enough crap today because of you and Fuzz Ball,” Jensen whined remembering the embarrassing incidents Kyla Orlouge had placed upon him. Aislinn merely smiled as she leaned against the door, tossing the jacket upon his bed.

“I learned something new yesterday,” she said. “Maybe my words were a bit harsh and cold, for that I do apologize Mr. Ambrose.”

“Jensen,” he mumbled. “Might as well use the name…”

“Very well, Jensen,” she said politely. He noted her demeanor had changed a bit, and her normal hostile tone was seemingly gone, instead replaced by a more sarcastic humor. He lifted himself up to look to her.

“What do you want, besides to mumble your sorry for running your mouth off at things you don’t know?”

“The very same could be said about you, Mr. Ambrose. The whole situation had been brought up because of your loose tongue,” she pointed out, but not in a defensive way, more in a, let’s just forget the whole thing. He relaxed his posture. “I have a mission I need to do, and you have been assigned my body guard. Come, I must make haste.”

“Screw that,” Jensen mumbled turning towards his pillow. “I had a long day, and I want a nap.”

“It shall not take long and if you wait you can just sleep for the night, as it is almost dusk. Now hurry, Jensen, I have to get moving quickly.” She ordered to him. Jensen mumbled his complaints as he grabbed his jacket, slipping it on in one practiced movement. Aislinn smiled to him as they stepped out into the hallway, the Ixian Knights all returning home from a hard days work of training with Hortori and Tagaz.

When they stepped outside the sun was preparing for it’s setting dance in the moonlit sky, the exchange of times always something of beauty that Jensen had taken a fond liking to. When Aislinn stepped next to a rock and dropped herself into a lean Jensen became confused.

“You need me to baby-sit you while you sit outside?” Jensen asked crassly. Aislinn didn’t bother to retort, instead motioning for him to relax. Not one to disobey strange orders, Jensen sat upon the ground and relaxed, lifting his arms above his head and resting. Before he could figure what was happening Aislinn lifted herself solemnly up, looking towards the setting sun.

“I am not sure how long this will take,” she said in a half whisper. “But I feel it prudent you stay.”

Jensen watched, and before long she began to sing to the setting sun, a harmonic melody that surprisingly wasn’t all that bad. Jensen at first was a bit dumbfounded, but felt himself getting into the groove as he listened, enjoying the music as he closed his eyes, lightly dozing off in his memories.

They had stayed like that for about half an hour, Aislinn, lifting her hand to a canteen and drinking from the contents. Jensen popped one eye open and looked to her, a gesture for her to explain.

“It is merely part of a deal I had to keep to one of the winds of magic. The one that let me see that you may have more in common with me than I had cared to admit.” Aislinn said weakly kicking his jacket with her foot. Jensen nodded to her and she cleared her throat, extending her hand down to him to help the immortal up.

“I would like to propose a partnership, Mr. Ambrose,” She winced a little. “Jensen,” she said softly. “You be my guardian when I venture into the field of battle, and aid me when I require help. In return, I shall offer my services to you in whatever capacity I can fulfill. And occasionally, I will need someone to vent to about my estranged Uncle, as I am sure you will need as well. So together we shall meet once a week at the bar to enjoy ourselves and each others company.”

“That sounds strangely like a friendship to me,” Jensen said warily.

“Do not let the intentions of good nature confuse you. I am an ice queen, remember?” she smiled brightly, though he could tell she was in foreign territory as well as he was. Friendship was something both had not taken for granted, avoiding it in pursuit of their own agendas or pasts.

“I have no fundamental concepts of friendship either as I lock myself away in my laboratory.”

“Well then…” Jensen said lifting his hand to his chin and stroking it. “I suppose I could use another partner.” He gripped her hand and tugged, but as she tried to lift him up he instead knocked her down so she rested next to him.

“The best part about dusk is the stars when they start to shine,” Jensen said excitedly, pointing out a few as they glimmered into life into the darkening sky. “Chanelle taught me that…” he whispered to Aislinn, smiling.

06-16-10, 08:10 PM
She relaxed after being pulled down, knowing full well that Jensen wouldn't try anything. They talked for awhile about the stars, experiences on their lonely roads, and further of themselves. Aislinn had to admit perhaps there was something to this whole friendship business, and that she would probably pursue it in due time. For now the partnership with Jensen was just formal enough to pass muster. They continued to enjoy the night before it got more than a little chilly. Finally Aislinn spoke up breaking the revelry, "We should go, before we welcome the dawn. I have work that probably needs to get done tonight and even more in the morrow."

"Back to being a workaholic ice queen bitch of Althanas?" Jensen asked smarmily before he too sat up, the two of them dusting loose bits of grass from their clothing. Aislinn merely giggled before shaking her head.

"That is too much effort for so little return. I think I shall give being…social, a try. It will certainly be rough at first, but one day I might be able to do so without the awkwardness I feel at even suggesting such a thing…" Aislinn put forth. Jensen laughed as he raised an eyebrow.

"Lady you make me look downright friendly some days. I'm going to have to get front row tickets to the next dinner if you're going to try to be friendly," He sassed. She chidingly slapped his shoulder even as they began to return to the caves. Many people were now running about the tombs, some going to quarters, others trying to pilfer some food from the soup chef overly protective of his cherished soup. It was an organized chaos that Aislinn had come to know comfortably. These were the Ixian Knights, the family she had reluctantly entered, but with each day found herself more reluctant to leave. Had a mere two months ago someone told her she would stay of her own volition, she would have certainly thought them mad or ill with a mentally incapacitating fever.

Moving through the hallways she said a courteous goodbye Jensen, before heading to the Infirmary. Never did that wistful smile leave her face, and yet she also knew that Felicity would still be on her case. Moving about she finally reached the halls she had helped prepare and was surprised to find no one waiting for her, no reports, and no work. Frowning she looked upon the desk only to find a small note that spoke volumes;

Ms. Orlouge,

We have worked hard today in order to give us the time to properly prepare all the work that should be done tonight. We know you have been pushing hard at getting us self sufficient, and saw this as a chance to go the extra mile. Please, enjoy your night, and understand that if a report is left on your desk now, it is merely because we have no idea on how to proceed with the information given.

Sincerely yours,
The Staff

She lifted the note in order to make sure her eyes had not deceived her before she smiled ever so slightly. Moving about she finally found what she was looking for. A small picture frame, barely larger than the note was carefully opened, with the note tucked inside, so that all would see the writing. She then carefully placed the frame in a position that when she was working she could always see it. She of course didn't care about what the contents said, merely the intent that was behind it.

She kept it on the desk for them.

Sitting at the desk she leaned back in her chair for a moment, a soft smirk gracing her lips as she looked about the place.

"Well then, I suppose I shall catch up on some reading…"

Spoil Request:

Vision - Witchcraft - By holding onto an item that has strong connection to an event, or touching a person Aislinn has gained the ability of clairvoyance. When holding an Item she can see the event the item is tied to to the minute details. When in contact with a person for longer than a minute, she can force a vision upon them that both the Witch and her "victim" see. This is often a vision of something that will occur within a year's span, and may be a possibility rather than a set in stone event.

Silence Sei
06-24-10, 07:09 AM
Since yall didn't specify for any commentary on the request, I won't give any. Yall know how to get in contact with me for questions

Story ~ 22/30

Character ~ 25/30

Mechanics ~ 15/30

Wildcard ~ 7/10


Twincast gets 666 (EVIL!) EXP and 375 GP

EI gets 2415 EXP and 375 GP

Spoil approved pending RoG update.

Silence Sei
06-24-10, 07:17 AM
GP-EXP added.

TwinCast hit OneLevel