View Full Version : Mountain's Shadow

06-25-10, 09:26 PM

It's rather funny that on a day that the sun shines brightly with hardly a cloud in the sky, the kind of day that draws people you, you'll often find Lial lounging in the tower reading. The girl was a bit odd with the weather, she would go and and likes to do so but the things that bring her out just weren't as strong as what kept her in.

The girl should at least have been studying her tome, not reading about someone else's adventures. But she was reading happily when it would have been a great day to go outside. The cat girl flitted her tail in the air as she read her book, getting used to the isolation after the death of her master, she didn't feel the need to get dressed and simply lounged in her bed clothes in the late morning, without the excuse of sleeping in.

But the fates were cross with her transgression to let a sunny day go and the reading ended with a loud clang. Lial Jump up with her tail all puffed up and she mewed and ran down the spiral stairway from her room, letting her bare feet padding down in a light trot as she rushed to the door, pulling it so it would cry open.

“Hmmm, is that you kind's ceremonial clothes for entertaining guests, Lial?”

The girl's cheeks reddening a bit as she smiled in the fashion of a kid getting caught doing something dumb. “oh, ummm Hi, Nicaer!” She smoothed out her tail a bit. “I wasn't expecting guests, since I haven't had any since...” her words faded with her awkward smile.

The man at the door nodded, he was a lithe fellow of smooth skin, a wood elf. The man wore a green shirt and brown pants, loose and comfortable with a curved blade at the hip, bow and quiver at the back. “Well, that's why I came.” He smiled a bit to reassure her. “My friend left us before you were quite ready to work his craft. I figured that I owed him as much to help.”

Lial perked her feline ears a bit and nodded as she took his hand and led him to second floor where there was couch and small table. “Umm could you wait here, I'll get changed and grab some tea for you.”

The Elf nodded a bit and chuckled, it would only be fair to let her change.