View Full Version : ~And so it shall be...~ (Closed)

06-17-10, 02:12 AM
(Closed to MetalDrago Scorpio)

(Continued from ~And So It Begins~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18789))

Thursday, March 3rd
C.P. 1806
3:00 P.M. (Note: Due to daylight hours, Lorenor suffers a 50% negative modifier to all his powers, even his use of relic devices. This only works on powers, not Skills.)

Lindequalme. A dark world in the depths of the forest where all matter of creatures lurked. Even the trees themselves worked to bring anarchy to the living, snatching up a quick snack with hungry roots. Within this dark depths of Lindequalme, sunlight never pierced the thick canopy of trees. It was a realm of evil, a place much darker than the deepest places of Concordia Forest. Within evil places dark things waited. Remnants of the Necromancer Xem'Zund still rested atop the food chain of the ancient forest. The trees were literally painted with crimson ichor. Thanks to the previous event, remnants of The Scourge forces belonging to Xem'Zund located Lorenor and his companions.

Recently, the mutant had discovered a secret knowledge from N'Jal. With her blessing, the mutant had learned how to free Scourge members from the mad titan's iron-grip. Scourge members freed in such a fashion would become loyal assets to N'Jal. One and all. Lorenor's entire focus dealt with an insane obsession with N'Jal. Hearing the voice of the dark lady in the back of his head, the mutant had discovered an entirely new purpose in his dark existence. Loyal to N'Jal above all other relationships, Lorenor obeyed her command regardless of the consequences.

A few nights earlier, Lorenor had discovered that new power. His gift allowed him to free members of The Scourge. One such agent of evil currently followed Lorenor and his group of Forsaken. Following Lorenor like a shadow, the creature rapidly recovered memories of his former existence whilst struggling with his new lot in unlife. Lorenor had learned the name of the creature and he had called himself Xaellin. Lorenor found himself taking an immediate rapport with the fellow. The two were busily discussing world events that Xaellin had missed out on. Their Scouts reported more Scourge forces in the surrounding wilderness. So far, Lorenor and his companions were forced to battle against The Scourge that came too close to their position. Lorenor admired his Captain's capacity to regain his powers after the severe psychological trauma of bonding with his Endless.

Flashing his prevalida sword, the mutant finished decapitating a member of The Scourge that wandered too close to his position. Somehow, Xem'Zund's death had not freed The Scourge. Lorenor had to wonder about that. If Xem'Zund can maintain control over The Scourge even in death, then what does that mean for the rest of Althanas? Are his Lieutenants still in full operation? We have to plan quickly in order to destroy these remaining individuals. Lorenor had heard the legends of the man named Godhand Striker and his cronies taking out Xem'Zund's lackies. He wondered how extensive that extermination attempt had been. As Lorenor swung his weapon, The Scourge's head went rolling down a hill several paces away.

Black ichor spilled out of the injury. The body stood up for a moment or two longer and then fell to the ground. Lorenor frowned when after he noticed the creature still attempting to reach for his person. Last minute muscular impulses. Lorenor was within the exact epicenter of his group. He looked to the nearby form of his companion, MetalDrago Scorpio and nodded. He also studied Xaellin's position. The man stood in a hunched stance, his hands spread out like dangerous rakes. One of his other companions had awarded Xaellin with a steel broadsword. The rest of The Forsaken under Lorenor's direct command were busy with scouting duties. Lorenor wiped his blade clean of the black blood and then sheathed his weapon in its appropriate scabbard.

They were surrounded on all sides, but The Scourge had not yet mounted a direct offensive.

"Something is wrong." Lorenor said in the general direction of MetalDrago Scorpio. "It's been a few days now and they have not mounted any significant offensive. I can see large numbers in our vicinity. It is not safe to open a door to Phantaria." Lorenor said. "Stay on your toes everybody. My instinct tells me that this is a trap."

Suddenly, a presence manifested in his sensory grid that wasn't there moments earlier.

"Stop!" Lorenor yelled out loud and once again revealed his weapon. He looked up to the trees, someone was sitting atop a nearby tree, their legs crossed as they observed the wayward group.

"You're the ones called Lorenor and MetalDrago are you not?" Lorenor heard the voice of a woman talking. "Our Master knows your names." Spotting glowing eyes on a shadowy figure, several more presences manifested within his sensory grid. "You would be wise to answer..."