View Full Version : Irin Orlaxia

07-05-10, 11:54 PM
Name: Irin Orlaxia
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Urodan ([Hu]man of Salvar)
Origin: Knife’s Edge, Salvar
Current Location: The Valinatal/Niadath Path
Occupation: Vigilante
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Greasy, shoulder length dread-locks
Body Type: Athletically toned
Height: 5’11
Weight: 185 lbs
Clothing: Irin is often garnished in a basic white tunic and brown pants, which he tucks into a pair of worn leather boots. Under his cloths is an Iron Chainmail Vest that protects his vitals from very weak slicing or piercing attacks.

I have not included either of these, because I find them rather unimportant for my character to be approved. I have fleshed out his history, which I will be using as a story advancing tool, but nothing else. His personality is also only for me to know. If I am a good enough writer, my reader/judge should be able to gather enough personality information from my posts alone, and shouldn’t have to gander over my profile for information regarding the category. Hopefully this will not be an issue, if so, please PM me ROG mod so I can make the changes without my profile being filled with clutter posts, thank you.

Linguist: Irin has the ability to easily pick up on languages, which includes spoken words and writing. Currently he can speak/read/write the languages of the High Elves, the Dark Elves, and Salvic Slang. He is also more than proficient in common and trade speaking.

Born Explorer: This is currently Irin’s most notable skill and arguably his most useful. Since a young age his father, Norrin, has taught him to follow the stars, read maps, and recognize landmarks. If ever lost, Irin can easily find his way by following the sky. This ability also contributes to Irin’s ability to survive in the wild or foreign territories.

Swordsmanship: Above Average

Marksmanship: Above Average

None Currently

None Currently

Iron Chainmail Vest: A piece of armor he received from a dwarf of Kuchuk. Only protects from Irin’s waist to his neck, but excludes his arms. This piece of armor mainly protects his vital organs from mild piercing or slashing attacks.

Steel Katana: Another piece of equipment he received from the dwarves of Kuchuk. This sword is rumored to be from the island nation of Corone, and it’s even said that it once belonged to an Akishiman warrior. The blade of this weapon is 4 feet long and the handle is 1 foot long.

Backpack: Filled with various travelling trinkets. The only items of note include a bottle of oil and a lighter (used to create torches, don’t worry I won’t be going around Molotov Cocktailing people, yet.)

07-06-10, 12:24 AM
I'm not a fan of not approving profiles without a history, unless the history is going to be worked out in a later thread and added at the next update. The reason for that is as much for the reader/judge as it is for those wishing to write with your character or wanting to know about the character.

I'm going to approve this though, as I see nothing else out of place.

09-09-10, 05:31 AM
Profile no longer valid, since the user created another one.