View Full Version : ~Hearts of The Forge~ (Solo)

06-17-10, 05:08 AM
(Note this Solo Quest will feature my Characters Alberdyne Cormyr and Sabatykos Maelstrom thank you very much)

Day 1--

August 15th, C.P. 1812
11:00 A.M.

I feel the calling of my people. In my heart, the blood pumps through my vessel telling me secrets. Secrets that were lost by my ancestors. As my skill level grows, I feel a great urge to do bad things. A part of me, the negative side of me, wishes to inflict great harm upon Althanas. Harm greater than Xem'Zund's burning crusade. That temptation hides as a mask behind my green eyes. I have learned to live with a growing monster inside my heart. A monster that is only named, Kajeenith...


Heat from the forge placed a layer of soot on his skin and light clothing. His muscles were aching from the exhaustive work that he was performing in the workshop. His lithe form was muscular but built towards a more acrobatic physique. Broad shoulders, and an equally broad chest supported his upper body whilst he worked. Thoughts passed through his head as the sparks of super-heat flared quickly through the air. Vanishing a few moments after they manifested but leaving the heat signature there. Sweat glistened on his skin too, the hard-work was paying off. Already, his physique was becoming chiseled. His vest was worn open. Baggy pants rippled with each skilled movement that was made. A hammer was held by those powerful hands, a hammer that slammed down on material-ore. Working on tin and copper, the task of the hour called for the making of bronze bars.

Secret techniques handed down by the blacksmiths of ancient times were used in the process of smelting ore. Yusukai Hyakureiki was taught these techniques and was applying his perfected knowledge. Moving the weight of the hammer through the air, Yusukai applied an expert technique in his movement. Clangs filled the air as he worked the metal with his art. Though he was an apprentice, he worked out of the workshop he currently found himself in. For the current hour, Yusukai and several other apprentice blacksmiths worked on the project. Labor in Underwood was an efficient process that came from the higher ups themselves. Yusukai was taught in Dressed Fish Town the ways of the Akashiman blacksmiths. This knowledge was applied to the arts that the Southerners of Corone used.

Each movement was timed in accordance to the technique's teachings. The secret was hitting the sweet-spot of the metal so it could be worked and molded in whatever shape was deemed necessary. Blacksmithing was a precise science. It required tremendous discipline on the behalf of the students participating in the art. Each clang that filled the air of the workshop was a sound that reverberated from the soul of the smith. The lighting in the forge was harsh, Yusukai barely noticed it. Red embers glowed intensely as fire roared through the forge itself. Brass metal contained the belly of the beast of Underwood. Several of these great furnaces were present of various makes. Noise filled the air in the great room as well.

Apprentices were busily striking their hammers against rapidly cooling metallic ore. Ore that was pulled from the earth of Comb Mountains and fed to the very fires of Hell. Ore was pulled from veins in varying amounts in their impure form. Purified using a process of Alchemy, Yusukai Hyakureiki was not responsible for that process of the forging. Instead, he focused primarily on forging itself. Alchemy was a pursuit that he had no knowledge of. Currently, the apprentice was focusing on constructing bronze bars that were constructed with a combination of tin and copper ores. The two ores were combined together after the purification process was completed. The bars were then formed by blacksmiths. Each blacksmith used bars to construct various pieces of equipment that were sold right out of the workshop in varying grades.

When jobs were complete, the students of blacksmithing earned a wage based off a commission. In that fashion, Yusukai and his fellows earned a great deal of gold. Payment for his duty was the last thought on his mind as he worked. Clothing was dampened with sweat, and his hot breath flowed out slowly from his mouth and nose. Purple hair was slickened with the sweat as well. Yusukai was hot. But he was used to the heat since he worked the hammer and anvil everyday. He had no idea that his job was going to take him on a collision course with destiny...

Sabatykos Maelstrom
06-17-10, 06:15 AM
Approximately one week ago...

Dear Journal,

Entry number 45.
August 9th, C.P. 1812

My Father, Malus Maelstrom, has passed today. After a long life of servitude to The Thayne, Karshook. He was a good man. I find myself angry at the loss but with no way to vent against it, so I work. Projects around our home-village need completion. Commissions to my family of Inventors are readily available, and work is always there. So I drown out my emotions. You are my only friend. My siblings have gone quiet as they handle the loss in their own way. Our friends and relatives have provided immense support, assisting us with whatever my Mother needs. My Mother has taken the loss the hardest. It is said that my Father died of natural causes, in his sleep. But I will always believe otherwise. Our people do-not meddle in the affairs of the rest of Althanas. Rather, we keep to our inventions. I don't know how I feel about my Father's death. I just know that things need to be built and fixed...inventions need to be made. Althanas cannot sit still because one family is in mourning.

Your friend,
~Sabatykos Maelstrom

"Sabatykos!" Came the yell that could only have been from his Mother.

Coming out of his reverie, the youth blinked several times as he was in an almost trance-like state. Sabatykos slid out of his chair. He'd been up for almost a week now since his Father's death. The event had shaken him to his core. Sabatykos turned towards the single door to his room. The Maelstrom household was located in an obscure, back-water town hidden in Concordia Forest. He walked over to it and opened it with an almost mechanical and stiff movement. Stretching, the youth hadn't realized how tired he was. Opening the door, he saw his Mother. The Elven woman was dressed in completely in black in her hour of mourning. His Mother's name was Sianere Maelstrom. Sabatykos noticed that she was wearing her favorite locket. Her hair was tied back in braids, and her long, pointy ears had various studs on them.

"Mother. What is it?" Sabatykos responded as he saw her staring at him. She had crow's feet and her make-up was running. It seemed to Sabatykos that she'd been crying for a long time. "Are you well?" He asked with sincere concern for his Mother's well-being.

"There is a matter we need to discuss Sabatykos." Sainere said quietly to her son. "I hate to sound cold in this time of great loss for us, but your Father left his works of Alchemy to your name." She said. "It doesn't have to be today, but I want you to take a look at them when you can."

"What benefit would Alchemy have for an Inventor?" Sabatykos asked, he was feeling the lack of sleep. Everybody in the household was struggling with the loss in their own special ways. "I don't want to use someone else's research for my works." Sabatykos said, his annoyance was in his voice. "I could never be the Inventor that my Father was." Sabatykos' voice was increasingly getting louder. Rarely did the youth ever get mad, but he was slowly finding himself upset at the unfolding situation. "I have my own pursuits in mind. I just want to keep busy." Sabatykos said. "Do I have to look at my Father's works? I don't really want to at this particular moment."

There was a pause.

"Nevertheless, the works were left to your name. Malus had considerable knowledge at his disposal. I know this isn't the right time, but I want to take care of these legal matters early. If we procrastinate they will become a problem down the road. I wish to avoid a legal hassle. He left his entire body of research to you. He would have wanted you to study what he learned throughout his life and grow as an Inventor. If you pursue Alchemy or not is up to you." Sainere placed a hand on her son's shoulder. "My Son, you have to start thinking about what you want to become in your life. You are of age to better yourself in this world. Young yet, but ready to face suitable challenges."

"Mother, I just want to work on my machines. Machines will provide profit for the family so we don't starve come Winter." Sabatykos said. He sounded a bit harsh and flinched after he said that. "All right mom. I will take a look at his work, but I can't guarantee anything more than that."

"Very well Sabatykos. I shall leave you to your studies then."

Feeling saddened to see her in such a state, Sabatykos pondered going after her. However, his logical side decided to simply not pursue the matter any further. Sabatykos turned back towards his room but left the door open in case anybody else needed to speak to him. Thinking about his Father's works, the youth looked at his own growing supply of journals. They contained various ideas for inventions he would work on, various mathematical and physics-based research, and numerous other works. He was rapidly becoming a skilled Technician and Inventor. Why should I use my Father's works anyway? This has nothing to do with me. I just want to make my Machines... As he prepared to work on his notes and diagram sketches, the youth found himself feeling frustration in his heart. His fountain pen tapped on the table in a nervous habit. A short time later, he stood up and went over to his Father's study where the man's works was located.


Time passed. Sabatykos had spent several hours shifting through his Father's grimoires. Each journal-style notebook contained detailed analysis of everything his Father had learned throughout his long life. From what Sabatykos knew of the Saenorakym Prime, they were supposed to be entirely immortal. Something did not sit well in the pit of his stomach as he thought about his Father's death. Conveniently, the leadership of the town ruled the death as a result of old-age and natural causes. There was no proof of foul-play of any sort. Without a case to pursue, no actions were taken to pursue the mysterious nature of the death. Sabatykos wanted answers. There was no autopsy, only a short investigation that was labeled inconclusive. Sabatykos cried in hysterical fits for a long time when he found out of his Father's passing to the next world.

Various notebooks were spread out in front of the young inventor. He was reading documents that contained very personal and private matters written in his Father's own hand. The script was written in his Father's style which hurt all the more. Like a blade to the heart. Sabatykos found tears flowing down his face as he read the books. He came across one specific grimoire which was resting on the single desk in the study. It was his Father's most recent journal. Strangely, it contained many notes on the pursuit of Alchemy that Sabatykos did not yet understand. As he looked through that book, he found a letter hidden in the various pages. Sabatykos pulled the letter out and was surprised to find that the letter was addressed to him. The hand writing was his Father's style.

Dearest Sabatykos,

Should you find this letter, it means that the worst has come to pass. I have met an untimely fate. Whatever means were used to become my undoing, do-not pursue the matter further. Rather, study the works I leave behind for you and build upon them. To each of you, my wife, and my children, I have left specific Items. I have already prepared my legal Last Will and Testament. So the legality of these matters cannot be questioned by our law and the law of Corone. Listen to me very carefully. Study these works, put aside Sabatykos The Inventor, and become, Sabatykos The Alchemist. To you I leave my legacy and the legacy of The Maelstroms. I have compiled a life of research and personal ideas for you to study. Study them. Learn them. Put all other pursuits aside until you have learned the ways of Alchemy. We will meet again my son.

I love you always,
Malus Maelstrom

Sabatykos held the letter close to his chest. Even Father wants me to study this Alchemy business. I don't know if its the right path for me though. As Sabatykos looked through the pages of his Father's last journal, he turned to the last written page. There, he learned of a man named Ormest Lybontas. Sabatykos' felt stunned as he learned who the man was. Apparently, his Father was a famous Alchemist who studied under Ormest Lybontas. The man was a Master Alchemist who resided in Underwood. The last few entries of the journal talked about Malus Maelstroms' desire for his son to become an Alchemist. The youth finally made up his mind. His next job was to pursue Ormest Lybontas and become an Apprentice Alchemist.

06-17-10, 01:11 PM
August 15th, C.P. 1812
9:00 P.M.

A fist came at Alberdyne Cormyr. Ruffians were on the prowl in Underwood and the youth was doing his part to help the guards take care of them. Due to the war against The Scourge, civilians like Cormyr had to take up the call to reinforce the numbers of the locale guards. When Alberdyne Cormyr returned to Underwood, his heart sank at the current dark state that the town was in. Dyne found himself stepping in an attempt on a girl's life. He'd witnessed the brazen attack first hand and was the only guard on call. Five bandits were making their attempt at the girl's possessions and perhaps sexuality. If not for Dyne, the girl would be another victim of a local crime-wave. The fist connected with Dyne's face, but Alberdyne Cormyr was a brawler. He knew how to defend himself with a certain degree of skill.

Taking the hit, Alberdyne Cormyr's face appeared to be in pretty bad shape. His nose was broken, several large welts were visible. Blood was freely flowing from the various injuries he had sustained. Dyne felt like a brick was just slammed against his face. But, that was the price he paid for being meddlesome. I cannot allow this crime-wave to continue to affect the good people of Underwood! With his fists balled up, Dyne reacted with a timely counter. The man's arm reached forward as he struck Dyne, but the youth was prepared. His battle against that kid named Sabatykos Maelstrom in The Citadel had prepared for such an event. Thinking back to his practical training, Dyne played dirty. Moving underneath the forward momentum of his foe, the youth struck.

Screams were still in the air from the girl that Dyne was trying to save from some horrific fate. Grabbing the center of the thug's arm, Dyne pulled downward with all of his might. There was a satisfying snap as Dyne broke the man's arm. He screamed in shock, unable to believe what had just happened to him. Dyne then proceeded to draw his longsword. It was currently in a scabbard attached to his shield. A metallic ring resounded as Dyne drew the weapons. He pointed it at the man's neck with a sudden burst of rage. Turning towards the man's companions, Dyne yelled his decree towards them. Though badly injured, Dyne was not unconscious and could fight until he was dead.

"Stop what you're doing and leave that girl alone!" Dyne called out to the thugs and they suddenly stopped everything that they were attempting. One of the nearby fellows saw that Dyne held his sword pointed at their companion.

"You're bluffing kid, you ain't gonna do shit!" One of the thugs said. "You there, Charles, take care of that wench he's trying to save will you?" There were five grown men all together.

Dyne was hopelessly outnumber, but he had his training to fall back on. It was his training that separated him from these common hooligans. Damn! They called my bluff, I have to arrest these men. I cannot kill them despite the situation. I'm just a deputee! That doesn't mean I have to play nice though! Suddenly moving the sword away from the man's neck, the youth reached out with a powerful, but unrefined kick to the man's chest. Caught off guard, the thug fell on his back clutching his chest and struggling for air. Dyne immediately turned towards the nearest of the approaching thugs. More screams filled the night. Dyne had to act fast. There's just too many, by The Thayne! Dyne was gambling on the fact that the thugs were merely attempting to rob the girl, not kill her.

His sword moved quickly, and he severed an arm. The bottom half of the arm came flying through the air eventually landing on the ground. The man screamed, Dyne grinned. For a brief moment, he was actually enjoying himself as he inflicted harm on the bastards. The man clutched at his arm, and was pushed out of the way by Charles and the other fellow who had threatened Dyne.

"You got some nerve you fucking kid! I hope that whore is worth all the trouble you're about to get!"

"If I were you, I'd be running away." Dyne said. "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

I gotta get to that girl in time. It's no good if I get her and myself killed! I gotta start disregarding my own position as a deputee and work on taking these guys out! Suddenly acting, he saw the closest of the men approaching. Charles was the nearest. Alberdyne Cormyr developed a devious plan and decided to act upon it. Calling forth his Psychokinetic Energy, Dyne launched his sword at Charles' chest. As soon as he was done with that action, Dyne unsheathed his two Daggers keeping his shield attached to one arm. Moving quickly now, felt adrenalin pumping through his vessel. There was a loud ringing noise in his ears. The metallic taste of blood sloshed in his mouth, but none of these matters deterred Dyne from what must be done. To The Pyre with this, save the girl. And Dyne found himself upon the thug.

There was nothing elegant about those strikes. Cruel, dirty, and with precision, Dyne struck with the sole purpose of killing. His single, healthy eye was focused on his remaining opponent. He'd already killed a man with his longsword. Moving forward, the world seemed to slow down as he developed a heightened sense of things. The city seemed asleep around him, wind whistled through space, and his own heart was beating with symphony of a war-drum. Each slice found a spot on the man, Dyne was determined to kill. A man's screams filled the night as his companions began to turn away from the girl to see just what in the hell was going on. What should have been a simple robbery was now becoming a massacre. The last two remaining thugs let the girl and approached Dyne.

"What have you done!?" One of the thugs yelled in disbelief. "You can't do this, you're a guard!"

"Let her go, and I'll allow you to live." Dyne said coldly. "I am a volunteer you fucking idiot. I'm declaring a citizen's arrest on you. Surrender your weapons, or perish."

"The kid's bluffing!" One of the thugs said in shock.

"No he aint, look at his eyes. Fuck this." One of the thugs turned and fled from the scene.

That left one last man, the leader of the bandit's outfit.

"Kid, you're asking for a real problem." The man said.

But Dyne was prepared. His combat stance was tight, blood was already dripping from his pair of daggers. "I'm going to hurt you." Dyne suddenly found himself saying. "Your friend was wise to retreat." It was as if some dark entity had taken over the youth. He pointed one of his daggers at the thug. Preparing psychokinetic energy, the youth readied himself to kill again. There was an initial blood-lust in his gut, but Dyne strangely found himself relishing in it. As if it was a taste of things to come. Dyne threw the iron dagger at his opponent. Though he moved quickly, he still got hit in the chest with it.

"Argh! You little brat!" The thug removed the dagger from his body and tossed it to the side. Fresh blood seeped from the wound. "You'll have your hero's moment kid. But I won't forget this. You've made a serious mistake butting your nose where it doesn't belong."

Dyne hissed. "If you don't get moving, I will be forced to detain you."


A short time later, Dyne found himself embracing the girl he had saved. She was missing her belongings, but at least she was still alive. Dyne felt comfort in her arms. He picked her up after retrieving his weapons and placing bindings on the survivors. The two kissed. It was long and passionate, each kiss becoming much hungrier than the last. Dyne smiled as he looked at the girl.

"You're welcome. That was reward enough..."

It was never a dull night in Underwood...

06-17-10, 05:53 PM
Seemingly a job like any other, Yusukai Hyakureiki never questioned contracted work. He didn't care who his clients were. He simply just wanted to work. Gold in Underwood was just as good as the gold in the rest of Althanas. When the Hyakureiki heir finished his duties for the day, he found himself standing in the backyard area of the workshop. An early evening breeze touched his hot skin sending an electric chill up and down his person. The breeze was powerful and it caused his purple hair to move ever so slightly. Yusukai walked over to a water tank that contained ice-cold water for the smiths to use at will. Yusukai grabbed a small container and filled it with the cold water. Then, he poured the water on his person feeling the cool substance flowing down his flesh. Already dampened with his own sweat, his clothing was drenched with the water. Water poured down his person as he cooled himself off. Yusukai closed his eyes as he washed the soot off his person. Dirt flowed on the ground as blackened water touched the soft earth. Yusukai sighed with pleasure, his Akashiman features visible on his face.

Spending a time to clean himself off, the youth prepared himself for the rest of the night. The most immediate desire was the pang of hunger. Yusukai needed to eat, hunger settled into his physical shell. Yusukai walked over to his boss, looked at the man with respect, and then proceeded to leave the workshop. Yusukai felt his muscles burning with the pain of physical labor. Everyday he punished his body as a blacksmith, and everyday he got slightly stronger. Yusukai walked out onto the road in front of the workshop and started to make his way to The Peaceful Promenade. Dyne needed a solid meal, and perhaps, a drink.

Stepping through the doors of The Peaceful Promenade, Yusukai felt the energy of business. The vibration in the air was a positive one, and his Kuthai Pool was full. Yusukai noticed that The Promenade had a full house as always. Some of the faces in the dining hall were familiar to the blacksmith. However, many of the faces were not. Yusukai walked up to the bar and nodded towards a familiar bartender. The man was a fellow named Regis Arken. At that point in his life, Yusukai was learning a great deal about how Underwood operated. Reputations and societal rankings were exceedingly important to the locales. In a lot of ways, the environment was similar to Akashima's diverse social structure.

Yusukai noticed Regis Arken staring directly at him. Though they were not friends by any mean, Yusukai considered the man a business acquaintance and someone who deserved tremendous respect. As far as reputation went, the bartender was well known in inner circles as a Sheltu. Yusukai knew that the man would have been a Bonholla but the man had settled in his position as an intelligence gatherer. Yusukai often gained work from the fellow. For that reason, he moved to the man when he was acknowledged. Yusukai bowed his head in the man's general direction. Then the two exchanged a warm embrace. Yusukai relaxed his posture and looked at his friend.

"You look like hell Hyakureiki." The man said. "What can I get for you today, your usual?"

"Yessir. But I have a request my friend."

"Tell me what's on your mind Yusukai."

"Well its like this..."

Sabatykos Maelstrom
07-13-10, 05:51 AM
Day 2--

All that Sabatykos had to go on was a name. An obscure name written on a piece of papryus paper that meant nothing to the young Inventor. His first option was to get information and intelligence about the name. Sabatykos knew that he had to connect a face to the name. Assuming that his Mother, Sianere Maelstrom, had some answers for him, Sabatykos sat across the breakfast table with his mom. His siblings had already gone off to school. He wore a troubled expression on his face as he struggled to eat the food in front of him. Though he normally loved to eat, Sabatykos was still shocked at the terrible loss. The wake was later in the week, and his Father would be treated with the ritual-work of his people sometime after that. At the end of the day, Sabatykos understood that his Father was gone. He was never coming back.

"What troubles you my son?" Sianere Maelstrom asked.

Sabatykos hesitated. He didn't know how he should approach the next part of the conversation. All he could think about was that man's name, Ormest Lybontas. Sabatykos took a long pull of his orange juice, then looked at his Mother in the eyes. He figured that he would come out straight with it. "Who was Ormest Lybontas?" Seeing the strange reaction his Mother had to the name, Sabatykos decided to alter his approach subtly. "I found that name in Father's journals. It was in a letter addressed to me. It said it was someone I was supposed to meet." Sabatykos said.

"Very interesting." Sianere Maelstrom said. "I have not heard that name in a very long time." She chewed on some food and waited a moment or two before continuing. "Your Father, was a very influential man. He knew folk from all walk of life." She said. "Some of your Father's contacts weren't as honorable as the a Blade." She added. "There were clients, some, rather dangerous men interested in your Father's research. Now, I have not told anybody what I am about to tell you. But you must promise to keep it a secret from your siblings. Promise."

Sabatykos thought about the request for a few moments. Simply, he nodded his head in response. His eyes were still locked on his Mother's eyes.

"I promise." Sabatykos said, and he meant it. To The Saenorakym Prime, a promise was very serious business. "Tell me what I need to know to solve this riddle."

"About five years ago..." His Mother began. "Your Father came across a certain group of people." She hesitated for a moment before continuing to reveal the secret information Sabatykos needed. "There is a dark organization in Corone that calls itself The Syndicate. They are nothing more than a gang of criminals. They employed your Father for a particular job that I told him not to take." She sighed visibly, her eyes told the story. She was fighting back memories. "Your Father, being the stubborn man that he was, took the job. He was asked to make a certain Machine. From my understanding of the incident, your Father was able to complete a prototype of The Machine using secret plans." She took a sip of her drink. "Your Father told me this in the hopes that the information would one day reach your ears. The Syndicate had other plans for your Father. After a confrontation had gone sour, they stole the secret plans from your Father. Your Father had gotten far enough on the prototype that they were able to finish the job and create a certain weapon. A weapon that would cause unspeakable chaos on Althanas."

"Father built such Machines?" Sabatykos asked, wonder in his eyes. "I thought Father only built Machines with non-military applications."

"Normally that should have been the case. But The Syndicate offered your Father a certain reward that they never delivered. Then, five years later to the day your Father started working on The Machine, he passes away under mysterious circumstances." She said.

"Do you think The Syndicate had something to do with Father's death?" Sabatykos asked, his interest was piqued.

"It is possible but there is not enough evidence yet to support that conclusion. But I feel in my gut that they were involved." She said.

"Then Father was murdered...right under our noses." Sabatykos said sighing heavily.

"We don't know that for certain, there is no evidence to support that conclusion. When performing any scientific inquiry, you must gather all of your facts in the form of research. All possible formulae must exhausted before a conclusion can be reached. The scientific process is the very creed of our people. It is our religion. Research is being done even as we speak about this matter. They will find our answers." She said with confidence in her voice.

"I hope so." Sabatykos said, anger in his voice. "I want to avenge my Father." He added. "Father would still be alive if he hadn't built that accursed Machine."

"Perhaps." His Mother said. "There is more to the story." She added. "The Syndicate was not the only society that your Father did business with. There were many circles, some more scrupulous than the others. But, The Syndicate, was by far, the worst. They threatened to harm us if your Father did not help us. They threatened to harm the entire town of Jorianth." She shook her head. "When I think about it, I should have done more to help your Father. Your Father was an idealist, he believed in the good of people. But there are evil souls on Althanas too, and they took advantage of your Father." She suddenly leaned in close towards Sabatykos. "You must promise me you will not pursue dealings with The Syndicate. They are dangerous and I don't want to see you get hurt." She said.

Sabatykos thought about all he had learned. There were many questions, and he knew that his Mother would answer them. If Father was killed by The Syndicate, then it falls on me to avenge him. Sabatykos thought to himself, but then he realized another thought. I am still too weak to take out something like that group. I bet they are big, mean, and well armed. Enough to kill someone like Father. Sabatykos opened his eyes and saw his Mother still staring at him.

"I will not pursue them. At least, not now." He said casually. "Perhaps someday, when I am stronger." Sabatykos, was being honest. He wanted to avenge his Father's death.

"That will do for now." She began. "Now do you want to learn about Ormest Lybontas?" She asked. "That is a very interesting story..."

Sabatykos nodded.

"Yes. I would like to learn all you can teach me..."

07-13-10, 03:35 PM

Jaliss Evenkeel was a nobleman of honourable repute. He ran his hand through his braided her as he looked at various statistical information on his table. He knew that he had to make a quick move of that crime-wave sweeping Underwood. Blatant robberies, rapes, and other assaults were taking place to the point where it fell upon citizens to volunteer for the city guard. On the verge of considering the declaration of Marshal Law in Underwood, the Elf worried for the safety of his people. Triggered by members of The Syndicate, the crime-wave showed no signs of halting. It worried Jaliss Evenkeel deeply. Statistical charts were upon his table that he currently studied attempting to analyze a pattern to the recent increase in violent acts.

Wondering why The Syndicate had emerged now, after years of not being active, troubled him. Somehow connected to the events of the civil war still ravaging areas of Corone, The Syndicate seemed to have gone underground. However, criminals captured during the crime-wave were interrogated and somehow connect to the operations of The Syndicate, though there was never concrete information to connect the two phenomenon together. When a knock disturbed the silence of the chamber, Jaliss Evenkeel sighed. He looked at the door and spoke up towards the owner of the knocking sound.

"Come." He said casually. "It is open."

A moment later, a familiar presence entered the room. Jaliss Evenkeel, Captain of The Watch, studied the form of The Mayor of Underwood. He put together a false smile as he stared at Benjamin Aldebrand. The two shared a certain moment of silence, and then the Captain spoke up first.

"What business have you this late hour?" The Elf asked.

"They used his Invention." The Mayor said. "It was sighted recently during one of the crime sprees. We are loosing the war my friend."

The Captain remained seated as a critical piece of intelligence fell on his lap.

"Malus Maelstrom." The Elf said with a certain anger in his voice. "He has a son you know. The boy named Sabatykos. He managed to give birth to three all together. They are all Inventors. We must use the web to pull them into our fold early." The Captain folded his hands together underneath his chin, placing his elbows on the large oak table. His expression was an intense one now, and deep in thought. "They took The Machine right from under our noses. Such betrayals cannot stand."

"Hmph." The Mayor said haughtily. "I didn't align myself to The Viceroys just to have those criminals ruin things now. They won one battle, big deal, we still got our numbers." The Mayor said with irritation in his voice. The two were clearly discussing dark matters. "What of that boy who recently joined your fold?" The Mayor rubbed his chin. "What was the kid's name? Oh yeah, the Cormyr boy. Bunch of pompous idealists."

"He's a good soldier. Follows orders well." The Captain said. It was clear that the two men did not like each other. "The Hyakureiki boy has been placed within the workshop here in Underwood." The Captain still wondered why those specific youths were somehow more important than anybody else in Underwood. "I still don't understand what sort of game you're playing."

"Don't worry about it, Captain. I have a certain source who is ensuring me that these are the three pieces of the puzzle we need. Protect Malus' Son at all costs. He is a critical ingredient to the coming play."

"I know you are getting intelligence from that Prophet." The Captain suddenly said. "The man named Nenkulor Shima." The Captain's eyes were narrowed. "Treason is a very serious crime my good Mayor. I would be very careful of which sides I would assist if I were you." Then, The Captain further illustrated his point. "Elected officials are not above Corone's law, Empire or no."

"Are you threatening me!?" The Mayor asked with an incredulous sounding voice. The Mayor began to turn around and walked towards the door. "You would be wise to choose your words more carefully my good Captain. There are eyes and ears everywhere, and such scandalous accusations would only get one's head lobbed off by an executioner. Remember that." And with that, The Mayor took his leave.

"But I am not the one dealing with false Prophets..." The Captain said as he returned to his work.

The pieces of the next game were in play...


Day 2--

After some medical treatment and escorting the girl from the night before home, Alberdyne Cormyr was ready to report for more duties. The patrol was over after a certain shift, he knew he had to earn his official standing as a member of The Watch of Underwood. As it stood, Dyne was still a depute.
One of his motivations was to become a fully privileged member of The Watch in Underwood. Dyne had come to admire Captain Jaliss Evenkee's efficiency when dealing with criminals. There was a systemic approach to the whole process. It was almost as if a source from beyond normal capacities was feeding The Captain information he would not normally be privy to. Perhaps that's how Underwood prospered in a time of open warfare.

Wearing the clothing of a member of The Watch, Dyne approached the structure that was The Watch's headquarters. A small fort was visible that Dyne had become familiar with. During his time in Underwood, Dyne had become friendly with the guard folk. When he entered the small fort, Alberdyne Cormyr felt the weight of the building all around him. It was a cold stone structure, but inside, there was the warmth of several fireplaces. It was considerably warm within the fort. Walking across the main hall, Dyne looked around and was able to spot the chandelier attached to the ceiling above him. The fort was well lit by an equal combination of the fireplaces, as well as, various lanterns hanging on fixtures. These lanterns were attached to the walls. A large oak table was visible immediately in front of the double-doors of the well-guarded fort.

Guard-folk wore full suits of polished armour and moved to and from their various patrols or watch-duties. Some guards were returning from a long shift of patrol-duty and were heading to the armory to remove their suits of armour. A group of highly decorated guards were positioned around the oak table. A fireplace was lit behind the oak table providing a critical warmth to the fellows behind the table. One man sat on a chair without his helmet on. Dyne saw that he was busily scribbling notes upon a series of parchments. He could not see the man's hand writing from his position. Dyne walked over towards the table and saluted the men. A man stood up on either side of the table providing escort to the seated man.

Dyne waited until he was addressed. Taking a moment to look around the familiar settings, he saw the stone make-up of the building. Each block was precisely measured and placed into the wall all around. Millions of blocks of stone were used in the creation of the fort. Alberdyne Cormyr knew that the fort was fairly new too. It did not date back to the antiquity of The Demon's War. Rather, from Dyne's understanding, the fort was roughly sixty years of age. Originally, it was not outfitted to hold a garrison of soldiers. It was meant to be a nobleman's house before Underwood was ever Underwood.
When Underwood was established, security forces were needed and the local government officials confiscated the fort in the name of Radasanth. Legends did not record what happened to the nobleman's family who initially owned the fort.

That information was lost in to antiquity's fold. Dyne saw an elegant plaque above the fireplace, along with a series of mantles. Heads of various creatures hunted in Concordia Forest provided a harsh reminder that they lived in a hostile land. The plaque was a combined depiction of the symbols of The Watch, along with The Empire. Underwood was officially under the control of The Viceroys, but there were pockets of resistance rumored to be in full operation as well. Dyne folded his hands together against his lower back and stood at full attention. Though he was still a recent recruit, Dyne's intellect allowed him to learn the tools of the trade quickly. He'd become successful in a short amount of time and earned the respect of his fellows.

"Commander Ormest Lybontas, depute Alberdyne Cormyr at your command, Sir!" Dyne said dutifully, slapping a hasty salute across his forehead.

"We received your report from last night." The Commander said casually, still writing information down. "Our worst fears are realized. They are in fact working for The Syndicate, or perhaps, something far worse."

Dyne studied the old Commander carefully. He had tightly cropped auburn hair, fair complexion, stark brown eyes, and a scar that went down the right side of his face. The scar was positioned so that it blinded the commander out of one eye permanently. His hair was worn in a standard military cut, and his body was hidden beneath armour made of masterwork treated prevalida. His helmet currently rested on the table. It too, was made out of prevalida. Dyne had a lot of respect for the superior officer. The man had accepted him into the fold without question. There was training involved which prepared Dyne for many eventualities he would face whilst on patrol in Underwood.

"Then the medallions I found on their bodies were genuine?" Dyne suddenly asked, remembering the amulets he'd recovered from the fallen. He'd managed to incapacitate two of the criminals before the others ran away. "It was the first time I have ever seen their agents in action."

"You performed admirably." The commander said to Dyne. "There was a victim I understand correct?" He asked without looking up.

"There was a woman. Her name is Deniryda Okino. I managed to save her." He added.

"That is of no concern to us. Heroism has its place but you should have been concerned with capturing the ring-leader of the group. It is my understand several of them escaped yes?" The commander asked.

Dyne hesitated for a moment before answering, but answer he did. It was his duty.

"Aye sir. I managed to capture several of them, but the others ran away, including the ring-leader. I was able to get a good look at his face." Dyne said calmly.

"That will do." The Commander responded. "You may take your leave for the rest of the day. We are working on the subjects you have captured attempting to filter out any useful intelligence we can uncover. Report for duty tonight at your usual hour." The Commander sir.

Dyne nodded. He started to walk away, but another matter troubled him. He turned back towards The Commander.

"What is it Dyne? Something still troubles you?" The Commander asked.

"The Ring Leader. He spoke to me." Dyne said.

"What did he say?" The Commander asked. "Did he give you any solid leads?"

"I--he said, You'll have your hero's moment kid. But I won't forget this. You've made a serious mistake butting your nose where it doesn't belong." Dyne frowned recounting the threats that the ring leader had made. His eyes were narrowed as he studied The Commander. "What do you think?"

"You shall be briefed when the time comes. In the meantime, take some time off and mingle with the townfolk. You've earned it." The Commander said.

Dyne nodded and prepared to take his leave.

"Dyne one other thing. If you can track this gang for us and recover the ring leader alive, you will be fairly compensated." The Commander said with a hint of danger in his voice.

"Understood sir. I shall seek him out." Alberdyne Cormyr responded.

"Remember to be on time for your shift." The Commander added the reminder one last time before Dyne took his leave...

Sabatykos Maelstrom
09-05-10, 05:20 AM
Packing his bags, Sabatykos felt a lead weight in his heart. His eyelids were heavy from all the crying he had done the night before. The information his Mother had given him was critical to the journey ahead. In order for Sabatykos to achieve the next level of his studies the youth would have to second-guess the work of his late Father. Thousands of pages of notes were literally at his disposal and it was the great library that his Father had constructed over a lifetime of study. Sabatykos still had no knowledge of what Alchemy meant, but he knew that his Father had potentially been murdered over it. Saenorakym Prime were a sturdy lot of meta-humans that were known for having long lifespans.

With no general direction to go in, Sabatykos decided to make a trip to Radasanth, but on the way, he would stop at Underwood first. He had no idea where to begin looking for Ormest Lybontas in the first place! he would travel throughout Corone, if necessary, and throughout Althanas herself and the lands beyond to find this man. Eventually, Sabatykos could build a proper chariot for himself to travel through the celestial heavens to the planets beyond Althanas. Those thoughts were pushed to the back of his mind as he understood that he was simply a Technician without any real experience. So, he would have to go out there and learn the ways of his people from top to bottom. Before long, Sabatykos knew, he would become a skilled Technician and a dedicated follower of their deity, Karshook.

Many concerns were in his head as he packed his bags. The clothing he was placing in his travel pack, and the equipment he was placing would help him in the long run. He was thinking about the various threats of the wild lands of Concordia as well. Threats were categorized as human and non-humanoid threats. Sabatykos was no fool, he knew that there were vicious elements in Concordia Forest that would attempt to snatch up his life in one fell swoop if they could. Located next to his belongings was a Map that his Father had drawn up that contained the various areas of The Concordia Forest. It also clearly showed where was each district and barony of Corone.

There was also a set of documents labeled Akashima. Sabatykos understood that his journey to discover the secrets of Alchemy would take him far and wide. He would see many sights, and explore new lands. The thoughts coursing through his mind made the youth extremely worried, and at the same time, filled his heart with a certain form of excitement. Before he made his way to Underwood, he would have to return to Caverns of Trial (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19360) to pass the final test of Karshook. Sabatykos finished packing his bags, but knew there was one last element remaining before he could begin his journey. He had to finish the rites of The Saenorakym Prime.

That meant he had to return to The Caverns of Trial.


Finished packing, Sabatykos looked around the room to make sure he had everything he needed. He had acquired a small pittance of gold during his training in The Citadel. With this money, he purchased the various tools, supplies, and equipment he would need for a lengthy journey. Sabatykos finished the work he was starting and placed the two travel packs on his bed. There was one last matter he needed to take care of. He would seek audience with the elder; Zenthum Prisido. Having completed the first set of The Trials a couple of years prior, Sabatykos already wore some of the symbols of Karshook on his person. Each symbol conferred a different power upon the wielder. The symbols were symbols of great achievement in Saenorakym Prime society, and they would be worn always.

Sabatykos walked over to the elder's house. It was a sunny afternoon, but the breeze was kicking up from the southwest. That meant that a heavy Winter was around the corner. Sabatykos knew that Winters in Concordia Forest could be deadly, as monsters were desperate for food. As Sabatykos walked through the small town, he observed how little the settlement had actually changed during his lifetime there. The buildings were constructed of remnant Saenorakym Prime technology marking them the most advanced pieces of technology in the world. The buildings were actually remnants of the original space faring craft that crash landed on Althanas many generations ago. The Saenorakym Prime's engineers and technicians salvaged what they could of the original vessel and created the makeshift township that existed today.

Each of the several large buildings in the town represented some aspect of the original vessel. Of all that remained, only a handful of the buildings represented remnants of the vessel. The larger of the structures were buildings crucial to effective running of Saenorakym Prime society. The Elder, and other important officials, lived in the largest of these structures which possessed the most advanced equipment available to The Saenorakym Prime. Statues of The Thayne that The Saenorakym Prime followed were visible all over the streets of the town. At the town's center was a large, artistic replica of The Thayne, Karhook made of bronze. Sabatykos stood in front of the building which contained The Elder.

Stationed before the structure were two burly guards. They wore the high-tech armour that The Saenorakym Prime warrior class oft wore. One of the guards acknowledged Sabatykos.

"Ah, young Sabatykos. The Elder is expecting you, you may proceed." The guard said and motioned for Sabatykos to enter the building.

Inside was a well lit chamber. Several hallways were connected to it through various doors. Sabatykos walked down the main hallway heading to his immediate North. The Elder was in his office which was stationed along the length of that hallway. Looking around, Sabatykos knew he must have traveled that same hallway a thousand times in his life. He was certain that time wouldn't be the last. Sabatykos found the door he was looking for, and knocked on it twice. After a moment or two passed, the youth was ready to knock again when a voice called from the room inside. Sabatykos knew that voice to belong to The Elder and entered the room after he was told to do so.

Walking into the room, the youth spotted the chamber of a scientist. A metallic table was the centerpiece of the room. Well lit, Sabatykos had to adjust his eyes after the somewhat dimmer that was within the hallway. Sabatykos spotted the familiar paintings in the chamber done by Althanas artists that The Elder had collected in his life. One particular painting always struck him as odd, it was a portrait of Zenthum Prisido standing alongside several famous scientists of The Saenorakym Prime community. Included in the painting was a portrait, exactly painted, of his Father. Malus Maelstrom, the man who was taken from him. The Elder probably analyzed the grief on Sabatykos' face when he started to speak.

"Young one, what is that you seek?" Zenthum Prisido asked.

"That I do-not know." Sabatykos began. "I thought by the time I sought you out, I would have some answers. But alas, I am still searching for them."

"Sabatykos. Do you remember the first time we met?" The older man asked.

Shaking his head, Sabatykos found the question very peculiar.

"I was very young. I don't remember such a thing. Why do you ask?" Sabatykos had to know.

"You were very young. Just a few months old." The Elder said. "I can remember the first time I met just about every individual in my life. I remember when we first met. You were a wee lad, full of curiosity and promise to our society. Even then your intellect was near-genius levels. I tell you this now because I know what it is you seek." The Elder said conclusively.

"And what is that?" Sabatykos said. "What is that I seek?"

"You are asking for my permission to under go The Final Trial of Karshook. And you should already know the answer I have to give you even before you walked in this room." The Elder said.

"I wish to undergo The Final Trial." Sabatykos said. "I am not certain if I am ready for it, but I cannot leave this place without undergoing the trial. And the death of my Father is proof that I must leave." Sabatykos added.

"I know now that you are quite loyal to your clan." The Elder began. "As I have always suspected. You bring great honour to your Ancestors." The Elder smiled. "I grant you the permission that you seek. But remember this: men of our people decide for themselves when they are ready to undergo The Final Trial. I believe you have long known that you are ready." The Elder tapped his chin. "Do not approach The Final Trial with hate in your heart. But rather; allow the glory of Karshook to guide you true."

Sabatykos nodded carefully.

"I thank you for your guidance, Elder." Sabatykos said in response.

"There is no need for thanks. It is the light of knowledge granted by Karshook that sets sail to our destiny. Go Sabatykos, and earn the symbols of Karshook that will transform you into a man of our people." The Elder said with a playful glint in his eye. "Go now and travel to The Caverns of The Trials." The Elder said.

And that was all that Sabatykos needed...