View Full Version : Vat'Clefor Orlouge

06-13-10, 05:04 AM
Name: Vat’Clefor Orlouge
Age: Unknown
Race: Mystic
Hair Color: Long, greasy, and grayish-white
Eye Color: Glowing Blue-Green
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 132 lbs.
Occupation: Madman


Vat’Clefor Orlouge was born over 700 years ago, second son of a privileged mystic family and brother to the original Sei Orlouge, ancient sire to the line that has culminated in the current namesake, Sei Orlouge the Hero of Radasanth. During a dispute with his brother Sei, Vat’Clefor accidentally dealt the other mystic a blow to the head that left Sei unconscious and near death. Thinking that he had killed his brother, Vat’Clefor took what he thought was a dead body and used his telekinetic powers to bury the body deep within Radasanth Park. Knowing that he would be questioned about Sei’s disappearance, Vat’Clefor attempted a ritual to take escape from the Firmament into the Anti-Firmament where he would be able to escape prosecution for his apparent fratricide.

In his haste, Vat’Clefor botched the ritual, and while he left the Firmament, he failed to reach the Anti-Firmament and was instead lost in the space between the planes of existence. For a time he travelled the blasphemous, eldritch places he found there, and only barely held onto his sanity through his sheer force of will, a trait of his mystic blood. But after being captured, held prisoner for one hundred years, and used to breed a thousand thousand half-mystic blighted spawn, Vat’Clefor could no longer keep his mind straight. Vat’Clefor’s captors eventually tired of him and left him alone and shattered to wander the dark, formless realms. Ageless, like any mystic, Vat’Clefor wandered, unable to die, gibbering insane shrieks about the varied and horrendous things he had seen until he at last stumbled accidentally upon the spot where his failed transportation had occurred and returned to the world of Althanas. Though he returned to the same point where he had left the world hundreds of years prior, things had drastically changed, and Vat’Clefor found himself at the mouth of a vast network of caves named for the spot where he had buried his brother, Sei’s Tomb.


None of Vat’Clefor’s former regal bearing or noble demeanor remain after hundreds of years of torture and min-shattering horror. At full height, Vat’Clefor stands 5’ 8” tall, though he rarely stands tall anymore and prefers to move around with his shoulders slumped forward and hunched over. Vat’Clefor’s body is almost skeletally thin and every inch of his body is covered in a cross-work quilt of arcane symbols, magic wardings, and elder signs that have been carved countless times into his flesh by his own jagged yellow fingernails. Vat’Clefor’s head is covered in a mass of tangled, bushy hair, and his wide eyes constantly dart back and forth, searching the shadows for signs of creatures from the space between. Vat’Clefor rarely wears anything more fancy that simple grey woolen robes.


When he is lucid enough to have a personality, Vat’Clefor is incredibly intelligent but is extremely guarded and seems to trust that nothing is ever as it seems. His periods of lucidity are rare, and often he spends his time shrieking wild, broken snatches of unknown phrases.

Skills and Abilities:

Physical Statistics (compared to an average mystic)
Strength – .5x
Speed – 1x

Mystic Protection –1x per day – Like all mystics, Vat’Clefor was born with the ability to create a shield of glass around his body that defends against a single attack or spell directed at him. After defending against the attack, the shield shatters and explodes away from Vat’Clefor for roughly three feet before dissipating back into nothing. The shards only explode out around and above Vat’Clefor, so anyone dropping prone can avoid them. Unlike a normal mystic’s shield, Vat’Clefor’s appears to be covered in the same warding sigils and elder signs that have been scarred into his body. These sigils are created by Vat’Clefor’s shattered mind and any shards from the exploding shield carry that madness with them. Creatures struck by the shards have visions of the unspeakable horrors that Vat’Clefor has seen temporarily branded into their mind and are subject to the mystic’s madness. Characters more than one level higher than Vat’Clefor are left shaken but otherwise unaffected by the horrible visions. Characters from one level higher to one level lower than Vat’Clefor are subject to intense fear from the visions. Characters more than one level lower than Vat’Clefor are paralyzed by the blasphemous visions and can do little more than gibber and wail. The sigils cause horrible pain to creatures from the “in between” but have no capacity to harm anyone else.

Eidetic Memory –Like all mystics, Vat’Clefor has extreme proficiency in one particular area of his training. Always the scholar, and with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, Vat’Clefor has the ability to store and recall any information that he has come across. Unfortunately, this also means that Vat’Clefor cannot forget or repress the horrifying aspects of all that he has seen.

Telepathy – Like many mystics, Vat’Clefor was born a natural telepath. He can communicate as easily with his mind as he can with his voice with anyone that he can see. Vat’Clefor can only listen to flickering hints of surface thoughts from targets when attempting to read their mind.

Telekinesis – Always mentally strong, Vat’Clefor can direct his thoughts to exert physical force. Unfortunately, his madness interferes with the concentration needed for major applications of this power and Vat’Clefor can at this time only move objects with the strength of a normal person. Vat’Clefor may also focus his telekinesis around an object to create a field which gives the object a minor boost to force. At this level, Vat’Clefor may only use this power once per thread for no more than a minute and the boost to damage it gives is minor.


Vat’Clefor only possessions are the simple grey wool robe that was generously provided by Sei Orlouge to cover up his ancestor’s nakedness, and an odd, otherworldy elder sign carved from sickly greenish sandstone that Vat’Clefor picked up and carved as a warding symbol while he wandered the world in between.

06-13-10, 05:53 AM