View Full Version : Laugh With Me

The Soulforged
06-12-10, 06:18 PM
Name: Seed Vicious (formerly Northwind, but he changed it)

Age: Twenty-one

Race: Human

Hair Color: Red. It's long and wavy. And by long and wavy, I mean mangy. Sure, it could look all pretty if he took care of it, but he doesn't.

Eye Color: A dark shade of blue. Much like the ocean.

Height: About 5' 8"

Weight: 140 lbs. This is not because he is in shape, but rather because he's a scrawny little guy.

Personality: Happy. Most of the time. Well, happy in the sort of I'm-just-a-tad-off-center sort of way. He is very quick to joke, usually in a somewhat inappropriate manner. He takes few things seriously, whether it be a threat to his life or victory in battle. If one can make it through his sarcastic remarks, he's not too hard to befriend. The only thing about him that's unnerving is his laugh. There's something wrong with it.

Oh, and he's an alcoholic. If he hasn't had his fix, he tends to go beyond sarcastic and inappropriate to just plain rude.

Apperance: At a glance, Seed would appear to you to be a bit down on his luck. His red tunic is a bit worn. His black pants are a bit shabby. His gaunt face and thin frame give off the signal that he could use a bit more nourishment. All of these things may be taken at face value. He is slightly shabby, slightly worn, and doesn't eat enough.

His skin is pale, and as stated, his long red hair is often poorly kept. Were he to clean himself up, he could be considered attractive. However, in his current state, the term "poor" would apply. Should you feel a bit cruel, "gutter trash" could also fit.

His left hand has a few burn marks on it from his first attempt to control fire.


Steel Sword- A simple steel sword, about three and a half feet long. It's very simple, the type one would find anywhere. The hilt is plain, as is the scabbard. Easily capable of being wielded with a single hand. It is not well taken care of (chips and scratches cover the blade).

Razor- A simple, old-fashioned razor. The flip-out blade itself is made of steel, while the casing is decorated in silver. As it is a razor, he could use it to cut someone, but he mostly uses it to shave. It's worth a bit (around fifty gold), but that doesn't matter as he'd never part with it. It was a birthday gift.

Throwing Knives (3)- Very simple knives, made of iron and no longer than four inches. You could easily fit all three in the palm of your hand (though you'd probably cut yourself if you did...idiot...)


Swordsmanship- Below Average. Seed knows a bit of swordplay, just enough to get by on. He can hold his own against someone his level, but he is no where near the top. A legendary swordsman could drop him in, say, fifteen seconds? He doesn't practice very often either.

Knives- Average. Seed can accurately toss his knives up to fifteen feet with either hand. He can also do tricks, such as balancing the tip of a knife on his finger. This transfers to other small pointy objects ,such as darts, and Seed has won a bet or two in a bar because of this skill. It's far more important to him than swordsmanship.

Pyromancy- The ability to manipulate flame. Seed can, using his left hand (his right hand works too, should he feel like it), extend or reduce any non-magical fire (unless the original creator of the magical fire allows him to do so). He cannot create or extinguish fire with this skill, nor can he extend/reduce a flame more than five feet. He can, however, reshape a flame. Usable twice per day.

Alcoholism- Not really a skill, and certainly not useful in anyway. Seed is an alcohol addict, and suffers from withdrawal symptoms should he not have at least one drink each day. He feels a bit sickly if he hasn’t had a drink, but the most important change is his attitude. The longer he goes without a drink, the more foul he gets.

The biggest problem is when he sleeps. If he ever goes to sleep sober, he often has nightmares. Not the friendly kind either (not sure what a friendly nightmare is though).


(Use of other people’s characters was approved)

Behold Althanas! Land of dreams!

Yes, here anything is possible! Pick up a sword, become a knight! Learn a spell, become a mage! Yes, all paths are open. There is naught one cannot accomplish, save perhaps one thing. Be normal.

It’s a bit hard to be normal in Althanas, what with all the bandits, dragons, warlords, wizards, knights, vampires, ghouls, undead samurai, demons...I could go on, but you get the point. Being a hero is easy, just go on a quest. Doesn’t matter what really, something will turn up. But be normal? Ah, there’s the trick!

Of the above list, Seed’s particular bane was dragons. Yup. Those damn, irritatingly cliché, dragons. See, some guy killed some dude’s parents, so the dude got pissed and unleashed a bunch of dragons on the guy’s homeland. Yeah. Shit like that happens in Althanas every day.

You want details? Okay, so this guy named Karel Raven throws a pissy fit cause his sister marries his worst enemy (imagine that). Not entirely sure why, but this enemy (goes by the name of Vladimir Sigma) listens to his wife when she said “Let’s have a family picnic! In an airship!”

What? It’s Althanas. Remember, a picnic on a sunny day in the grass is normal (and that’s a no-no)!

So someone says something about someone’s mother, and next you know, Vladimir’s parents are cut into little pieces. Not the first response to a yo mama joke, but what can you do? Sick a thousand dragons on Karel’s homeland, that’s what you can do.

I know, I know. Overkill, right? Remember, that’s their story, not Seed’s. For his part, Seed would have just killed the guy, but that just...well...doesn’t happen in Althanas. Like this one time, this mage cuts up his family real good cause...um, to be honest I don’t really know why he did it. But seems to be an open-and-shut case, ya know? Mage goes to trial, and I’m thinking GUILTY AS HELL, but no. Mage gets off because he’s...sorry? Because he’s no longer a danger? Oh, what the FU-

Never mind. In any case, Karel couldn’t just kill Vladimir and Vladimir just couldn’t kill Karel. Enter Seed and his family.

Mother? Crushed by a dragon.

Father? Burned alive.

Sister? Died in his arms. Bled to death in his arms to be exact, at the age of eight. This is after Seed’s father told the boy to protect his sister. Not exactly a fair burden to place upon a fifteen year old boy, but when you’re trapped in a burning building, you work with what you got.

Looking past this sarcastic tone of mine, the very same that Seed uses (save perhaps more vulgar), this is his nightmare. It is not the death of his mother or father, nor the destruction of his home. It is the thought of his eight year old sister telling him that she’s scared as she bleeds in his arms. It is the memory of this little girl, who harmed not a soul, crying for mommy and daddy as everything burned. It is the concept of telling someone that everything will be all right, when you know that everything will not be all right. It is the harsh cruelty of a world that judges a crying eight year girl worthy of a painful death that haunts him. And she did cry; she did not die stoically or with a smile.

She died screaming.

If you chance upon Seed on a night where he has not had enough alcohol, you may find him screaming the name Fir. Mention the name when he is awake, and he will laugh. That’s right. He laughs.

It is the saddest laugh you have ever heard.

This is the part where I tell you how Seed grew up hateful. Well, he didn’t really. Sure, put Karel or Vladimir in front of him and he’ll slit their throat without batting an eye, but it’s not like he’s on a quest for revenge. He didn’t become a hero either; he feels no sense of duty to save the life of children for the one he couldn’t save. No, he did the same thing you and I would probably do given the circumstances.

Broke down. His mind no longer functions rationally; he views the world from a very skewed lens. Life and death are fleeting aspects to him; people die every day. There is no hand of judgment, no heavenly balance. People just die. Even you. Even me. Even him.

Even Fir.

Six years later, Seed carries with him three things from the destruction of his home. One, a bit of an obsession with fire. The way a fire burns; no rhyme or reason to it. It just consumes. He likes that. He likes to watch the flames dance. That was why he learned pyromancy, so he could make the flames dance. His left hand has many burns on it, trial and error took its toll there.

The second is his razor. It was a present from his father on his fifteenth birthday. He does his best to mimic the way his father shaved.

The final thing he picked up was his alcohol addiction. As any drunk will tell you, the world just isn’t as bad when your intoxicated. But, it doesn’t really fix the pain, it just dulls it. Oops. I just quoted a friend of Karel Raven.

Can you hear Seed’s haunted laugh?

Welcome to Althanas. Land of nightmares.

06-12-10, 07:09 PM
What, no guitar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sid_Vicious)? :P Just be careful with the pyromancy.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.