View Full Version : Economy & Trade

06-09-10, 08:56 PM

While there are several of economic branches in which the realm or Corone excels, there is one paramount to them all and that is trading. Being an island nation forced the Coronians to seek the market for their goods beyond the seas and soon after the commencement of the Age of Resurrection, Corone ships spread across the known realms almost like a plague. One of the largest one is the ferry called “The Juggernaut” that constantly travels between the mainland and the island. Buying cheap and selling expensive has become an art for the merchants of Corone.

However, without the solid industry that is the foundation of every healthy nation, the trading would be pointless. Rye, corn, wheat and pretty much every other edible plant from the barony of Yarborough that is the surplus, is being traded to the less fortunate lands that are willing to buy... with a minor profit of course. Concordia forest is a seemingly bottomless source of wood that is being sent down the Firewine and Bradbury river to the mills. Some are sold as raw wood, some are turned into glorious ships, while others are used as firewood, but the common denominator is that they all bring profit. The mines of the Jagged Mountains aren’t too shy either as the dwarves still carve new halls beneath and produce more ore and metal from the bowels of the earth.

All in all, the economy of the Corone is flourishing, making it one of the richest nations in the known world.