View Full Version : Roc and Roll (second try)

The House of Dying Lights
06-13-10, 09:53 PM
Please reply to this recruitment thread in character.

In shops and along the job boards of Radasanth, scrolls cracked as the wind grabbed them and tried to tempt them from their posts. It seemed that as if overnight someone had stole out and papered a plea of help through the metropolitan streets, seemingly most thickly around the area that held the Citadel.


Following the directions at the bottom of the flyer, a small ranch with empty pastures and aged barns can be found. A wooden sign, weathered with wind and rain, rocks from it's hook near the front door of the ranch house.

"Jordan Fantastical Familiars Company
Darius Jordan, Owner and Founder"

06-13-10, 10:24 PM
Marcus approached the weathered homestead, parchment in hand and prepared for the honest labor that lay ahead. It had been a long road from Radasanth, across the wide open fields of Corone, and the towering timberlands of Concordia loomed large on the horizon.

It was not long after his fist struck oak that a tall, dark-haired figure appeared in the doorway. "I hear you need some help with some eggs," the staffed young man proffered. "Able bodies, it says here. And I am just the able body for you."

Silence Sei
06-14-10, 08:26 AM
"So we're egg hunters now?" Anita Orlouge sighed her frustration, holding the poster in her hand. "We have more important stuff to do than be a makeshift pound, Papa. You of all people should be aware of that." Her father nodded to the girls, only half-way listening to anything she had to say. The mute had made his way towards the pasture, and found himself starring at a man already knocking on the door.

Sei walked to the side of the man, his eyes shofting towards the fellow adventurer. Anita stood behind the two of them, still a bit peeved that Sei would stray away from his duties to go find, of all things, eggs. Still, it was kind hearted gestures like this that cause Sei to earn his nickname of Hero of Radasanth. "Guess we're going to be indisposed for a few hours..." Anita mumbled.

Gable Rose
06-14-10, 09:44 AM
“Eggs?” Gable nearly laughed at such an intricate attempt to gain assistance for such a mediocre task. She ripped the small flier off the wall all the same, needing anything to do in order to keep from killing the next brutish man that decided to call her ‘doll’ or ‘love’. It was an annoying tendency of men, and men seemed to be far more prevalent in the common society of Althanas then women. “Why not?”

The woman followed the instructions on the bottom of the paper, walking a good distance through Radasanth. When she passed the Citadel, a place she had never felt the need to explore, she found more plea’s for assistance than anywhere else. Peering around, she saw nobody was paying attention to her – a rarity. Deft hands tore the small fliers quickly from the walls as she walked, keeping any others from trying to join in. Though the plea was almost a joke, looking for eggs which people could buy from any chicken-owning merchant, it was an undertaking that young and stupid kids would want to jump on.

She quickly made her way to the ranch house, wondering the entire way what exactly was so special about eggs…

The House of Dying Lights
06-14-10, 08:40 PM
Darius had no more than started to speak with the man who showed up, full of boasting, when another joined him. In contrast, this one silently waited, a girl full of grumbling and impatience by his side. From behind him, he could hear his sister whisper, "There's another coming. She is more suited to your purpose."

"Sorry," Darius said, his voice crisp. "No couples." His hand looped around Marcus' arm and dragged the man inside, bowing his head for a moment to the Orlouges before closing the door with a quiet finality. He couldn't deny his disappointment in refusing the job to the pair. The more the merrier, after all. However, there was only so much gold they had, after what he had spent on Hexia's medications. There was only room for two on this journey.

Later, when Gable had been welcomed inside, Darius sat with them. The house was modest, a small couch and several armchairs ringing around a small table. Tea had been set out, cups ringing a sheaf of parchment that the merchant had provided. Upon it, a beautiful painting of a bird looming large above a man and his horses was fading from age.

"The Roc is a bird of legend," he started, looking carefully at the two. "It lays two eggs once every hundred years, usually in difficult places to reach. Never together, either. Baby rocs will kill each other when they hatch, and will only imprint on the first creature larger than themselves that they see. They aren't particularly cunning, but they are loyal and can be brutal. Easily trained, easily made familiars. Getting these eggs is something I could easily do myself," he paused, taking a sip of tea before sighing.

"But there's always a catch. The mother. Her life or death mean nothing to me, as long as we get the eggs. Bring whatever you need for the trip. There will be rock climbing involved." He looked at Gable now. "So you may want to dress for the occasion. I will provide the packs that we will carry the eggs in. As the flyer states, 100 gold to each of you for the acquisition of an egg, and a cut of the profits when the familiars go to auction."

"I'll meet you here on the morrow." (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=167224#post167224)

This thread will now be used for OOC conversation about the thread. :3 We can continue the meeting IC here as well, if there is any need for either of you.