View Full Version : Closed to X

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
06-22-10, 06:55 PM
This is an open match, to whoever may want to join. Come on in!

06-26-10, 11:36 AM
This was not his usual haunt, but then again, this was not the most usual of pastimes. Killing other men, and sometimes for fun women too, it took a certain amount of madness in a man's mind to come to terms with. There were those who did it for amusement, and then there were those who did it in defence, those who fought for their very survival or the survival of others.

Blank bounced to and fro on the peaty leaf bead that lined the Dansdel's hallowed ground and clicked his joints into lucid and celestial fluidity. He shone with passion and exhumed the dead memories of his youth to fight along side his blades in a glorious show of strength. He had to be so arrogant and focussed to stay alive, to be strong. The sun was shining somewhere above, but the dense canopy of trees which covered much of Concordia, and in turn, much of the sleepy hollow of Underwood dampened it's scouring light before it reached them.

He clocked the far door, unsheathed the Rheilhand into his left hand and the Orichalos into his right and clashed them together. The ringing of his blades scattered the flocks of crows overhead, and keened his mind for war like a hammer to a farrier's anvil.

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
06-27-10, 01:31 PM
It was time. Gyzmo thought to himself, he raised himself up from his sitting position among the darkness, the cursed trees from above shielded them from the sun's rays of light, he liked sun light. There was no time for complaining right now, he now went towards the center of the arena where he would meet his foe.

"Maaaaaaaaan.... What time is it? Ah, who cares? Anyways, thank you for coming! Thought nobody would show up. Wait.. .What was I going to do..?" The boy spoke, as he pondered slightly from his just recent thought, that had escaped him. He seemed young, he was around his teenage years.

"Ah right! Let me introduce myself, my name is Gyzmo Gad-Jil-Tron! What might be your name?" Gyzmo questioned the unknown figure, and chuckled slightly from his kiddish actions, and questions. A gleaming silver serpent-like creature slithered from behind Gyzmo, then slowly a dim ruby glow emitted from the head of the serpent-like creature. Slowly a machine hummed, then the ruby glow began to grow stronger as three claw like hooks slowly appeared was silhouetted. It had a roman number on the head, it looked like "I,".

08-11-10, 11:58 AM
Blank gave his opponent the once over, and felt the curious need to frown. As he introduced himself as 'Gyzmo,' he looked back on the times where he would have been unable to reciprocate the request for his own name, giving nothing more than a nod or a low-inaudible grunt before instigating the carnage.

"My name, is Arden Janelle. I might add that it is a pleasure to meet you, but under these un-utopian circumstances, it would be prudent to keep pleasantries to a minimum. We are, after all, going to be pursuing the act of murder." The metallic components of 'Gyzmo' did not phase Blank, he was used to strange and industruous people and machines alike, but the smile, brevity of the point and the manners this particular instrument held was unnerving.

The Silent Swordsman longed to be able to remain as such, but instead, ploughed forwards with weapons held to either side of his lithe body and twisted, pulsating muscles, and roared as mightily as he could muster. The leaves of the canopy overhead and the birds which had settled in the wake of his entrance scattered as if touched by a hurricane once more. He crossed the gap between the two opponents quickly.