View Full Version : A Snow Lotus (reedit/sub)

06-30-10, 01:32 PM
Originally, I was only going to change a few things, but after looking through it, I decided to redo most of everything. This is the old character, if interested. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4778)

Name: Nin Kyrja
Nickname: Xue Lian
Age: 18
Race: Lesser Fox Spirit
Hair Color: Light Violet
Eye Color: Dark Hues of Lilac
Height: 5’5
Weight: 120 lb
Occupation: Street Performer and Assassin/Spy (in training)

Personality: Nin is first and foremost, a dreamer, content to loaf about in the shade. When performing, Nin is cheerful, energetic and friendly to everyone in the crowd, often asking for helpers. Children tend to bring out a soft spot in him and he can often be seen giving small performances or teaching small groups of children tricks. Nin is also extremely fond of playing pranks on various people, whether they are people he is familiar with or just a complete stranger. Unfortunately, his tongue tends to run faster than he can think at times.

That is not to say he cannot be serious. During times that require his full attention, such as complex performance routines or assignments, he is single minded in his task. It has been, on occasion, a double edged sword for him.

Appearance: Despite Nin being a man, he is commonly mistaken for a woman. This is attributed to the fact his voice is soft and the same pitch of a common girl. His hair also extends a little more than the whole length of his back and is rarely tied outside of performances or assignments. With a physically small build but well toned body, he fits the role of a street performer perfectly. He does little to discourage the misconception of his gender, as he found it useful in dealing with people.

Racial Trait(s):
Fox Tongue – Nin’s people have their own spoken and written language. Nin is proficient in speaking and writing in the Fox Spirit’s language.

Mischievous – Nin’s mischievous nature is largely due to him being a Fox Spirit. When not on assignments, he is constantly up to no good and can’t resist a good opportunity to cause trouble.

Fox Eyes – Night time and low light is preferred by the man as bright light tends to hurt his eyes. Daylight is fine but during cloudless summer days, he can usually be seen squinting if there is no shade. In low light/moonlight Nin can see the same range a normal person can see during the day.

Likes a Drink – Even though the young man can’t actually stomach his drinks at all, he has a hard time refusing drinks, if offered by others. The only time he will outright refuse is during assignments.

Affinity for Illusions – A tricksters best friend are illusions and it is also helpful for a trickster to recognize them as well. Nin is able to recognize simple illusions though he does not currently know any illusions himself

Soft Step – Innately, all foxes will hone and practice stealth and silent stepping. Nin’s current familiarity with stealth and sneaking is terrible. He relies on other methods to infiltrate.

Other Trait(s):
Physical – Being a smaller build than most men and even some women, he is not extremely strong. His strength is about 3/4 of a normal human. He is faster than normal humans partly because of being a fox spirit, street performer, and spy in training (x1.5 faster.) The performance routines also forced Nin to develop a high endurance (x1.1) as well as becoming more flexible.

Mental – Nin is smart and cunning, but is a rather shy fellow when he isn’t performing or on assignment. He takes duty seriously and doesn’t question what he is told to do if the order is coming from up top.

Unarmed Combat – His profession and training as a spy often times leaves him unarmed. Martial styles are his mainstay of offensive and defensive capabilities. Nin’s current familiarity with unarmed combat is average.

Poison Palm – Despite the name, there is no poison involved. The name is for the study of pressure points, joints and the skeletal structure and the manipulation of them to control or harm one’s opponent with minimal effort. Nin’s current familiarity with this style is that of a below average level.

Ways of Water – Another martial style focusing on the movement of the joints and limitations of the skeletal structure to control one’s opponent with minimal effort. By itself, this style is harmless and is often used in conjunction with other more aggressive styles. Nin’s current familiarity with this style is that of an average level.

Jutte Usage – All trainees must know a weapon, both for survival and perfection of training ones’ body and mind. Nin’s knowledge of using a Jutte is on a below average level, able to perform simple parries and weapon locks. He has trouble disarming opponents or using it offensively.

Modified Jutte – Instead of normally being blunt, the tip of this particular jutte has been sharpened. He uses the jutte to mainly locking/disarming an opponent’s weapon by first blocking with the main shaft. Catching an opponents’ bladed weapon with the tine is extremely dangerous, but can be done in desperation. Nin’s particular jutte is made of steel and 18 inches in length (from handle to tip). Nin is also able to use the tine to assist in joint manipulation techniques and pressure points. It does not have a cutting edge and is cylindrical.

Kansashi – A Kansashi is actually a sharpened hair pin that can easily wielded and hidden in plain sight. The individual kansashi is typically anywhere from 6 to 8 inches long and has a diameter of 1.5 – 2 cm. Nin only wears these on specific assignments and only 2 at a time. They are easily made from wood or sharpened iron rods.

Clothing – Nin prefers to wear woman’s attire when performing and going about day to day activities. Depending on the assignment, he may still wear woman’s clothing (infiltrating a lord’s palace as a servant or entertainment house) or black cloth clothing that contours his body. Sandals are his preferred footwear but when he wears the black clothing for assignments, he binds his feet with black cotton wrappings. In colder weather, boots are must.

Nin was born to a fox mother and father, both in the same tribe. They were lesser fox spirits, which simply meant they could not crossover to the celestial realm for foxes, but that was not a real concern for many since doing so simply signified that a fox was damn old. In the particular tribe of foxes Nin was born in, it was not uncommon for them to lead double lives, with their primary professions being assassins and spies. Besides his training, the boy’s childhood was much like any other human child’s. The village, at this point in time, was shared by both humans located in the Uroda region of Salvar. It wasn’t always this way. A long time ago, before the demon wars, those that resided in the village were only foxes. During the demon wars, those who could shapeshift did so and hid. Those who could not shapeshift followed the other races fleeing as refugees. Eventually, the demons were defeated, and those who remembered the way home, returned.

Ever since he was young, Nin would pester those who were older about the world outside the simple village. He also questioned the reasoning for his training, as all of the young kits do, and as all of them do, learned the darker necessities of their kind. But before then, Nin and the group of kits would have to finish their lessons.

Of all the trainees under Master Oba, Nin was considered the “rut of the litter.” Smaller and weaker than the others, Nin’s saving grace was speed. At the young age, during which he trained, he had little control or mastery of his speed. In an attempt to refine the boy, Master Oba recommended Nin to begin performance routines, and the result was a better control over his own body and reflexes. Conveniently, it also doubled as a disguise option.

Another oddity with Nin was that he did not develop as the typical boy should have. His body developed with a more feminine touch. The village elders argued that it was a mutation of sorts, or that perhaps the boy had consumed something with alteration effects without their knowing. Others still wildly explained it as different form of shapeshifting, an ability that foxes begin to learn in adulthood and continue to learn until an elder. Whatever the reason, Nin’s mother treated him as a daughter and his father did the same. Those who do not know the boy think he is a young lady, and he does little to correct their assumption.

Once reaching his 18th year, Nin had his coming of age celebration and assigned his first task. The location: Knife’s Edge. The task: investigate and eliminate a rising crime lord before the guards consider the target a threat. A simple task to start the young man’s life.

Notable NPC(s): Will not be used, except for referencing (and my own sanity).
Raeckiel Kryja – Nin’s overly protective mother. She is one of the few that does not have a second profession to mask her assassin/spy way of life. Raeckiel, however, says being a mother and a house wife is a full time job and that men don’t understand what it’s like. Raeckiel is currently 64 with a stature of 5’8 and hair half way down her back. Her complexion is that of a 24 to 25 year old.

Alhen Kryja – Nin’s rather silly father who enjoys getting him and his son into trouble rather than keeping them both out of it. He works as a farmer in order to help support the village but like the others has an assassin/spy way of life as well. Alhen also (much to the annoyance of his wife) likes to drink with the other farmers after a day’s labor. Alhen is currently 79 with a stature of 5’10, short spiky hair and the complexion of a 20 – 22 year old. He constantly annoys his wife with this fact and runs away before any sharp objects are hurled at him.

Master “Oba” Koffenheim – A master of assassination/spying, who has long since retired. Not much is known about him and he actually spends most of his time as a fox, lying in the sun by a pond or other gentle body of water. The only times he is seen in a human form is when he is teaching, drinking, or … drinking more. Oba is currently 859 years old, slouches at a stature of 5’6 with wild, grey hair, and the complexion of an ancient man beyond years imaginable. He is able to step into the celestial realm of foxes and appear in spirit form beside those he has a strong connection with.

NPC/Familiar: (cannot be used in the thread unless allowed others.)

Name: Li Uura
Age: 18
Race: Human
Hair Color: Hazelnut Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5’7
Weight: 125 lb
Occupation: Street Performer

Personality: Li is upbeat, energetic, and boisterous during performance routines. Unlike Nin, she is more likely to simply pull a “volunteer” up from the crowd. Outside of performances, she is friendly with children and will often help Nin perform small things for their amusement. Being the older of the two, Li consistently plays “the older sister” role and tries to steer Nin away from playing too many pranks. She is usually the more calm and collected out of the two.

Appearance: Her hair is shoulder length, often with two or more small braids, adorned with beads and ribbons. Otherwise, it is messy. Her body is similar to Nin, in being well toned but not as quick in reflexes. Being a real female, she has a more defined female figure.

Racial Trait(s):
Human Adaptability – Li is able to learn and adapt herself to her surroundings and settle in quickly.

Prejudice – Even though the spirit foxes are not human, they look close enough and Li has no problem with them. Those who are visibly different from a human cause her discomfort. She is trying to change this about herself.

Other Trait(s):
Physical – Li is the average human girl in most cases. Her strength is average, her speed is slightly faster from performance routines (x1.3), with slightly more endurance than the average person (x1.1) as well as slightly more flexibility.

Mental – Li is average in terms of intelligence, but slow in decision making, and can be rather stubborn in her beliefs or ways.

Unarmed Combat: Life in the village of foxes offered a strange selection of things to do after chores were done. Li, and a few other human children, often trained with the fox kits. Li is average with unarmed combat.

Wind in the Grass – Instead of hand to hand combat, Li opted for foot to opponent’s face. The particular style focuses on quick strikes with kicks that mainly target the opponent’s thigh, midsection and torso. Li’s skill is average.

Throwing Weapons – Through performances and practice, knife throwing is the mainstay of Li’s defense. Rocks are another option, but larger thrown weapons, such as axes, spears, are not. Li’s skill with thrown weapons is average.

Throwing Knives – The knives are of average quality, 7 inches including handle, and made of iron. Bundled in a set of 3, it is mainly used for street performances. It has a sharpened point, but no sharpened edges.

Clothing – During performances, Li wears a form fitting blouse and pants for ease of movement (and to attract an audience.) For day to day clothing, Li prefers looser fitting garments. Boots are always her choice of footwear.

Li grew up in the village of foxes and was a childhood friend of Nin. From an early age, the two were inseparable, usually with Nin following her about the village. Where Nin showed a feminine behavior pattern, Li was more boyish and often teased him for it.

Her childhood consisted of daily chores, working in the fields, and when she had free time, training with the fox kits. Li’s parents did not approve of her training, but could do little to stop her. Eventually, they reasoned that a girl of her nature would be better off able to defend herself.

When the day came for Nin to leave the village, she decided to tag along, and although discouraged by both her parents and the fox elders, her persistence made them bend their ways. Soon after, the elders considered the benefits and downfalls of young fox kits having a human companion. They have decided to simply observe the pair, for now.

06-30-10, 01:46 PM
I see nothing wrong with this. You are approved. Once again, welcome to Althanas.