View Full Version : Roc and Roll: The B Side

The House of Dying Lights
06-14-10, 08:38 PM
Closed to Rodere and Gable Rose

"I thought you'd summoned it." Darius' voice rang out, more frustrated and annoyed than an actual question, as if he were flinging the words as an accusation. He stood above his sister, looking down on her as if she were a failure. His anger didn't spur from the fact that he was not looking at the ancient beast, but rather that she insisted that it had been summoned from a slumber that was never to end. He had never known her to be a liar, though often times she did take the route of undisclosed information. If she hadn't lied, now it appeared to be such things unsaid that were the cause of his strange facial twitch. "Where is it?" he hissed from between his teeth.

"In Concordia, where it has been for nigh full a year now," she said in her calm, matter of fact voice. She looked up at him, light brown eyes glittering with mischief, and he could nearly hear her giggle as she continued. "Growing strong."

"Do you think this is funny?!" Darius found himself bellowing, reaching down to pull her up from the throat of the grey cloak she used to shield her fragile form from the cold. "Do you think that we'll survive long unless we can do something to put gold in the coffers?" He let her go then, turning away as she slumped back down onto her knees, her gaze moving from him to the dozens of little butterflies that had been crushed between her fingers. The ridges of her hands were edged with the slight brushings of blue powder from the wings that had been caught and crippled between her fingers.

"This beast was summoned here a while back, it's presence in the dark sleeping place is completely cold." she said, her voice holding the faint traces of her own anger, though like always it remained hidden. Shaking his head, looking to the sky, he sighed.

"The scroll says that it was locked away to keep from bringing a scourge upon the world." He opened his mouth to continue, interrupted by the peal of laughter coming from several feet behind him.

"A scourge!? I would hardly call children..."

"These children grow taller than a man in their first ten years." Darius turned back to her now. "Are you sure that the scourge it meant was a nest of eggs? Something horrible hasn't gone wrong?" With this question, she responded with a disdainful sniff as she stood, the edges of her heavy cloak trailing the ground as she wrapped it tightly around her. She moved to go back into the old ranch house, opening the creaking door with a grace that he could never quite seem to emulate, but turned back to answer her brother's question.

"No matter what you think your Raiaeran books have told you, it's hardly a match for what a summoner can feel when they call. The bird laid it's eggs here, and they're close to hatching. If you want them now, it's time. But it won't be easy."

Alone in the yard, Darius pulled his fingers through his hair. He knew taking on a protective mother Roc would be a dangerous endeavor, but then again, that's what the flyers (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=167184#post167184) had been for.


The morning after he had hired adventurers, Darius sat on the porch to the small ranch. Hexia was still sleeping peacefully in her room. He sipped on coffee from a tin mug, watching the sun rise over the thick forestry of Concordia. Somewhere in there, there lay treasures that would hold the key to the start of their fortunes. He'd offered a steep price for the eggs - 100 gold. When just a few shillings over 200 lay in their accounts, it had been a bold offer. He only hoped that in the end, it would be worth it.

Figures were coming up the road now, the adventurers that he had hired no doubt. Draining his mug and setting it down on the porch, he stood to meet them.