View Full Version : Cain and Carnage. (Solo)

The gospel speaks
06-09-10, 10:55 AM
Shadows swirled around one point slowly condensing in upon itself. Soon the form of a man emerged and sat up. His body was similar to that of Lucien Gospel except for two things. Gospel had silver hair and eyes. This new being had dark black hair that crept down over his crimson eyes that burned with hatred and rage.

Everything else was exactly the same, he was tall, about 6 feet to be exact. He was slender, and had lean muscles. His skin was pale, drawing a sharp contrast with his hair and eyes. His pale lips curled to a snarl as he looked around. Every one of his senses was recovering from his reformation.

He inhaled deeply and staggered back from the assault on his senses, the putrid scent of manure from a nearby farm made him sick. His vision blurred and made him dizzy. In some places he was numb, others he was hypersensitive. He staggered back dizzy, he would have hurled if he had anything in his stomach. He fell over and heaved deep breaths as he waited for his nerves to calm down.

Several minutes had passed before he could sit up again. He inhaled deeply and sighed as his vision began to focus. Next his sense of touch calmed down, returning to a normal state. He heard birds chirping overhead, reminding him of his empty stomach. It growled like a starving dog, "I need to get something to eat." he mumbled to himself.

The gospel speaks
06-09-10, 11:23 AM
The man snarled as he lunged at a bird grabbing it by one of its wings. He growled and smashed its head on a rock killing it instantly. He chuckled, it was a large creature with plenty of meat to fill his stomach, then he dipped it into a nearby pond to soak the feathers so he could pluck it. The whole process was messy work, yet he enjoyed every second of it. He used one of the daggers the old Lucien used to sacrifice virgins, one of the many crimes overlooked due to his status, to slice the bird down the middle.

He also noted how the set of six daggers was now a set of three, "The other Lucien must have gotten them." He muttered to himself as he gutted the bird. Soon he had the meat ready, he set that aside and started to gather what little wood he could find for a small cooking fire. He sat back and drooled as he watched the bird cook, something Lucien had done in his old home a lot. The nostalgic moment made him snarl.

Then the scent wafted over and he forgot all about his exile. When he was sure the bird was cooked he ravenously wolfed the meat down, savoring each juicy bite. After he finished he snorted contently and looked around.

"Ok so lets see," he said silently to himself. "There are two mes running around this new world, It feels like I took most of the shadowmancy, but he probably has a little left. I don't look like my old self, the other Lucien looked more like him, So I bet he's still going by Lucien gospel. I should take a name as well." he paused for a moment and reflected on his past, which frustrated him because that man was nothing like he was now, which disturbed him deeply. "I think I shall go by Lucien Carnage." He said softly to himself, he repeated it several times, "Lucien Carnage, Lucien carnage, Lucien carnage" until he was sure that he liked the name. Then he looked around for a place to stay. He saw what looked to be an abandoned barn in the distance, he looked to the sky and frowned, it was late. With no other options he decided to head towards the barn and stay there for the night.

The gospel speaks
06-09-10, 12:31 PM
Lucien Aproached the barn at a slow walking pace. His crimson eyes took in every detail of the feild as he walked. It appeared to be an old farm that was abandoned long ago. He could see wild crops growing everywhere, and stopped to pick a few to save for the next days breakfast. He then noticed why the feild was abandoned, a large black patch of soot and half burned wood rose from the ground like jagged teeth.

It was the remains of the house the farmers lived in, he figured, next to it were several crosses, "Guess some people didn't get out." he commented with a smirk. He turned back to the barn and pushed at the door. It hesitated, then swung open. Dust flared up into his nostrils forcing him to sneeze and cough. "God dammit!" he hissed after clearing his airway. He looked around noting a rather interesting scythe that was normally used for harvesting crops.

After glancing through the farm he decided he would wait until morning to finish the examination. He climbed up into the loft and gathered some old hay to use as a pillow. Then he went to sleep. That night he dreamed of the old Lucien, he saw him as a young child standing alongside a man, his father. The two both stood over a lab table working on some strange white figure, Lucien's blood chilled, it was a Blank.

The Blanks were a project the old Lucien's father had headed. It was an attempt to create artificial souls, they thought they had done it, they were dead wrong. The demand for blanks of different shapes and sizes grew so much that his father had moved to the capital to get royal funding. About ten years later Lucien had gained a wonderful reputation as a shadowmancer, so the king had him brought to the capital for lessons.

Once there Lucien began to assist his father again, but this time they worked on creating more advanced blanks. One day a man was killed by his hunting blank, the thing was put down, and it was all deemed an accident. Then the Blanks rose up, they began to consume Lucien's people, until only a few were left. Then a few blanks had cornered his father, he knew something bad was going to happen, but before he could see..he awoke.

The gospel speaks
06-09-10, 02:03 PM
Lucien yawned softly and rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he sat up. He tilted his head to get a glimpse of the Barn below him. When he saw nothing new he climbed down and looked around. The first thing that called out to him was a bone he spotted in a corner, it had deep teethmarks he assumed belonged to the farmers dog if he had one. Then he went to the tool table where he had set his breakfast from the other day, to his surprise it was gone.

He growled, something had stolen his food. He turned around and scanned the room. He grinned as he found paw prints in the dust leading out the barn. He followed them and looked at the grass out side the door hoping to find something to lead him to his food theif. Instead all he found was a silver hair.

He scowled and walked back into the field and picked more food. He found a nice stump to sit down at and eat. The tomatoes were slimy and gross, and the cabbage was hard and nasty, but it was food in his stomach. As he ate he noticed two pairs of red eyes staring at him from a hole in the barn. He took one of his daggers and sliced a bit of lettuce and tomato off. He then tossed it towards the hole, landing roughly 2 feet away from it. A silver fox emerged from the hole, watching Lucien at all times while it grabbed the food and returned to it's hole.

Lucien smiled, a first in his new life, and finished his breakfast. He walked toward the remains of the old farmhouse and climbed into the ruins. To his surprise he found several little trinkets, clockwork mice, little statues, all sorts of useless items. Again he looked up and the silver fox was watching him, this time it looked like it was smiling at him. Slightly unnerved Lucien smiled back as the fox trotted away.

After half an hour of searching for nothing in particular Lucien climbed out of the Ruins covered in ash. The Feeling was unpleasant so Lucien went swimming in the pond he had seen earlier. After cooling off he scrubbed himself and his clothes vigorously. The water was freezing so he was relived to have finished. He shivered slightly as he got climbed out of the pond, then he noticed the fox, yet again, staring at him.

"That's really creepy now" he said walking past it. He walked back towards the barn and looked up, it was about noon, so he decided to search around to look for useful stuff.

The gospel speaks
06-09-10, 04:05 PM
A more in depth search of the barn revealed a dusty old sack, which after a thorough cleaning, was ready to carry stuff again. He also found a rusty Iron hammer, and a wagon wheel repair kit. Neither sang out to him, but he stored it away in the bag anyways. Then he went to go pick some food and stored it away in his pack, then he tied his pack with a fraying rope he found. When he walked out ready to leave he found the fox with a small puch in it's mouth.

At first he didn't bother wondering why the Fox had a pouch in its mouth, he just started down the road looking for a city to stay in. It wasn't until he had walked a few miles that he realized the Fox had followed him. When he stopped to rest, the Fox did as well. Nothing much happened as he continued down the road. When he stopped for the night the Fox looked tired, and when he went to sleep the Fox curled up with him.

The gospel speaks
06-09-10, 06:56 PM
Again he dreamed of his past. This time it picked up where he left off. Old Lucien watched with horror as he watched his father being eaten alive by the blanks. He roared in horror, but more survivors dragged him away. Time flew by, Lucien never left the safe house, soon he was the only one left. He sighed and pressed a button. A gem he did not recognized raised from the ground. He placed his palm outstretched on it, and shouted something in a strange tongue he didn't remember. The result was imedeate, a large explosion rocked the whole plain of existence, shattering it into multiple continents, vaporizing the blanks. Lucien washed up on a shore, and then he awoke.

He yawned sitting up, the fox growled unhappy that he had upset his sleep. Lucien rubbed the sleep from his eyes and reached for his pack. "Yo bud get up." he said nudging the fox. The furry companion yawned and stood up. Lucien grabbed his bag and tossed the fox a tomato, he himself struggled to start a fire to roast a potato over. He swore angrily as he epically failed to do so. The fox trudged over and nudged him. "What?" he asked the Fox angrily.

"Dude I'm a fire Fox let me start it." The fox said waving his tail over the fire. The effect was instant, the fire erupted into a nice blaze. "You...can talk..." he said slowly. "Umm yeah, Fire foxes do that." the furry companion replied coolly.

"Oh, ok then." Lucien said sitting down to roast the potato. "So Mr. Fire fox do you have a name?" he asked as the smell floated over the two. "Call me Cain," the fox said sleepily nibbling the tomato. "SO then Cain why are following me?" he asked sniffing the hot potato, it smelled good. "That fire was started by me, and a priest bound me there until I found someone worth serving, you were the first in 20 years to head this way, so I decided, now or never."

The gospel speaks
06-09-10, 08:30 PM
Cain and Lucien walked down the road at a slow pace since Cain had short legs. The prospect of a companion made Lucien ecstatic. At midday they stopped at a trading post and talked up a few travelers. Lucien asked about his counterpart, and found that he had headed to find a man named Sei. Since they did not have anywhere else to go, the decided to head to Radasanth.
Hmm what to write about for the next few posts.

The gospel speaks
06-09-10, 10:39 PM
After a day of traveling the duo retired to bed a day away from the port they were going to so they could board a ship. Cain volunteered to cook. Lucien smiled at the thought of him cooking and went to go lie down. When he wasn't looking Cain added a rather nasty herb that causes anyone who consumes it to have massive stomach "evacuation." After eating Lucien retired for bed, and Cain wandered off.

"He won't look for me for a few hours." Cain muttered to himself as he walked across the road. He broke out into a brisk trot and took a sharp right towards a farmhouse. To the unknowing eye, it was a normal farmhouse. But Cain knew it's real secret, it was a traveling station to and from every realm of existence, only those who new of it could find it.

The silver fox raised a paw and knocked on the wooden door. A slight shuffling could be heard as someone approached the door. The high king of Arkon opened the door and smiled. "Aaaah Cain come on in, the rest of the council is waiting." He said smiling. Cain followed suit and entered behind the king.

The gospel speaks
06-09-10, 11:13 PM
Time to play the lets repulse everyone who reads this post game.

Lucien woke up with his stomach growling like Cain when someone gets too close to his food. "Oh God Cain's food is making a surprise reappearance!" he growled as he ran to the tall grass of a nearby field. He hardly got to a nice patch before bile rose into the back of his throat. Soon Vomit rushed out of his throat and gushed as a geyser of vomit erupted from his jaw. It stopped and he retched, shooting another geyser of vomit.

He sucked in a hiss of breath and released another rocket of vomit. He gasped and sucked in air, this cycle continued several times until his stomach was empty. He wiped his mouth and panted, straightening up from his bent over position. "Cain is so dead!" he hissed angrily. He wandered back to camp, and looked around, the silver fox was nowhere to be seen.