View Full Version : Makai Slayer-0

07-02-10, 10:25 PM
~Name: Humphrey Nonyton

~Age: 18/Kitsune are Immortal and will live forever.

~Race: Kitsune

~Gender: ~M~

~Hair Colour: A mane of jet-black hair.

~Eye Colour: Rouge (Red)

~Job Class: Warder/Engineer and Blacksmith/Martial Artist/Makai Hunter & Slayer

~Vice: Gluttony

~Virtue: Justice

~Alignment: Lawful Good (LG)

~Psychological Profile: Humphrey is a skilled Hunter. This skill has taught the youth the crucial art of Patience. Humphrey is extremely patient and will wait for hours for a mark, sometimes days. Humphrey is still not a Man in the ways of his people and is still learning the ways of The Hunt. Humphrey is a student of the ancient Akashiman art of The Spirit Warders. Though an apprentice, Humphrey has read the historical tales of legendary heroes like Letho Ravenheart, Damon Kaosi, Neosaim Hyakureiki, and Devon Starslayer. Humphrey works to emulate the feats of those great Heroes.

Humphrey is basically a good, law-abiding citizen of Akashima. He has a lot of respect for The Spirits that he is a caretaker of, and ultimately, nature itself. Humphrey is a follower of the local deity named Gingitsu. Humphrey is a highly religious individual.

~Appearance: Humphrey is a Kitsune. He is a particularly tall specimen that has a full height of 6'3" and an impressive weight class of 300 lbs. He has the physical attributes of an Akashiman red fox with auburn fur and black hair. His ears are pointy, and they have black tips. Humphrey has a snout that closely resembles that of a red fox. His tail is long and bushy. His muscles are not overly defined, but rather, he has an acrobat's physique with broad swimming shoulders and a large chest. Many tribal symbols appear on Humphrey's body. He has an elaborate symbol of Gingitsu on his right pectoral muscle. Many of the symbols on his body are elegant symbols of the Spirit Warders. His hands and feet are adorned with retractable claws, his feet are padded, and he has sharp teeth in his mouth.

~Clothing: Humphrey dresses quite simply. He wears denim shorts that end at about the middle of his thigh decorated with tribal symbols. A belt holds up his pants, and that's about the only piece of clothing he wears. A backpack is worn at all times to carry essential items. The pants has many pockets as well. On his forearms are elegant bracers and gloves that he likes to wear often. His fur keeps him very warm at all times. On his legs, at the calves The Kitsune wears shin-guards that are as elegant as his bracers and no other armour is visible. Attached to his waist are a pair of Akashiman blades: Wakizashi and Katana. These weapons are positioned along his back for easy access. Attached to either side of his belt are a pair of basic Tanto Daggers. Humphrey wears jewelry. Around his legs he wears a strap that contains access to several Iron Stakes used in the art of Demon Slaying.

~History: ~Born in a town of mixed Nekojin and Kanojin (Dogs, Canines) the town was located North of the Akashiman capital city. The town was a small settlement of mixed anthromorphic humanoids. The Nekojin population of the village was greater than the Kanojin population. Like Nekojin, there were several varieties of the Kanojin population. One such variety included Caninae Vulpes had the physical morphology of a humanoid red fox.
It was under this group of humanoids that Humphrey was born.

Raised in an idealistic society, Humphrey had a natural talent for discovering the unseen wonders of Althanas. Marked as a gift for the Spirit Warders, at age 5, Humphrey discovered and correctly identify a Makai spirit that was tormenting a family in the town. Reporting the findings to the headquarters of the spirit warders in his town, Humphrey watched them exorcise the Makai he had discovered. This event would alter the boy's destiny forever.

At age 6, Humphrey was taken to Ninyama. There he underwent a rigorous training regimen in the ways of Akashima's famous spirit warders. At age ten, Humphrey finished basic spirit warder training. During that time period, Humphrey went on basic hunting jobs with older, more experienced warders. Learning the warder art of Shinto Onmyoudo, Humphrey was capable of hunting Makai at an early age. The spirit warders kept Makai at bay and worked to exorcise the spirits of the dead who lingered on in The Firmanent. Makai were demonic entities that were especially dangerous to people who didn't become spirit warders.

It was during one such Makai hunt that Humphrey learned a valuable lesson about life. Combined with the assistance of several older, more skilled, spirit warders, Humphrey and his colleagues went to a cavern in the Shirayama slopes. Humphrey played a support role that day, aiding the wounded and carrying precious cargo on his person. During the mission, the spirit warders located a dangerous den of Makai along with a circle of Makai worshipers called a thaumaturge coven, a fight immediately broke out. Thaumaturge were the enemies of the spirit warders. Utilizing fell power over life itself, thaumaturge practitioners conjured Makai to torment the living.

Humphrey and his associates stumbled upon a dread Makai summoning ritual. Watching with horror, they saw human sacrifice used as a tool to call forth a particularly hazardous Makai species known as the Azazeal. According to spirit warder legends, Makai like the Azazeal, ran rampant during the Demon Wars of Althanas antiquity. Demons like the Azazeal had their origins in realms like the realm of Haidia, along with alternate realms known as dimensions.

Observing the ritual with fear in their hearts, the spirit warders hesitated at first. They were greatly outnumbered. Attempting to stop a Makai conjuration in transit was a huge gamble. They had to wait until after the Makai was called and then they could attack. With horror, they watched as the sacrifices were consumed by the Makai. The Azazeal was a terrible Makai that would release a blight on Althanas if left unchecked. The spirit warders knew this. With screams filling the cavern, the spirit warders gave Humphrey the most important task of his spirit warder career.

His superior officer wrote a detailed kodzutsumi (parcel) describing the events of the hour. Not wanting to abandon his fellow spirit warders, Humphrey attempted to protest. However, his superiors and brothers would not have it. They ordered Humphrey with threat of excommunication from the spirit warders' society. With tears in his eyes, the young spirit warder took the parcel in his hand and ran at best speed back to Ninyama. When he arrived there, he made his way towards the leaders of the spirit warders. This body of people represented the most gifted and powerful of the spirit warders on Althanas.

Humphrey handed the leader of the spirit warders the parcel and explained everything he had seen and heard. But in Humphrey's heart, he only thought of his brothers that were left behind in the cold depths of the Shirayama cavern system. Explaining that he wanted to return to the comrades he left behind, the request was denied. A bigger operation would be taking place in due time.

But in Humphrey's eyes, the leaders of the spirit warders had abandoned his comrades...


At age 15, Humphrey successfully completed his first Makai exorcism. The event went according to the rules of the spirit warders and nobody was lost in the process. Humphrey earned commendations for his bravery, but a weight was on Humphrey's shoulders. Never learning the fate of his brothers lost on that fateful day in the Shirayama mountains, Humphrey never forgot their memory. The spirit warders he had left behind never came home, and Humphrey often found himself waiting for them to return. With that heavy heart, a growing depression filled the goblet of his soul.

At age 16, Humphrey passed the final trials of the spirit warders and became a man within their society. He was one of the top spirit warders for his age bracket and studied furiously the ways of Shinto Onmyoudo. Humphrey studied with dedication. The entire time, a growing seed of darkness was planted in his heart. However, this seed was kept hidden from all others always as Humphrey never found out anymore information about that day up in the Shirayama Mountains. He swore he would confront his superiors about the event when he was ready to.

At age 17, a group of powerful Makai known as Belthazor raided a quiet town of humans living near Ninyama. Along with a small group of spirit warders, Humphrey was given squad command. Approaching the raided village, Humphrey could hear the screams of terror in the air. Angry at the vicious nature of the Makai they hunted, Humphrey ordered the counter-strike. Filled with a terrible hatred for the Makai, Humphrey gave the order to destroy all Makai they could find without concern for the survivors. Humphrey used devious and underhanded methods to track the Makai as they were found.

After interrogating one of the Makai they had captured, the Belthazor species revealed the arch-demon of the Makai assault. The name of the arch-demon was a follower of something called N'Jal. Learning the name of the Makai arch-demon, Humphrey memorized it until his heart was filled with righteous hatred. Lorenor was the name of the arch-demon and he was of a Makai sub-species known as Spider-Magi. Most importantly, he was a follower of the Makai Overlord known as N'Jal.

Humphrey lead his squad into the depths of the township ignoring all cries for help. Humphrey gave the specific order of tracking down Lorenor and slaying him once for all. Survivors were secondary objectives. Entering the depths of the village, the spirit warders saw all matters of terrifying acts. The Makai used trickery and illusion to convince the villagers to turn on themselves. Those who were strong-willed enough to see through the tricks were slain at the hands of the Makai themselves. Like zombies, the villagers were forced to attack the spirit warders. Obsessed with exorcising Lorenor, Humphrey made no attempt to save the villagers.

Ordering his brothers to cut down the possessed where they stood, Humphrey reasoned that the villagers were the same as the Makai they hunted. No-one was spared. Screams filled the night and soon, the screams of terror were no different from the screams of the Makai. Several Makai were captured for interrogation after Humphrey learned that Lorenor had already left the village to go elsewhere on Althanas.

With his enemy escaping the vengeance of the spirit warders, Humphrey ordered the purification of the town. The entire village was burned to the ground, and no survivors were found. Runes were placed on the ground to purify the area of any latent Makai energy. Returning back to Ninyama, the captured Makai were interrogated fully. Humphrey explained to the elders that there were no survivors and they were already too late. For his bravery, Humphrey was awarded the rank of a fully fledged Makai Slayer.


At age 18, Humphrey finished his spirit warder training. Learning the sacred arts of Shinto Onmyoudo, Humphrey now had the tools of a fully trained spirit warder. But amongst the elders of Ninyama, a growing concern was settling in their hearts. Though a brilliant student of Shinto Onmyoudo, the elders were concern with the reports of an exceedingly violent spree that Humphrey had against Makai. During exorcisms, Humphrey often went into fits of violence versus Makai forces. Humphrey had tendencies to perform unspeakable atrocities against Makai, but had also become one of the most gifted Makai Slayers seen in a long time.

What would the future hold for Slayer Humphrey Nonyton? Only time would tell...


Amended information:

Humphrey was born to the species of anthromorphic humanoids known as Caninae Vulpes. They are cousins to the native Akashiman species of humanoids known as Nekojin. The Althanas term for Caninae Vulpes is known as Kanojin. Like Nekojin, several varieties of Kanojin exist.

Humphrey's family consists of his Mother and Father, and several siblings in his pack. Humphrey has three Brothers and two sisters born in the same pack. They are currently alive. Kanojin society is closely linked to Nekojin society. The structures are very sociable in nature, and families known as packs exist.

Humphrey is currently chasing the Spider Magi known as Lorenor V'Halkulus.


~Ability Sheet:

1-Warder Senses-Foxes are clever and skilled hunters. They can often single out prey in the strangest of environments where other Hunters would not care to look. With a radius of about 10 Feet, Humphrey has Keen Senses. His most potent Sensory capabilities are his well defined nose, and his ears. His sharp eyes allow for Night Vision. Furthermore, thanks to his training as a Spirit Warder, Humphrey may detect Makai that would normally be hidden from the naked eye.

Ammended Notes: Sight only works within line of sight for now as per Moderator request.

2-Claws and Teeth-Besides his weapons, Humphrey falls back on his claws and teeth. His claws and teeth are very sharp and equivalent to Fox Chitin at this point. His claws are retractable and can extend up about five inches becoming formidable weapons against Hunters of equal level. Once loosing a tooth, the tooth will always grow back over time for the remainder of his natural life. (Fox skeletal structure)

(Note: Bones and teeth are equivalent to Fox Chitin-strength and quality. Edit made as per request)

3-Acrobat-Kitsune are naturally agile. At his current stage of evolution, Humphrey has 2.0x's the reaction rate of a standard Althanian Human Being. With this reaction time, Humphrey has achieved considerable training so far in his education process. Humphrey, adapting the clever and trickster nature of the fox, moved quickly and can perform Above Average Acrobatic tactics. He uses his impressive size and mass to get at prey by tricking them into submission.

4-Aspect of Gingitsu-Due to the worship of the fox-deity Gingitsu, Humphrey has been awarded a Basic Symbol of Gingitsu. This allows The Hunter to access Chi, the natural flow of energy that exists in life. With the basic-most art of Gingitsu, The Hunter may call forth an orb of natural Chi in the form of condensed energy. This energy can cause moderatedamage against an unarmored target. Versus Steel or Iron, the material is pushed back in a natural knock-back effect. Materials lesser than Iron can be shattered with the strike. Humphrey can throw the orb with considerable speed at a total range of about 20 feet.

Notes: Aspect of Gingitsu currently does "Holy" type Damage versus targets it strikes. And the Holy Damage is "Moderate" against Unarmored targets.

But against armor, it basically should do just regular kinetic damage.. like a punch or shove. Against metal, at this level, it shouldn't do anything massive. Against crystal it should be able to break it just as a push or punch could. Against weak woods, it should be able to crack it with initial contact and break it after a couple blows. (Provided by Kyle)

Other Aspects will be unlocked over time.

5-Soul of the Warder-As a Novice Warder, Humphrey uses the powers to construct Basic Wards against Makai. (Demons) Makai are creatures tainted with a negative flow of energy that come from a vile and evil place. Currently, within a 20-foot radius, Soul of the Warder is used to Exorcise Makai. This process is a secret ritual that functions like a finishing maneuver. Whenever Makai are present and about to die, Humphrey begins a special process of drawing up Symbols called Runes upon the body of the Makai. When the Rune is inscribed on the Makai, the Makai's body burns to ash and the soul is sent to The After.

~Skill Sheet:

1-The Hunt-As a Kitsune, Humphrey is an Expert in The Hunt. Humphrey has enough knowledge to set up Basic-Moderate grade low-tier Traps used to capture Common-Uncommon Monsters.

2-Shinto Onmyoudo-(Spirit Alchemy) Using materials pulled out from various Material Nodes around Althanas, Humphrey then purifies the energy from within extracted items. This process is done by placing a complex array of symbols called Runes upon the various material items that are excavated. Once materials are purified, they are then altered at the molecular level to a form better suited for production. At this point, the purified materials then are combined with other materials to form completely new items. Items are then consecrated with Runes. In this fashion, Humphrey is gifted at gathering basic-tier materials. He can gather Metals in the form of Iron and Steel, but no higher. He can also gather materials -below- Iron. Materials in this tier bracket include stuff like Tin, Copper, etc. Tin and Copper is combined to make Bronze.

Furthermore, Humphrey know the herbs, plants, fungi, native to Akashima. He can spot these growth nodes at will and knows how to harvest plants with a certain degree of success. Once plants are harvested, they are then ground to basic components. (Powders, etc) These substances are further used in Shinto Onmyoudo to construct specialty items valuable to the Makai Slayer. Humphrey uses this talent to construct potions of varying potency and capacity. All items constructed in the process of Shinto Onmyoudo are sellable at The Bazaar for profit. Humphrey can use the basic materials he discovers in his adventures to construct weapons, armour, engineering items, potions, and other objects of relicry. Each item is then consecrated with the Runes of Shinto Onmyoudo. With that style of Alchemy, relicry items may also be manufactured that assist Humphrey in Makai-Slaying.

Humphrey is an Expert in using this form of Alchemy.

3-Martial Tactics-Humphrey is Above Average with Armed and Unarmed Combat. He may Dual-Wield weapons that are of similar make and quality. (Such as his Iron Tantos) Humphrey knows Akashiman Martial Arts. He fights using Style of the Fox. Currently, he's Above Average with all concepts dealing with The Style of the Fox.


1-Large Backpack-A heavy duty back-pack given to Humphrey at the start of his early adventuring days. The backpack is spacious and contains many pockets. It is capable of holding large amounts of items and is outfitted with a set of straps to hold a portable tent. Cords dangle from the backpack which are used to attached heavier items that Humphrey often needs to carry on his person.

2-Leather Belt-A simple commoner's belt.

3-Steel Wakizashi-Made of Above Average Akashiman craftsmanship,this is Humphrey's secondary weapon. Used in close quarters combat, the weapon has a particular glow about its length. It is roughly sixteen inches long, and is very lightweight. It is outfitted with consecrated Shinto Onmyoudo Runes. Against Undead, it is particularly effective. It is used to quickly disable Undead and place Humphrey in a position he can finish the Makai off. The blade glows with a blue nimbus cloud. This sword has a potential to cause extra harm versus Makai. It can cause one-point-five times the damage output of a normal attack versus Makai types. Furthermore, the current Rune scripts on the sword make the weapon extremely lightweight to Humphrey, it weighs little more than a feather. Comes with a standard scabbard. (Rune edit lowered to 1.5 times damage versus Makai)

4-Steel Katana-Humphrey's primary weapon. Often used in battle, the Katana is Above Average in quality. It is roughly eighteen inches long and double-edged. Humphrey uses whetstones to keep all his weapons sharp. All of Humphrey's weapons are outfitted with Shinto Onmyoudo Runes. These symbols consecrate the weapons, and make them more lightweight for Humphrey to use effectively. The length of both combat blades are outfitted with Runes that glow with their own nimbus. The swords are often used as a last resort in exorcisms against Makai. The Runes inscribed on the Katana make the sword weigh little more than a feather might. Furthermore, the sword's Runes can inflict one-point-five times the normal damage ratio versus ALL Makai-types. Comes with a scabbard. (Rune edit lowered to 1.5 times damage versus Makai)

5-2x (Pair) Bronze Tanto's-These are two small, four-inch Daggers that are used as desperation tactics. The daggers are Average in make. One Tanto is slightly curved, the other is not. Both only possess one specific Shinto Onmyoudo Rune. The curved dagger has a Rune that stands for Justice, whilst, the second dagger has a Rune that stands for Salvation. Justice and Salvation are both the names of the Tanto's and the power of the Runes which are currently used as mercy kills for those poor souls possessed by the spirits of powerful Makai. Each Tanto has a scabbard. (Tanto's lowered to Bronze, will be keeping these)

6-2x (Pair) Iron Bracers-Worn at the forearms. These are highly decorated and bear the markings of the tribe that Humphrey heralds from. Shinto Onmyoudo Runes are visible upon the surface of the bracers. These glow with purified energy. Currently, the Runes on the bracers have no known effects. The bracers may be broken easily by Steel items, or items of higher tier than Steel.

7-2x (Pair) Iron Shin Guards-Worn on the shins. These are highly decorated and bear the markings of the tribe that Humphrey heralds from. Shinto Onmyoudo Runes are visible upon the surface of the bracers. The same rules and effects listed for the bracers apply to the shin-guards. The Shinto Onmyoudo Runes currently have no powers, they merely glow with a pleasant light.

(Removed Blacksmith's Tools. Will Purchase later)

(Removed Engineer's Tools. Will Purchase later)

10-Trapper Equipment-Basic Traps that are outfitted with Shinto Onmyoudo Runes. These Traps are used to capture Makai species that are on the run. Traps vary in complexity, but currently, Humphrey can only use simple Traps to capture foes. Humphrey only knows how to use one type of Attack Trap that is outfitted with Shinto Onmyoudo Runes. This Trap type requires permission from the handler of PC's to be used on them.

11-Fishing Equipment-Basic Fishing Equipment for catching the bounty of the sea.

12-Skinning Knife-A small knife outfitted with Shinto Onmyoudo Runes. When Makai are defeated, they leave behind a physical shell. This shell can then be carved up for Shinto Onmyoudo ingredients. Some Makai species boast particularly rare Shinto Onmyoudo ingredients. A Skinning Knife that is consecrated is used to harvest these ingredients.

(Removed Iron Stakes as per request)


*Umbramancy-Lethal weakness. All Umbramancy techniques are TWICE as effective as normal on Humphrey's species. Furthermore, Umbramancy Spells cause heavy-lethal damage against Humphrey. Makai are expert manipulators of Umbramancy. Humphrey has learned to protect himself against Umbramancy, but if he is hit by a powerful enough spell, he may die.

*Pyromancy-Lethal weakness. All Pyromancy techniques are FIVE TIMES as effective as normal on Humphrey's species. Furthermore, Pyromancy Spells cause Lethal damage against Humphrey. Some Makai phenotypes are Elementals in nature and are capable of Pyromancy feats. Humphrey has learned to protect himself against Pyromancy, but if he is hit by even a "weak" Pyromancy Spell, he will die.

07-07-10, 01:52 PM
Warder Senses :: Please change it so that it’s only “within sight” instead of a 10 foot radius in all directions. I understand you can smell and hear things all around, but being able to sense what it is in all directions should be dependent on the environmental situation. Windy places are going to move the scents around a lot, being upwind makes the senses useless as would normally happen, being downwind makes them more useful... just general stuff.

Claws and teeth :: Can’t be as strong as iron, but can be tougher than normal bone.

Aspect of Gingitsu :: What type of damage does the chi do? It says moderate to heavy damage to unarmored, but I can’t approve that unless I know what kind of damage it does and why it does that type of damage to unarmored. I also assume “shatter” means crush, break, whatever, and should probably apply to only non-metallic objects/weapons.

Hunt and Spirit Alchemy :: Remember that the spoils rewarded as a result of this ability are always up for approval by the moderator judging the thread.

Weapons :: You can currently only do “slightly more” damage to regular undead that aren’t Makai or non-Coronian demons.

Please remove either the tanto’s or the spikes, and reduce whichever one you keep to only one of them.

You don’t have any skill listed with the blacksmithing or engineering tools. I was going to request that you remove them, and gain them at a later date, since you have so much right now.

07-07-10, 03:58 PM

Edits Made:

@Warder Senses: Amended so its line of sight only. I hope that will suffice Kyle.

@Claws & Teeth: Amended so it's "Fox" Chitin, or in plain English, "Fox" bone in quality.

@Aspect of Gingitsu: Aspect of Gingitsu currently does "Holy" type Damage versus targets it strikes. And the Holy Damage is "Moderate" against Unarmored targets. But against armor, it basically should do just regular kinetic damage.. like a punch or shove. Against metal, at this level, it shouldn't do anything massive. Against crystal it should be able to break it just as a push or punch could. Against weak woods, it should be able to crack it with initial contact and break it after a couple blows. (Provided by Kyle)

@Weapons: Warded weapons only do 1.5 times Holy Damage versus Makai.
Removed Iron Stakes, lowered Tantos to BRONZE in quality.

@Removed Engineering Tools/Removed Blacksmithing Tools. Will make the purchases or quest at a later date!!

Anything else boss-man?

07-07-10, 04:02 PM
That's perfect. Approved.