View Full Version : I'll challenge anybody... To a battle

07-06-10, 12:10 AM
The only conditions I have are:

No citadel battles, real chums fight outside that shit-hole. If anyone wants to battle, you can meet Irin in the Valinatal/Niadath Path (which ever you guys want to call it.)

There must be a cause for the fight. None of this "Hey, theres a PC!! Let's fight!!!" It's jive and will cause bile to seep from my mouth, endlessly, end of story.

No power-gaming... If you want to kill my character, discuss it with me first. Don't just throw out your most powerful strike in the opening seconds. For that matter, whoever I quest with better have some kind of IM program so we can discuss the fight beforehand.

So whose ready to keep it real?!

07-06-10, 12:27 AM
It'd help if you had any information besides "lets fight" and "here's where we'll fight". What's the premise, what kind of character is Irin since you didn't have a history, what kind of character are you looking to fight? That would help a lot.

I may be interested, but would like to know a few things at least before I figure out what character to throw into this and how I would join in.

07-06-10, 12:40 AM
Thanks for the quick approval Kyle, for starters, but gimme' a break man. I actually wrote -most- of this characters history out via solo for once. Which I will finish by the end of the week, or by wednesday.

Well Irin is a vigilante, who has a burning hate for anything Raiaera. He shares a similar view with the Dark Elves, which is hostility towards Raiaera. He lurks in the Valinatal Path waiting for people making an attempt at crossing into Alerar and questions them about their purposes for entering the land... Basically a self-proclaimed guard. He has a history amongst the Underworld in Salvar, which I was hoping to somehow incorperate Rayse, but that is another story...

Though Einar is a Salvic outcast, I'm sure we could find something that connects the two. I had planned on making Irin's father a famous Salvic explorer. Maybe at one point in Irin's past he knew Einar? was supposed to preform a hit on him or a family member? They were childhood friends? since Irin came from a rather lavish upbringing and Einar was once a Noble.

Anything will work brotha.

And we don't have to fight either... Maybe we could do a quest in which both Irin and Einar return to Salvar to face their pasts. I'm not sure what skeletons are lurking in Einar's closet, but Irin's closet is overflowing with them... Let me know man, but I think a quest would be better suited for the two of us

07-06-10, 12:45 AM
Probably couldn't have Einar fight Irin in the passes because he wouldn't really have a reason to be around there... no love for either elven group. And the other characters I had and was considering were not Raiaeran. I only have one that is a high elf friend/citizen of Raiaera but I don't really ever use him. That's Farsight.

Other than that, I'd do a different thread with Einar if you'd like. Or, if your father was an explorer, you could possibly have found knowledge of Lugh and the type of people that he belongs to that live in Berevar.

07-06-10, 01:12 AM
Those hulking, bear-like people?! Sure man. Do you have anything you currently want done with that character? Or can we just form something out of scratch?

I had a quest in mind involving two twins, who are also witches that live in the Northern Areas of Salvar, likely close to or within Berevar. The witches are close to sirens in nature. They dislike men of any race. I was thinking of having either a witch-hunt, in which the hunters will likely have to pair up to thwart the twins. Or just having it be somewhat of an Odessy ish quest, in which a group of travelers stumbles upon their lair and are taken in, but shortly after their arrival members of the group start disappearing... Dying in various brutal ways...

07-06-10, 01:20 AM
Not sure what you would want to do with Lugh. He's a hulking monster of a man who's a child at heart. We could think of something for him.

Task would work perfectly for the Witch hunt though. Even if it's just "assisting an old friend who's the Lord of a different manor" that they are in.

Enigmatic Immortal
07-06-10, 01:51 AM
Organism! Hey buddy, how ya doing. Glad to see your capable of writing another battle...considering you are currently in one...with me...


I'm game for a fight anywhere, anyplace.

Silence Sei
07-06-10, 08:31 AM
The Avatar of Alerar would not appreciate anybody being a self-proclaimed guard of refugees.

Provided you can stay around long enough to make like Halo 3 and finish the fight, Bring. It. On.

07-07-10, 09:00 PM
Yeah E.I., we'll wrap that up this week... Sei am I still in on the SotD?... Sorry guys, it's been hard the last few weeks? months? to find time for Althy. I'll get started tonight on catch up posts though..

Sorry folks

Silence Sei
07-07-10, 09:05 PM
You're still in. Just hurry it up :P

07-09-10, 09:18 PM

Silence Sei
07-09-10, 10:14 PM
So how about you start that fight so we can throw down in between shadowing?

07-09-10, 10:37 PM
I'm down, but let me finish up my overdue post for SotD, then I'll throw it up. I also owe a posts to E.I. and Kyle which I will get to tonight

07-13-10, 12:42 PM
Hey dude, I'll be willing to fight you Raiaera with this alt, or many of my other alt's. My profile is right here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19429) so you can scrutinize my character. I am always available for a good scrap. I can start a thread if you wish!

07-14-10, 12:33 AM
Irin, I apologize for the double-post. Here is the linky (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21269) for the battle. I hope it will suffice. Let me know what you think. Contact me as soon as you can on Facebook or here on Althanas so we can plan this bad boy out. I want this thread to be epic as hell dude!!!