View Full Version : Elberus the Summoner

Lake Lahontan
07-06-10, 02:37 AM
Name: Elberus He'trela
Age: 62
Race: Half-elf
Hair Color: Brown with a dark green tint
Eye Color: Yellow and green
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170 lbs
*Occupation: Carpenter, wood worker, toolmaker

*Personality: Elberus is above all determined. Concerning his craft he strives for perfection and puts time into his carvings, but for more pressing situations he will settle for what works. He is patient when it comes to fulfilling his plans, but his human nature can cause him to make rash decisions in the heat of the moment.

He spends a considerable amount of time alone, but seeks out company when the mood strikes him. He experiences a wide range of emotions and thought because of his heritage, and it makes it hard for him to give advice to friends, who find this off-putting. He does enjoy socializing but isn’t likely to go out of his way to meet someone new.

Elberus’ nature as a summoner has placed in him the seeds of fear. While yet slight, he innately fears that which he cannot control, and that fear is slowly growing. This therefore drives him to summon stronger creatures and assert more control over them. He takes his magical endeavors seriously and is compelled to gain power and knowledge.

Appearance: The large yellow irises of his eyes, flecked with green, attract attention first. His crooked nose creeping out from under the almond shaped eyes is less graceful, but helps to accent his thin mouth placed above a wide chin. These contrasting features result from his human/elven lineage, and his countenance is discerning and challenging.

Inheriting his human father’s muscular build, he is broader of shoulder than his more finely featured kin. His arms are long for his height, and hang from the sleeves of his tunic. A green cord loosely laces up a pocketed leather vest. Worn leather chaps cover the leggings of his light woodland garb, about which hang a few pouches and tools from a workman’s belt.

History: Born into the middle of the conflict between the patriots of Corone and the Coalition’s puppet Empire, the son of a human woodsman and an elven ranger found these circumstances coupling an awkward childhood development. Children his age who had parents of the same race developed at different paces than he, so in his adolescence he spent much time on his own following the whims and imaginations of his mind.

To pass some of the time Elberus took up whittling. Experimenting with different types of wood and long hours of practice produced some impressive pieces. In his loneliness he would carve animals and creatures and would often wonder how he could make them real.

Before Underwood’s destruction, Elberus and his family lived on its outskirts in a well-maintained tree. His parents combined their racial abilities to create a home at once natural and conventional. Elberus learned the construction trade from his human father, who had built part their home and was helping fortify Underwood’s defenses.

Elberus and his mother would explore the Concordia forest together. She taught him skills useful to her as a ranger: tracking, shooting a bow, and wielding a sword. From her he gained insight into the elven blood in his veins. She also taught him what she understood of magic, that it might be possible to bring Elberus’ carvings to life.

Elberus fled Underwood in the evacuation of the city while his parents stayed to defend the city. The empire’s wizards and war machines reduced the city to ashes. Elberus’ father eventually rendezvoused with the refugees south of the forest, with news that his wife had been killed in the battle. Elberus was 25 years old, in the midst of adolescence.

In the moment he learned about his mother’s fate, that his prolonged development and life would be without his most needed influence, he decided that in her honor he would learn to bring his carvings to life. He would seek the magic and perform whatever rituals needed to summon the creatures his hands would carve. He poured his pain and frustration into his art, and channeling magic into the things that became his minions.

Skills: Average carpentry skills. Above average woodcarving and tracking. Average swordsmanship and bow skills. Magically able to summon creatures or automatons by casting a spell on carved or constructed representations of them. Requires spell components (bits or hair or cloth, metal shavings, things the minion will need). Only able to summon one minion at a time; most last for a few hours or until he dismisses them.

Equipment: Hammer, pry-bar, nails, file, hand-held lathe, chisel set, 4-inch carving knife. Collection of small wooden replicas of animals and minions.

07-06-10, 03:05 AM
I'm going to have to ask you to limit the summoning spell in some way. Summoning only one minion at a time would be a good way to do it. Also, I'm not going to ask you to name every possible thing he can carve/summon, but don't try summoning a 30-odd-foot dragon just yet. Try to keep it realistic and you'll be fine.

07-07-10, 04:23 AM
Looks good now. I went ahead and deleted your second post, since there was no need for it once you updated the first one.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.