View Full Version : A Simple Contract (Closed)

06-18-10, 08:49 AM
Closed to (PM invites).
Talen was sitting in a small room with his feet up on another chair. The room was small and smelled of the stale beer and smoke from the adjourning tavern. The room was the office of a man who preferred to be called a ‘Contractor’. He provided a link between private citizens wishing to have certain tasks completed and those unscrupulous people who were eager to help.

Talen was not your normal looking unscrupulous character. Due to an odd turn of fortune he now looked like a thirteen year old boy. His cloths were simple, a black shirt and pants were mostly covered by a large black cloak. Sticking out from the left side of the cloak were the sheaths of both his swords.

It had taken the youth a long time before the Contractor had agreered to give him a contact of any importance. Talen had first tried to acquire a contract a few weeks ago when his normal method of income, street performing, started to dwindle. The street beggars were the ones that had told him about the man who that could give you work as long as you didn’t mind what it was. It had taken Talen many errands of little brown packages before he was trusted with a more important job. Even now he had been given an assignment with other people under the pretence of being ‘difficult’. The young Shadow Master refused to accept that he couldn’t handle anything on his own, but if that was what he had to do to earn more rewarding contracts then so be it.

Talen shifted on his seat as he waited for the others to arrive. The Contractor had left him alone until the others arrived. He ran a hand through his short hair and yawned.

06-19-10, 12:12 AM
Raven warmed her hands around the small fire. She was back inside the city after her incident with an adventurer was witnessed. Radasanth was a large city however and it had been long enough that she wasn't worried any more. Indeed, the back-ally was at least partially protected from the rain and this time around she had the good fortune of meeting some other vagabonds. They had taken her in, shared what little food they had, and now she sat with them around a small fire. Frank said they had to keep it small or the city watch would make them put it out, fire hazards and what not.
Most of the other homeless kept to themselves, didn't talk much and seemed to like it that way. Not Frank, he liked to talk, he talked about the weather, he talked about the fire (and the city watch that put them out) and he talked about the colour blue! He talked so much Raven had quite honestly started mentally phasing in and out of his conversations.

"...anyway Im sorry but that just happens to be how -I- feel about it" Frank paused and motioned to Raven "what do you think?"

Raven blinked and looked around the ally, then back at Frank. "what?"
A couple of the others laughed, Frank just smiled and shook his head. "you fit in here nicely girl. so where you from, how's you end up here?"

Raven frowned and lowered her head. The truth of the matter was she didn't remember. She could go back a few months but, after that her memories started to get hazy. The strange thing; it didn't bother her, and she knew it should. Having no memories should have been a bad thing, she knew she should be curious about that, or at the very least concerned about what had happened to make her like that. But she wasn't, and something about that DID bother her.
Frank took her silence in his stride. He nodded understandingly and patted her on the shoulder.

"S'ok if you don'ts want to talk about it. Not all of us are proud of our past or how we got here. Take hat-man over there..."
Raven smiled quietly to herself. She found the way they mostly named each other by features to be rather amusing and nice at the same time. No names, just some distinguishing feature.
Frank was gesturing to a man sitting down away from the fire. His arms were crossed and his face hidden under a wide brimmed hat; the only really distinguishing feature about him.
"Rumour has it that hat-man here's got a steady job. he just chooses to live here wif us beggars."

"Frank, you talk to much." said Hat-man as he stirred. "go away."

Frank-talksalot waved him off with a hand and walked away, mercifully sparring Ravens ear for a few minuets at least. She nodded her thanks to him and sat down next to him. She rubbed her hands together to warm them up then placed them firmly under her armpits to keep them warm.

"so's it true what he says?" Raven nodded to Hat-man "you work a steady job? what sort of work can a vagabond do anyway?"

Hat-man just smiled. He pulled out a small note pad and even smaller pencil and scribbled some notes on it.
"I like you Dirt-hair, you have spunk, or something." Hat-man tore off the pages from the note pad and handed it to Raven. "...Tell them Hat-man sent you."

Raven inspected the scrap of paper. It appeared to be an address. Raven nodded her thanks to Hat-man and got up to leave.
"My names not Dirt-hair."
"Mines not Hat-man."


The door opened with a slow creak. Inside was mostly empty, a few chairs, a side table and a young boy. Raven checked the address again, unsure if she was in the right place. The scrap told her she was indeed in the right place, and someone else was here so she probably had the right time. What was throwing her off was the fact that the other person already here was just a kid. Raven guessed he was about 10 or so. Not knowing what else to do Raven walked over to him and cleared her throat.

"Umm, Hat-man... -I mean Jericho- sent me."