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Enigmatic Immortal
06-16-10, 09:56 PM
“How long is this boring trip inside the catacombs going to take?” Jensen said irritably. “Oh no, it’s another network of caves inside your home. Big freaking deal. Couldn’t we send in the junior fairies to handle this?”

Sei Orlouge lifted his lantern up, though the device was a mere formality. At any time Anita could use her light magic to illuminate the whole area, but he didn’t want her to become to reliant on her magic. That and it would have just been an excuse for Jensen to whine more. Given the situation that Jensen had already been whining for an hour straight, he just played it safe. His daughter meant that much to him.

Anita scooted over to another cave portal, looking inside and lifting her own lantern. “Hey Jensen, I think there is a monster in this…” she whispered thumbing the entryway. Jensen rolled his eyes and walked inside as he stepped forward glaring at the girl.

“There wasn’t a monster in the last seven rooms, what the hell makes you think this one does?” Anita merely shrugged as she pointed inside. Jensen turned and walked forwards into the darkness, having purposely forgot his lantern just to inconvenience Sei. About three steps in and he felt something gripping his pants and pulling him deeper inside.

“OH CRAP!” Jensen shouted reaching for his punch knife that he swung at his legs with. A shriek echoed down the halls, an inhuman and wild groan as Jensen charged back out, Anita calmly lifting up a piece of paper and slapping it on the wall, chanting a few words of power. A blue seal crossed over the front of the cave portal, and a hideous half man, half octopus creature bashed against the enchantment that imprisoned him.

“Told you,” she sassed. Jensen lifted his hand to smack her, but held it knowing he couldn’t strike the daughter of the man he was employed to. Oh how he wished he could smack some sense into the girl, or at least smack her. Anything to wipe that smug, shit eating grin and that you can’t touch me tone.

“We should send in Wilhelm and his soldiers to take care of this one. It would be good training for him as a leader and a decent fight for the men,” Sei approached the creature on the opposite side, waving to it. It slapped the shield with two tentacles, but mooed like a cow as it retreated away from the mystic.

“I agree, papa!” Anita said.

“Fuck’s sake woman, you’d agree with him if he said the sky was brown!” Jensen interjected angrily. “You little sheep you! Go ahead and baa baa baa your way over to the faggot fairy king!” Anita sighed as she looked to her father.

“He’s in rare mood today,” she spat to her father, once again hiding between the lines the soft question she had asked her father everyday since he brought Jensen in. Sei merely shook his head.

“Jensen is just as valuable as any other solider in the army,” he said with a smile to his daughter. Jensen glared to them both, as he didn’t’ open his mind to Jensen to hear that.

“STOP YOUR HIDDEN SPY LANGUAGE!” He shrieked, always finding it insanely annoying how Sei could choose who he wanted to hear his thoughts, and who couldn’t. Made him feel judged. He didn’t like that. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it all!”

Anita was about to say something, but instead she just peered behind Jensen like something terrifying was coming. She lifted her hand up, running behind her father and gripping his jacket as she pointed behind the immortal. Jensen shook his head.

“Ya whatever,” he said mumbling. “Nothing is coming to get me. You’re just being a bitch.” Jensen sighed as he stepped forward, but that step strangely didn’t happen. He looked down to see a tentacle wrapped around his leg. “Ah come on!” Jensen said as he stabbed his blade into the monster’s tentacle. Again it howled out, but it didn’t retreat as another wrapped around Jensen’s waist and torso. “Uh…Sei?” He breathed weakly as he eyed another one about to wrap around his face.

“Apologize to my daughter first,” the mystic insisted.

“Well, see ya guys tomorrow. I’ll just let it eat me.” Jensen said quickly. The beast tugged and wrapped around two more tentacles as it brought Jensen forward towards it. Saliva dripped upon his cranium as he looked up to it’s nasty features, seeing two pearly black eyes look down upon him with affection. Before he realized what was about to happen, a probing feeler came out from some unseen hole and began to lick the side of Jensen’s face. It’s pale face flushed red as it licked, a soft squeal of joy coming out from its body.

“Oh you gotta be kidding me,” Jensen whispered as the beast pet him affectionately. “Uh, Anita I’m sorry I said things that were true. I didn’t mean to say you were a bitch, but you are. I’m sorry I called you a sheep, but uh…you should really stop acting like one. So, yeah, Sorry.” Jensen hollered to Sei.

Another tentacle began to stroke his hair. “Uh, GUYS?” Jensen cried.

Silence Sei
06-19-10, 06:32 AM
“Your half-hearted apology is accepted. Come on Papa,” Anita smiled and started to walk off, attempting to leave Jensen to the horrific fate of being raped by a man-octopus. When Anita realized her father was not following, she sighed and stood in place. “Fine, I accept his apology for real, now do your thing.”

Sei nodded and walked over to Jensen, placing a hand on each of the tentacles and pulling them off with minimal force. He moved both tentacles into one hand so he could better help his friend. “Sometimes I think you just do these things for the attention,” Sei said while grabbing his bodyguard by the coat and tossing him out of harms way. Sei then used his other occupied hand to toss the tentacles back into the depths from which they came. Jensen was grumbling about something by the time Sei had gotten back to him and Anita.

The mute’s daughter was now in possession of the lantern, and as such leading the trio through one of the caverns vast halls. Jensen was following the girl intently, with Sei being the last person to follow the group. “So Jensen, I would ask that you return to being the back guard, but since you seem to have a ‘purty mouth’, I won’t do so. Besides, you didn’t seem to do a good job guarding your own rear from the ---”

“What’s this…” Anita said, interrupting her father’s belittlement of his compatriot. The girl lifted the light a bit higher over her head. It seemed that this long tunnel lead directly to a steel red door. There were several locks placed upon the metal, as if somebody did not want something to get out of this room. Anita set the lantern down, followed by her backpack. She quickly withdrew a bobby pin from the bag, going into the holes of each lock and picking them.

This skill set came as a surprise to the mute. He had no idea that his daughter knew how to pick locks. It seemed as though he and Anita were going to have a long talk about keeping secrets once this little adventure was over. For now, Sei stilled his thoughts while Anita finished picking the fifth and final lock. She quickly grabbed the gold handle of the door and turned it, pushing the heavy thing open.

The door sounded like it was in severe need of a good greasing up, as it screeched with the movement Anita forced upon it. When the three entered the room, their eyes were directed to the thing being contained. It took all of their breath away.

A diamond the size of dog. The room had a few holes in the ceiling, allowing perfect sunlight to be focusing directly on the jewel. It stood on a tall pedestal in a perfect upright position. The rest of the cave was pretty dark save for the light upon the mineral. Sei quickly began to approach the thing, Anita still awe-struck from the sheer brilliance of the crystal.

“We should look into this,” Sei said as he reached for the diamond. He never saw Jensen’s hand reaching for it from a different angle…

Enigmatic Immortal
06-20-10, 02:04 PM
Jensen didn’t particularly care for gems, even big ones that would make him disgustingly rich. All the immortal was doing was pissing off Sei for his little rant about the knight’s violations. He would take the diamond, hold it over him, and make him uncomfortable with it as clearly any rookie would know something locked up inside a vault inside a tomb was not to be trifled with lightly.

Of course the immortal was blatantly ignoring that rule. Sei also seemed to have no regard for his own safety, his hand reaching for the diamond as well. Anita was reaching into her sack for something, her attentions away as the mystic and the immortal touched the diamond at the same exact moment.

There was a loud clap of thunder, a bright light shimmering from the depth of the diamond and the area quaked lightly back and forth. Small bits of debris and dust jostled around the ground, before a vortex like wind gathered it all up around the podium swirling around the mute and the knight.

“What did you do, fairy king?” Jensen howled out to the mute.

“Me? What did I do?” It was the first time Jensen ever heard the man actually annoyed at the immortal. “What did you do?”

“Oh, that’s rich, blame Jensen, let’s all just blame Jensen whenever something bad happens!” he glared daggers into Sei’s eyes.

“Not one to immediately state facts without proof, there was the time you were turned into a frog, the time you started a fight with elves in the local bar just to escape some boredom, he rambled off, using one hand to count off each incident. “Let’s not forget the noodle incident!” He added.

“I told you that wasn’t my fault! It was the cat!” He shouted, shifting the blame of the noodle incident to the cat, Felicity.

“JENSEN!” Anita screamed, her tone cutting into the vortex and screeching back and forth around her father and hated foe. “What did you do?”

“I rest my case!” Sei noticed both men were still holding onto the diamond. “Drop the gem, Jensen,” he ordered.

“I would if I could, you think I like holding your hand you queer bait mute?” Jensen’s eyes moved back and forth as the howling energies began to form as small rifts of electricity, pulsing in the tornado like wind. The diamond shimmered brightly, a beam of red light coming down from the heavens and using the prism effect to cast rays out over both Sei and Jensen. The beams sucked at them, a greater force absorbing information as it scanned up and down every inch of their body.

What happened next, both men couldn’t really say. A dark chuckle escaped into the vortex, and then both men’s worlds went black.


Jensen’s eyes opened a few hours later, though how much time really had passed, the immortal couldn’t tell. He was in one of the beds at the infirmary, Felicity’s piercing blue eyes looking intently at him as she meowed softly seeing his eyes open. She hopped off his chest and his vision was swarmed with images of Kyla and Anita fighting to check on him, followed by a stiff arm as Aislinn pushed them both back. Irritably the knight pushed her aside, lifting himself up in the bed. He felt a weight he hadn’t felt before, like something heavy was weighing him down.

He looked down to see nothing unusual. Shaking his head he lifted it back up to see Taka and William standing over the doorway with intent filled eyes, Hotori standing next to his pupil as both men looked on with a caring mile. Cassandra Remi, who Jensen had never really met but heard of, was standing off in a corner with a bored expression, looking over a book of plants and their medical applications. A sense of dread washed over Jensen just looking at her, and he quickly averted his eyes.

“I am seriously about to enforce a no visitors policy every time you end up in hear,” Aislinn teased, rubbing Jensen’s arm lightly. He smiled to her, accepting her joke as the two had recently been forming their partnership. He saw Anita with tears in her eyes and even Kyla was trying to act tough, but failing miserably. He just winked to them, sure that Anita was upset he lived, and Kyla was concerned. They both ran to him, jumping in his bed and hugged him tightly.

“Don’t scare us like this,” Anita whispered kissing his cheek.

“Yeah, it’s not funny!” Kyla added as they both pulled away. Jensen gave them both a confused look as he turned to see a another group of visitors standing over the bed of another person. He noticed Adolph and Stephanie were sitting on the bed, Tagaz standing over her with his hand upon her shoulder for support. None of them looked overly concerned, but the worry was clear in their faces. Before he had a chance to speak all three of them stood up as the body began to shift.

Curious to see who it was, Jensen watched with a keen eye.

Silence Sei
06-22-10, 08:54 AM
He opened his eyes to take in his surroundings. Oh great, back in the infirmary. Aislinn's going to have to enforce a no visitors policy every time I come in here. The mute's concern over the crowd that was to be gathered around him quickly faded when he only noticed three members of his knights at his bedside, and none of them were family. Stephanie and Adolph, Jensen's friends and co-workers within the Knights of Apocalypse stood on both sides of him, with the warrior Tagaz at the foot of his bed.

Stephanie's eyes seemed to be holding back tears. She took a deep swallow and closed her eyes. When she reopened her eyes, the tears were gone, filled with a sort of frustration. The girl slammed a fist into the face of the mute, causing his head to jerk with the blow. "You asshole," Stephanie shouted, causing everyone's attention to be solely focused on her, "you had everyone scared! I don't care if you've come back from worse, do you know how I---- how Kyla feels every time this happens?!"

Sei blinked for a moment. He wasn't really sure where the hostility had suddenly come from. Even odder was the fact that both Tagaz and Adolph seemed to be in hysterics over the punch. The telepath looked back to the girl and blinked a few times. I'm sorry I upset you so badly. Speaking of Kyla, where is she? And Anita for that matter?

The three looked at each other queerly and then back to Sei. "You're being oddly quiet, did something happen to you two down there?" The mystic raised an eyebrow to Adolph's words. Did he not just hear what he had just said? He was completely avoiding the question. Enough, I want to see my daughters, and why isn't Aislinn checking up on me? She's usually so good with treating me.

The stares continued until finally Tagaz walked over to the mute's side to feel his forehead. "You must be running a fever," he said, his large hand feeling cool upon the warm head of the warrior, "We'll have Aislinn do a double check on you just to be safe."

The words of Tagaz fell on deaf ears. Sei was too busy looking directly across from him at the other hospitalized warrior. The orange ponytail like hair, the piercing blue eyes, the grey karate gi. Sei was looking at himself as he would look into a mirror. His eyes widened when he recalled Jensen's screw up, and began to reflect on what must have happened.

"What did you do?!" Sei shouted in anger, before he paused of a moment. He felt his throat as if it were something new to him. "Wow...a voice...that's new...mi Mi mI MI mi.." Sei was trying several different tones of the same word, trying to test out the fact that the mute could now talk. It all made sense at this point why the family was gathered around 'Sei' and the KoA were gathered around 'Jensen'.

The two had switched bodies.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-23-10, 08:37 PM
Jensen looked upon the scene with wide eyes, feeling a cold lump in his throat as he glared over to…himself? Before he had a chance to speak he heard Stephanie shriek, her fist flying outwards as his body was pounded right in the bridge of the nose, Ta’gaz lifting her up in the air and away from hi sbody as he smiled to himself, her frustrations apparent on her face as she looked to the body of Sei.

“Sorry my lord,” she mumbled. Jensen looked to her, then to the body as he felt a dark chuckle in the corner of his ear. He looked up to see Cassandra looking right am, her piercing hazel eyes boring down through his soul and eating him alive. The feeling left goose bumps on his skin and he found a cold sweat beginning to form on the back of his neck. Creepy! Jensen thought dismally.

Cassandra eyed him, then bore her attentions down upon the immortal’s body in the other bed, eyeing it with the appraisal of a butcher looking at a prize calf. Then with a loud bubbling laughter she lifted herself up and walked out of the room, mumbling about how great Sei’s tomb really was.

He looked at Stephanie with confused eyes, shaking his head as he pointed to the body that should have been his. Stephanie sighed looking back, Ta’gaz stepping forward to block her path in case she felt another violent urge to destroy his face.

“It’s not the first time he tried to trick us all into thinking he was you. The fool clearly won’t succeed.” Adolph said approaching behind Stephanie and lightly patting her arm as he approached his lord and bowed. Jensen had never felt so…royal before. He opened his mouth, feeling a need to laugh, but nothing came out. He shook hs head again, vigorously as he tried to clear his wind pipe. Nothing. Ailsinn looked to Sei with a medical eye, walking forward as she placed a hand on his chest and told him to breath deeply.

What she got instead was a stiff arm pushing her away as Jensen felt his world exploding. He tried to scream, he tried to yell, he tried to shout at the top of his lungs, raising his hand sin the air like he was in some sort of psychotic episode. Nothing came out, and the thought terrified him profusely and the cold sweat he had forming before was pouring down his face.

“He is not well,“ she stated. The room all turned to her like the girl had said the most stupidest thing in the world. She shook her head irritably, pressing on. “He is having delusions!” Aislinn shouted quickly to her orderlies as they all softly approached Jensen. Angrily he swiped his hand forward, scaring them away as he ran towards the end of the room, slamming into the desk as his fingers furiously fumbled around the drawers opening them and shutting them.

At last he felt what he was looking for, ripping out from the wooden prison a small mirror as he turned it onto himself. What he saw made his heart beat rapidly, his eyes widening in abject horror. Orange hair, beady eyes. A fighter’s gi, not a jacket. His skin was paler than ever, and his body felt rigid and cold, as if the flesh betrayed the soul within it. Jensen dropped the mirror in shock, the glass shattering upon the floor as he stumbled backwards.

“Lord Orlouge?” Ta’gaz said carefully, stepping forward with Adolph as the body of Jensen looked to him, still muttering small children’s rhymes with a stupid grin on his face. His eye narrowed on the body, fingers clenching into two tight fists. He listened for his blood to sing to him, to feel a beat in his head, but all he heard was confusion as the taller men moved to tackle him.

“Sorry my lord! This is for your own good!” Adolph shouted. Jensen turned and pushed the warrior away, feeling Ta’gaz’s arms grip around him. Easily he thought of the counter, moving his foot out wide, but when he tried to loop it back and link with Ta’gaz’s calf he felt the muscles restrict and tighten, the flexibility of the flesh nowhere near what it should have been. Easily he was lifted up and held tightly, and he fumed, screaming at the top of his lungs. What actually was heard was a soft hissing of air.

What is going on in here? Jensen thought miserably.

“Uncle Sei?” He heard a voice speak softly within his mind. A gentle female’s voice, a voice he heard once before. He turned his head looking down upon Felicity. When the cat glanced at him she smiled. As the smile came from a small cat, it was the cutest smile he ever saw. “Uncle Sei, you should get to your rooms and rest, what do you say?”

Confused and not knowing what the hell was going on he merely nodded dumbly. He looked to the cat, eyes pleading as he willed his thoughts into communicating with her. Felicity nodded her head to him and ran ahead of the group out to the hall.

“You can let him go, Ta’gaz, Uncle Sei will walk with me!”

“What a grand idea!” Aislinn said dryly. “Everybody out. I’ll be checking up on you guys tomorrow morning. Jensen you can go back to your own room if you wish.” Aislinn said.

Silence Sei
06-24-10, 08:22 AM
This was absolutely fantastic.

This was like a sign from the Thaynes. Sei could finally rebuild all of the bridges that Jensen Ambrose had burned down all of his life. The stray thoughts of the immortal that Sei had always picked up could now be acted upon. Furthermore, he could always blame the diamond for Jensen's 'strange behavior' later. As he sat on 'his' bed, in 'his' room, the mute wondered where he should take his first step, all the while testing out different octaves to his voice.

"Who should be first?"

"Who should be first?"

"Who should be first?"

"First for what?" the female voice came in through the door. Stephanie approached him with a carefree attitude. 'Jensen' just smiled and shook his head. Sei had just realized the first thing he was going to do while he was stuck in this situation. He was going to make Stephanie feel better about her feelings for the immortal knight.

"Hey Steph, you know how guys are thick in the head sometimes?" The female knight nodded as she turned around. Sei was absolutely sure that the girl had rolled her eyes at the question. She began to slip off the white tank top she had been wearing, revealing a white bra strap attaching at the armpits. "Well, there's something you need to know. It has to be between the two of us, and if I act like my old self in a few days, you can never speak of this to anyone ever."

Stephanie laughed as she began to slip on a blue night robe that covered her entire form. Once she had her bottom half covered, the girl stepped out of the jeans she had been wearing. Moments later the bra was off as well, her chest covered by the dark blue of her new clothing. She began to turn to face Jensen as she spoke. "What's with being so secretive, I mean, I'm sure nothing is that world shatt---"

"I don't want you to give up." Sei said, causing a shocked Stephanie to turn around. The words didn't sound like they belonged out of Jensen's mouth. Then again, the dead serious look in the immortal's eyes didn't seem quite right either. "I just don't want you to lose faith in something you think you can get. Just keep trying and I'm sure you will attain what you truly set your heart on. Excuse me, it's improper for a man to sleep in the same room as a woman without an intimate connection." Sei stood up and brushed right past the frozen girl. He quickly opened and closed the door behind him, and decided to locate someone else.

Now it was time to find Ta'gaz. It was time to show the skilled warrior just how much 'Jensen' had improved his fighting skills. What better time than tonight?

Enigmatic Immortal
06-24-10, 02:26 PM
Jensen sat upon the wide, huge, bed, feeling the comfort of the fabric and the gentleness of the pillows. He looked to the four posts that hung a see through lace curtain that was currently drawn up, his fingers instinctively scratching behind Felicity’s ears as he thought of what was going on. He mentally made note how Sei said he was for the people, but gods forbid he live like a normal person…

“Your psychic feedback is strong again, what’s on your mind uncle Sei?” Felicity asked, purring as she turned her head to address the head of the house. Sighing Jensen gestured to the drapes, the cat, to himself, and to the stars outside. Felicity yawned, stretching herself up and flexing her claws out as she purred stepping gingerly onto ‘Sei’s’ lap before squatting.

If you can even hear this, he thought miserably. I feel like something happened to us, and its that damn diamonds fault. Felicity nudged his hand, hinting for him to keep scratching.

“I can hear you just fine,” she said happily through telepathic talk. “I think that diamond really messed with your telepathy, so you just need me to stick around and translate for you!” She purred and closed her eyes, obviously proud of herself.

Hmmm, bout time you pulled your weight around here. Jensen dropped his legs over the side of the bed.

“I CAN hear you,” she hissed. He just waved her off as he thought about this. What would he do? What could he do? He was Sei Orlouge now, faggot fairy king of all… Corone…King of the Ixian Knights…He was Sei Orlouge now. Not Jensen. He could do anything he wanted! Now was the time for Jensen to pull all the jokes he always wanted to on the Ixian Knights, and nobody would be the wiser!

This feeling gave Jensen a rush of power as he giggled to himself, grunts coming from him as he hunched over holding a hand to his head to keep the torrent of thoughts from rushing out before he arched his back to the heavens, laughing wildly.

Of course, there was no sound, but he had a voice box again in the form of Felicity. Quickly he looked around and found a treasure already, scooping down and picking up a tiny dog leash that no doubt Anita left inside his room. A devilish thought came over him as he looked to the table where all of Sei’s weapons were kept. He just needed one particular battle fan, and two budding kids in love…


Minutes Later…

“Do I really have to do this?” Felicity asked, her own face horror struck as she picked up the mental thread of thought about what her uncle Sei was about to do. She placed a paw on the leash, wanting to be free of it. Sei grinned devilishly and nodded once. Felicity turned her head towards the mess hall, the large room full of Ixian Knights. She looked one last time at her uncle, and sighed before projecting her mental thought into everyone’s mind.

“Emperor and god of all creation, Lord Sei Orlouge, (praise be his name), demands an audience with his whiny brat daughter, Anita Orlouge, and her boy toy Benjiro Taka-Sama-lama-ding-dong. That is all!” Felicity said with a straight as possible face as she could. The room went deafly quite, not a soul stirring as they all looked to Sei and Felicity. Then, one chair scooted away from a chair in the corner, a masked man standing up and pushing the chair back in as Taka made way towards his lord.

“Yes, Sei-Sama?” Taka said bowing to his lord. Jensen sniggered at the act, turning and walking away from Taka, and the ronin took the hint to follow. Felicity turned her head from her slaved perch on his shoulder, looking at Taka with pleading eyes.

“Sei-” Jensen shifted his elbow to jiggle her. She hissed at him, and he in turn gave her a warning look. “Emperor Sei would like it if you would spend some time with his daughter. Unfortunately because of the diamond incident, his psychic powers have waned. I can easily interpret anything to him should you need.”

“Well, at least this isn’t as bad as the noodle incident.” Taka said neutrally, a measure of truth from his words. Jensen felt his spine cringe to hear about that faded incident, and he turned upon Taka glaring him down, teeth flaring as he bore his hate into the young boy. Taka looked to him, and then weakly looked to Felicity for help.

“God Emperor, Sei, would wish if the noodle incident was to never be mentioned again.” Taka looked back to Sei and bowed his head in apology.

“My tongue has slipped, Sei-Sama. I will never speak of Jensen’s ineptitudes again.” Jensen’s temper flared as he grunted his frustrations to the Akashiman. Felicity was looking at Sei’s head, the thoughts running at a million miles an hour as she tried to pick up on them and translate.

“Sei-” Again Jensen gave her a quick glare. “Lord Of All Creation, Sei,” She spat angrily glaring at her ‘uncle.’ “Would like to take this opportunity to enlighten you that the noodle incident was- IT WAS NOT MY FAULT!” Felicity hissed angrily. Taka just stared at the two, his body rigid and confused as the leader of the Ixian Knights and his niece went at it with there telepathic barrage of insults and false accusations.

“Papa, did you need something?” Anita said coming up behind Taka, giving him an affectionate smile. Jensen immediately rounded on his daughter with a graceful smile. He looked to them both, clapping his hands as he lifted his hand ot his back and touched the battle fan he knew he needed.

“Lord Sei would like to take this moment to tell you both how happy it is to see you two together. It’s almost like if a puppy and a kitten were…to…lie down next to each other by a fireplace?” Felicity turned her head in confusion as she spoke the words into their minds. “And to give you both the extra push you two needed, he has a present for you.” In one solid motion Jensen took the fan that Sei had used on him a month or so ago, fanning it out so the euphoric smell of the enchanted weapon hit both their noses. Soon, so very soon, the call of lust would be so strong that Taka would have to excuse himself to find a bathroom to...release himself, of the feelings he had for Anita, and the girl would try to hunt him down to share her feelings intimately with the man.

Laughing hysterically Jensen turned down the hall, finding the library where his most hated foe, William Arcus, stayed.

Silence Sei
07-02-10, 10:45 AM
"You sure about this, Jensen?" Ta'gaz asked with a raised eyebrow, "You're still recovering from your injuries." The telepath nodded Jensen's head as he bounced up and down, ready for a round with the fighter in this new form. The warrior shrugged and sighed, kneeling down into a fighting position. "Fine then, it's your funeral."

The warrior leapt at Sei, his speed catching the misplaced mute off guard. He had heard that the martial arts specialist was fast, but didn't realize how fast. As Ta'gaz got closer to the mystic, Sei stepped aside, shifting his hands around. One hand grabbed the shoulder of Ta'gaz, and the other grabbed the cloth of his pants. Throwing his arms in a circular motion, Sei released his grip and tossed the warrior using his own momentum into a tree.

Sei looked back to the entrance of the Tomb, wanting to see if anybody was watching. All the mystic saw, however, was the laughing face of Adolph. Why exactly was the bodyguard laughing? Sei found the answer to his question in the form of Ta'gaz's fist slamming into his face, planting his new body firmly on the ground. Sei attempted to throw his arms downward to catch himself, but found his arms not responding as quickly as they used to.

His cheek was throbbing in rhythm with the pounding in his head. The telepath slowly sat up, his eyes widening as Ta'gaz rushed for a follow-up knee to the face. Sei scrambled to his feet, his form kneeling on the ground. I hope this works...

As Ta'gaz got nearer, Sei leapt into the air, extending his right arm into the air, allowing the velocity of his fist to carry the rest of his upwards. By allowing his body to go limp, Sei's form spun around as the arm shot upwards, slamming into Ta'gaz's chin and knocking the warrior back.


Adolph's eyes widened as he watched Ta'gaz hit the ground and jump upwards. Sei was still falling from the epic uppercut as Ta'gaz tackled him to the ground. The warrior then began to plant fist after fist into the dirtied mystic's face. It wasn't in rage, but just a sign that Ta'gaz was finally taking the fight seriously. Sei kicked his legs up in an attempt to get out of the pin, but only found his new limbs twisting around in an attempt to use various caporeia moves. It seemed as though this body was more focused on getting adrenaline pumping than that of Sei's common 'wait and counter' method.

With each fist that slammed into his face, Sei's vision darkened more and more. The mute began to think that he was truly going to die due to his grave mistake. Hopefully he had Jensen's immortality in this body as well, but he was starting to doubt it (that is, when he was able to have a moment of clarity). As Sei began to resign himself to death, he suddenly felt the fists slamming into his face stop.

"That's quite enough. I'll take the idiot back to his room," a familiar voice came to Sei's ears. However, it was not the voice of Anita, or Kyla, or even Stephanie. Once Sei placed a face with the voice, his eyes widened. Anybody but her...

He was about to owe Cassandra Remi a debt of gratitude.

Enigmatic Immortal
07-04-10, 03:37 PM
Really? The one damn time I wanted to pull my prank, and the lug isn’t even here! Jensen thought dismally as he looked to Felicity, who was biting at the leash she was forced to wear.

The library was scattered with books of all different types and origins. Some had been of epic struggles in the past during the demon wars, others of romance and intrigue. Off in the far corner, seemingly it’s own office were a few empty plates of food and several dozens of books about demonology and other esoteric magical arts of binding demons to humans. Jensen approached the work area and flipped open a few books, noting the scraps of paper added to the pages with neat scribble written over.

He observed the writings, noting the detail William put into finding out what he was, several discarded pots of ink haphazardly placed to the side where a few books look to be discarded on the ground like curled up paper balls. It was clear that William was frustrated that none of his efforts so far proved tangible help, and Jensen felt for the guy.

He too knew what it was like to not know what he was.

Still, Jensen merely huffed out a breath, a dry uncaring mirthful sound as he turned the corner and began to walk out of the book room. A few soldiers of the Ixian Knights bowed to their Lord, and he smiled at the feeling of being praised. This was certainly a life Jensen knew he could adjust to. Felicity looked out over her perch on his shoulder, greeting the soldiers with warm thoughts on behalf of her ‘uncle.’ Nobody seemed to even allude that they knew the two had switched bodies, and the only one he suspected of having any idea merely left when she noticed it.

Cassandra Remi never struck Jensen as a social type anyway. Kind of a shame, considering how fine of an ass she had. Her body wasn’t some discarded husk of junk either. In the scale of things Jensen would have to admit she was a drop dead gorgeous girl that men would kill to spend one night with her. He thought about it and shook her head.

“I agree, Uncle Sei. She’s far to bitchy to sleep with guys.” Felicity thought haphazardly. Jensen looked to the cat and made a mental note not to think so strongly about things. Felicity in turn merely shrugged, returning to biting at her leash.

When they stepped into the hallway a large shadow draped over Sei and he turned to look up into Ta’gaz’s eyes. Angrily Jensen was about to Sei something when Ta’gaz bowed his head in apology.

“My lord,” Ta’gaz said, a bit distant in his words. Felicity perked up and prepared to do her duty.

“Lord Sei wishes to know what’s got you down in the dumps?” Ta’gaz looked to the cat and to Sei and put on a wry smile. He placed one massive hand on ‘Sei’s’ shoulder and gripped it tightly in a brotherly way.

“I suppose it would be nigh impossible to keep my secrets away from highly respected telepaths like you two.” His hand lifted as he scratched Felicity under her chin. She nuzzled into the touch, purring softly. Jensen just eyed the man as he looked back to Sei with a warm smile.

“I am just upset that Jensen seems to have forgotten the things I taught him back in the mountain. I thought they would really stick, but the man is as always enigmatic and unpredictable.” Ta’gaz left in a slow step towards his rooms as Jensen and Felicity eyed each other.

What is that moron doing? Jensen seethed as he clenched his fists tightly. He thought about what Sei was doing, carefully destroying all his hard work. Then a dark thought crossed his mind. Would Sei be the kind of bastard who would try to repair the bridges he burnt? Would Sei be the person who stopped everything he was doing to be help a friend?

Without even bothering to answer that he ran down the halls, Felicity’s paws digging into his shoulder as she hung on for dear life. When he rounded a corner he pumped into Stephanie, her face full of tears. This was becoming a more and more usual occurrence, and Jensen had yet to figure out why. As he looked to her, she looked back up to him.

“My lord, do you have a spare moment?” Jensen felt his agitation build up. He looked to Felicity who looked back to Stephanie.

Uncle Sei, she seems to be really shaken up, maybe we can… Sei shook his head softly. He cared about Stephanie, he really did, but Sei had to be stopped. Stephanie sighed, nodding as she stepped out of the way. Sei gently touched her arm, in the way Jensen usually did when he had to run off. It was just a soft enough touch to let her know that he cared about her problems, but something more important was taking place. When she felt the connection her eyes opened a bit, but before she could mutter a word the immortal was off.

"Yeah, it's cool," She whispered. "I'm not worried that Jensen isn't acting like himself." With a sorrowful glance back down the hall she continued on.

Silence Sei
07-08-10, 06:28 AM
Sei could feel his borrowed body being dragged on the ground. Someone as dainty as Cassandra Remi was probably too fragile to be able to pull Jensen's body mass across the floor, so Sei had to assume that Adolph was probably helping her. The smell of his own human blood was on his nose, and the taste of the crimson liquid on his tongue felt like he was using a GP for a piece of gum. He could feel the dirt from the floor of the Tomb getting into his nails, but he was too weak to lift his arms. His body abruptly stopped, his eyes still swollen shut from the fists of Ta'gaz.

"What happened to him?" Another female voice asked, Adolph's familiar chuckle escaping the knights lips.

"He decided he wanted to duel Ta'gaz again. Even used that blasted Shoryuken against him. Something seemed a bit off about the entire fight though. Maybe he's still not right in the head from that whole fiasco with Lord Orlouge."

"That, or it could be he hasn't fully recovered from the noodle incident," the female voice replied. Sei would have rolled his 'immortal' eyes if he could have. He hated blaming Felicity for the event, but he had to keep up at least some sort of facade that he was indeed Jensen Ambrose.

"IF FWAS DA CAT!" Sei shouted, his swollen cheeks preventing him from shouting the phrase correctly. The shout brought laughter among everyone around, the only indication that Cassandra Remi was still in the area was the small chuckle she had let out.

"If you don't mind, Greenleaf, I'd rather just get him back to his room so I can get back to more important things." Cassandra's words had a hiss of hostility to them. It seemed as though the Gisela Reaper's moods did more swinging than a monkey in Concordia.

"Breenweaf?" 'Jensen' asked, attempting to scramble to his feet. Once Adolph found that his compatriot could stand on his own now, he released him. Perhaps he thought it would be amusing to see a blinded Jensen try to find someone, or perhaps he thought the immortal could find his way to his own room now. Either way, he was letting Sei have more control over the immortal's body than he had given him credit for. Sei moved his head around, as if looking for the elven female known as Tobias Greenleaf.

"Over here, follow my voice, Ambrose," the happy-go-lucky elf said. Jensen Ambrose had a severe intolerance for the elven race for some reason. Now was a good time to make amends to the race as a whole. Sei turned to face the source of Tobias' voice, trying his best to form a smile. Doing so, however, gave the mute information about how many teeth Ta'gaz had made him loose during his onslaught earlier.

"I'm forry," Sei said, causing Adolph and Tobias to look very confused, "I take anger but on four feople for mo bweason. For that I'm forry."

"Get him to his room quick, he's obviously terminal!" The elf shouted, a bit more concerned than she had been earlier. Sei could also feel Jensen's throwing glaive being placed back into his coat. Tobias was ridiculously quick with her hands, to the point that nobody ever realized when she stole something from them. Apparently, by restoring Jensen's throwing weapon to him, Tobias was expressing her concern.

"Your right," the sadistic voice of Remi overshadowed the other two warriors now. He could feel her soft hand touching his, sending shivers up his spine. "On second thought, I'll take him to the infirmary, alone." Sei didn't think that Adolph would leave his friend to the whims of such a creature as Cassandra Remi, but when he heard two sets of feet leaving the area, he couldn't help but shout.


Enigmatic Immortal
07-10-10, 05:24 PM
Jensen moved down the halls swiftly, trying to find his body and have a nice little chit chat with Sei about the principles of ruining all his hard work. Felicity just clung to him in desperation, the leash dangling from her neck as he rounded another corner swiftly. In front of him was Adolph and Tobias, both with concerned looks on their faces.

“Did you know that Jensen just apologized to the elven race?” Tobias spoke like the news was of a family member dying, her concern as clear as day. Adolph merely nodded in agreement, backing up her claim. Jensen let the mouth he currently borrowed gape wide open, his heart beating widly. Before he could even think it, Felicty spoke his thoughts.

“He what!?!” Tobias just shook her head in disbelief. Jensen clutched his heart, and everyone feigned a laugh as Adolph chuckled.

“I know, it’s like the world is ending. Jensen being civil,” the words sounded unnatural. “Well, hopefully it’s all just one big joke.” Jensen tugged twice on the leash and Felicity read his thoughts before translating.

“Lord of all, Sei, wishes to know where he is now?” Tobias looked to Sei as did Adolph.

“Where did you dig up the high and mighty motif?” Tobias asked, resting on her back leg and crossing her arms. Adolph leaned against the cave wall, doing likewise. “If anything you were always the humble one.”

If anything I would use my powers to smite you and your people from this earth! Jensen thought bitterly. God how he hated elves. He hated them so much it just…well it wasn’t making his blood boil. For whatever reason Sei’s body didn’t seem to react to his raging emotions. That was kind of a downer. Felicity looked to Jensen with concern, and he merely pushed past them waving them off.

“Huh, weird day…” Adolph grunted as he and Tobias walked off.


“Uh, Uncle Sei…” Felicity thought meekly. “I offer no offense in this, but uh…are you lost?” Jensen turned down another hallway heading right back to the kitchens. Irritated and amazed the cavern network had several routes to the kitchen, he was indeed what Felicity claimed. Jensen was lost, but he couldn’t openly admit that to the cat. If she knew he was really Jensen the cat wouldn’t be his mouth piece.

He pondered what Sei would think and say, and came up with his plan. Merely taking note of the numerous networks that lead to the kitchen. One never knows when one will be hungry. He smiled to her, a goofy, stupid smile he saw Sei do numerous times. Felicity glanced to her uncle, nodded once realizing he was rather estranged to begin with, and went back to chewing on her leash.

He turned back around and walked back towards the main hallway, stopping only to see a site that made him smile in victory.

Anita was chasing Taka all around the caverns, crying out for him to stop for just two minutes. Taka continuously refused her, telling her he was indecent at the current moment. This only made the girl want him more, charging after him with zealous intent. Jensen just laughed, a sickly grouping of grunts and passing air. Felicity watched with keen eyes, her tail wistfully swishing back and forth as she purred. It was common knowledge that Anita and Felicity didn’t exactly get along after the girl shaved all the cat’s fur off.

“It would seem the diamond has effected more than one person,” A soft voice spoke from behnd Jensen. He recalled the voice and merely turned his head, nodding to his partner in crime, Aislinn. The witch smiled to her uncle, stepping up to him and watching the scene with mild curiosity and a mischievous grin. “I admit, this is one of his most blunt pranks.” The girl stretched as she turned down the hallway walking away. “Undoubtedly Jensen had a bone to pick with her. I feel bad for the Akashiman, he seems to be collateral damage.”

“Sis, it was-” Jensen jiggled his arm and the cat nearly fell off. She hissed as she clawed back to her perch, glaring at her charge.

“I think it is safe to assume Jensen is up to his usual tricks. Just like the noodle incident you allegedly helped with, dear sister. Remember to rest some, Uncle Sei, and please report to me in the morning.” Aislinn smiled turning a corner as Felicity and Sei glared daggers at her. The noodle incident, how Jensen wished everybody would just drop that situation.

“Ya know what Uncle Sei, your being rather odd, and I am NOT taking the blame for Jensen’s childish antics. The noodle incident was NOT my fault and I will-” Jensen yawned loudly grabbing the fan and waving the euphoric dust into the cat’s face. The girl’s eyes widened like two golden coins, and she lustfully began to purr.

I suppose if all your going to do is bitch and whine, you have lost your usefulness to me. Instead, I now give you the gift of eternal wanting. Jensen grinned devilishly as he lifted the leash and dragged the cat over to a rather heavy table. Using his might he lifted one leg up, and placed the it through the leash’s loop. Then, to be sure, he tied the leash to the table in a rather impressive knot. Enjoy, fuzz ball. Jensen said waving his hand in the air as he left the cat.

It’s mewling cries of heat echoed down the halls.

Silence Sei
07-16-10, 07:18 AM
Cassandra Remi's room was barren, to say the least. While Sei could not see anything himself, he could feel the lack of used space in the large room. If the mute had been able to use his vision correctly, he would have seen only two rather long tables, and perhaps a bookshelf. Sei could smell the foul stench of poison chemicals all working together, a sign of Cassandra's nasty business as a murderer. Every time the mute was in the presence of the girl, he felt sickened for having her in his army, let alone having her as one of his Nine.

However, the mute's body did not react like it normally would have. Jensen Ambrose's body seemed to feel a lack of caring as it stood in the empty recesses’ of Cassandra's room.

"Fwhy did bou bin me here?" the currently speech impaired Sei asked the Gisela Reaper.

He was met with Cassandra's laugh, as if the girl predicted that he was going to ask the question. "I thought anybody would have loved the opportunity to come into my room, especially you." Cassandra smiled, though Sei could not see it.

If the telepath could have blinked in curiosity, he would have. Sei wished now more than ever that he had his mind reading powers back. He always used them to make sure Cassandra was not planning something sinister. Now, he was a sitting duck at the mercy of the Midnight Mistress, forced to listen to what she had to say. A sudden feeling of cold overwhelmed the body of the misplaced mute, informing him that Cassandra's dark companion was sweeping over his features. The sensation was quite odd in Jensen's body.

"If you really don't want to be here, you can go Sei," the woman seemed to hold a sadistic hiss to her words now. Not needing a second opinion, the telepath spun around, his hand feeling around for a doorknob. When he found it, he began to turn. Suddenly, something clicked in the mind of Sei, and he spun back around with haste.

"Bou juft call me Fei...."

Enigmatic Immortal
07-17-10, 06:50 PM
Perhaps losing the Fuzzball was not a wise idea. Jensen turned down yet another random corridor, heading down a long corridor towards what sounded like water. He had heard rumors that they had found a small opening in the cave that had led to a lip over a river water fall. It was nothing huge, most notably nothing to call a landmark, but it was just wide enough to let in some sunshine as well as have a serene effect on the place.

He turned down the hall and walked upon the rumored cave room, seeing seven people dressed in training attire. At the head of them was Hotorui, Taka’s sensei, marching back and forth and yelling at all of them to train harder. It reminded Jensen greatly of the drill instructors back in his own order of the Apocalypse.

While lost in his memories he hadn’t noticed Hotouri mouthing off to him and pointing to him as his students all bowed low. Jensen, who had lost his mouth piece, waved stupidly. The teacher approached him with a respectful bow, which Jensen merely grunted to as his response.

“What brings the honor of your presence?” Jensen shrugged. “I see you are still recovering from the diamond incident. I was told your telepathic link has been disrupted temporarily. My good intentions are with you, Sei-Sama.” His students all echoed their support, but Jensen just looked to them with apathetic eyes. He was noting nobody seemed to mention Jensen.

“If you wouldn’t mind, Lord Sei,” One of the soldier’s in training spoke up sheepishly. “Perhaps you would consent to training with the students for a bit?” Jensen looked to the man and shrugged, jiggling in place as he attempted his Caeiporiea fighting stance. But once again it was no more than an awkward shuffle, his blood refusing to rise. He began to wonder if the real Sei was a cold blooded reptile.

Still, the immortal in the hero’s body stepped forward, motioning for the outspoken pupil to step into the makeshift fighting circle. He may not be able to do his Caeiporiea, but he was capable of other fighting styles.

He watched as the opponent bowed to him excitedly, the other students forming around the circle as Sei observed his opponent. He lifted up a wooden quarter staff, twirling it around his body with ease. Jensen looked to his own hands realizing he had only the euphoric battle fan that Sei named after one of his friends. Knowing that he had no clue what to do with it in a real fight, he instead began to shuffle in place like a boxer.

Hotorui bowed low to both men, then lifted one hand up and dropping it before them, screaming a high pitched word in Akashiman and the match began. Instantly the child was on the attack, and Jensen observed his movements, his flow from foot to foot as the weapon moved like an extension of his body. The staff was rotating flawlessly, and it was clear this was Hotroui’s rising pupil in the group of students.

Jensen ducked in low, covered the side of his head, and rose up with fierce uppercut. The staff banged off against his wrist with a loud thwap, a chorus of ‘ewws’ from the shocked students to hear such a sickening sound. The attack haulted broke the kid’s momentum, and his face jutted forwards and his chin extended up as flesh met flesh, his gaping mouth slammed shut, his eyes flashing white as the student took the blow and stumbled backwards four or five steps, using his weapon to keep his distance.

Had the real Sei been fighting, he probably would have left the boy to regroup before teaching him another lesson.

The immortal ducked in low, his body moving in a slide as he outstretched one closed fist into the boy’s gut. The staff tapped his upper thigh, but he ignored the pain. Feeling his fist hit the boy’s flesh he turned in facing him, a wild grin on his lips as he began a series of rolling jabs into his midsection. The boy ate each and every punch with his stomach, dropping the weapon and boxing his face and upper body with his arms. Jensen wrapped one hand around the back of the boy’s head, gut punching him over and over with more deadly intent until bile and spit escaped the boy’s mouth. With a bored expression he tossed the child behind him, dusting his robes and shuffling in his boxing stance again, looking to the other students.

Hotorui stepped forwards, eyes wary of Sei as he looked to him with a confused eye. “Lesson was over about four or five punches ago, Sei-Sama. I thank you for gracing us with your presence, but ask you to leave now so they may continue to train.” The tone the sensei used was anything but respectful, a hint of urgency as he ushered Sei away.

The immortal left the training room with a smile on is lips as he walked back down the long tunnel. He let his fingers drag along them, feeling the touch in his skin as he now started to feel his blood boil. It was a low simmer, a slight tremor of activity, but it proved Sei could be roused to fight and be just as involved as Jensen was. Two schools of thought, he supposed with a smile.

Rounding out the edge he ran into Adolph again, who was talking with Stephanie. Jensen looked to her and saw she was still upset about something, and he felt a twinge of guilt to have ignored her still. Adolph and Stephanie both turned to him, bowing their heads to their lord as Adolph sighed deeply. Usually, nothing bothered the stoic knight, and Jensen made a few hand gestures for the man to speak his mind.

“I don’t normally worry about the fool, but Jensen kinda…stepped in it big,” Adolph said. “I’d feel responsible, but I shouldn’t, cause he’s a big boy.” Adolph began to go on and on, talking and talking but never getting to the point. At last Jensen motioned for the man to speed things up and with a quick apology he placed a gentle hand on Stephanie’s shoulder.

“Well, it’s just Cassandra Remi said she’d watch over Jensen, and Jensen’s been missing for a while now. We trust your decisions, My Lord.”

“I don’t trust the bitch,” Stephanie muttered loudly. “Not with Jensen either. She looks like the kind of person who would not tolerate him for long. I’m worried about him, my lord.” Stephanie said, about to go into detail of her problems and feelings. Before she could Jensen was on the move, tapping her shoulder the same way he did before, still letting her know he would get to her, but something important came up.

His urgency didn’t put the other two at ease as he rounded another corner.

Silence Sei
07-17-10, 09:39 PM
If Sei could look at Cassandra, it would be with a stern gaze.

"I did no such thing," Cassandra said with a giggle, forcing Sei to growl a little behind his swollen features. "I think the blood is draining from your head too quickly, Mr. Ambrose, why would I call you Sei?"

"Cuz you’re a tadistic witch," Sei's mumbled words came out in reply. The mute was rather shocked with the word he had just spoken. 'Witch' was not the terminology he had meant to use, and speaking such vulgarity was far more on Jensen's level than that of the telepath's.

"Such dirty words," Cassandra spoke with a seductive purr in his voice. "You should have your mouth washed out with soap!"

Sei shook his head, realizing the game Cassandra was trying to play with him. Cassandra Remi was a master at dodging questions, and making people look like morons when they interrogated her. Sei was not going to fall for such meager tricks as avoiding his queries, and as such, stood his ground firmly against the Gisela Reaper.

"Bhat do fou know?" Sei asked, now being far more direct than he normally would be. The straight-forwardness of it all seemed to shock Cassandra, or she was feigning as such.

"About what?"

"BON'T BOY WIFF ME!" Sei shouted, his rage coming out of nowhere. It seemed that spending this time in Jensen's body was not helping the mystic at all. The mute would have wondered if Jensen was feeling the opposite kind of effect in Sei's body, but he was too busy getting annoyed with the now giggling girl before him.

"I wouldn't toy with you even if you piqued my interest, Mr. Ambrose," Cassandra said, Sei's ears picking up a sound that caused him to smile.

Several light footsteps seemed to be stomping down the hall. Sei felt where he was in relation to the door, and then stepped completely out of the way of the entrance. Unfortunately, the mute took the wrong step, and the door slammed directly into the strategists face. The already bruised and now re-throbbing of Sei's facial features annoyed him even further.

"Benson! She bows Fomething! Bit her!" Sei shouted excitedly, knowing the enigmatic immortal had now entered the room.

Enigmatic Immortal
07-17-10, 10:31 PM
Jensen rubbed the bridge of his nose, noting that for the first time he didn’t seem to mind that somebody just ran into him again in these blasted hallways. It seemed the body of Sei was starting to mesh with his soul, turning him more docile and calm. More reserved.

Jensen felt a shiver run down his back as he ignored the feeling of dread as he rushed into the room standing next to his own body, noting there were several bruises all over it.

“…” Jensen was shouting profanity of the violent nature, making death pacts and swearing vengeance for each cut and scrape he found. He grunted, moaned, and wheezed out small guttural cries of rage as he made a motion to grab his body back. Before he could touch he heard a maddening laughter coming from Cassandra Remi.

Turning ever so slowly he looked to her, feeling a powerful rush of dread come over him as a dark laughter hissed inside his left ear. This wave of unease made the back of his hair stand up right like uniformed soldiers.

“De knows dumbting,” Sei spoke to him.

“I swear, I don’t know what he’s babbling about Lord Ambrose,” she said bowing to the body of Sei in great exaggeration. Now more then ever Sei wished he had Felicity with him to translate his thoughts. He softly started regretting that decision to turn her into a mewling cat in heat. Well, he did until he heard it’s wails of desire.

She just called me Lord Ambrose… He suddenly thought looking to her warily. Cassandra lifted her self back up as she let a finger drop to her lower lip, biting softly on the nail. He silently was thankful that he wasn’t in his body, cause her charm was working wonders on his mind, but Sei’s body seemed unaffected by her deadly seductive spell. He peeked to his own body noting Sei failed to master his body as his hands covered himself.

Jensen made motions for her to explain, and instead she just giggled again, turning towards her tables of poisons and mixing a few vials. Sei and Jensen watched with keen eyes as she just laughed to herself, flicking her hair around in an enchanting way as both men sighed lustfully.

Quickly shaking his head clear Jensen lifted his hand and swatted the back of his own head. Only one thing would get his mind out of the gutter, and that was hate. There was only one thing he trained his body to hate above all else. And that was Sei Orlouge. Since he occupied his body the logic was sound.

“Fwaget wairy Feen!” Sei said angrily rubbing the back of his head before he realized what he had just done. Before long he chuckled as they watched Cassandra turn around, leaning heavily on her table.

“Uff been culling us by our wheel rains!” Sei spoke, but Jensen just slapped his hand over his forehead angrily. With a fat lip the translations were going to take forever. Cassandra only laughed again, enjoying herself very much. Had Jensen been in his own body, he would have immediately began to find a way to break her, see the things in her soul that would make her crumble.

He didn’t have that ability in Sei’s body. Yet his head kept looking at the surroundings, and he felt the nerves in his brain pulse as ideas began to flutter down his thoughts. He soon took in every tiny detail of the tables, seeing the different poisons and hypothesizing what stages each were in of completion including which ones she valued over others. What would once look like a miss match of random experiments, Jensen soon began to see the complex organization of her workings.

Cassandra once again lifted her hand out, “Would be so kind, Sei, as to hand me that book?” Both men moved at once and they bumped into the other, immediately sending a shrill cry of laughter into the room. Jensen and Sei gave each other a sharp look as they looked back to her. He wanted to feel his blood boiling so badly, but his body wouldn’t react. He did notice Sei’s hands curling tightly into two tight fists. Then his mind processed everything for him, neatly and quickly, and he immediately had a plan. With one solid point of his finger he directed Sei’s attention to the large pot with two vials set on either side of it with tubes running into each letting only a droplet fall in at a time. Sei looked back to him and Jensen could tell the man was confused because every ounce of his body wanted to directly attack Cassandra either verbally, or physically.

With one swift motion he pounded his fist into the other.

“Thap, I can do,” Sei mused loudly with a dark chuckle as he started wandering over to experiment. Cassandra eyed him carefully, but Jensen kept his gaze on her eyes and waited. She let him walk and he was within five paces, four paces, three paces. Then he saw it, her eyes registering that Sei was actually going to do it; he was really going to smash and ruin her experiment.

Cassandra’s hand flew out violently, slapping Sei across the arm as she stood like a mother before her children. Her joviality, her amusement, her excitement were all gone. Jensen smiled in triumph, which only made her face scowl more. The Silent Sei and Enigmatic Immortal stood shoulder to shoulder as they both crossed their arms at the same time, waiting to hear her speak. Annoyed she had been bested for the moment, Cassandra growled before leaning heavily on her back leg. The seductive swish of her hips made both men blush.

“Fine, I’m bored with this little game anyway,” she said to herself more than to them, as if convincing herself. “That diamond, it was sealed, am I correct?” she spoke in a tone similar to a teacher, but the edge of arrogance belied that she was actually insulting them as she spoke. She knew the answer, she was just going to drag it out of them slowly and painfully. He felt Sei start to speak but Jensen placed a firm hand on his shoulder, shaking his head.

Just let the bitch have her fun, then we go back to normal, he thought loudly, hoping that Sei could hear him. Whether by the hand on his shoulder, or the fact he may have actually spoken to him with telepathy, Sei backed down and snarled. Jensen could see the choler in his eyes as he wanted so badly to do something. He could relate to that.

Jensen nodded his head. Cassandra smiled, knowing she was getting on someone’s nerves at least.

“Well, that room was locked for a reason. That diamond was from an ancient time, before the demon wars. It was designed by a dwarven smith, some madman by the name of Kregor Blackhammer.” she walked over to her bookshelf thoughtfully, running her finger along the spines of the book. Both Jensen and Sei flinched, thinking of her sensual touch along their spines. She tapped a book twice before nudging it out of it’s spot and opening it with a soft creak, letting some dust fly into the air.

“Story goes that the dwarven high king, Alaric Redmane, wanted to find a way to communicate and talk to the eleven population below,” Sei gripped his fingers tightly, but immediately flexed them out, sheepishly smiling. “Kergor Blackhammer worked for seven days and seven nights on the diamond, fusing all the magic of the forge and the runes inlaid around his anvil. He beseeched his case to the fire god, praying for him to grant his device the ability to work. Well, his prayer was answered, but there was a problem with his device.”

Cassandra smiled vilely as she snapped the book shut.

“The High King and the Phoenix King of the elves met, the stone placed before them, and they both touched it at once. The magic of the forge and the power of the fire gods burned their souls apart from their body, and the prism of the diamond separated the spirits of both men swapping them into the body of the other. The dwarven king laughed, being so tall, and the Eleven king was shocked to be so short. The dwarves, thinking the elven king was mocking their king, got a little hot blooded and attacked, massacring the elves including their king. It was told in the dwarven tales of old that the river from the mountain was red with blood for weeks.” She closed her eyes, hugging the book thinking how wonderful it would be to wade in that river.

Jensen and Sei looked to her angrily, as she didn’t answer their question they obviously wanted to ask. Cassandra let them stew for a moment before smiling and opening the book again a few pages towards the back.

“It took a few hundred years for the Dwarven Elf king to find the smith, who had hid himself in shame of his failure. He wanted his body back, and damned the cost. The two pulled the diamond out, and Kregor Blackhammer even looted the corpse of a recently deceased Elf that he had poisoned. The spirit burned the soul of the dwarf, put it back into the soul of the dead elf, and the king was content to have an eleven body back. Then he took Kregor Blackmane with him to his homeland to beseech his case. The dwarven smith was his allaby, proving he was the true king to the Elven throne. He cited perfectly only the things the king would have known and was reappointed the Phoenix King. The first order he did was kill Kregor Blackmane for forcing him to spend a hundred years as a smelly dwarf.”

“Then he led his eleven army after the dwarves, who were scattered without a leader who had vanished them. After the short, bloody war, the king found this cave, followed its tunnels until they found a suitable place to store their diamond forever, and left a monster as guard after engineering a door to keep it shut.”

“HOW THE FUCK DO WE TURN BACK TO NORMAL?” Sei screamed, unable to contain his rage. Jensen merely looked to him with amused filled eyes. Sei took a deep breath, ran a hand through his hair, and spoke again more calmly. “My apologies, that was out of line. How do we turn back.”

“If you were paying any attention, you idiots, I already told you. And I do not feel like repeating myself. Now leave my quarters, I have things that must be done for the full moon tonight!” Cassandra ushered them both out, and a cold, chilling presence seemed to be pushing them as both men turned and left back into the hall. Cassandra looked to them both before she shut her door.

“I’d hurry if I were you too. Rumors of the story said the guard was to destroy the diamond if the door was ever opened…” with a slam the door shut, and a dark chuckle hissed in their ears.

Silence Sei
07-27-10, 01:37 PM
Cassandra didn't have to tell Sei twice. The misplaced mute mystic grabbed the white cloth that draped over Jensen’s shoulder and ran like crazy. If Jensen had not been wearing the kung fu shoes Sei had been given by the Thayne Y'edda, then he would be the slower runner. However, thanks to the fact that Sei -always- wore those shoes, Jensen quickly recovered himself and was running ahead of the mystic, grabbing him by his borrowed shoulder instead and taking the lead. It was probably for the best, as the blinded Sei was about to hit a wall in his own home.

Luckily, Jensen seemed to remember where the location of the room had been. The body-switched immortal quickly busting in the room to find himself face to face with three royal guards. However the hell the Corone Armed Forces found out that the room had been broken into, neither warrior cared. They needed to restore themselves and needed to do it quickly.

"Lord Sei Orlouge, your arrival was unex----"

"SHOFREYUKEN!" Sei yelled, Jensen still using the kinetic energy charged up from his run to throw Sei at the main guard, a warrior standing about six foot completely plated with gold armor. The warrior tried to bring his equally tall golden halberd up to stop Jensen's body, but was met with a fist to the face. The blow knocked the party leader out immediately.

Sei hit the floor and quickly scrambled up. He could hear the other two guards approaching, but didn't know where they would be. Quickly, he dived for the crystal, his body 'sensing' where it was as if it wanted its original master back as well. When Sei felt his right hand upon the diamond, he smiled, and hoped Jensen could handle the other two guys, or get to the gem before Sei was shish-kabob.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-09-10, 03:43 PM
Jensen felt Sei’s body starting to move on its own, as if it demanded the right to have its original owner back. The two guards stood in his way and his hands moved out like knives, chopping the soldier’s on the neck crumbling them quickly. Without anymore fanfare the body of Sei approached the crystal, and the two looked to each other with a swift nod. Taking in deep breaths they both leaned down and began to touch the crystal. When they felt the cold gem in their hands, they awaited. And awaited. Still they waited.

“BITCH!” Sei shouted. Jensen shook his head noting the man had at long last got over his speech impediment. Both removed their hands and saw the guards stirring awake and Jensen shook his head. There was no way Sei would calm the body down fast enough, racial intolerance taking its toll. Jensen observed that his fists were relaxing, while Sei’s were starting to bunch up in hate. With a deep sigh he touched the orb again, and then suddenly he realized what to do.

Now if only he could talk. Looking at Sei he decided to go for the abrupt approach. Grabbing his own bodies hands he hovered it over the crystal and then hovered his hand. He lifted three fingers and Sei counted loudly with him.

“Three…Two…One…” This time they touched the crystal at the same time, and a loud pop entered the room followed by a crushing gale of energy and wind. Jensen let out a baleful cry, and Sei let out an equally loud pitch. The elves retreated back, giving them room as the clouds overhead boomed, and a strike of lightening hit the roof and pulsed down to the Diamond. It refracted the energies and again the vortex seemed to scan them both, before a shrill cry of mirth and a dark chuckle escaped the air and both men blacked out.

Silence Sei
08-15-10, 04:02 PM
Darkness. Sei had become accustomed to being nearly blinded and once again mute thanks to the beating at the hands of Ta'gaz. Now, however, the darkness felt more so like it was a part of some deep slumber the mystic was undergoing. He raised a hand to his head, feeling the hairs pulled back into the short semi-ponytail. A smile grazed his features as he began to hear the sounds of his family all rushing together.

When Sei opened his eyes, he found the concerned looks of Anita, Kyla, and Aislinn all staring him down. Across from him, he could see Jensen passed out with the same group around him as before. Sei noted that the crystal did not heal Jensen's face, which seemed to be puffed up like a marshmallow. As Sei listened to the ranting about how dangerous things were and whatnot from his relatives, his eyes scanned the room.

It took a minute to spot her, there in the corner with that same sadistic smile on her face. Cassandra Remi had been toying with the two the entire time. Sei would not have been surprised if she was the one to alert the guards to the crystal's re-emergence. Sei sat up in the bed, his head still reeling from the newest transfer between himself and Jensen. The room began to spin a bit, and the telepath placed his hands back down onto his legs, feeling a bump of sorts in his pockets.

Sei reached into his left pocket, tracing his finger across the folded battle fans previously used against his fri4ends and family. When he had found the source of the bump, he removed it to find a small fragment of the crystal still with him. Sei's eyes shifted to Cassandra's location, only to find the woman had disappeared as quickly as she had come. Sei gripped the crystal firmly in his hand, his eyes finding their way back to Jensen.

"Wake up, lazy bones," Sei spoke with a smile, "[i]It appears we have visitors, as well as a present...[./i]"

Enigmatic Immortal
08-20-10, 02:22 PM
Jensen heard the voice of Sei speaking to his mind, and already he felt his own blood that boiled inside his own body. A healthy warmth in his heart alerted him to the feelings, his body enjoying to great detail that the soul it belonged to was back in the right spot. With a moan and a shakey motion Jensen slowly propped himself up, his eyes softly blinking as he looked to the inside of the room.

He saw Ta’gaz, Adolph, Stephanie, and even oddly enough Tobias standing at the foot of his bed, all with smiling faces to see the immortal back in action and ready to go. With a silent mutter of thanks Stephanie sighed before she lowered her head. Jensen quirked his eye back at the girl, and when she lifted her head he was happier than ever to see her vengeful face.

“I HATE YOU!” She screamed, her fist flying out and taking out one of Jensen’s eyes. Laughter filled the room as Ta’gaz lifted the girl up and away, her body flailing as she kicked and screamed. “Let me at him, I’ll tear his god damn immortal head off and teach him never to scare us like that again!” Jensen just waved her off as he looked to the room. There were a few smiling faces, but he also happened to note there were several frowning faces.

“Hey guys,” Jensen spoke sheepishly. “What’s up?” Hotori was the first to step forward.

“Lady Remi has spoken to us of the events that took place,”

“We now know it was YOU who did all those things!” Anita said next.

“My sister is still in heat thanks to you!” Aislinn cursed. To that Jensen saw the little fuzz ball softly raping a stuffed cat. He couldn’t contain his mirth as he started laughing wildly, pointing to Felicity and clapping his hands like an idiot as he felt the exhilaration of his body once again. The feelings inside him, the emotions stirring, he was indeed home.

In his fit of laughter the three looked to the immortal, before long Aislinn let off the smallest trace of a grin in the corner of her lips, turning to her desk and preparing her paperwork. Anita looked to Jensen and felt herself smiling, realizing the immortal was, well, who he was. He wouldn’t change for anybody, and as she gave a sideways glance to Kyla, seeing her laughing as well, she understood that was probably for the best.

Hotori on the other hand didn’t think idiotic laughter was enough to let the knight off the hook.

“I expect you to apologize to my student for your rude behavior and conduct unbecoming a warrior!” The teacher said. To that Jensen lifted up one finger for him.

“Like hell I ever would. I don’t fight half assed, Hotori,” Jensen said eying the glint of a smile in Ta’gaz’s features. “To give any less than my all, no matter the situation, is a dishonor to my teacher, and to the reasons why I fight!” To that, Ta’gaz nodded once to the immortal with respect. “Besides, your whole culture is big on honor, right? So in the end, I really did your people a service. I should get a medal!” Jensen insisted.

Hotori merely lifted himself up with grace, turned on his heel, and walked out. To bother reasoning with Jensen was to try and catch a tidal wave with only a bucket. Taka seemed to be unsure what to do in the situation, to which Jensen merely grinned looking to him. “You don’t have to worry about the whole honor thing, since you’re a ronin. Ronin’s don’t care about Bushido, right?” Now Taka turned to Sei, bowed quickly, and stormed out before his mouth began cashing promises he wasn’t sure he could keep. Anita cursed to Jensen chasing after the fallen samurai.

Tobias wrapped her arms around the immortal, hugging him from behind and squeezing tight. “Our favorite racial bigot is back! I missed you buddy!” The elf kissed Jensen on the cheek, ruffling his hair. “You really had me worried when you apologized to the elven race,” Tobias teased. Jensen began swatting at her, pushing her away as she laughed. At last she let go and walked towards the exit.


“Bush humping no good pointy eared leaf licker!” Tobias finished with a bow as she left the room with Ta’gaz and Adolph, both laughing. Jensen lifted his hands to his chest in a pout.

“No-” He whined. “I was going to say Fucking bitch stole my knife…” he patted his chest. “HEY THE FUCKING BITCH DID STEAL MY KNIFE!” Aislinn merely chuckled in her corner of the room, and Jensen at last turned to Sei.

“Feeling well?” The mute asked.

“Feeling awesome!” Jensen said, his tone far and distant as he leaned back on his bed, moving his hands to the back of his head and blissfully closing his eyes. Sei nodded, though the immortal didn’t see it. He excused Kyla and she ran over to Jensen’s bed, tapping him on the arm gingerly with a smile as she whispered ‘welcome back’ to him. Jensen favored her with a grin as he waved her goodbye and turned to the mute.

“So…what do you suppose we do with these things?” Jensen asked as he felt his jacket pocket for the crystal fragment. When he managed to grab it with his fingers he pulled it out and tossed it into the air like a small coin, continuing the process with practiced boredom. “You think they have point or something? Like they harness the memories of the body we inhabited?” Jensen gave it a closer inspection.

“The vibe I get from the crystal feels like…like when I was in your body. Cold and all..logical and…faggoty I guess,” Jensen mumbled. He looked up to the mute. “Well?” he said, his tone louder to catch the mystic’s attention. “What do you think?”

Silence Sei
08-25-10, 08:31 AM
Sei looked to his bodyguard with a nod. While he didn't have the colorful language that Jensen possessed, the telepath had a similar feeling. Reaching in his pocket and pulling out his crystal fragment, Sei could feel the adrenaline starting to pump through his veins as he held onto the shard. He felt ready to take on the world, ready for any fight that came his way. He had a chip on his shoulder he did not understand. He was feeling like Jensen Ambrose.

"I imagine if we actually focus ourselves into the crystal, we may be able to have a less powerful variation of its powers." Sei spoke as scientifically as he could, though he really meant to say 'I have no idea what's going on'. Sei looked around to make sure nobody else was in the room. He then closed his eyes to confirm that not even Cassandra Remi's Dark Companion was spying on them for its mistress.

Once the telepath was sure the room was cleared, he opened his eyes back up to Jensen. "Should we try it out?" Sei asked his friend, who gave him a silent nod. The two of them closed their eyes and concentrated on their jewel shards.

When they each opened their eyes, Sei was looking at his body once more. Likewise, Jensen Ambrose was seeing things through the eyes of Sei Orlouge. The sudden look of shock plastered on both of their faces snapped the two out of their states, and once more Sei was staring at Jensen. The immortal looked down at the crystal and then back to Sei. "Well, they work..."

"Yes, but it seems as though we're only able to look through one another’s eyes now. Unable to control the others body. I suppose such a thing could be useful." Jensen rolled his eyes at Sei's strategizing, the knight never having a taste for such things. Sei smiled as he turned on his heels and began to walk out of the room. Jensen needed his rest, as did the Avatar of Alerar. It had been a long day.

And for a few hours today, two completely different people had realized what it was like to be the other. Today, two became one.

((Spoils: Sei and Jensen each get a shard of the Kregor Crystal. These shards allow anyone with one of the fragments to see through the eyes of someone else. Also, it can give off the feeling of being in that person's body, while staying in your own. For instance, Jensen could calm his body down like Sei if need be by using the crystal. ))

09-03-10, 02:39 PM
Condensed rubric requested, condensed is what you’re going to get.

STORY: 17 – Good job tying everything together and keeping a decent flow going, but only the most minimal description was used for setting.

CHARACTER: 16 – I couldn’t get over the fact that Sei didn’t immediately bring up the ‘Freaky Friday’ switch. I can see Jensen wanting to go all crazy like with Sei’s body but not Sei. Otherwise, decent action and good dialogue.

WRITING STYLE: 19 – I’m amazed that Cassandra just happens to know the history of an ancient artifact that just happens to show up randomly, but whatever. It was an easy read and you didn’t have many errors.



Silence Sei receives 2768 exp and 175 gp.
Enigmatic Immortal receives 2184 exp and 175 gp.

Spoils granted, but remember that there are other shards out there. Who knows where the pieces may end up.

09-03-10, 03:39 PM
Exp and GP added.

Sei... you were already at level 11, but it wasn't changed... so I added it. WELCOME TO THE NEXT LEVEL!