View Full Version : Level 5

03-29-06, 09:08 PM
((I only have level 4 profile done, but I am 2000 exp over level 5 when the site crashed.))
Updates in White

Name: Zigurate Bandit (Ziggy)

Race: Human/Kitsune

Occupation: Thief/Bandit

Age: 19

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 180 pounds

Appearance: Ziggy has shoulder length black hair that is usually untidy do to his line of work. He has dark Hazel eyes that tend to capture peoples attention. He is not that tall but has a muscular build and can hold his own in battle and work. He is rather good looking but does not like attention because of this. He looks his age and you can tell by the way he acts. He usually wears a brown trench coat which has many pockets. He is now a lot rougher around the edges. After begin through a lot of close calls he now looks less friendly. Deciding it was time to let go, Ziggy had moved on with his life. He no longer obsesses over problems like he used to, and has once again returned to the laid back bandit that he once was.

Personality: Ziggy is a laid back kind of person. He does not waste life complaining or trying to ruin someone else’s. He is serious when it comes to a job and can be very dependable. He would never let a friend get hurt and would rather take the bullet. He has a good sense of humor and knows how to have a good time. He has become a more laid back and patient because of meeting Maia. He is now more dependable and never lets a friend down when they are in need. After his falling out with Maia, Ziggy had become cold. He allows no one to get to close and try’s to keep to himself. He no longer takes any **** from people and defends himself when necessary.

Weapons: Ziggy has two daggers. Both of these are made of steel and are about 7 inches long. The blades curve at the end giving them a nice look. They have leather rapper around the bottom and are easy to use. Ziggy also has an iron short sword which he keeps in a sheathe in the side of his trench coat.

He has upgraded his daggers to Delyn. Found in his signature.

He now has a halberd and cyper bow. The link can be found in my signature.

He had purchased a halberd which can be found in sig. It is titanium blades and nihon shaft.

Armor: Ziggy has no armor for he feels it slows him down and causes noise. Instead he has a simple trench coat. This coat has many hidden compartments and pockets and protects him from minor attacks but nothing much. This coat is also a bit flame retardant and cannot be lit on fire easily. The coat is brown and has some stains from where Ziggy has got down and dirty.

Skills: Ziggy's skills have mostly to do with stealing and stealth.

Stealth: Ziggy is very good at blending in. He can move without making a sound and can act as though nothing is wrong. He can creep along in broad daylight a rarely be seen. This allows him to steal and kill with ease but he cannot always get by people even if they are not looking for him.

Bright Eyes: After all the time he has spent in the dark, Ziggy is now able to see rather well in the dark. If there is no source of light at all he is still able to see as if it was dusk. Some objects can escape his view if they are still or stealthy.

Shift: Ziggy can shift between human and Kitsune form. He gained this ability after Inari’s spells backfired and transformed him. Although he knows he can do this, Ziggy does not know how to control it as of now. The only way for him to transform is if he has a strong reason to need to transform. Usually serge of emotion can trigger this. (Gained Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=9904)

Spells: Ziggy only has one spell and it is a very simple one at that.

Blend: Ziggy is able to blend completely with the shadows. This allows him to become impossible to see with the naked eye. He can be in this mode for as long as he wants as long as there are shadows. The only problem is that when he attacks he can be seen again. It takes him about one minute to blend with shadows and in that time he can be attacked. Note he can still attack while he waits to blend. He is now able to blend in even if it is dully lit in the area.

Shadow: It is a more powerful skill than blend. Now Ziggy is able to summon the shadows around him to cloak him perfectly. He cannot be seen while in this state, but he can still move and attack. He can only use this when there is shadows around him, he can use it at night and at dawn and dusk, not in broad daylight.

Black Out: By focusing his energy for a short period of time, Ziggy is able to cause the area around him to turn into an impenetrable blackness. Anything inside will be put into complete darkness where it is completely black. This spell lasts for 2 posts and can only be used once per battle. The area that is can fill is a medium to large room, depending on time that is taken in concentrating. Any creature or person who has an ability to see in the dark is able to see through this spell. Ziggy cannot use shadow or blend when using this spell.

Void: By concentrating, Ziggy is able to create void around him and a maximum of two other people. This void is not on the same place as Althanas, making the characters in the void untouchable for a period of time. The void causes them to be able to see the world around them, but for the world not to be able to see them. People outside the void cannot hear the people inside the void. Anyone in the void is unable to attack outside the void, if they do the void is shattered. They can move through the void and then exit the void back into Althanas. The void lasts for one post, and must be approved by anyone entering the void. In battles, it allows Ziggy to get out of tight spots and maybe get an attack on the back of his opponent. ((Basically, it allows him to enter a void, and then exit the void in a different place. The void is impenetrable, and people outside the void cannot see in. Anyone in the void is weakened as they remain in the void. If they remain to long they may become stuck in the void forever. After exiting the void, the user is stunned for 30 seconds, and is unable to attack. Can be used once per battle, twice per quest.))

Raiarian Magic:[COLOR=white] Apprentice SC 6 (Due to level up)

Control Aura-By singing a song that calms the mind first, the user is able to then harness the latent energy of his/her own mind's chaos and turn it into a bright light that hovers above him/her. This light will diminish the ability to cast shadow and other darkness related attacks, in addition to sting the eyes of all those who would do harm upon a character using it. However, in daylight or a bright space, this spell is rendered effete by the fact that the light will not show up distinctively. Also, once a person gets adjusted to the light, they are no longer affected by it. It would take an opponent one fourth of the user's level number of posts to get adjusted to the light. (rounded down) SR4 (gained here ( http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=9766)

Weaponry: He has been in many battles and quests and has become very good at using many different weapons. He is especially good at using daggers and short swords. He is now able to use his long bow with exceptional accuracy.

Halberd Proficiency: 5/10: He is able to wield a halberd with great skill. He can block and attack with ample strategy. As well as he can use rather fancy moves when using this type of weapon, if he is fatigues or under stress it will cause him to mess up on his ability to use the weapon.

History: Ziggy has not had a great life but some people have had worst. His parents deadbeats and abusive. His father was a crooked salesman and his mother was a prostitute. Ziggy never learnt anything from his parents but had to adapt to what he found easy. Ziggy learnt how to steal because he had to or he would starve. He would go to the market and take what he needed and soon he became a menace. The townsfolk decided they had to hunt down the thief and before they could Ziggy left forever.

Later on Ziggy found a bandit who took him under his wing. He taught Ziggy how to use daggers and sword effectively and to kill without remorse. Even though the bandit could Ziggy could not and can only kill if there is a good reason. The bandit also taught him to use the spell blend (as mentioned earlier). This has helped Ziggy a lot and he continues to grow in talent.

After a few years and Ziggy was at his current age of 17 he left his fellow teacher. He had become a better bandit and could live on his own. He is still searching for a place to fit in and call home where he has people like him that steal and just people who care for him.

During his adventures Ziggy has found a place where he belongs. He is now part of the BB. This was made possible by Gild. He also is trying to become higher in the ranks of the clan and wishes only to help.

Ziggy has met his special someone. Her name is Maia and she is now his one and only love. He had joined her in the hunt for Lich's and is very attached to the beautiful woman. He and Maia have become a lot closer and now he is even willing to give up his life for her. They are a team and have joined up to battle the evil Lichs around Althanas.

Ziggy has also made another good friend. His name is Damon Kaosi. He and Damon have gone on a series of quests, one where they even took down a vamp dragon. He had to fight Damon in two battles both of which he lost, but now he is willing to help his elven friend whenever he can, and what ever he has to do to help.

After a while Maia began to disappear. Soon she was gone for good, leaving the young bandit once again alone. Not bothering to mope around about it Ziggy decided not to get emotionally attached again. Although he makes friends, he will not “love” anyone for a while to come.

Ziggy’s past began to slowly consume his future. He could do nothing but dwell on what happened to him as a child. After a while he decided to return home and cut loose from his past forever. Once he got there he found out about a drug ring called The Black Cross. After killing one of the head men in the ring of Rasadanth, Ziggy returned to his mother’s house. After a struggle he accidentally struck her down with his halberd. Now that his father was taken by the Black Cross, Ziggy swears to rip the drug ring apart until he finds his father.

Ziggy decided to take a break from pursuing the drug ring. Partly because he no longer has the means to combat the large group. Instead of risking his life, Ziggy decided to forget about the ring for the time. Seeing as he gave up on the large problem in front of him, Ziggy helped the Brotherhood in combating the small amounts of Mindless in the Concordian forest.

Ziggy met up with an old friend during the beginning of the Adventurers Crown. Kit and he used to be friends, but now they are finding out they have deeper feelings then either of them thought possible. Fighting through the AC beside each other, their bond only grew. Then, when Inar, Kit’s daughter, needed help Ziggy was there. Risking his life for the two Kitsunes, Ziggy created a bond that was not going to be broken easily. Finally, when the three of them broke into a mages tower, Ziggy underwent a transformation that would change his life. A spell backfired, and now the young bandit is able to shift between human and Kitsune form.

His attraction and meeting with Kit has encouraged Ziggy to once again trust people. He once again has entered the Theater of War, this time to fight along side his fellow Brothers. Fighting for the Brotherhood and Kit, Ziggy is bound determined to take the tournament in his name.

Fammiliar: Ziggy was able to find a dragon egg on one of his quests. The egg has now hatched and he now has a Flame Dragon. The name of his dragon is Brox and he can talk to the dragon because all Flame Dragons are able to talk to humans.

Weapons: Brox has his claws which are equivalent to delyn metal. They can be used to slash and cut his enemies. He also has his jaws but they are not as strong and are only equal to steel, but can still do damage if needed.

Armor: Brox has his dragon scales which would be the same as dragon scale. They can protect him from most physical attacks. He is also a little resistant to fire attacks but can still be harmed by powerful fire base attacks.

Skills: He only has one skill and that is flying, since he cannot be used in battles I feel that it is ok to have a dragon that can fly. He is able to carry Ziggy and one other passenger at most to a destination.

Brox is extremely weak against water, if attacked by a powerful water base spell he could be killed. Even a minor spell causes increased damage to him. Also he can only be summoned if Ziggy is in mortal danger. This means that he must be loosing the battle horrible or just about dead.

Brox is out of use until I complete a quest to find a cure

***Important*** Brox is now able to be used in battles. *** Important

03-30-06, 08:00 AM
Approved, No Game of power.

And wow, I never knew you were level 5.