View Full Version : The Tyrant Mage

06-29-10, 11:11 PM
(closed PM if you wish to join.)

Rena's Jewelry was a little out of the way, a small shop in a village with only one craftsman. It was the kind of place where most people seen the work but not the store, most the work ended up in the bazaar with a huge Markup. Lial was just getting started and could not afford to throw gold to the middlemen.

The cat girl looked in the case as she kept an eye out for not what was pretty but the use it had to an enchanter. This was a bit of an advantage since Silver was usually best to get outside of mythril and it was cheaper than gold and platinum. The tail twitched itself as she pointed to an opal pendent. The cat girl took the chain and held it, looking at the item and feeling the weight. The salesman had a nervous smile and something was not right with how the pendent felt.

“It's Silver plated, isn't it?” The girl sighed with a dissapointed tone and she placed it back.

“I'm Afraid so, miss.” The shop keeper explained. “But I will say that it is a fair price at 40 silver.”

Lial shook her head. “It has to be pure silver, and a real gem too.” she flitted her tail. “a high quality glass would do but that kind of glass would be the same price as a gem.” The tail drooped a bit and Lial left with a halfhearted thank you.

The cat girl was left to wonder why such a famous craftsman would sell only junk. The cat's tail swishes a bit as she looked to the Horizon. The skyline was pretty with the trees and the blue sky, though what caught her eye was a mage's tower. “Wouldn't it be nice to have a tower like that, the one I'm in is starting to crumble.” The artificer says to herself, reminding herself of the business that she came to do and wasted.

Enigmatic Immortal
06-30-10, 06:12 PM

Jensen read the dossier over and over as he looked to the pages with a bleak expression. He checked the word one last time for mission details, and every time he saw it the word made him shudder. He tucked the dossier to the side as he pulled out the folder on the information of a particular mage in Concordia, his tower home over looking a few of the near villages. He was a target of the Knight’s of Apocalypse, his tyrannical ways needing to come to an end.

Jensen sighed, thinking back to the mission briefing. He was to take this mission solo, his usual partner in crime Stephanie sent elsewhere. A rare occurrence, but the mission guidelines were clear that only one member of his mysterious order was to go. As a Jester, the assassins corp. in the order, he had no choice but to obey.

Still, the idea made him shudder.

Jensen Ambrose was a Senior Knight in his group, and was usually seen as some sort of a flake. He rarely obeyed orders, always made an ass of himself, and never once took things seriously. It was hard for him to do so, having lost faith in the value of his life when he had learned he was an immortal. He reluctantly took this mission, and then went to study the details as any good member of the Knight’s would do, and the more he read, the more he realized what this mission really started to entail.

In short, his order was politely letting Jensen know that he was getting into the unacceptable lines of conduct, and his mission to kill this mage would be observed from afar. Failure would certainly not be an option, as the immortal relied on the food and shelter the order granted him. That and it was just plain creepy being watched.

Stretching his limbs out and gathering his belongings he tossed them all into his bag and moved out, sighing deeply inside as he embarked on his mission. Maybe he could find someone in the town nearby to help him end this mission quickly.

07-02-10, 09:57 PM
Lial had retreated to the Goblin's Knife, a modest little tavern that only had a handful of people. It was strange since this place too looked like it seen better days. The cat girl sighed as she flitted her tail and took a sip of wine. It had a sweet taste, which was fine to the girl, though not most wine connoisseurs.

The tower still loomed in the catgirl's mind. It was pristine and in good shape, not like the poor town. Everyone skittered around like mice trying to avoid the tomcat's gaze. Dreamkit looked up from her drink to the surly barkeep, “ummm, could I ask a question.”

The barkeep looked back, not quite a stare but something a bit more reserved, customers were short that scaring off a nosy cat girl would be a problem. “Sure, just don't go asking anything uncivilized.” his voice only sounded on the border of civilized but still on the right side of the line.

“what happened to this place? It seemed like it was nice not too long ago.” She mewed Shyly.

The barkeep went pale for a moment then his stare turned into warning. “It's none of your business and I think you should leave town soon as you're able.”

Lial looked out and saw the setting sun and she flitted her tail, she wasn't going to get anywhere tonight. “Err, how much is it for a night?” she asked with a blush, ready to let the whole trip go as a wash.

Enigmatic Immortal
07-09-10, 12:48 AM
Jensen sat at the corner of the tattered bar, watching the tiny scene unfold before his eyes. The curious neko girl seemed to be having about as much luck as he did getting these townsfolk to open up about the mage. All questions he met were with hostility and, in one severe case, violence. He concluded nobody would talk about the mage so he would have to try and see if he could learn something through others eyes, but even that proved fruitless. Whoever was inside that tower had the nearby villages locked in an iron grip.

He stood up and passed by the neko girl, listening to her speak about prices for rooms. When the inn keeper gave his price she looked ready to just throw her hands up in frustration and leave. Her tail seemed to move sporadically around with a mind of its own, tapping him in the face a few times as he gently brushed it aside.

“How about we up the ante here. I’ll buy a room for two.” Jensen said stepping forward before she could finish paying. He dropped a large handful of coins on the counter and let the inn keeper begin darting at them with a deft hand, picking out the amount.

“Names Jensen,” he said placing his hand out. “And I think you and I have something in common.” He smiled as he slammed his fist on the inn keepers, stopping him from grabbing an extra amount of gold that didn’t belong to him. He pocketed his coins, grabbed the key, and turned back to the woman twirling the ring around the room key upon his finger.

“You seem to be a bright young woman, and I can see you are interested in that tower as well. So I propose this,” Jensen lifted the key out to her. “We work together, and I’ll pay for room and food. Your expenses would only be what you yourself want. In exchange for these services, I’ll just need you to help me out in getting to know that mage, and inside his tower. Sound fair?”

((Feel free to bunny Jensen, he’s pretty easy going and dry humored.))