View Full Version : You are Batman. Or Lex Luthor.

Caden Law
06-28-10, 01:59 AM
...except not really.

Long and short of it: We've all got plans on how to kill each other's characters. Don't waste time denying it, nobody'll believe you. We're all RPers, we're all competitive, we've all written a couple action scenes and chopped a few heads in our time here.

Me, I've been plotting to kill five or six of the top fifteen (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20693) characters on the site for years now.

I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours. :)

Bonus points if you're man enough to admit your character's weaknesses to improve somebody else's chances of nailing you. Nobody gets a damn thing for bravado. :p

06-28-10, 02:07 AM
I'd like to kill Letho, mostly just because I'm convinced that he'd find a way to survive a nuclear fucking explosion. It would be fun to say "I killed the guy who'd find a way to survive a nuclear fucking explosion!"

I'd also like to take down Cyrus, Christoph, Thoracis... oh, and you. Just to prove that, as far as mages go, I run this shit!

As for weakness, my character dies to pointy object. He dies to blunt object too, for that matter. So if you have anything that would fit in either category lying about... kitchen knives, baseball bats, a particularly heavy paperweight... you're well-equipped enough to be able to do the job.

06-28-10, 02:17 AM
I was gonna say.

Duffy's weakness is...he's in his early twenties with no magic and no armour.

Poke him.

Job done.

Caden Law
06-28-10, 02:36 AM
Well, I was thinking more detailed than that.

Insofar as Letho is concerned, I actually had a pretty good idea for taking him down: Geomancy. Big league geomancy.

Start by rotating most of the battlefield underneath him, thus negating the anti-magic sphere's usefulness. Then collapse the ground beneath that anti-magic field, while continuing the rotation. Then just pile in the earth after reducing it to molten quicksand. Letho's magic negation is formidable, but it's purely oriented towards direct attacks. His strength is insane but he needs to be close and have freedom of movement to make it useful. His ranged weapons need stability to aim properly and last I looked, the guy doesn't have magic bullets.

And if he throws himself up out of the pit somehow, just have rocks on stand-by to drive him back into it. Hit from enough angles at once and he's going back into the pit whether he likes it or not. The heavy use of earth means that it's harder to dispel: Even if you can knock out the animating magicks behind an earthquake, the ground's still shaking and there's still a rock falling at your head.

Had a variant of that in mind if I ever had to take out Godhand, but I've since abandoned that since the speed advantage would counteract most of what Caden can throw around. Nowadays, Caden would have to flash-freeze the ground and hope to nail Godhand with an area-of-effect spell like Siege Arcana.

Luc Kraus was another I'd planned on taking out eventually. Sadly, he left. D: Out of everyone on the site, he was probably best equipped to stalemate Caden in a protracted fight. That was about a quarter of the reason for all Caden's melee improvements, and one reason why there's a theme of taking control and moving energy around in Caden's magic. I had it worked out that Caden would basically tear the energy out of any spell that Luc threw at him, all while using geomancy to try and negate or minimize the mobility differences between them. Eventually it'd get to melee and Caden, would basically kill him with a Thermal melee attack or twelve.

That was also how I'd planned to counter some of his defenses, like Ghosting: Caden would literally freeze the air all around him, then just keep freezing it until Luc turns tangible or passes out and dies.

Thermal magic was also a total end-run on most of the elemental characters on the site when I joined. It wasn't an actual elemental form of spellcasting so it basically bypassed elemental immunities. Caden could hurt an ice demon seemingly using ice, but in reality he'd just be changing the energy levels around it. Same goes for 'burning' a fire elemental.

In terms of strengths/weaknesses: For all his powers, Caden is still basically just a squishy human being. He has a few abilities I've held in reserve or simply implied without making heavy use of it, but a lot of that is negated by the fact that his reaction times are unenhanced and he hardly has any true countermeasures to a determined point blank attacker. Even Gravity Gambit can be bypassed by an energy attack.

His only absolute protection, at least for the time being, is that curses don't work on him. His Name is spread out so much that you've only got a one-in-however-many chance of actually nailing him with anything.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-28-10, 02:41 AM
Jensen ironically hasn't scaled up to epic proportions. He just has a shit tone of moves and fighting styles...and oh, he's immortal. That helps.

If you think of it as Street Fighter, Jensen just lacks a fire ball attack. So any ranged would deal him in pretty quickly. He also has ZERO MAGIC. Not even a little for the purposes of battles or day to day life. Just the magic that keeps him Immortal.

So I'd fight everyone and anyone as I did as a level 0. And when I level, I just get more fighting moves. That's it.

Tainted Bushido
06-28-10, 03:00 AM
Never planned on killing another character. Did pull it off once, but that was with the player's permission. Also me and Shadar Logath pulled a karmic strike and wiped each other out in a Cell.

The trick to killing Seth, is to know he's built to take punishment. The more you let Seth stick around and play his game, the more likely you are going to get gipped of the prize.

In other words, stop trying to make him squirm under your heel and just OFF the bastard. He can't gift of the magi if you kill him outright. Pain Syndicate means nothing if he's ash on the floor. His sacrificial fighting style means nothing when you feather him through the eye a hundred feet away.

Though I'm surprised to see I didn't make ANYONE'S lists...

Caden Law
06-28-10, 03:07 AM
Seth's not really all that active enough to take into consideration. D:

Tainted Bushido
06-28-10, 03:12 AM
Maybe if people asked they'd be able to get shit with him. I just have no drive to continue his story currently.

Caden Law
06-28-10, 03:30 AM
Honestly, Seth's a mixed bag. He's basically a Rogue/Necromancer gestalt with some headtrip spells thrown into the mix. Stone Maiden Mausoleum would probably be effective on him, but that's assuming he isn't guarded by hordes of Hex Ghouls or knifing Caden in the back.

06-28-10, 03:30 AM
I... am new....

However, I do not want to, and will never want to, kill any other person's character simply because of the time invested in developing a character, and how one can invest THEMSELVES into the character.

For myself, I'm also not competitive. I want to make my character awesome for myself. I guess it's an ego boost to at least feel cool in the gaming world.

My character's weakness... is that he is level 0 and a weak, inexperienced putz. I'll almost kill him in the quest im writing now.

Caden Law
06-28-10, 03:34 AM
My character's weakness... is that he is level 0 and a weak, inexperienced putz. I'll almost kill him in the quest im writing now.Characters on Althanas are a lot like shounen manga characters: The more you (almost) kill them, the stronger they become.

The day someone fights their way back to life from the other side is the day we have a bona fide Saiyan in our midst. :D

06-28-10, 03:51 AM
The day someone fights their way back to life from the other side is the day we have a bona fide Saiyan in our midst. :DI think Pat did that with Seth already. Without Kamehamehas. :P

Caden's idea to take down Letho is a very good one. Most stuff that's not magic in origin would probably go through the barrier. In the Cell, Bloodrose's wind attack went clean through because it technically wasn't created by magic. Another good way would be telekinesis. While it couldn't be used within the sphere, it could still be used to manipulate multiple sharp objects all around Letho and then sent it hurling at him from different directions.

The best way to beat him, though, would probably be with a stick. While he's sleeping. ;)

I always wanted to kill Slayer of the Rot, not because I dislike him or anything, but because I think the fight between him and Letho would like shake the foundations of the earth. Also, because Slayer is probably more resilient than even the Numbers Guy with his regeneration and whatnot. It would basically boil down on whether Letho could make the killing blow without suffering serious injures himself, since the only way to kill Slayer is to chop his head off, I think. At any rate, it would be a fun encounter.

Also, I'd like to kill all the mages of Althanas. Because they're pussies.

06-28-10, 08:56 AM
I'm just going to enter someone's body and rip them apart cell by cell. Unless they have an extremely powerful immune system, like listed in the profile as an ability/skill powerful, there's nothing they can do to stop me. How can you stop something as small as your own skin cells? It's not magic, so anti-magic is useless. Strength won't do anything, neither will speed. I'm in your blood, tearing you to pieces, interrupting the signals in your central nervous system while I'm in your spine, moving up to the brain where I interrupt the simple basic command to breath. You'll choke to death, because you can't tell yourself to breath anymore.

In summary, I'll science you to death.

06-28-10, 10:10 AM
Oh jeez... I have to throw this in now...

So... my character is a 12 year old flower girl, currently, that picks herbs and (big surprise) sells flowers. Oh, and she lives in an orphanage.

I mean, sure she can regenerate scratches and small things, but swords tend to leave a very big "scratch."

06-28-10, 03:23 PM
never really thought about this... ICly or OOCly... so I don't know who i'd kill or how I'd do it either....

Poison is currently a vampire... and her regenerative powers aren't that strong. According to the logic of webcomic vampire Loki (of Sorcery 101 (http://www.sorcery101.net/), it's because she doesn't feed enough. At any rate... she's quite flammable...and silver is bad too

Jasmine is currently about 9 months pregnant... she doesn't move very fast right now at all... good thing she has a hubby around to keep her safe. Other wise though, she's still just a 'fleshy pink thing'

Visla Eraclaire
06-28-10, 03:37 PM
OOC ~ I would never bother planning such a thing because I frankly believe you're only ever going to get there with consent. Unless someone wants their character to die, they'll just powergame out of it, get rezzed, or do something that hurts their score and keeps the character.

IC ~ Visla's fine with killing people, but since she doesn't really know or care about many PCs, there's really no point in killing them. For all their power, Letho and Godhand have no relevance to her.

06-28-10, 06:38 PM
I have plans for this character. Until those plans are realized, I doubt I'll attempt to kill anything more than a level higher than my character. In the face of the impossible, I'm sticking with an "OH SHIT! RUN!" policy.

I'm fully aware of the theory that if you do a better job in writing, you can win. Of course that only makes sense in judging rather than outcome. It resembles the moral victory, in which I still lose after working a whole lot harder, and if my character dies... well thats a waste, isn't it?

"Job well done, here are some experience points for your corpse character." "
"Thank you, Sir, I shall make another!"

No, I don't think so. The best plan is to keep one eye on the stars, and the other on the guys with just a few points less than me. T imagine that's how small fish grow big. C[+w+]C

My only goal with this character is to make him as terrifying as possible. A few plans so far are that he keep the magic to a minimum, attain sub-orbital missiles, and at some point learn to resurrect like spiritual cancer inside an opponent keeping with Lawrence doubling as both an alien lure and reproductive organism.

Weaknesses... he can still be cut to pieces. Bleeding isn't an issue, just the loss of mass. I suppose I'll give each character manifestation some minor to crippling flaw like hubris or stupidity, the main theme here is Lawrence takes his acting to the ridiculous extreme in what an actor might call "a labor of love." Still working on Lawrence's OCD.

Outside of that, fire will be a viable option for a while. So will crushing, but that won't last.

06-28-10, 09:41 PM
Though I'm surprised to see I didn't make ANYONE'S lists...

Believe me, you're on all of my lists.

Every time I kill your D&D character is like a ray of sunshine on my birthday.

Tainted Bushido
06-28-10, 09:55 PM
Then I got you covered for at least the next five...

Enigmatic Immortal
06-28-10, 10:10 PM
What's sad is one of your characters drowned in shit. No joke. That's what you get for trying to out swim a lizardmen barbarian. :p

Letho, to kill you would just require raping your dignity and exposing it on tape until Letho dies of shame. And if you say he has no shame or something to that extent, i just counter with the Shoruyken. Then you fall into molten lava.

Letho would arise out of the lava with a bloody, half melted face and become Volacania, the badass super villian of Althanas, and Letho in effect would die, replaced by his alter ego.

06-29-10, 09:59 AM
Letho's easy to kill. You simply place a magical timebomb thing inside his wife's womb that can only be activated by rough, animalistic lovemaking. Cue some wolf pheromones, and he's dead.

At least emotionally so.

Caden Law
06-29-10, 02:48 PM
...which raises the question of whether or not he'd wear the gauntlet to bed...

06-29-10, 03:29 PM
.... he could always pull out his Righteous Might instead of the gauntlet...

06-29-10, 03:47 PM
Wait, is there really something fire can't kill?! =D

06-29-10, 08:43 PM
Wait, is there really something fire can't kill?! =D

Not unless I can learn how to cast Supernova at a higher level...

Silence Sei
06-30-10, 09:50 AM
I understand you guys. Don't want to kill Sei because he's too awesome.

And only one person has killed Trap Master, but that prolly won't ever happen again.

06-30-10, 11:57 AM
You watch out for Duffy when he hits level six and Ruby hits level 3 Sei, mark my words :D

06-30-10, 12:07 PM
I understand you guys. Don't want to kill Sei because he's too awesome.

And only one person has killed Trap Master, but that prolly won't ever happen again.

I sense a challenge!

Enigmatic Immortal
06-30-10, 05:31 PM
God people, It's Sei. He's a fairy fagot. Just shoot him in the face until his Mystic protection expires, than...shoot him in the face again. If he pops out a doppleganger, than shoot it in the face.

If all else fails....Breed with one his womanfolk. Learn their ways, and in time...their differences will be forgotten.

Tainted Bushido
06-30-10, 07:34 PM
Honestly, Seth's a mixed bag. He's basically a Rogue/Necromancer gestalt with some headtrip spells thrown into the mix. Stone Maiden Mausoleum would probably be effective on him, but that's assuming he isn't guarded by hordes of Hex Ghouls or knifing Caden in the back.

Now that I did my research...it COULD work, but that would depend entirely on if it would kill him instantly or not. That would be a prime target for Gift of the Magi if I ever saw one...

Rayse Valentino
06-30-10, 07:44 PM
I'd like to kill Thoracis. He has a good track record of dying in style.

I'm sure lots of people will want to kill me once I rule the world.

Savas Tigh
06-30-10, 09:40 PM
I'd like to kill Thoracis. He has a good track record of dying in style.

I'm sure lots of people will want to kill me once I rule the world.
Any attempt to take out Rayse would have to involve planning and surprise.

Step Zero: Subtle boundaries in place to negate and/or reverse and/or Horribly Change teleportation spells.
Step One: A killshot, either an arrow or a tightly controlled spell.
Step Two: Trigger more spells all around him, aimed at guiding him one way or the other. Have multiple avenues planned out depending on the surrounding area.
Step Three: You actually had the whole fucking city block wired. Bye, Rayse!
Step Four: Siege Arcana until nothing's left but a molten glass crater.
Step Five: Flash freeze everything in sight, then Siege it again.

06-30-10, 11:25 PM
I understand you guys. Don't want to kill Sei because he's too awesome.

And only one person has killed Trap Master, but that prolly won't ever happen again.

Who can kill Sei? He's essentially professor X.

Tainted Bushido
06-30-10, 11:28 PM
He has only one weakness... (http://www.soapboxincluded.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/x-has-one-weakness.jpg)

06-30-10, 11:43 PM
I understand you guys. Don't want to kill Sei because he's too awesome.

And only one person has killed Trap Master, but that prolly won't ever happen again.

I killed you!

You kinda let me, but that's just a technicality...

Lord Anglekos
11-16-10, 02:41 PM
Reviving a dead thread, because I think it's awesome.
There are tons of strong, legendary characters out there. People have spoken about the 'arms race' between characters for a while now, how everybody was piling up weapons and abilities like it was a Cold War. Fingers have been pointed at everybody at who the biggest violator was, but there's been one man that I've wanted to bring down. It's not Letho, it's not Godhand, it's not even Dan Lag'ratham.
It's Joshua Croner.
As Anglekos is right now, I can't even touch him. But I want to find some way to do so.

Anyways, Anglekos's biggest weakness right now is his ties to the past. One little word, and he can be sparked into making huge mistakes.