View Full Version : Beginner Artificer

06-23-10, 10:25 PM
Name: Lial Dreamkit
Age: 23
Race: Nekojin
Hair Color: Raven
Eye Color: Emerald
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 137
Occupation: Artificer

*Personality: Lial is a shy girl around most people. She's a girl known for keeping to herself, but her profession is one that needs friends and contacts to get the supplies, forcing her to learn how to interact with people. Her awkwardness is a major flaw but she is loyal and trustworthy as well as honest and generous.

Appearance: Lial's most apparent trait it the black tail of her race that are paired with black ears and long raven hair. The girl is pretty without a stretch of the imagination but those who like voluptuous girls will probably look over her petite figure. Average is the easiest way to describe her body type, or perhaps a little pale: she's not too skinny or too fat nor very athletic but it does end up with a girl that could be described as cute.

History: When people think of the Artificer, they think of old scholarly men with long gray beards who hole themselves up in magical towers requiring a king's ransom to do anything. So why would a Cat girl from Corone take such a trade at such a young age. The answer is that she just was a bit odd, a girl that wasn't as strong or as fast as her brothers and sisters. Lial liked to spend time indoors to read but her town was a farming village and only those that would help with the farm were worthwhile. The girl's scholarly habits did allow her to earn her keep by researching fertilizers and some farming techniques of foreign lands, she was still and out cast.

Lial soon took to exploring the forest when she had times that she could no longer lock herself away from her teasing peers and then she found and old but occupied tower. The man in the Tower as an old Wizard who was at the end of his life and not willing to perform the magic to make him immortal, for he cared not for the undeath of the lich. When eh saw the girl he thought to scare her off with a show of magic, but she did not budge. The girl wasn't being brae but was paralyzed with fear and fell to her knees. The mage was not a cruel man and came to check on Lial, Deciding to take her in to rest a bit. Once he talked to the girl he found her shy but polite, not like the others that would come to vandalize his keep and he was in need of an apprentice to learn his secrets and she was the best candidate yet, and with his time coming to an end, took her in to learn the way of the artificer.

Lial visited her home on occasion but her family thought her a hindrance now that they knew the secrets to farming that she showed them and they did not stand in their way when she left. The soon learned the basics of the mage's craft before he died and he left her his tower and lab.


Average Artifice: Lial is an Artificer, a wizard that specializes in the creation of magical items and artifacts at the cost of evocation and other forms of magic and relies on tools crafted by her or others to make up for the lack of fast casting spells. She can enchant all kinds of items with magical properties. (all enchanted items and artifacts subject to spoil awards and will not be crafted in mid battle.)

-Staffs*: The staff is likely the most potent of an artificer's creations, capable of letting the wielder cast spells as if they always knew them. Some staffs are a conduit for the wielder mana, allowing them to use magic until tire but the stronger staffs have charges that recharge on their own but would only allow a few castings of powerful (still within level limits) spells. Most people can really only realistically keep one wizards staff with them at a time.

-wands*: are like staffs but tend to be weaker than the larger cousins and also would break if used as a melee weapon. But they can be concealed and multiple wands could be carried by a mage, although duel wielding wands tends to make the spells fizzle.

-weapons: Magical weapons made to improve upon the base weapon. There are an infinite ways that these improvements could work, like simple stuff of being sharper, stronger or even help the wielder make more accurate hits. More advanced powers can be given such as allowing the weapon to move on its own or having an elemental power. Most weapons won't be used by Lial herself, she's not skilled in their use and probably would only keep a magical knife for her own use.

-Armor or clothing: Armor can be enchanted to be lighter and less restrictive, to stronger or able to resist magic or elements, this includes magical clothing and armor. Armor could also be enchanted to camouflage itself among other things.

-Jewelry: Enchanted Jewelry tend to give boons on the body and mind of the wearer. Things like making them faster, stronger, grow armor scales over their bodies or sprout wings for flight.

-Artifact: Artifacts are powerful items that require extra steps to craft from getting rare materials to a special ritual that's more complex than other items. These may even take multiple quests or battles to get all the needed stuff and enchant them.

Expert Item Lore: Lial is very skilled at identifying magical items and can often figure out their use if she can study the item. It's a bit tough to identify weapons in combat but she can tell if one ability is it only one or if it has extra tricks but not what those tricks are.

Below Average Staff fighter: Lial is a novice in staff fighting, she can defend herself and attack with the basics.

Increased Agility: Lial's Race is more agile than Humans, She has about 1.25 times the agility of a Human. Her Species tends to be more agile than that but she spent most of her time learning magic.


*Magical Items:

Apprentice Staff of fire: An oaken staff with a smooth finish with many rune carved in the arcane language, the top of the staff is a large red crystal.

*The staffs power is to conjure and control a small ball of hot fire. The staff could shoot the fire as a projectile with a small bit of splash damage when it hits, like a Molotov cocktail in bottle too small. The staff could also hold the fire energy in the head of the staff, allowing it to cause burns with the normal damage and as well give off the light of a torch without the harmful smoke.

! non enchanted weapons/armor:
Iron Knife

$ Normal Items:

1 Plain cotton Robe with a few markings for aesthetics.
1 pair of leather sandals.
1 backpack
1 canteen

^ Other possessions:

A mage tower with lab for enchanting. Much of the defenses don't work but the lab works and it's a roof over her head with a comfy bed and some rooms for guests, can be a little drafty though.

06-24-10, 03:04 AM
I'm not going to ask you to be more specific about the possible enchantments of your magic so as not to stifle your creativity. I will, however, warn you that such enchantments should have relatively weak effects at this point. So don't try to like enchant a sword to be as strong as prevalida or something. I figure you know that since you're not new, but I still have to point it out.

Also, don't go selling that tower of yours. Property can be rather valuable.

06-24-10, 07:46 AM
no worries, I have a bit of an idea of what I can't do and had no plans on making super strong items that are like high tier ones. I know that I'll need a few more levels to start making powerful items but I think there's still some cool stuff I can do.

And I won't sell the tower, it has all her equipment. If she sold the Tower, she couldn't really do much enchanting and only simple stuff.

06-24-10, 08:37 AM
Sounds good. You are approved. Welcome back to Althanas.