View Full Version : Raven Hoax

06-12-10, 12:09 PM
Name: Unknown, answers to Raven or Hoax
Age: Unknown, assumed to be less than 30 but greater than 20.
Race: Human?
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'2
Weight: Varies, base weight of about 50 Kg
Occupation: Unknown, monk? priestess?

Personality: "Raven" doesn't remember much of her past, she can go back a few weeks or months but after that, things start to get hazy. She has problems understanding the world around her, reality is a fuzzy word for her and she has difficulty differentiating between dreams and reality.
Ravens moral code is based largely off consequences, and what would likely happen if she was caught. While this tends to allow her a large degree of moral freedom, it also leaves her looking like a bit of a psychopath. She isn't one, although she does fit the definition, it is simply her fuzzy memory that causes this. With no previous morals to fall back on, Raven simply tends to just make the rational choice.
If Raven were one in a position to be called such, she would likely be labelled a coward, she doesn't like to fight - although she can, and she will emphatically state that she does not want to die. Ravens first choice will almost always be flight over fight, only when her back is to the wall will she engage in a fair fight.

Appearance: Raven might be a pretty girl if she would just clean herself up. Her shoulder length hair is black with mud, her cute and homely features are tarnished with dirt and her cloths are torn and filthy. It is clear from the sight and smell of her that she is homeless and broke. If one were to see her scantly clad it would also be obvious she is rather malnourished.

History: (Raven doesn't remember who she is, where she came from or how she got her "powers". Indeed, she doesn't remember much beyond the last few months so here's a sample of what her day tends to be like.)

"what's a pretty little thing like you doin' all alone in a town like this?"

Raven awoke with a start. How long has she been asleep? It felt like she had only just closed her eyes but it had been noon before, now the sun was low in the sky. She guessed it was low in the sky, for dark clouds had since closed in and threatened to rain once more on her already damp cloths.
Blinking Raven stared up at the man who had woken her. He looked like a fighter or a barbarian, a crude piece of plate armor covered his chest and scraps of leather hid his shame. A rusted bastard sword of some description was slung on his back but nothing about him suggested he knew how to use it properly.

Raven scrambled a little, pressing herself further against the stonework as she dug in the dirt to sit upright. The man grinned and for a moment Raven imagined it was the same kind of smile a lion might give a lamb. Never letting her eyes off him Ravens hands quickly searched in vain for her staff.

"how'd a pretty little thing like you like ta' make a shiny gold coin?"

The man produced a large gold coin and held it in-front of her face. Ravens eyes darted from the coin, to the man, to the ally - where was her staff? Suddenly Raven held her breath and closed her eyes as strands of dirty hair were brushed from her face. To her, it felt like being touched by the devil himself; cold and defiling.

"I.. Im n-not a prostitute."

The man laughed and brushed some more dirt from her cheek.

"surly' the hungry can be many things for a gold coin..."

Raven eyed the gold coin once more, her gaze then shifting to her would-be lover. It was true, it was a long time since she had fed. A quick glance down either end of her ally and she judged that they would not be interrupted. It needn't take long in any case.
standing up and with a mumbled "ok" Raven once more closed her eyes as eager hands explored her tired body. She waited until he was sufficiently distracted with hiking up her robe before striking. A swift knee to the groin was sufficient to stun him; Swiftly Raven guided his baled head into the stone wall - a most satisfying 'crack' reported her success. Now, in truth the smack against the wall had likely already killed the fighter, a sizable dimple and trickle of blood on the side of his head alluded to this already. However he was at least full foot taller than her - possibly 2 - and Raven wasn't taking any chances; a swift heal to the back of his head broke his neck, guaranteeing her kill. The whole incident had taken less than 5 seconds.

Kneeling down next to her kill Raven's hands glowed darkly. Shadowy miasma bled out from her body while that of the fighters slowly shrivelled and disappeared into her glowing hands. Raven didn't exactly know how it was happening - how little she actually knew about the dark energies keeping her alive was at times disturbing - but she did understand what was happening. Old mass was being burnt off - evident as the dark mist her body produced as she was feeding - and new mass was absorbed and stored. Where exactly she wasn't sure but Raven estimated she was actually about two to three times as heavy as she looked.
in under a minuet the only evidence left of a struggle were a few drops of blood and the remnants of a face print in the mud. cracking her knuckles Raven suddenly spotted her staff, kicked over to one side she guessed by her would be assailant. As she reached out to pick it up her eyes connected with those of a young child, barely old enough to have seen his 5th summer. They both stared at one another, both caught in the others gaze like a stunned deer. A million thoughts raced through Ravens head: how much had the boy seen? had he seen anything? should she silence the him now? they were less than a staff's length apart. She guessed she could grab him if she tried.
The child bolted and Raven swore softly to herself. She had no idea what he had seen if anything, but if the boy had seen anything at all Raven would likely once more be in deep trouble. Unless...

Raven tried to remember the road into town and the land around it. Hadn't there been some abandoned and disused buildings not far from here? She couldn't remember right now - memories not her own danced around her head, clouding her own memories and thoughts. Garbing her staff Raven decided that a night spent wandering the swamp would be better than a night in the ally should the child tell their mother what they had seen...


Absorb: Raven may absorb the mass of any humanoid to large humanoid temporarily adding its mass (including any basic items) to her own. This act takes about a minuet (depending on how much "mass" the subject has) and leaves Raven exposed while she "feeds". Can only absorb dead humanoids, can only access absorbed items while shape-shifted, may only absorb one humanoid at a time. Absorbing a new body will "purge" the old mass from her body, destroying any previously absorbed form and any items the old form might have had on their person at the time. Raven can only absorb while she is in her "true" form.
The act of absorbing slowly heals Raven.

Shape-shift: Raven may assume the form of any humanoid she has recently absorbed, temporarily changing her form and voice to that of the absorbed form. While shape-shifted Raven gains access to any basic skills and ability's that the humanoid may have possessed (IE: strength of an orc, grace of an elf) but she loses her ability to use shadow magic and interact with shadows.
Shape-shifting takes a moment to take effect, depending how different her "true" form and acquired form are; changing into an elf might take 1 or 2 seconds while transforming into an ogre might take as long as 15.
Absorbed, or "shape-shifted" forms are immune to all forms of healing and "mass" cannot be added to a damaged form.
While shape-shifted, any damage Raven takes will cause her to lose "mass" in accordance with how much damage she takes. If Ravens shape-shifted form loses sufficient mass she will no longer be able to maintain the form and will be forced back to her "true" form. This is a very painful experience and will leave her stunned and dazed for a few moments after it happens.
The act of shifting from a acquired form to her true form will fully heal Raven of any less than lethal physical wounds, but will cost mass for all wounds healed and is excruciatingly painful. If shape-shifting would heal anything more than minor wounds Raven will be stunned for a few seconds after transforming depending how serious the wounds healed were.
If enough mass is lost for whatever reason Raven will be unable to transform and will be forced to absorb a new form.

Shadow Phase: While in her "true" form Raven may phase into any deep shadows, obscuring her form and rending her immune to physical damage. While phased Raven may only move slowly within the deepest shadow and cannot "jump" or move from shadow to shadow. Raven cannot attack while shadow phased.
Phasing into a shadow takes a few seconds and leaves Raven vulnerable while she is "phasing". Direct light will break this effect, and bright light will forcibly end this effect, stunning Raven upon exiting this state.

Shadow manipulation: Raven possess the ability to bend and manipulate shadows to her will, stretching and bending various shadows to her needs. She can even forcibly use her own shadow to attack or defend herself as the need arises. The potency of this ability is greatly diminished in sunlight or any other similar bright source of light. Extended use of this ability or trying to use it in the presence of a strong source of light will quickly fatigue and exhaust Raven.

Equipment - Personal: dirty robes and an old staff.

Equipment - Absorbed: Middle aged male adventurer, Crude armour and a crude sword.

06-12-10, 01:18 PM
After you absorb something that's dead... what happens? Do you look like the person did before death? Do you weigh your weight and the weight of the dead together? Just wondering.

For shape shifting, I'd like to request that you can't fully heal the non-original bodies. However, if your original shape is injured, and you want to use mass from a "stored body" that you could shift to in order to heal minor-moderate wounds I'll allow that. However, in doing so you'd be using the mass of the other body, and in turn would be losing it just as if you were in that body and it was taking the damage instead. So, as you said, you would lose that shape if you use it to heal your original shape too much. Also, you shouldn't be able to use the healing ability with more than one shape absorbed per thread or battle.

The shadows you shouldn't be able to attack from unless you leave them. Just a note.

The "crude armor and weapons", since they're crude, I'm going to assume are just crappy iron weapons. If it's something different, please note that. It can be iron or steel if you want. Armor can only be something small, like chain vest, or metal chest-plate, little things like that. Weapon can be a sword, dagger, whatever. I just need it clarified.

Thank you very much. It seems like a lot, but I'm a bit wordy. :p If you have any questions feel free to ask them, when you've edited the first post, just throw up a response to this and tell me and I'll be back in to check it over!

06-12-10, 08:58 PM
After you absorb something that's dead... what happens? Do you look like the person did before death? Do you weigh your weight and the weight of the dead together? Just wondering.

For shape shifting, I'd like to request that you can't fully heal the non-original bodies. However, if your original shape is injured, and you want to use mass from a "stored body" that you could shift to in order to heal minor-moderate wounds I'll allow that. However, in doing so you'd be using the mass of the other body, and in turn would be losing it just as if you were in that body and it was taking the damage instead. So, as you said, you would lose that shape if you use it to heal your original shape too much. Also, you shouldn't be able to use the healing ability with more than one shape absorbed per thread or battle.

The shadows you shouldn't be able to attack from unless you leave them. Just a note.

The "crude armor and weapons", since they're crude, I'm going to assume are just crappy iron weapons. If it's something different, please note that. It can be iron or steel if you want. Armor can only be something small, like chain vest, or metal chest-plate, little things like that. Weapon can be a sword, dagger, whatever. I just need it clarified.

Thank you very much. It seems like a lot, but I'm a bit wordy. :p If you have any questions feel free to ask them, when you've edited the first post, just throw up a response to this and tell me and I'll be back in to check it over!

Ok, I just woke up and wrote this all last night as I was falling asleep, lets see if I remember half of what this was all supposed to do.

Ok, firstly, thankyou very much for the question of curiosity :). When Raven absorbs a dead person, no she doesn't instantly shape-shift to that person, but yes her weight plus that of the dead thing is added together. For example, Raven weighs about 50Kg on her own, if she absorbed a large man, say he weighs 110Kg, afterwards Raven would weigh 160Kg.
before shape-shifting Raven would just look her normal self, after shape-shifting to an absorbed form she would look whatever it was she absorbed before it was killed. Important to note here, time of death and method of death is important in all this, as obviously if the absorbed form has been dead for some time there may be insufficient "mass" to properly mimic the form. For example, in her history she broke the man's neck, he would have lost next to no "mass". If for example he had died to blood loss 3 weeks ago or say a shotgun blast to the face, things would have become slightly more complicated. Loss of blood or loss of a head-shaped mass would have meant an over-all weaker form, more susceptible to damage... less perfect in form... that sort of thing.

Second, Im not sure if your saying "don't want you healing shape-shifted form" or "limited self healing"...
if its the first then Im sorry if that was unclear, but Raven can not actually HEAL any absorbed or "stolen" forms. If an absorbed form is damaged, its damaged for good until Raven will be forced to acquire a new one. The shape-shifting heal applies ONLY to Ravens true form and at this time, only to less-than-lethal wounds and yes, the healing from this does use a fair amount of mass to heal with. Im not sure what you meant when you said "you shouldn't be able to use the healing ability with more than one shape absorbed per thread or battle.".
Do you mean I shouldn't absorb more than one dead person per thread? per battle? Or did you mean I shouldn't be able to heal multiple times from the one form?
if its the latter then can I just point out her ability to heal is already limited by the amount of "mass" absorbed to begin with. Raven would only be able to heal once or twice, depending how serious her wounds are before there would be insufficient mass to shape-shift any more, and thus unable to benefit from the "free" healing.

For the shadows, again, I meant to put that in there but yes, Raven cannot currently attack while shadow phased. (apologies, as I may have mentioned before this was written at about 2 - 3am)

Lastly, yes, they are just iron weapons and armour, its just the armour and sword that belonged to the fighter in the history blurp.

On a final note and as a bit of a personal request. Would it be ok instead of being awarded some gold to instead trade most of any to-be-acquired money for another spell or 2? Raven is meant to be a homeless shape-shifter and that feel, in my opinion, would be broken if after this she can just head down to the local shop and buy whatever she feels like. :p

06-13-10, 05:49 AM
Im not sure what you meant when you said "you shouldn't be able to use the healing ability with more than one shape absorbed per thread or battle.".
Do you mean I shouldn't absorb more than one dead person per thread? per battle? Or did you mean I shouldn't be able to heal multiple times from the one form?

I was referring to :: If you have absorbed three bodies for use, and you want to heal using one of the bodies, after that body's mass is no longer able to be used or transformed into, you shouldn't be able to use the other two bodies to heal yourself. In other words, just be careful not to have 2-3 bodies, and be able to heal yourself constantly in a battle. I'm going to trust you with that though, so no worries.

As for the money thing, if you want you can just write that you're poor. No need to remove all the money or anything. However, I'll let you have another spell or two. Just don't make them super powerful things, obviously. :p I'll look over those when you edit them in.

06-13-10, 11:00 AM
I was referring to :: If you have absorbed three bodies for use, and you want to heal using one of the bodies, after that body's mass is no longer able to be used or transformed into, you shouldn't be able to use the other two bodies to heal yourself. In other words, just be careful not to have 2-3 bodies, and be able to heal yourself constantly in a battle. I'm going to trust you with that though, so no worries.


....Im sorry if that was a little ambiguous, that was not my intention. Raven can only absorb and store one new form at a time. She cannot store the mass of multiple humanoids at once.
So say for instance she absorbed a dead orc and used his form to fight. While fighting she takes a deep gash to her shoulder and a broken arm (as an orc). If/when she shifts back to her true form she would no longer have a broken arm or a deep cut in her shoulder. She could not then, turn into an elf and run away for example. She would first have to find and absorb and elf. After doing this however she would not be able to transform back into an orc, her active shape-shift would be that of an elf and any items (IE: armour, swords) that the orc may have possessed are now lost, as would her ability to transform into an orc.

in short, what you just said is how I intended it to work. :p
I've edited both skills a bit so that's hopefully a bit more clear.

As for the money thing, if you want you can just write that you're poor. No need to remove all the money or anything. However, I'll let you have another spell or two. Just don't make them super powerful things, obviously. :p I'll look over those when you edit them in.

I've added in a new spell/ability but deliberately kept its definition a little bit lose. (the FAQ recommended it <.<)
Basically it lets her stretch and bend shadows around her and use her own shadow to attack or defend with. I hope its fair/balanced but to be honest I've not a lot to compare it to as I've not done this sort of thing in a while and have no real idea how things are done around here.

06-14-10, 06:28 AM
It's worded well. That's fine. Everything looks good, sorry about asking so many questions but I just wanted to be clear as to what was going on. :p


Welcome to Althanas, if you ever have questions feel free to PM any mod and we'll help as much as possible!