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Enigmatic Immortal
07-07-10, 01:40 AM
“I swear to god, there is just simply no military order in this army,” Jensen commented as he looked over his dossier in the meeting hall of Sei’s Tomb. As the coming of the summer was up and about the ever growing Ixian Knight’s have been seeing themselves busy as of late. Currently most members of the Nine had been found, or at least tracked, and the grand vision that Sei Orlouge had for his army was now starting to take shape.

Next the immortal was a woman a head shorter than he with long red hair. Her eyes scanned over the document with mild interest, snorting in mirth as she had to admit that her friend’s comment was right on the ball. She placed the sheet down and looked forwards towards probably the most uncomfortable member of the Nine.

“I’m so humbled that I have your idiot opinions to give me hope that one day I may be a strong leader,” came the crass response of Cassandra Remi. Probably the most beautiful member of the nine was also the most foul tempered, cold, heartless, bitch in the group. When her hazel eyes pierced into you they seemed to fill you with a sense of dread that Jensen and Stephanie had commented on many times as being creepy.

“He wasn’t saying that your idea didn’t have merit, just…” Stephanie said defending her friend. “It’s a very esoteric order. Of course we’ll obey, but you have to understand it’s not usual to send Sei’s bodyguards out to an orphanage, pick up any kid we can find, and take them to the zoo to spy on other agents who are against us.”

“Am I to understand that as the head of his little assassin team I have the highest ranking ability to call upon whatever means I feel I need to in order to accomplish my mission?” Cassandra said in a very authoritative tone. Jensen yawned loudly as Stephanie gulped.

“Yes, M’am-” the female knight couldn’t finish her orders before Cassandra lifted her wand waving them both off.

“Dismissed then,” Cassandra said turning and leaving the room. When she slammed the door shut leaving them alone both let out a high pitch sigh.

“God she’s such a bitch!” Jensen blurted as he scooped up the paperwork. Stephanie just looked to the door before shaking her head in frustration.

“She’s so creepy!” she shouted. “I can’t believe I stupidly crossed her like that.”

“Bitch gave us stupid orders,” The immortal mumbled. “Stupid orders are meant to be questioned. That’s what we were taught in the Knight’s of Apocalypse.” Stephanie nodded to his point as she read over the dossier again. She pulled out a small flier for the zoo and read it over. She suddenly snapped her fingers, flicking the digits against the paper making a loud pop sound as Jensen looked over her shoulder, resting it on her muscles and nuzzling up against her.

Lifting her other hand up she scratched the side of his head, while her eyes scanned the paper one more time.

“Apparently half the zoo will be closed today,” Jensen observed. Stephanie smiled to him as she tapped her finger on the bottom. Jensen read it and smiled. “Unless of course you bring your kid along. Clever, but she’s still a bitch.” He picked his head off her shoulder and she placed the flyer in her folder, turning and putting it inside her backpack. She turned back to Jensen linking her arm with his as she dragged him towards the door.

“Can’t we just pretend we went to the zoo?” he whined. Jensen hated doing work, as his Lazy lifestyle wouldn’t permit the notion of actually doing something. Stephanie just pulled on his arm, tugging him in close to her as she whispered into his ears.

“Just remember if you stay here, she’ll know and make it even creepier for you. Who knows, you may be one of her midnight victims!” She teased pushing him away. Jensen merely rolled his eyes.

“Why the hell does Sei think keeping a renowned serial killer in the tomb was a good idea?” The knight’s hand opened the door, bowing to let the lady leave first as they walked toward the entrance of the tomb. “Seriously, is it just me, or do you think this is part of the WOO WOO, FAIL TRAIN!” Jensen made small choo-choo noises as he rolled one finger around the side of his head, shifting his eyes crazily. “All aboard! Next stop, Sei’s Tomb, home of the deranged Midnight Monster and Gisela Reaper, Cassandra ‘My milkshakes bring all the crazies to the yard’ Remi!”

Stephanie laughed as she usually did when Jensen started ranting, finding great joy in his ability to take the smallest things and blow them out of proportion. Instead of continuing however the knight just coughed, turning around quickly with red lines of embarrassment flushing his cheeks.

“What?” Jensen just remained quiet as he urged her to continue further. Stephanie glanced behind her and her heart seemed to freeze cold as she bit her own tongue, despite saying nothing. Cassandra Remi’s baleful stare scrutinized upon both of them, and she merely watched them as they left. Stephanie looked to the immortal and she mouthed the words run. The knight nodded once as they both started trotting off.

Even as they left the tomb, a dark chuckle followed in their wake, always behind them every step, dogging their every move until they were well out of the cave.

07-07-10, 05:47 PM
Mercy was something the sun knew little of, and even if it did, showed little practice of it. The streets of Underwood, usually a bustle of activity, were in a haze of quiet. Even early in the morning, the heat was blistering, keeping most in the shade and moving only when needed. Only those who had errands to run could be seen shifting about. The children, on the other hand, continued to run amuck in town, though the majority made their way for the nearest body of water.

The children of the orphanage were no different from those in town, content to make their way to the water with everyone else. Everyone in the orphanage went, except for the orphanage keeper, Holly, and the child Azza. The morning routine was like any other: wake up, eat breakfast, clean up, and then continue onto the day’s activities. It was normal until Azza took a few steps outside into the sun, stood for a moment, mentioned that it was “hot”, and then fell over holding her head.

Holly was thankful that Willow, the baker’s daughter, stopped by and offered to chaperone the young children to the watering hole while Holly stayed to look after Azza. It had been two weeks since the child’s birthday, and within that time, Azza had exhibited both strange and startling changes.

First and perhaps the most surprising, for Holly, was Azza quite suddenly began to refer to herself properly, if a bit unsteadily. The event nearly brought a tear to the aging woman’s eyes, finally relieved that Azza was “normal” as can be. That was until the girl collapsed an hour later, holding her head in silent screams. A local doctor had reassured the woman that the child was just going through “growing pains" and that perhaps, headaches were the manifestation for Azza. Holly would have punched the doctor, if he had not then mentioned that the girl might not be human after all.

The second oddity was Azza’s continual touching or prodding at the areas over her own ears. When asked, Azza shrugged the question off, as if afraid of telling the truth. It wasn’t until one day, when Holly was braiding Azza’s hair, did she notice the strange bumps. She kept it to herself though, not wanting to let on that she knew.

The third and final, noticeable change, was that regardless of washing, the “furrish feathers” would not wash off. Removal was not an option, as even just lightly pulling on the fluff sent Azza into cries of pain. The radical changes were what finally convinced Holly that Azza wasn’t human. The mark between her shoulder blades should have been an indication but, the girl was harmless, wasn’t she?

Azza’s mind on the other hand, was thinking of completely different things. For the first week, she was occupied with her own thoughts of what she was, what was normal, and other questions she had about herself. She knew that the answers weren’t in Underwood though, as the small collection of books at the local library could do little to satisfy her search.

But at the start of the previous week, ever since the heat wave through Underwood, Azza did little more than roll about on the cold wood floor, her bed, or stay in the shade of various trees. Perfectly normal to the eyes of anyone else, but those who knew Azza saw it as strange. She was supposed to be a vortex of energy running about, and even in previous years of hot weather, the girl frequented the watering holes with everyone else. Finally, when she had decided to go to the water, the hot fires of the sun reminded her of something, sparking another migraine.

Now, she was laying face first in her bed, her back slightly sore while her head continued to pound ever so slightly. It had been much worse, but she knew that relief was soon to come. Curiously enough, after each massive migraine, Azza would no longer be bothered by the constant nagging pain where the bumps were. Still, as she lay there, she couldn’t help but wish that the weather was colder. That should have been her wish for birthday: a colder summer with more breezes and clouds, less heat.

Azza didn’t drift long in those pleasant thoughts for long, as there was a sudden knock and unfamiliar voices at the door. Waking, she rolled off the bed with a scream as Holly walked by with a shake of her head and chuckle. Not wasting any time though, Azza scrambled up and ran over to the door as the woman opened it to greet the strangers with a smile.

What Holly had anticipated was the exact opposite of what she saw but with Azza present; she could do little more than stare at the two while her smile faded. This particular man and woman seemed out of place. Rather, they didn’t seem to be the type to visit an orphanage. Especially the man.

Enigmatic Immortal
07-07-10, 06:29 PM
The orphanage near Underwood had looked decently kept, the walls not falling apart, the roof still in one piece. There were several trees for the kids to play, and off about a ten minutes walk away was a local water hole. Jensen and Stephanie had passed the kids, both wanting nothing more than to jump in the water with them, the heat nearly unbearable. The immortal pointed to a few kids, Stephanie shaking her head as she pointed forwards at the building.

“But that one looks cute!” Jensen said.

“It’s not like shopping for a puppy, you idiot,” Stephanie chided.

“Really?” Jensen mused. “Cause I thought the whole point of an orphanage is just to send parentless kids to live in one giant bed, hoping and praying a parent will adopt them soon, otherwise they get put to sleep.” Stephanie sighed mentally, not finding her friend’s humor amusing.

“No, your thinking of a pound.” she corrected the knight. Jensen shrugged.

“Again, what’s the difference?” Stephanie eyed him vilely. “Far as I am concerned all the kids act extra cute, put on little cute pouty faces, and rub up against you. Like…I dunno…stray dogs and cats?” He lifted his arms to either side, smiling for her to challenge the logic. What infuriated the woman most was Jensen had a point. Skewed, but then again logical.

“You’d make a wonderful lawyer,” she sassed rolling her eyes. They approached the door to the orphanage, smiling brightly as Jensen rasped his knuckles along the wooden portal. There was the sound of muffled walking, and the door gently crept open.

“Hello,” a kind older woman said.

“Hi, we’re here to check out some kids for adoption.” Jensen said businesslike. Stephanie elbowed him in the stomach harshly. She smiled to the older woman, extending her hand out to shake hers. The woman took the hand, looking oddly to Jensen but smiling to the red head.

“Hello, I’m Stephanie Ambrose, and this is my stupid husband, Jensen.” The immortal looked up to Stephanie, hearing that they were married for the first time since the trip started. He looked to her like she was a stupid fool for even thinking he would marry her, but instead he let off a sly grin as he linked his arm around her waist, holding her tightly.

“Yup,” he rubbed his nose against her cheek, roughly pushing her face to the side. Stephanie laughed, asking him politely to knock it off in a joking fashion, but Jensen didn’t stop. At last Stephanie slammed the heel of her boot into his toes, and he stopped acting like an ass.

“Holly, pleased to meet you both. Usually the orphanage is closed at this time, I take the kids to the waterhole, but one of my children isn’t feeling well. Would perhaps you like to come in and sit for a bit and wait?” Stephanie nodded as Jensen limped a few steps before flexing his crushed toes out and walking plainly.

When the door shut both knights immediately took in the stock of their surroundings. The house was furnished with just barest essentials. Made sense, all the money from the government branches probably went to feeding and clothing the children. Jensen looked around lifting his hands behind his head, letting his jacket fan out behind him. The weight tugged at his shoulders and he felt an overwhelming need to nap. Stephanie continued to talk to Holly as the immortal looked at the kid’s drawings on the walls.

They weren’t very good in his opinion, nothing special. He would sooner use them to wipe his ass than hang them on his wall, but then again children were just not the immortals thing. Living forever as an immortal turned him off to ideas of family and friendship. Those tangible notions would wither and die, and why would any sane man continuously hurt himself burying dead family and friends.

Unconsciously Jensen nearly bumped into a tiny girl, his knee brushing up against her. He looked down and stared at the girl as Stephanie explained their alleged marriage and how Jensen just couldn’t get his ‘fish’ to swim upstream. This made it difficult because Stephanie and Jensen apparently since five minutes ago couldn’t live without the thought of going through life without a child.

The two stared, neither blinking. He just looked into her maroon eyes, watching them with his own orbs as the two stood off. The immortal crossed his arms over his chest, and with a silent breath whispered.


07-07-10, 09:17 PM
Realizing they were complete strangers, Azza had lost her interest, something that normally wouldn’t have happened. Azza began to wander out of sight in her own thoughts, hearing bits and pieces of their conversation. In the end, she ended up near her bed once more and contemplated sleep to ward off the heat.

Then something or someone came into contact with her. Instinctively, she knew it was someone, as the orphanage could ill afford any pets. He stared at her and she stared back, unsure what she was supposed to say. Curiosity set in though, as she studied his features while noting he towered over her by a full two feet or so. When he crossed his arms, she imitated, but forwent the “Boo.” Instead, she tilted her head at him to the side, as if trying to get a new perspective.

“… and so you see, some nights-” Stephanie was still in the middle of explaining Jensen’s and her nightly interludes to a skeptical Holly, but the older woman had heard enough. That, and given some of the more embarrassing details, she decided to save Stephanie some breath and some peace of mind for herself.

“Stephanie, was it?” Stephanie nodded. “I’m assuming you’re looking for one child to adopt, as a start, correct?” Stephanie nodded once more. Holly’s piercing blue eyes stared at the woman before finally cracking a smile. The “wife” seemed genuine and her character seemed to be kind. The man on the other hand was a cause of worry. With a quick glance behind Stephanie, Holly could see Jensen and Azza squaring off in a staring contest of sorts, both with their arms crossed. “Tell me about your husband…”

Azza continued to stare at Jensen with unshaken resolve and Jensen, the proud immortal that he was, refused to be defeated by a small girl in the one way staring contest. After about a couple of minutes, Azza gave a yawn as her eyes closed momentarily. They snapped opened in alarm as Jensen shouted victoriously, “I WIN!” with both his fists up in the air. For the first time in two weeks, Azza smiled and laughed. Not what Jensen intended.

Both Holly and Stephanie turned at the sudden outburst of noise. Stephanie was surprised that Jensen had found a child that thought of him as funny, and Holly, relieved to hear Azza’s laughter. It had been a long, quiet two weeks, despite the other children. But, with work still to be done, Holly turned her attention to Stephanie once more. “I’ll need you and your husband to fill out a few things first, and then we can begin seeing which child you’d like to bring home with you.”

“What about the one with Jensen?” The red head suggested quickly.

“Azza?” A look of worry appeared on Holly’s features. Out of all the children, she had bonded with the strange girl more than the others. They were all of her children, but… she had never really thought of Azza leaving, even though she knew that everyone did eventually.

Both Holly and Stephanie glanced once more over to the two and saw Azza laughing, while Jensen look confused. Seeing the two ladies looking at him, he shrugged. “Jensen seems to like her as well.”

With a resigned sigh, Holly nodded to the young woman’s wish. Perhaps it was time that Azza moved with a family that she felt happy with. A smile danced onto the old woman’s lips though, as she recounted Azza’s antics. “I have to warn you though, Azza is a bit of an explorer and rather smart for her age. If you have any secrets or things to hide, you might not be able to from her.” Chuckling, she whispered to Stephanie, “In particular where you hide sweet things...”

Stephanie laughed with the woman and partially out of relief. The sooner they were on their way, the less of a chance that Holly could realize that the two weren’t actually married. The elder lady's gaze was similar to Cassandra Remi's but they obviously held much more warmth.

Holly produced a sheet a parchment from her desk after some rummaging and placed it before Stephanie, along with a bottle of ink and quill. “Could I have you and your husband read and sign this, while I say goodbye to Azza?”

“Of course. Oh husband, get over here!”

Jensen was in the process of rejecting the overly stale hardtack that Azza was hell bent on letting him have. Saved by a reason to leave quickly, he tossed the excuse for bread back and practically ran to Stephanie’s side. “What’s this?” he scrutinized.

“Adoption papers.” Stephanie had already done so, her name in a neat cursive that spelt, Stephanie Ambrose. Jensen scoffed, and then signed his untidily, making sure to cross into her name.

The look on Holly’s face made Azza’s smile waver. The old woman held back her tears, for the sake of the girl and instead, adopted a stern voice. One that she normally used when she was serious, or scolding the children. “Be good Azza. You can call them mother and father now, alright?”

Azza nodded her head. “What about Mother Holly?”

The woman shook her head. “I’m just Holly if they pull though, dear. Gather your things into the satchel you made and be ready.” The child nodded her head once more. Silently, Holly felt the need for a drink even though it wasn't noon yet. Something strong would do. The thought and chance of losing the girl so suddenly was overwhelming.

Enigmatic Immortal
07-09-10, 01:34 AM
“Hey, wait a second, Sweetheart,” Jensen said grabbing the paper. He read it over carefully as he observed the sheet. At last he found the oddity he felt in the wordings, and he looked back to Holly. “What’s this bit here about us taking her out first? You can test run kids like horses these days?” Stephanie slapped him in his arm lightly as she stood up.

“I’m afraid that’s the case, Mr. Ambrose. You see, while we would love if every adult who wanted a child was ideal for the one they pick first, the numerous cases where the opposite happened have led to us now have wanting parents spend time with the adopted kid first. This will prevent problems of incompatibility on both parts. A child at the current moment now may not be so cute ten minutes later.”

“Or ever…” Jensen whispered under his breath. Stephanie just pinched his flesh.

“In short, you both sign that and agree that for this day her life is in your hands. Everything she does is on you two, as well as her health well being. This is in effect the real thing, and will not stop being in effect until you return her. Which will be by no later than six o’clock, mind you. If you fail to arrive back in a timely manner around Six o’clock it will be considered kidnapping.” Holly spoke in a very serious business tone, making sure both of them were aware of the implications of going through with this.

“I understand,” Stephanie said speaking for the both of them. “Though I think this one seems to be a little attached already to my husband.” She faked a laugh which nobody seemed to share. Azza ran off to her room as she was instructed, Jensen and Stephanie waiting for her as the three adults talked. Jensen, already bored out of his mind and giving suspicious glances to Stephanie began pondering what the hell stunt the woman was trying to pull.

Stephanie, as far as Jensen could determine, was desperately alone, and with Adolph not falling in love with her she was using this exercise to fill that void in her heart. Even if it meant dragging Jensen along with her.

“How long have you two been married?” Holly asked.

“Two-” Jensen started.

“Three years.” Stephanie interrupted, smiling to Jensen as she held his hand, squeezing his fingers and willing the immortal to shut up. “My husband is bad with time.”

“Yep, I’m stupid.” Jensen said laughing forcefully, more directly at Stephanie than the general audience.

“Yes you are, but you are my stupid person!” Stephanie cooed, dragging a finger along his cheek line lifting her lips to kiss his. Panicking he lifted a hand to push her back down. The result was more abrupt than he intended. Holly cast a suspicious glance at the two of them as Stephanie glared daggers into his eyes. Jensen, not knowing what the hell to do simply laughed, pulling himself away.

“I love teasing you,” Jensen said lightly to break the rising tension. “Your so easy to play with.” Stephanie sighed loudly.

“More than you can imagine…” she muttered under her breath. Holly was about to say something before Azza returned, ready to go. Jensen bent down to her level, looking her right in the eyes. She looked back, planting her feet and imitating the motion.

“This one’s kind of a smart ass…” Jensen mumbled back to Stephanie. The female knight sighed in a pleasurable way, leaning forward and draping her body on Jensen’s back and resting her head on his shoulder as she looked to Azza.

“She’s perfect for you,” she whispered into his ear, hugging him tightly and smiling. Jensen broke his gaze and glanced to Stephanie, smiling at her as she looked to him. Then a strange sensation washed over him as he felt his heart softly beat in time with the woman’s. They looked at each other like that for a moment, the situation broken up as Azza raised her arms in triumph.

“I WIN!” She cheered pointing at Jensen. “HA! I BEAT YOU!” She cried out, giggling happily. Jensen looked to the child and grinned, his face flushing red.

“Yep, perfect…” the immortal whispered as he stood up. He felt a wave of tension just vanish from his body as he heard the girl giggling to him, Stephanie’s hand lightly drifting down his body until it met tenderly with his hand. Their fingers did an awkward dance, almost clasping as one before Jensen felt a rush of unease come over him and he stepped forward in one graceful movement, scooping the girl up by her arms and lifting her in the air until she rested upon his shoulders.

“As champion of the staring contest you may sit upon your throne,” Jensen joked as she laughed.

“And as the princess you get to choose what we do for one day!” Stephanie added as she moved in front of Jensen looking up at the girl. “So what do you want to do?”

07-09-10, 04:59 PM
Regardless of Holly’s initial suspicions and paranoia, she could feel herself at ease watching the three together. For the moment, they seemed like a good match, though the vulgar mouth of Jensen left Holly something to be desired. She had to remind herself that he wasn’t one of his older charges and she couldn’t exactly chide him. Instead, she heaved a sigh and shook her head, despite a hidden grin in the corners. “Enjoy yourselves now. I have a few things to attend to.” With that, the elderly woman left the three to show themselves out, disappearing to another room.

Azza felt at ease with the two, though after the initial rush of excitement, she began to notice that they looked rather different than most of the other townsfolk. Travelers most likely, but their actions made them feel familiar. At least, Jensen’s actions did. Stephanie on the other hand made Azza shy away slightly. The girl wasn’t used to being called a princess and it almost felt mocking. She shook those thoughts away quickly, unsure of why they even appeared, and a bright smile appeared. “The zz… forest is very nice. I like the shade.” She had spotted posters advertising the zoo, and she’d have liked to go, but the requirement of spending coin was a rather large impasse for her.

Jensen and Stephanie both looked to one another, each having caught the hesitant syllable. But, it was Jensen who first reacted. “To the shade!” he shouted and ran for the door, flung it open, and leap down the few steps. It was a miracle he didn’t smash the small girl’s head on the doorway, but it seemed she was oblivious to the aforementioned danger, as Jensen ran to the nearest tree.

Stephanie only stared in horror until she dashed out after him. She restrained the need to sock him in the face for the act as the orphanage keeper could still be watching. That, and Jensen was still carrying the girl, who was giggling. “Did you want to go to the forest for the whole day?”

“Nope,” Jensen’s voice said and was soon followed by Azza’s laugh and nod.

“Well then, what does the mouth piece of our daughter say we should go?” Stephanie asked with a smirk, looking at Jensen as she linked an arm around his free one. That was answered by a grumble from the small girl’s stomach. Looking down to the two, she felt her cheeks flush while wiggling a bit to get down.

Jensen got the idea quickly and set the child down, but as he straightened up his own stomach growled, as Azza began to tug at his hand lightly in the direction of town. “I’m hungry, so is the kid.”

Crouching down, Stephanie smiled to Azza, who stared back intently. “Do you have any suggestions on where to eat?”

Azza nodded vigorously and pointed down the road, seemingly in a random direction. “The bakery has nice bread and not expensive. And Willow’s father is nice big person.” A sheepish grin danced about the girl’s lips. “Azza...” she began but quickly corrected, “I usually bring flowers for the bread.”

Jensen and Stephanie looked to each other again. At least now they could confirm the girl was frugal.

Enigmatic Immortal
07-10-10, 05:59 PM
“Bread?” Jensen mumbled in a whiney fashion. “I want a real meal. Screw it, Azza, it’s the high life for you. There has got to be a place you always wanted to eat. Come on, tell meee.” He stressed the words out in a song, making the girl giggle.

“I like that place,” she whispered. Jensen looked to her, and then back up at Stephanie. The woman nodded and Jensen shrugged. The girl looked at them, smiling as they looked to her intently. Thinking it was another game, she stood fast and prepared for yet another go of staring contest. Jensen looked back to Stephanie, who looked to him with a smile.

“Communication breakdown,” Stephanie said softly laughing. “Maybe we should have asked her where the place was instead of expecting her to-” Azza cut them off with a victorious cry.

“I won again!” Jensen shook his head.

“No fair, loudmouth over here was distracting me! I want a redo!” This in response got Stephanie to slap him, hard, across the back of the head. Azza looked to Jensen with worried eyes as she ran forward lifting her hands to heal his boo boo.

Jensen lifted the girl up, holding her tightly as he glared to her. “See, she likes me more than you, Neyeahh!” The immortal stuck his tongue out to Stephanie, eliciting a sigh as she looked to Azza.

“Azza, sweetie, where is this place you want to eat?” The girl pointed off to the nearby town and Jensen adjusted her in his hands as he began walking forward, the female knight in tow. “After we eat, what would you like to do?” Stephanie asked the girl.

“Jeeze Stephanie, smother her with questions. She’s like…eight.” Jensen said crossly.

“Try twelve, though a good guess for the age your acting, ya stupid git.”

“What’s a git?” Azza asked.

“Him,” Stephanie smiled pointing to Jensen. Azza nodded.

“I want to be a git too!” she said happily. Jensen laughed as Stephanie smacked herself in the head, knowing full well she walked into that one. Trying her best to repair the damage Stephanie already started on, she moved in closer to the girl.

Jensen instinctively turned his body away from his ‘wife’ hogging the girl all to himself. “Did you know your mommy is a bitch?” Jensen asked the girl. Azza, unused to such things, shook her head. “Do you want to be a bitch too?” The girl looked at Stephanie, who’s eyes were wide and mouth gaped open.

“No,” she admitted. “Not really.”

“Hey, I imparted wisdom!” Jensen laughed.

“JENSEN!” Stephanie cried out. “What the hell is wrong with you! You can’t teach her to start swearing!”

“Well she’s got to start somewhere! I’d rather she learn it from me than some bum off the street, or a hooker offering tricks and half and half.”

“Mother Holly said Swearing is bad.” Azza whispered to Jensen. “Only people with a potty mouth swear!” Jensen shook his head as Stephanie looked ready to kill him. “Are hookers nice people?”

“NO!” Stephanie blurted.

“Now that’s just ignorant! Hookers are people too, they have feelings!” Jensen said defending the profession. “Besides, most hookers are actually rather polite.”

“Are the tricks mean?” Azza asked, trying to understand this strange new world of prostitution. Jensen shook his head no like a teacher.

“As a matter of fact, the tricks are fun. Some even will blow your head!” he joked. Stephanie’s face was red with embarrassment, her fingers curled into tiny claws as she breathed heavily at Jensen, who used the artful works of innuendos to do his magic. His revelry however was interrupted by Azza’s next words.

“Hmm, can I be a hooker when I grow up? I want to do tricks!” she giggled. Jensen’s face became horror struck. A loud slap echoed in the air as Stephanie slowly draped her hand off her forehead.

“Good fucking going, dumbass! Now our daughter wants to be a hooker!” Stephanie growled. Jensen just kept his mouth gaped wide open.

“Uh…uh…” Jensen just held her in his arms. “Let’s uh…pretend I didn’t hear that.” Stephanie stepped forward and sighed.

“Yeah, it doesn’t really work like that,” she sassed. “Look sweetie, Hookers are people who…who…failed…”

“Failed what?” Azza asked innocently. Stephanie just glared at Jensen.

“Uh,” Stephanie tried to find the right words.

“Failed at life.” Jensen blurted.

“They’re dead?” The little girl said incredulously.

“Uh…actually, yeah…a little…on the inside…” Stephanie said, unable to hide her mirth as she giggled, Jensen shaking in laughter.

“So see, hooker’s are scary, stay away from them!” Jensen warned. The girl merely nodded furiously to the lesson. With the disaster adverted both shook their heads and sighed at the same time. They looked to each other, giving off warm smiles as Jensen lifted his eyebrows to her. He shifted Azza’s weight, and the girl pointed to a small little bakery.

“There it is!” she cried out happily, wiggling to get free as Jensen gently dropped her, letting her run ahead of them.

07-13-10, 09:43 PM
The duality of hookers didn’t faze the girl for long. In her mind now, they were supposedly scary individuals who were slightly dead inside, but they did have feelings and know neat tricks. The small child could only wonder what her potential, adoptive father meant that, “Some even will blow your head!” Breathing air on someone’s head didn’t seem like a very neat trick.

And the swears! Azza had heard them being used now and then, but she had no real connection or meaning to them. That and most adults tried to stay away from the “colorful” language while in front of the children.

That all mattered very little to Azza as she burst into the bakery, rattling the bell on the door, leaving Stephanie free to chase Jensen about before he burst into the store as well with another loud rattle. Stephanie followed suit after in a much more orderly fashion, but held daggers in her eyes, warning Jensen to behave.

The smell of the bakery was the same as always; heavenly. At least it was for Azza, who began to run about, checking each basket of bread. Noticing that Jensen was taking the small store into scope, Azza ran over to grab his hand and lead him over to her favorite, smoked cheese rolls.

But before anyone could really say anything, the baker, who was nearly seven feet tall, came out bearing a tray of sweet smelling breads. Seeing Azza and other customers in his shop, he boomed with a hearty, “Hello!”

Azza, used to the greeting, looked up with a smile but continued to browse the breads. Jensen and Stephanie however, looked to the man and stood a bit flabbergasted at the sight. He seemed rather out of place. His muscular arms and barreled chest made him fit the ideal image of a mighty warrior… but he instead of a sword he favored a rolling pin.

Mistaking the two’s expression for surprise at his bread, he broke a hot loaf open and pressed it into their hands. “Go on, try it!” Stephanie began to make a polite motion to refuse, but the man only gave an overbearing look while he leaned in, stretching his apron taunt as he towered over the couple. His gaze intensified as his drooping moustache quivered, shaking loose some flour. In the end, Stephanie accepted it with an awkward smile.

The door opened once more, with a clatter from the bell, as a young girl with an apron walked in while putting her head wrap on. Azza looked up and screamed out in joy while running toward the girl. “Willow!”

“Azza!” Catching the girl in the hug, she then sighted her father pressing and forcing breads on Jensen and Stephanie. She half heartedly wanted to save them, but as her father began to explain the intricate details and secrets of his prized ambrosia bread, Willow nearly tackled her father out of the way. Azza stood there with her mouth open in surprise at what Willow just did.

“Father, you can go back to the ovens now that I’m back…”

“But Willow, those customers really appreciate my work!” the man complained while his daughter pushed his larger form back towards the other doorway with some difficulty.

“Oh yes father, I can obviously see that they’re amazed at your technique,” his daughter replied with a roll of her eyes. It took a bit of effort, but eventually, the man returned to the ovens with a grumble. Seeing her father disappear out of earshot, Willow mumbled quickly to herself, “More like terrified with your nuts and oats and barley rant.” During this time, Azza had taken the liberty to collect a small assortment of breads and carried them over on a tray for Willow to take. “That’s a lot you’re getting Azza and wasn’t this couple before you young lady?”

Azza shrank back with a sheepish smile and hugged onto Jensen’s leg. Stephanie stepped forward quickly to explain, “We’re Azza’s adoptive parents for today.”

“Just for today?” Willow asked with an air of suspicion. "Did you two have any plans then?"

“Of course we do, we’re going to make sure Azza has lots of fun, aren’t we?” Jensen asked as he scooped Azza up again quickly to sit on his shoulders. Azza clung on and laughed in agreement.

Willow snickered and nodded in thought while counting the bread. “Well, if I could make a suggestion… the zoo should be a nice place. There’s plenty of space and shade from the heat.” Glancing up at Stephanie, she whispered for her ears only, “Don’t know if this still works, but sweets are the way into Azza’s heart.” Pulling away, Willow passed a piece of paper over to Stephanie. “That’ll be 30 coins please.”

“I got this.” Slapping down a pouch of coins onto the table, Jensen then made for the door. “Race to the zoo!”

“Damn it Jensen, come back!” Stephanie gathered up the bag of bread and followed after as quickly as she could.

“Wait! You gave too much!” Willow managed to call out after them.

“We’ll be back, eventually,” was all that Stephanie managed to reply back as she chased after Jensen. “Damn it you jackass, slow down!”

“But me and Azza want to go to the zooooo,” Jensen said in a whiney tone. “Besides, you’re the one teaching our daughter the majority of swears now.”

Azza confirmed this with a nod and asked casually, “What does fucking mean?” The girl figured, might as well learn something while walking to the zoo, but a grumble from her stomach made her remember her hunger. “May I have some bread mommy?”

Enigmatic Immortal
07-17-10, 07:38 PM
The heat from the sun was becoming more and more unbearable as Jensen and Azza both felt like panting. The little girl clung to him tightly, making his neck and shoulders sweat. Stephanie also seemed to be sweating, but she just lifted her canteen up to Azza to sip from, as well as a piece of bread as they waited in line for the zoo. When it was Jensen’s turn to drink, Azza would lift the bottle up and pour the liuid down his gullet where the refreshing cool water would cool his body off. Stephanie would then shove some bread in his mouth before taking a small nibble for herself.

He had to admit, the guy was certifiably insane, but he knew how to make bread as far as the immortal was concerned.

At last they hit the ticket booth, and Jensen felt Stephanie pull out his coin pouch, paying for their admission. With money returned they at last entered the zoo. Stephanie looked over the zoo map and Jensen snarled to her as he snatched it with one hand.

“Do you know what this is?” Jensen asked his adopted daughter for the day.

“Um…It’s a map, I think.” She said leaning over and peering at it.

“Maps are for pussies, don’t use them.” Jensen instructed tossing it in a nearby garbage can. “Half the fun in life is getting lost. You can’t have an adventure if you always know where your going.” Azza nodded to him as Stephanie rolled her eyes to his usual crude behavior. She wouldn’t even begin to start a conversation on teaching Azza bad words, as that led to uncomfortable talks about what the words in question meant.

“Well, what do you want to look at first?” Stephanie asked to the twelve year old. Jensen looked up to her and struggled a bit as he lifted her up and down to the ground. Azza looked to them sheepishly before gripping Jensen’s hand. The feeling of her fingers wrapping around three of his sent a calming, but thrilling tingle down his spine. He felt her entire being trusting him in that grip, and it was terrifying, but also exhilarating at the same time.

“Can we go see the birds?” she asked. Jensen gave her a heart felt smile, nodding as he lifted himself up, still gripping her tiny hand in his. Stephanie also seemed to be smiling and Jensen winked to her as they moved. Walking through the throng of people had proved hard to do, Stephanie on several occasion moving in close to Jensen. While the immortal couldn’t see it, her face grinned stupidly each time she had a chance to hold him softly, a loving look in her eye as they advanced forward.

The Aviary was on the other side of the zoo entrance, and had taken them a solid ten minutes worth of walking to reach the building. Thankfully some enchantments had been placed inside the building to keep it cool, and the feeling of the cool wind rushing on their sweaty bodies made them all stop and pause for a refreshing sigh. The sound of birds squawking filled the air and echoed down the vaulted pathway, a long one way path that curved down two directions in a t shape where other exhibits were.

Azza ran forwards first, running up to the nearest exhibit and peering through the glass at the birds. She giggled as she played with one bird that was amazingly flexible, supposedly from the Fallien desert. Stephanie bent down to her, placing a motherly hand on her shoulder as she pointed to the other birds in the cage. Jensen observed the plaque of information and smiled as he learned the Fallien Toucan lives in the Oasis’ that litter the landscape near the mountains. They have flexible heads to better nip at bugs trying to hide between rocks and underneath them.

Jensen didn’t even realize his finger’s were softly running through Stephanie’s hair.

“That one looks like you, daddy!” Azza cried out, pointing to one that sat off in corner. The bird was stubbornly quiet, looking right at Jensen and never blinking. Jensen just grinned as he crossed his arms over his chest, starring the bird down. When it felt his eyes upon it, the bird lifted its wings to the sides and perched up, staring him down. They stood each other down, netiher blinking as Stephanie and Azza giggled, until at last the bird squaked furiously, flew right at the glass, and began pecking it wildly.

Jensen flinched away from it, laughing as the two girls laughed even louder, Azza smiling as Stephanie beamed to him. Jensen felt his heart flutter and turned to the little girl, ruffling his hand through her hair.

“Come on, there has to be more birds I can stare at.” Jensen urged her. Azza nodded running down the hall, shouting ‘this way, this way!’ over and over. Stephanie and Jensen smiled to her as the female knight stood up, her fingers flexing outwards towards his. When he felt her touch he danced with her hand again, walking in step after Azza as she looked at the different birds on each side of the wall. Stephanie took in a deep breath and gripped Jensen’s hand tightly. He felt a rush of adrenaline pulse through his body, an odd sensation since he had never felt that way any other time they held hands, but back then they were joking around. This time…

Jensen held her hand, letting her grip relax when she realized he wasn’t going to let go. He didn’t grip hers back, but didn’t let her remove her fingers from his either. She smiled to him, her eyes seeming to glow in the shadow they walked under. They looked at each other and Jensen felt his face flush red, turning away quickly. Stephanie’s face also flushed red, and she moved in closer to her pretend husband, putting some of her weight on him.

“You guys!” Azza whined. “Come on, your walking so slow!” she shouted turning back and looking at a bird cage full of Coronian sparrows. She watched them as they danced around each other in the cage, moving from perch to perch and resting in front of the glass where the bird feed was.

Stephanie let out a long, sorrowful sigh as she stepped in front of Jensen, placing a ginger hand on his chest looking up to him. Jensen felt their hearts beat in time and he sweated, despite the cool air from the enchanted building. “We still have a mission to do…” she said in a whisper. Jensen frowned, his feelings and the moment ruined as thoughts of Cassandra Remi spoiled and corrupted his genuine feelings. Despite how much he felt like performing one of his famous personal holidays mid mission, he didn’t exactly want to cross the woman either. She didn’t create fear in him, but that dreadful aura of her stare…

“Yeah I know,” he whispered back to her, waving to Azza. “The supposed spies are in the Wildlife exhibit.”

“I know all that,” Stephanie said quickly as she turned to Azza, smiling before she leaned her body against Jensen. He wrapped one arm around her chest, before wrapping his other arm around her. For whatever reason he felt like holding her and never letting go. Again he felt their hearts beating as one. “The question is what do we do about her?” Jensen thought about it long and hard. There was a moment of silence before he spoke slowly.

“I’ve been hogging her to myself all day,” Jensen said at last. “Why don’t you take care of her when we get inside the Wildlife forum. I’ll split off and do our mission, you make sure she has the time of her life.” Stephanie pushed herself off him as she walked towards the girl.

“I like this kid,” she admitted. “I like the Jensen she brings out of you.” She turned to him with a loving smile, winking to him as she scooped Azza up, laughing as the girl giggled, pointing to another bird cage as the two ran off towards it.

Jensen watched them run and he felt his hand trembling. The words she spoke struck a chord inside his soul. The immortal began to panic. He didn’t think of himself as a family guy. He didn’t think of himself with Stephanie either. Yet…Azza was the perfect little girl as far as he knew. And He and Stephanie were currently exploring territories they had never gone before. These emotions were akin to how he felt about Kyla, but they were stronger, more prominent and real in his mind. He shook his head quickly. This day was just weird, that was all. Full of weird events. It was the heat. Yes that was it, the heat.

Though he pondered with a sly grin if it was the suns heat, or the heat with Stephanie that was causing all this.

He suddenly slapped himself across the face, hard, and waited. Nope, he didn’t seem to wake up from some dream. He slapped himself again, waited a few minutes….nope, still awake. Decided to check one last time. Nope, just a soar chin.

“You okay sir?” A park worker asked approaching behind the immortal. Jensen shook his head.

“I’m think I’m going crazy…” he muttered walking away, not bothering to look at the guy.

07-20-10, 03:44 PM
The heat continued to pick up through the day, but in the shade of the various exhibits, Jensen, Stephanie, and Azza made their way about relatively comfortable. Every now and then, there were water stations set up for those attending the zoo. Full of cool water and delicious bread, Azza practically ran about ahead of her adoptive parents. She was looking forward to the wildlife forum.

Behind Azza, Jensen and Stephanie watched the child, each with a smile of their own as they held hands once more. The emotions Jensen felt continued to be confirmed as he walked next to his fellow knight.

“I found it!” Azza called to the pair as she jumped up and down excitedly under an archway of a rather large, domed structure. Nearly tripping, the attendant at the entrance managed to catch Azza’s hand. An awkward smile spread onto the face of the attendant as she caught sight of Azza’s adoptive parents, when a sudden tug reminded her to let go of the child.

Running and hugging onto Jensen once more, she took hold of his hand and led him and a laughing Stephanie quickly over to the entrance of the wildlife forum. The attendant only smiled again and let the family through.

Once inside, one could see it was vastly different from the rest of the zoo areas. It seemed deceptively small from the outside, but it was anything but that. The roars and sounds of various beasts could be heard throughout the area as other families walked about with their young. It was obvious that this was one of the areas reserved for those with children.

Jensen let Azza’s hand go as she ran over to a pen containing Salvarian Mountain Llamas. Stephanie and Jensen both watched the girl for a little before Jensen gave a squeeze with his hand. “I’ll use this time to slip away.” There was a sudden sound of surprise from Azza’s direction as one of the llamas bent its neck down to stare at the child. Without warning, it licked across the child’s face. “Looks like you’ll have your share of work cut out for you. Should probably keep our kid from getting eaten.”

Stephanie looked to Azza, who was swatting at the llama and telling it to stop, before looking back to Jensen. “I’ll think of an excuse. You just slip away before our daughter is done with her battle,” Stephanie managed through a giggle.

“Alright, see ya.” Jensen paused for a second, thought about embracing Stephanie, like in one of those cheesy romance stories, then shook his head at the thought. “Just the heat…” he muttered to himself as he walked off.

Stephanie watched Jensen leave before applauds caught her attention. Looking about where it was coming from, it seemed that Azza was managing to bounce what looked like round, stale bread to the llama, who would hit it back with its snout. There was a small group of people watching while an attendant was rushing over. Stephanie took the cue to hurry over as well.

“Miss? Is this your child?” the male attendant asked with a glance to Azza, who was holding the hardtack, slightly covered in drool from the llama.

“Yes it is.”

“Please keep a closer watch over your child here. Some animals can be dangerous.”

A snort from the llama made the two look over at the animal and Azza. With the hardtack covered in drool, Azza eventually decided that it’d make more sense for the llama to have it, and offered it to the animal. Without a complaint, it took it and wandered off towards its herd.

“And please keep your child from feeding the animals further,” the attendant said, slightly exasperated, before climbing into the pen after the llama. It only sneered and trotted just out of reach of the attendant.

“Mommy… my hands are sticky,” Azza said as Stephanie approached. Putting up her hands, the child showed her before looking about for somewhere to clean them.

A nearby parent, carrying a child with caramel hair and eyes, tapped Stephanie’s shoulder and offered her a handkerchief. “Here, you can keep it. I’ve got plenty more.”

“Thank you,” Stephanie began but then stopped to wonder how to address her.

“Thank you Miss Lintel!” Azza said quickly while Stephanie poured some water from her canteen to wash Azza’s hand.

The woman looked to Azza with a smile and patted her head quickly. “It’s Misses Lintel dear.” Turning to Stephanie, she offered her hand as well. “May I ask who Azza’s adoptive mother is?”

“Stephanie Ambrose.” Making sure to wipe her own hands, she shook the other woman’s hand.

Mrs. Lintel smiled and nodded with a chuckle. “I guess this means I won’t be getting flower deliveries anymore.” Azza’s smile faded at the comment, making Mrs. Lintel quickly say, “Oh but I’ll have little Henry here to help me get them. You just take care of yourself and your new mother, Azza.”

“I’ll bring flowers when we visit Underwood,” Azza offered as she looked to Stephanie. “We will visit right?”

“Of course!” was the answer. She didn’t know if they would be able to normally, but she didn’t see why not. The town was friendly enough and relaxing with wonderfully fresh bread. The thought of the baker made her stifle a giggle though.

With a polite smile, the woman walked away towards the archway, leaving Azza and Stephanie to watch the attendant chase the llama around the pen. A few minutes past and Azza noticed that her adoptive father wasn’t nearby with his usual comments. Tugging on Stephanie’s hand lightly, she asked, “Where’s daddy?”

“Oh, he went to look for a bathroom. He said he’ll find us.” Azza looked unconvinced but nodded her head. Stephanie only smiled and ruffled the child’s hair a bit, which brought a giggle as she danced away from the hand. “Ready to see the rest of the zoo? It’ll be like hide and seek for daddy.”

At once, Azza brightened up when the situation was turned into a game. She gave a cheer and then ran off with Stephanie in close pursuit. The two spent their time looking at the various animals. The less dangerous ones were kept in pens similar to the llama pen, while the more dangerous animal, such as the bears were kept on a sunken platform with a high wall behind them that also had a service entrance. Between the more dangerous animals, it varied between a moat and a high wall, or a dry gully and a high wall. The zoo patrons could watch from safety as trainers occasionally played or fed the animals as well.

The mission did nag at Stephanie though. She didn’t let her guard down and continued to scan about for anything suspicious, but so far, nothing. It was too open where the families were. Perhaps Jensen would have more luck scouting about alone. In the mean time, she enjoyed Azza’s seemingly unlimited energy. That was, until they reached the Aleran Wolf platform. There was a small moat that the wolves used to cool off every now and then, but with the appearance of human viewers, they retreated away to the privacy of their dens.

Most patrons lost interest in the no-show wolves quickly, but they reminded Azza of something. “Come on Azza, let’s go look at something else,” Stephanie said, expecting the girl to follow as she turned, but Azza didn’t seem to hear her. In fact, the child, climbed up the railing to get a better look. A single wolf appeared, its eyes meeting her own. Ar once, her world darkened as she clutched the sides of her head while her mouth opened to scream with no sound. “Azza?” Stephanie asked and turned back just in time to see the small girl fall over into wolf habitat…

Enigmatic Immortal
07-20-10, 04:43 PM
“AZZA!” Stephanie screeched as she moved like a deer in flight to grab her. Panic struck through her veins as her blood and heart raced rapidly through her system, her eyes wide in terror as she felt the balls of her feet slap the pavement in her boots. Her hand reached out, fingers stretching to the max she clawed to grab the little child’s dress.

It was a split second to late.

Azza’s body fell in slow motion and Stephanie hit her body into the guard rails, her breath being knocked out of her as she scrambled to climb up the rail and jump in after her. As her feet slipped to hit the top rail a pair of hands grabbed her and pulled back. Her eyes never left the child’s as she fought to be free from the flesh that bound her. She elbowed one of the people in the face and rose back to the top rail, but she couldn’t jump in as another guard grabbed her waist and tossed her all the way back.

“Hold her down!” the attendant ordered. “I don’t want any heroic bull stunts! Get the animal trainers to the Aleran Wolf Pit! Move it! Emergency red!” Attendants began quickly and safely ordering the guests and patrons to leave the exhibit area as more Zoo workers piled into the area. Some brought ladders and some brought rope. A few trainers arrived with long poles that held a U shaped curve at the end to push deadly animals away.

The commotion and the screaming pilfered through the air at a crashing sound. The noise and confusion angered the wolves hiding in the pit cave and when they saw Azza On the ground crying a few members of the pack stepped out from his perch and growled lowly baring their teeth. Azza saw them and whined, scampering to the wall and holding her back straight as she shivered in fear. The wolves moved in on her as a few trainers dropped their ladders and began scampering down quickly forming a circle around Azza.

Stephanie glanced at the plaque of information and read it quickly, learning that Aleran wolves hearing was the keenest of the wolf species, and that because of this loud noises make them very angry. The other tidbit is that the Aleran wolves hunting greater packs, with the Alpha Male staying behind letting the rest do the work. Only when their territory was being threatened would the lead wolf come out and attack.

Probably the stupidest move they could have done, the territorial threat to the Aleran wolves sent them all into a frenzy as they all lurched out of the cave, angrily snapping their jaws as they attacked in one pack at the same time. The trainers all held their poles shakily, some being tackled and ripped at as the others fled back up the ladder.

“MY DAUGHTER YOU ASSES! GRAB MY DAUGHTER!” Stephanie shouted as she tried to break through the three guards holding her back. Azza cried as the wolves attacked the trainers before they began forming around the little girl, protecting her as some sort of prize. The trainers all fled as they shouted in alarm and panic, leaving the girl behind.

“What the hell is wrong with you people? Let me save my daughter!” Stephanie shouted punching one in the face. She broke through for a moment until some heavier armed guards strode up to her and grabbed her, tying her down as others moved to the pit. She hollered in protest, but one guard gave her a dark look before “accidentally” slipping the butt of his weapon into her face. Her screams were silenced as she fumed to herself, glaring at the man, her cheek red.

The leader of this new group stood forward and looked at the situation. With a sorrowful nod, which looked more forced than anything else, he began to speak. “It’s to dicey down there. The wolves will eat anything that comes close to the little girl. That leaves one solution!” he seemed to grow excited. “Use our reserves of poisonous gas to kill all the wolves!” His men nodded to his request as the trainers and the attendants all looked to him with a ‘what the hell are you thinking’ expression. He pointed to them and his guards detained them, pushing their bodies away. The lead guard turned back to Stephanie.

“If it were only possible to save your daughter,” he lied. “I would jump in there, doing a daring roll, and make do some seriously sensuous ass whipping, but it’s just not in the cards, babe!” Stephanie looked to him, saw he was actually serious, and her face turned even darker red as she breathed heavily. She took one deep breath, rolled to her back, and nipped up.

“Uh, what are you doing?” the leader asked. Stephanie jumped into a tight ball, lopping her legs into her body and hopping over her hands effectively bringing them from her back to her stomach. She rolled her shoulders for comfort, lifted her hands to her hair and pulled out a pin, and went to work. “MEN!” he shouted. “My loyal men! Detain her!” Stephanie gave him a dark look as she managed to use the in to gain leverage over the ropes, breaking the knot. She whipped the rope up and out, hitting on e in the face before rushing forwards at the leader of this bloody hungry group of heavy guards.

“Oh man, looks like I won’t get my new medal of valor approved.” he whined as Stephanie’s foot slammed into his face. The other guards all ran around her and she realized she wouldn’t break through them.

“This is the stupidest shit I have ever born witness too,” she chided. “And I live with Jensen!” she added turning and running off and away with a sudden idea in her mind.

Confused she left they all shrugged attending to their leader and making preparations. The few remaining trainers used their pole arms to keep the wolves away from Azza as the wolfs circled her, looking up for more intruders. A few walked up to her, sniffing her, but one baleful howl and the wolves left her alone.

The howl was like a clap of thunder, the others all running away in fear as they made room for the Alpha wolf. One giant paw hit the ground, unsettling the dust in the exhibit. A large wolf, easily the size of a five foot human and three times the girth trotted forward. It was deemed Azza would be the Alpha wolf’s prize meal, and the others could pick off whatever was left of the little girl.

It sniffed the air and strode forwards, leaning down and sniffing the girl as she whimpered, feeling around for something, anything to use against the beast. When she found something and lifted it to throw, the wolf howled at her, drool and bad odor washing over as she dropped her weapon in terror, covering her face.

The wolf moved forward, sniffing her twice before growling, lifting its head back and opening its jaws. When it came close to eating her there was a loud crunch as one of the pole arms shattered, a trainer screaming to his other aids to grab another and help him. They all ran to help, dozens of pole arms pushing the Alpha wolf away. The other Aleran wolves jumped forwards, some gripping the pole in their teeth and yanking hard pulling the weapons away. When the last of the weapons were removed the leader of the pack howled again, looking down upon Azza with hungry eyes.

As it stepped forward and prepared to feast the little girl closed her eyes, and whispered for her mommy and daddy to save her.

With a sharp yelp the wolf backed away, and Azza dared to peak her eye open. Standing before her was Jensen, jacket floating in the air behind him as it hovered away, one hand gripping a broken pole arm like it were a dagger as his other hand was held up in the air. She beamed seeing him, her eyes wide open and she blinked to make sure he was really there, and when she saw he still was she grew excited.

Jensen gave a quick moment to look at Azza with a smile. “Don’t worry kid, remember, half the fun of the adventures in the danger. Now be a good girl and do what Mommy says, okay?” His jacket floated down over her face, and she clung to it tightly. Jensen looked back to the wolf and laughed, a maddening, laughing shrill of one who faced terror everyday and reveled in it.

The Alpha wolf bellowed in protest, its jaws snapping as it charged at the immortal. Jensen felt his blood boil in hatred for the beast that dared to think of making his daughter a snack as he lept backwards in a tight flip, moving into his Caeiporiea dance style. The strange movements put the beast at bay, it’s hind legs risen as it’s front paws extended to either side of it.

Azza nodded her head free looking up to see Stephanie repelling down, the other trainers holding the rope with all their might as she scooped down, picking up her daughter. Azza clung to her tightly as Stephanie began whispering into her ear that everything would be all right. They pulled them clear and Stephanie held her tightly, rubbing her back with her hand as she worried look to see Jensen fighting the Alpha wolf.

Jensen bounced, ducked and dodged the beast, laughing and twirling the pole in his hands slamming it into the cranium of the beast, only seeming to upset it more. At last it pounced Jensen, slamming everything it had into the immortal. With a shriek of mirth Jensen bent backwards, falling and lifting his feet up. When his boots hit the underbelly of the wolf king he pushed rolling backwards in momentum with the wolf. It whined in fear and yelped as it soared into the rocky edge of the pit, hitting it hard. Jensen rotated back to his feet, turned to see the rope dangling and ran as fast as he could.

He leapt, grabbed the rope, and Stephanie let go of Azza to help the trainers pull him up. He moved quickly, the wolf getting back to its bearings with a shake of its head as it ran towards Jensen . It hopped upwards, its teeth engulfing one of his feet and Jensen howled out in agony as it held onto his leg violently twitching. He was about to let go of the rope until he felt Stephanie’s hands grip his tightly.

“Pull!” She shouted. Jensen looked to her, and she saw the thought in his eyes shaking her head in mourning. “Don’t die on me,” she whispered to him. Jensen looked into her eyes, seeming them water up and his heart melted to see that expression. Then a quick twinge of pain ran up his spine as the wolf shook violently. He gripped her hand tighter, cursing foul blaspheme through his teeth. “HELP US YOU DOLTS!” Stephanie shouted to the heavily armed guards that were such a bother before.

They looked to each other, then with a shrug ran over and grabbed onto the trainers and yanked. With a cry of pain that caused several other exhibits inhabitants to begin crying and wailing, Jensen was up, one leg a shredded, bloody mess as Stephanie pulled him over the ledge. The Alpha wolf hit the ground with a startling bump, shook its head in confusion, then with a huff of breath it trotted back to its lair, the other wolves following in pursuit.

Azza ran to her parents, hugging them both tightly as she nuzzled Jensen’s stomach. Jensen looked down upon her with a fatherly grin, patting her on the head as he looked to Stephanie, who was crying as she held Jensen tightly, her hand rubbing the girl’s back.

“Psssh, women…” the immortal mumbled.

07-20-10, 07:59 PM
Besides Azza having fallen asleep in Jensen’s arms, the journey to the nearby medical pavilion was uneventful. He kept a steadfast grimace and refused to let anyone come close to his daughter, including Stephanie. Despite his wounded leg, he insisted on carrying Azza himself, to treatment.

The heavily armored guards had shuffled away, bored now that the moment of excitement had passed. The leader of the group skulked a bit, staring after Stephanie and Jensen with a dumb expression, before finally trudging back to follow his men. Perhaps another day, he’ll have another chance.

Thankfully, the park attendants were much more sympathetic and did what little they could to aid the three. Mostly it was to hand Stephanie a new tissue and to clean up the blood trail being left in Jensen’s wake.

Eventually, they all reached the cool, underground medical pavilion. It was cold enough that it made Stephanie shiver, while Azza on the other hand seemed to be completely at ease. It was then, that Jensen finally let Azza down onto a bed while letting out a long, resounding, “Ffuucckkk!” The adrenaline had left his body and it was only then that he realized his leg was throbbing in more pain than he thought. If he didn’t know better, it felt as though his leg was simulating a second heart.

As the attendants left one by one, a familiar one stayed behind to talk to the family. “The doctor will be here shortly. She’s tending to a few animals in another room at the moment.” With a polite bow, she gazed at the group with her honest brown eyes and made to leave.

“Wait, you’re the one at the gate aren’t you?” Stephanie asked suddenly. The woman turned with a surprised look before nodding. “Could we have your name?”

“Certainly ma’am. My name is Candice.” With a smile, she turned, opened the door to the room, and left. When the door clicked shut and the cool of the room, combined with the silence was too much to bear, Jensen was the first to say something.

“How the fuck did you let Azza fall into the wolf pit?” was what came out. It had a mixture of stunned surprise and protective aggression. If it had just been aggression, Jensen would have just rolled with it, but it felt more fatherly and when he looked to Azza, he could feel his blood boiling again in anger.

“Me? You think I didn’t fucking try to save her myself?” Jensen’s sudden comment caught her off guard but his accusation didn’t sit well at all. “Hell, I got knocked in the face and started a fight with the guards!”

“Yeah? Who the hell was the one who fucking jumped in?” Standing on his two feet to face Stephanie squarely, he grimaced at the pain, which only fueled him further.

“Well excuse me for having a brain and staying up there to pull my daughter out! And what was that crap trying to play hero?”

“Trying to play hero? The fuck do you mean? I saved her didn’t I?”

“And what about you? What if you didn’t make it? How’re you supposed to explain that the next day?”

“Well excuse me for putting my daughter’s life before my own!” Jensen took the moment to tap both hands to his chest, then extended his arms and palms out, while pushing his chest forwards in confrontation.

“You are such a-” Stephanie seethed but a sudden sneeze and stirring caused the two to look over to Azza, who had shifted onto her side. Their voices had become increasingly loud and it was a miracle they didn’t wake the small girl. A feeling of guilt washed over both of them as they watched her sleeping form. “We’ve both got a lot to learn about being parents… and about our daughter.”

Jensen nodded passively in agreement as he mumbled, “Well, we’ve got the 'fighting like a married couple,' down pat.” It was then that the second half of what Stephanie said clicked. “What do you mean a lot to learn about our daughter? She’s a girl and an orphan.”

Stephanie rolled her eyes at Jensen and then pointed carefully; as if they very act itself would bother the girl. “Her back has that huge tattoo and when I was rubbing her back, I felt something feathery. Well, maybe not feathers, but like fur.”

Jensen shrugged, “So maybe she’s not the most completely normal human. She still human right?”

Stephanie sighed and looked to him with slight disbelief. “Well I guess your theory is as good as any. I doubt she’d know anything about herself since she is an orphan.”

It was then that Jensen let out a low grumbling growl as he sat back down on the medical bed, a small pool of blood around the ravaged foot he had been standing on. Stephanie couldn’t help but snicker at that. “Oh yeah, super hilarious, bitch.”

“Tch, yeah it is, jackass.” Stephanie took the moment to look about the room before looking back to Jensen. “I might as well take a look around while you and Azza wait to get treated.”

“Yeah yeah…” Jensen said with brushing motion for Stephanie to leave, while he turned onto his side to look at his daughter. The sound of the door opened once more then closed as the sound of footsteps receded away. In the silence, Jensen wondered what sort of treatment he would receive from a doctor that dealt with animals more than humans. The very thought made him scoff and sit up once more.

Quite suddenly, Azza woke up and looked about herself in utter confusion, as if she had been sleeping for days. It took her a moment before she got her bearings and looked over to her father.

“How you doing, sleepy head?” Jensen managed with a grin.

Azza returned the smile, but didn’t answer immediately. Instead, she slid off and walked over to hug onto her father. “Thank you for saving me daddy.”

He let a hand ruffle her hair and when he pulled away, he noticed that he had left a bit of red on her white hair. Biting his lower lip, he thought it better not to mention anything until later after a shower. Maybe never mention it at all.

“Was daddy and mommy fighting?” Azza asked without warning.

“Ah… shit… I guess you heard that then?” Azza shook her head. A look of confuse overtook Jensen. “Then how’d you know?”

“Azza saw in a dream daddy was fighting with mommy against someone.”

“Someone?” Jensen asked. His thoughts instantly went to Sei Oolouge. The mind reading fairy fuck of a king. He quickly chased those thoughts away though as he realized she said it was in a dream. “Yeah? What else did you… wait, did you just call yourself Azza?”

The child grinned sheepishly and mumbled out softly, “Is a habit… I stopped after my thirteenth birthday two weeks ago, but happens now and then.”

“Uh huh… well what else did you see in the dream?”

“I saw daddy and mommy kissing. Does daddy and mommy do that a lot?”

Had he been drinking anything, Jensen would have choked, but as he sat there, he still coughed in reaction while his face reddened. “No no.”

“No?” Azza asked a bit stupefied by the answer.

“I mean yes! No… wait…” Jensen bumbled for the perfect answer. The sound of the opening door saved him from any further need to answer.

A woman stepped in. She seemed recognizable but not entirely. Looking at the sheet she had been given, her eyes scanned over the two with an absentminded nod. “My name is Doctor Ferman.”

Enigmatic Immortal
07-25-10, 05:22 PM
Jensen looked upon the blond bombshell of a doctor. Her hair was long, shifting all the way down to the small of her back and shined like golden coins submerged in water. She had a deep set of glacier blue yes, eyes so cold and piercing Azza and Jensen both gripped each other tighter for warmth. Her smile was warm and inviting, yet something about the way her perfect teeth showed to them gave Jensen a feeling of something. He couldn’t place it at all, but the more he thought about it the more certain he began to notice he had felt the sensation before.

“I see you two have already made yourselves comfortable!” Doctor Ferman spoke lightly, her tone shifting through the air like a fine silk, so smooth was her flawless tone. “I do hope the zoo guard squad didn’t give you guys to much a headache.” she gave them a bright smile as she lowered her clipboard and started washing her hands thoroughly.

“I heard they slammed a weapon into my fri- uh, wife’s,” Jensen quickly corrected himself. “face, and then tried to shove poisonous gas into the pit and kill my daughter.” Jensen said crudely before grinning. “Other than that, they were total gentlemen.” he sassed.

“Yes, we have received several complaints about Brock Zannigan, he is a highly respected mercenary hero in these parts, but overall I find him to be a bit too gun-ho.” She wiped her hands dry on a clean towel and then pulled some gloved over her hands. “I know what you are thinking,” she said interrupting Jensen from speaking again. “How is a zoologist and veterinarian supposed to heal the people?” she let the answer linger in the air for the two to answer.

“Thought crossed my mind,” Jensen mumbled scratching the back of his head.

“I happen to be a medical doctor of the people first, animals was actually my hobby.” She smiled. “My mother, Catrina Ferman, was a doctor and I learned to be one to follow in her footsteps.” Jensen looked down to Azza, who shrugged. Jensen, not sure what to think, shrugged back as he held his daughter by him.

“Alright, I’m going to examine the girl first, if you don’t mind?” She asked softly.


Stephanie walked with hate filled steps. If she wasn’t surrounded by people she probably would have been stomping her feet in protest to Jensen’s stupid arguments. What was his deal anyway? She did everything that was humanly possible to save their daughter. Why couldn’t he just accept that? Instead of wrapping his arms around her and whispering his thanks he just…acted like Jensen.

The day was going so well too. For the first time Stephanie had felt like she and Jensen were actually going to be together. Her heart pined for the immortal, realizing she had fallen in love with him in Akashima two years ago when he saved her life from a mob of people. The way he darted in front of them, laughing wildly was the same way he jumped into the wolves den, jacket fluttering behind him. Her breath was taken away to see him like that. A flickering form of the Jensen she loved showing through.

The girl, Azza, was doing wonders on the immortal’s soul. Jensen had toned down his asshole ways ten notches around the girl. His gentle, warm heart bled through the egotistical god complex exterior shell, and he held her in a way lovers do. She smiled thinking how they walked, hand in hand in the Aviary, feeling his fingers refusing to let hers go.

Then he had to go and ruin it.

She sighed to herself, stopping as she sat looking out over the zoo. She watched the people move freely about themselves, seeing older couples holding hands and kissing in the shade, younger couples holding onto each other for fear of breaking apart if they ever let go. Annoyed with hat she was seeing, feeling more jealousy than hate, she turned her attentions elsewhere. There she saw a mother and father sitting with their daughter at a table, eating ice cream and laughing. The girl was younger than Azza, but she giggled in the same way the girl did. The courtyard was filled with similar scenes, as well as birds swooping in to grab their meals. Stephanie kicked off the wall she leaned against with a heavy sigh. Sometimes being a helpless romantic had it’s flaws, she figured with a weak grin.

The sun was still high in the air, but the tint in the air had turn a twinge of orange, and her years in the Knights of Apocalypse had trained her well in reading the sun. It was five o’clock. It was time to go. She sighed again, a deeper, depressing sigh. Azza would soon be gone, and she felt her heart melting in agony to accept that fact. She had only pretended to adopt her, and only adopting her for a day was what was needed of the mission.

The damn mission!

Stephanie had completely forgotten to observe the targets of interest Cassandra had detailed in the mission dossier. Just thinking of the fact that she and Jensen would have to report to her was bad enough, but now to tell her they failed in their mission? The thought made her shiver in terror. Melancholy as usual, her feet moved for her, and she kept her head down as she walked, a cloud of darkness looming over her. How such a great day had promises of being a complete disaster.

Lost in her thoughts she bumped into something and muttered her apologies as she turned to get out of their way. The object shifted to block her path, and irritably she looked up to yell at the offender.

“Mommy looks mad,” Azza whispered.

“Mommy is always mad,” Jensen said slyly. “You see, when a woman grows up and finds a guy she wants to marry, her heart turns into a black piece of coal, and she becomes cold and heartless.” Azza nodded, as if she understood his words and accepted them as a real fact. “So what did you learn?”

“No getting married! I don’t want to be a bitch!” Azza promised. Jensen looked down to Stephanie with a grin that covered his whole face. Stephanie wanted to punch him, hard, in the face, but Azza was sitting upon her father’s shoulders. She didn’t want to injure the girl any more.

“Good, solved the problem of the boyfriends!” Jensen clasped his hands together in a job well done fashion. Stephanie merely snorted lightly looking up to Azza with a sad smile.

“Uh oh, she’s doing the money knows best thing!” Jensen warned. “She’s going to say something terrible and mean!” Stephanie looked to Jensen and lifted her hand to his throat, wrapping her fingers around it and squeezing so he would stop talking for just a few moments.

“It’s time to go back, sweetheart.” Stephanie whispered softly. Azza’s eyes looked to her, a few tears welling up.

“But, I want to go home with you guys!” Azza protested. Jensen scooped her up and put her on the ground. She stood defiantly in front of Jensen, as if he was her big back up and enforcer. Stephanie thought how cute the two looked, and lowered her self to the girls level.

“Hey, I want to take you home too, but that’s not the way it works.” Stephanie whispered to her in motherly way. “We have things to discuss first.” Azza shook her head furiously.

“No, I don’t want to go back!” Azza shouted again turning and hugging Jensen’s leg. Sighing Stephanie looked up to Jensen and her eyes softened to see he too was having some difficulty with the idea. Jensen looked at Stephanie, and his eyes told her to stand. She did so and Jensen brought her in closer.

“Let’s just get her back, she’s not going to stop making a fuss and she’ll never back down about being with us.” Stephanie looked to him and gave him a challenging eye, begging him to elaborate. “She won’t stop this, because she’s our daughter…” Jensen whispered looking down to her. “She’s as stubborn as we are…”

07-26-10, 03:38 PM
The group walked together in silence through the town. Many of the shops were still open, and being summer, they would remain for a while longer. The sun itself seemed to drift lazily in the sky, as if trying to decide to fall off the blue canvas or stay a while longer. Along the street, other parents lead their children with happy smiles as they returned home, or shopped for the night’s meal. Azza truly felt blessed to have felt such joy, but the associated pain with the potential loss was tearing her apart from the inside.

Once or twice, one of the three would try and start a conversation, but each attempt sputtered and died pathetically. Whatever was said and carried on for more than a few sentences, felt strained and unnatural. A sudden voice called out to Azza and her parents, making them all look up and in the direction of the bakery. It was Willow, waving frantically as she approached with a small brown bag.

Azza did her best and forced a smile as the older girl hugged her, but almost instantly, Willow separated and looked at Azza with an inquisitive eye. She had seen the girl smile many times before but there was something off with this one. Realization hit as she turned her eyes accusingly at Jensen and Stephanie, but said nothing. “I was going to deliver these to Holly, can you be a dear and bring these as your last delivery?”

Azza said nothing and simply nodded. Taking the bag into her arm with a dulled vigor, the small girl began to plod off ahead of her adoptive parents. As Jensen and Stephanie turned to leave as well, Willow cleared her throat and spoke softly enough so only they would hear what she said, “Don’t break her heart.”

Jensen shrugged uneasily and continued on while Stephanie lingered a little before moving as well. As she did, she couldn’t help but mutter out under her breath, “Just pile on the guilt…” First the mission and now everyone seemed to know their intentions. Every glance and stare seemed to be accusing her, even though this entire plan was thought up by Cassandra Remi. If things got any worse, the looming cloud over her head might as well be real. Jensen’s words still played in her head though, “…because she’s our daughter…”

Further ahead, Azza was fighting with both her emotions and the voice inside of her. Despite her efforts, her heart was overwhelmed. Even the strongest cry, Azza. You are, after all, just a child still. The reasoning of the voice was sound. She was a child and crying would, and should have been what she did. Unfortunately, younger days had taught her that when she did bawl, throwing up would be inevitable. Still, a small sob escaped as she blamed herself. Maybe there was something wrong with her that they didn’t like. It was the first time in her life that she began to hate herself for being… her. It isn’t like you to give up. Mentally, the child shoved the voice away.

Jensen was behind Azza a few steps, and in front of Stephanie by a few. Whenever he slowed for Stephanie to catch up, Azza would be too far ahead by herself. When he picked up his pace, Stephanie dragged and moped behind. Truthfully, the heavy tension in the air was getting on his nerves, and had the tension been palpable, he would have shoryukened the shit out of it.

It wasn’t until they neared the orphanage did all three come together once more as group; as a family. On the steps, the caretaker Holly was watching the children washing up for dinner while some of the older children, the ones who had never been adopted, returned “home,” from their respective apprenticeships or jobs about town.

Stephanie had her head on Jensen’s left shoulder and Azza stood by his right side with Jensen’s hand resting on top of her head in a reassuring way. But Azza wanted to find a place in their hearts. Somewhere she belonged. With a bit of hesitance, she reached up with her smaller hand and wrapped it around Jensen’s larger one, fearful that he might let her go for good.

Enigmatic Immortal
07-28-10, 01:25 AM
The tension in the air was thick enough that Jensen felt it pressing against his chest like a powerful built sumo wrestler. The way Stephanie leaned on him for support, the grip of Azza’s tiny fingers on his hand, it was all becoming far to much for the usually rude and crass immortal. His heart wavered and felt like it was racing with time itself, in some desperate chance to halt the march of time and change the course of the destiny that was about to be played out.

Looking at the tiny girl and Jensen knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that she was meant for him. By what means, what power, or cruel joke in the pantheon of the gods, Azza and Jensen were meant to be together. The thought sobered him up immensely, and he concluded that it wasn’t the heat in the air that made him act the way he did. Simply put, Jensen actually was enjoying being nice and pleasant and loving. The feeling felt warm and happy, and despite how many times he promised himself he shouldn’t be attached to people, he felt his heart growing fond of the two girls near him.

Yet all good things must come to end and with a heavy sigh he looked to Lady Holly as she waited patiently out on the doorsteps. Azza looked to Jensen, her eyes pleading for the immortal to keep her, and instead of comforting the kid he selfishly looked away. Stephanie was first to break off, leaning down and picking the girl up in a tight hug. She was crying softly, tears streaming down her face. Jensen lifted his left hand and stroked her back, supporting her in her emotional moment.

“I see you all had a great time at the zoo,” Holly said, but her tone was anything but inviting. She pointed to Jensen’s leg and sheepishly a park attendant stepped out from the house. Stephanie looked to Jensen with sorry eyes, but Azza quickly spoke.

“I got to see the wolves.” she whispered. “They were big and scary, but daddy protected me from them while mommy held me extra tight!” her eyes pleaded to mother Holly, but she stubbornly shook her head pointing to the inside of the house.

“Time for bed, missy. Get in the house and clean up.” Azza looked to Jensen, her eyes begging as she whispered to him.

“Please take me with you…” Jensen felt his own tears starting to form to hear her pitiful pleas. He turned himself a bit to avoid her eyes, and looked out to the setting sun.

“I can’t take you with me kiddo, I‘m sorry.” Jensen said for her to hear. “As much as I want to, maybe you should just stay here and wait for a daddy who would love you.”

“You don’t love me?” Jensen heard the question and felt an invisible knife twist in his chest. Stephanie looked to him, and offered her hand as her fingers stretched to hold his.

“Of course we love you!” Stephanie said quickly nuzzling the girls chin with her face. “We just…we just have to…It’s just that…” Stephanie fought for the words to say, to make a child understand why people who loved her couldn’t adopt her.

“Sorry kiddo,” Jensen repeated. “You are a great kid, a kid who deserves far better than me to be your daddy.”

“Come on Jensen,” Stephanie whispered to her friend. “She needs you.” Jensen looked back to Stephanie, and though he held tears in his eyes he swatted her hand away.

“I don’t love, I don’t befriend, and I don’t make a good daddy.” The immortal said stubbornly. Holly watched the scene unfold and merely crossed her arms over her chest. There was silence before she stepped up, as if taking Jensen’s side.

“Not married, were you two?” she spoke, but it was clear she left that question rhetorical. Stephanie and Jensen’s short lived marriage was over. “I hear you let a small girl fall into a den of wolves, and she almost died today.” Jensen rounded on her gripping his fingers into two white balls.

“I think we got the memo we’re not cut out to be parents!” he chided. “Take the kid already so we can go!” Azza looked to Jensen, her feelings hurt that he wasn’t even fighting for her anymore. Where was the man who loved her enough to jump into a pit of wolves and fight off a bear sized wolf? Where was the daddy who taught her about hookers and adventures? Who was this man who was being such a jerk? She wanted her daddy back, and she began softly sobbing.

“You don’t have to pretend you don’t care, Jensen!” Stephanie said heatedly, letting Azza down gently. Jensen turned his attentions to the female knight. They glared daggers for a moment, but softly Jensen let up on his hatred.

“You’re right Stephanie,” he said looking down rubbing the back of his head softly. “I don’t have to pretend.”

Then without fanfare the immortal turned his back on the orphanage and started walking away. Holly snorted her disgust in his actions, but swooped forward grabbing Azza before she could give chase. Stephanie bound her fist up tightly and she felt her blood sing to run over and punch him, but as she watched him walk she saw the real Jensen Ambrose. Maybe her time with him was just a dream, and the more she realized this was the man she fell in love with, the more her heart fractured and began to break into a thousand pieces.

“I’m not going to pretend I’m a father! I‘m not going to pretend I love you, Steph,” Jensen said angrily as he walked. “I’m a fucking immortal. That’s the reality. I live life by my rules to stop myself from going insane. You don’t like the way I act, may I advise you advert your eyes someplace else, cause this is what reality is for me.” Jensen said in a crabby mood as he walked towards Sei’s tomb. Stephanie, head held low, walked forward after him.

“DADDY!” Azza screamed. Jensen froze on the spot, his shoulders twitching as his fingers flexed unnaturally. “Daddy don’t leave me!” Azza cried. Holly shushed her gently as she turned back to the orphanage. Jensen didn’t move as he softly lowered his head in her direction.

“I’m sorry kiddo,” he whispered.

“Mommy!” Stephanie looked back to her, her face a wreck. “Please mommy!” Stephanie waved goodbye to her, and then ran to catch up with Jensen. Still he stood, stark still, not moving. He waited for a moment, until the kids cries were muffled by the sound of the house.

“Love you…” Jensen whispered so only he could hear. He looked up to the road and began walking again, Stephanie in tow.

Enigmatic Immortal
07-28-10, 02:13 AM
“Did you have to be such an asshole?” Stephanie slapped Jensen hard across the back of the head, and then, feeling the punishment didn’t fit the crime, Slapped him again and again until he shied away from her.

“One of us had to do it!” Jensen replied back with hostility. “Sorry I had to take the matters into my own hands, but I’d rather that girl hate me and move on with her life than long and pine for things she can’t understand!”

“Oh, so you did it for her?” Stephanie said hotly. “Cause, being a total dickwad was necessary for a young girl who has had nothing all her life! That’s your damn problem Jensen! You don’t fucking know when enough is enough! You just took her hope and stabbed it repeatedly and laughed like you were fighting against it the whole time!”

“She deserved better than what we could offer,” Jensen’s tone was stern. “We can offer that girl nothing!” He looked to Stephanie with a challenging eye, and she obliged in kind getting in his face and hitting him again across the cheek with her back hand, then forehand, then backhand again until he retreated. He had never seen the woman so angry before in his life.

“We could have given her the one thing she wanted more than anything else, you dumbshit!” Jensen gave her a confused stare, and Stephanie just rolled her eyes angrily and walked off in a huff. “I can’t believe how idiotic you are, Ambrose. Your so thick it makes me want to puke. I can’t believe I fucking fell in love with you!”

“Hey I didn’t ask you to!” Jensen said defensively pointing to her. “I’m happy with my secluded ways!”


The woman’s shrieking echoed in the air, scarring away birds that were nesting in the trees nearby and having several people stop and stare. She turned to Jensen, tears flowing down her face as he looked to her.

“Did nothing…nothing today get through to you?” she asked, her voice hoarse. Jensen looked to her, eyes ready to protest her words as he felt his blood boil, but he then realized something was missing. This time Jensen noticed his heart just wasn’t in this fight.

Realizing for the first time truly how much of an ass he had been, Jensen sighed and shook his head. “I suppose not,” he whispered. He walked forwards, and Stephanie glared at him before she too sighed and they both walked side by side. After several long pauses Stephanie lifted her head up.


“Come again?” Jensen turned his head towards her.

“We could have given her love. That was something we both could have given her, offered her.” She said gently. Jensen nodded his head as they looked upon the entrance to Sei’s tomb. Then they both felt a chill feeling in their limbs as both shook in their boots.

“We live and breath war, Steaph…it’s no life for Azza.” Jensen said as they saw Cassandra standing in the mouth of the cave with a wide grin on her face.

“I suppose it’s not…” she admitted as both approached her and bowed low.

Cassandra let them stew for a moment as they both felt her palpable wave of dread wash over them. They felt the back of their hairs raise and the temperature drop as she turned and beckoned them inside to follow with a flick of her hand.

With heavy sighs they followed to the conference room where she bade them to sit. Jensen stood as Stephanie took a seat, and resolutely he stood behind her, hands resting on her shoulder. The touch was warm and gentle, and Stephanie felt a measure of protection from the immortal who protected her from Cassandra Remi’s dark aura.

“Mission status?” the serial killer asked.

“Mission status reported as follows: Failure.” Jensen said bluntly in strict military fashion. “Field Notes: Jensen Ambrose reporting that the mission was a failure due to my anger in not wishing to use a small child for petty reasons.” Stephanie stiffened when she heard him speak, quickly coming to the conclusion the Immortal was taking all the blame. She made a move to talk, but Cassandra’s piercing hazel eyes glared to her, cutting her off.

“You’ll get your chance to prove your worth, imbecile.” her tone was violent and full of disappointment, and Stephanie felt her gaze bearing down on her, but with a quick pinch of Jensen’s fingers she felt relaxed. Just knowing he was at her back was able to calm her nerves.

“I think that what you tried to pull was a bunch of bullshit, frankly,” Jensen said rudely. “Using a small orphan to gain access into the wildlife forum,” Jensen’s face contorted in disgust. “You really got no qualms ruining others lives? That’s just plain torture to the child we used!”

“Exactly,” Cassandra breathed with a sadistic smile. “Nevertheless, despite my methods, you had a mission to perform. Your failure is not going to go lightly, Jensen Ambrose!”

“Where the fuck is your heart, lady?” Jensen continued, ignoring her threats. “We just made a child bawl her eyes out because she thought she found two parents who loved her!”

“Why how strange, Mr. Ambrose!” Cassandra countered. “I thought you didn’t know how to love, being the big bad Immortal.” she giggled to herself. “Are you telling me a tiny prepubescent runtling broke down the ice barriers of the fabled enigmatic immortal?”

“How cute,” she continued, her face contorting to mirth. “Am I to assume that little brat of a child you picked up did-” Cassandra’s mouth was silenced as Jensen’s opened faced hand slapped across her mouth. The frail woman fell out of her chair, and the immortal stood over her, eyes raging like a protective parent.

“Don’t you dare talk about my daughter like that or I’ll be the one who will be there, every time, to wipe that fucking grin off your face!” he oozed out. Cassandra listened to his words before cocking her head to the side.

Stephanie’s hand inched out and grabbed Jensen’s, and the immortal gripped it back tightly. Cassandra stood up slowly like a snake ready to strike, her eyes full of venom as Jensen tensed his muscles. Stephanie lifting herself up and holding Jensen tightly to make him back down. Chances were the immortal was in way over his head and was going to be severely punished. Cassandra took one long breath, then looked to Stephanie.

“Do you have the names of anybody I can use to manipulate my own way into the zoo building, since you two cretins can’t do the job yourselves?” Stephanie shook her head as Jensen glared at her, but then after a bit of thought he could recall a few names.

“Yeah, they got a doctor by the name Ferman.” Cassandra’s eyes immediately lit up. She turned to Jensen and gave him a scrutinizing look.

“Explain more.” she ordered. “Leave out no detail.” Jensen shrugged.

“What do you want from me. She said her mom was a doctor, worked on some miracle cure for a disease and had a knack for potions. She wanted to be like her mom, so she became a doctor. Blond hair bimbo and…” Jensen thought about the feeling she exuded, and when he looked at Cassandra he felt a giant finger snapping in his mind. “She exudes that same creepy ass aura you do!”

Cassandra thought about this for a moment, then with dismissive hand she walked away from them.

“This is all I need. Very good work, you two. Go treat yourselves to a doggy biscuit for all your hard efforts. Maybe you can even give one to your daughter, Mr. Ambrose. The little bitch may like it.” Cassandra laughed as Jensen made a move on her. Stephanie stood before him, holding him tightly as she held the immortal back, her shrill laughter sending shivers down her spine as Jensen continued to push to attack the serial killer.

After he let up for a bit, Stephanie looked up to him, her face beaming as she smiled.

“Admit it Jensen,” Stephanie said slyly. “You love Azza. Or you wouldn't go punching the most nortious Serial Killer in all Althanas in the face. You want to be her daddy, admit it!” The immortal thought about it, and then with a nod of his head, he smiled back to Stephanie.

“Yeah, I guess I do.”

Enigmatic Immortal
07-28-10, 02:42 AM
Jensen sat upon his bed, head lowered deep in thought. He had never in his entire life spent so much time with Sei, and that in itself bothered him. But what was on the immortal’s mind needed a level head to talk with. After his three hour talk with the mute mystic he retired to his bedroom and looked down at the sheets, which was littered in RazeRed playing cards. He wasn’t trying to improve his deck or anything, he was using it as a distraction while he thought long and hard.

Stephanie did the same, but instead of playing with her cards she merely read a book. The two sat in silence in their shared room, before Jensen looked up to Stephanie with weak eyes.

“It’s just not a good idea, Steph,” Jensen picked up all the cards and shuffled them before starting to lay them out again.

“What are we afraid of?” Stephanie said lowering the book but not looking to Jensen. “I’ll go first. I’ll admit I’m afraid of having her life in our hands. That her well being is based solely on us taking care of her.”

“I’m terrified that I’ll slip up, that I’ll say something and she’ll hate me forever…”

“Uh…Jensen you already did that.” Stephanie teased. The immortal rolled his eyes slapping himself in the forehead. “Hey…I know you meant well in your own brand of style…” she said lifting her feet out of the bed and crossing to sit on the floor in front of him.

“Are you seriously thinking about doing this?” Jensen asked her. Stephanie nodded her head.

“Even if you and I decide never to be together, the both of us can still raise her well.” She promised. Jensen nodded. “Besides, If we adopt her, we’ll know that we can get a larger living arrangement. Didn’t Sei already promise you he would?” Jensen nodded.

“This just feels…rushed.” Stephanie shrugged her shoulders.

“So it is rushed!” Stephanie said lifting herself up, her tone like an orator. “Does it feel right in your heart?” Jensen looked to her and thought about it. “I’m sure we can convince Holly, if we really mean it in our hearts.” she whispered.

“What about us?” Jensen blurted. Stephanie looked to him and her face flushed. Jensen felt his own cheeks grow rosy as well. Then with a deep breath he lifted his feet off his bed and looked to Stephanie. “Do we try to make this work as well?” he motioned to the air between them. Stephanie took a moment before she shook her head. ‘

“I think, I think,” she bit her lower lip. “I think we should focus on Azza more than us…” she hated to say it, but she didn’t want to force Jensen into a relationship. The immortal nodded, taking a deep breath as he stood up. He looked to the clock, and figured if they made haste they could reach the orphanage in a decent amount of time before midnight.

“She’s our daughter…” Jensen said more to himself than to Stephanie. He thought about those words, and he nodded again rather stupidly as if he made up his mind. “I don’t care, but I’m going to try. I love the little kiddo, and I’d be no better than a coward to let her rot in that dump without me to protect her.” Jensen lifted himself up and grabbed his jacket as he looked to Stephanie.

“You said it best, Steph,” Jensen said as he rotated the leather around his body until it he wore it flawlessly. “We can’t give the girl much, but we can give her love. She doesn’t need more than that. Meet me at the cave exit in twenty minutes, I got to do something first.” Jensen opened the door and walked out down the halls.

Stephanie smiled and couldn’t’ help but feel happy as she watched him walk away. The Jensen from before was showing again, and she was happy to see him stay. Quickly she grabbed her things.

((Your up next, kiddo))

07-29-10, 08:16 PM
Azza had never screamed much in her entire life, yet this single day, she managed to scream enough to last several of her lifetimes. The sight of her adoptive parents walking away down the road, ignoring her cries, played through her mind over and over now that she was inside. It had taken Mother Holly a good thirty minutes in a separate room to calm the child enough to stop thrashing about to escape.

She even cried hard enough for the first time to vomit, though nothing came up. Instead, it was dry heaves, as if her own soul and mind was trying to reject the images playing through her head; so that she wouldn’t have to suffer through the rest of her life with this experience. To return to the husk and shell she used to call Azza. To return back when she first awoke and restart the five years of consciousness she had.

Mother Holly could only look on and comfort the girl with a gentle hand on the child’s back. As she did, it was painfully obvious to her now that the girl wasn’t fully human. The tuffs of feather and fur were still on the child’s back while the mark between the child’s shoulders seemed more defined than before. Letting out a sigh, the aging woman shook her head at the thought. Either way this was Azza’s home, and in truth, she’d have it no other way. “When you’re ready, go wash up for dinner.”

Azza nodded weakly, still bent over and hugging onto an empty wicker waste bin. Mechanically, the child dragged herself up and walked behind Holly, before separating to go to the well outside.

Holly had proceeded to the dining room where thankfully, the older children had set and prepared the meal. The air remained heavy as nearly everyone had seen what transpired through the windows of the orphanage. The younger children who didn’t understand what they saw, knew well enough that it was something bad, and that for tonight, they should behave as best they could. The silence of the dinner table was deafening and other than an occasional cough or sneeze, no one dared to make a sound.

Outside, Azza had drawn a pail of cool water to wash her face with. Yet, as she gazed to the receding sun and the path that Jensen and Stephanie had disappeared down, she felt a pull to run away. It was fool hardy, illogical, and there was no promise they would even take her with them.

Jensen’s voice continued to whisper in her ears while the smiling face of Stephanie drifted across her mind. A quick splash of water on her face didn’t erase them, and neither did submerging her head into the small trough where she had poured the cold water. The dry heave earlier, definitely didn’t rid her of their existence either, and if anything, solidified their presence in her life. Even though their time together was short, she missed them. This time when tears began to fall, she brushed them away in frustration.

Mother Holly found Azza sitting outside on the steps, staring down the road her daytime parents had gone. Anger rose and dwelled in the aging woman’s heart as she stared down the path in her own thoughts. She could only wonder what sort of sick individuals the two were. They certainly captured the small girl’s heart, and in one fell swoop, ended it all and left the child’s life in shattered pieces. It was times like this that Mother Holly cursed the gods for their cruel jokes. Turning her eyes down, she saw that Azza wasn’t even aware of her presence. With a careful hand on her shoulder, Holly shook Azza a little.

Like a ragdoll, Azza rolled about and did little else except keep upright while mumbling something. Unable to hear, Holly sat down next to the girl and hugged her comfortingly. It was then that Holly heard what Azza mumbled as she said it again. “What did I do wrong?”

The words were daggers in Holly’s heart as she shushed the child gently. “You did nothing wrong Azza.” Silence passed as the two held each other, watching the sun sink lower in the sky. “Your dinner’s cold.”

“Alright…” Without much spirit, Azza finally got up with Holly’s help and went inside. Eating didn’t appeal to the girl. She rolled the peas about with a fork after having only a few spoonfuls of soup. Even her favorite bread roll went untouched.

Many of the other children settled in early for the night. With the heavy atmosphere, sleep seemed to be the easiest alternative to speed up time and pass the day. The older children, who had things of their own to do, did so quietly before turning in early as well. Azza soon followed their examples and placed herself face down onto her pillow.

07-29-10, 08:18 PM
It’s not your fault.

Azza laid there wide awake, staring off at the cloudless night sky through a window while lying on her back. Normally, her back would have been sore, but tonight, it seemed to cease the annoyance to offer the girl some comfort.

Wishing things to never happen, will never solve anything… you know that.

Azza nodded. The voice didn’t bother her very much anymore. It was a strange sort of comfort to know that she wasn’t alone anymore, but at the same time, it was really just herself wasn’t it? She couldn’t be sure but any guess was good at this point.

Do you still wish you were human?

Azza smiled weakly at the ceiling before mumbling, “Wishing wouldn’t help, would it?”

No… I’m afraid not. It seemed the voice was more empathetic than usual. We all have wishes though. Myself included.

It took a moment for Azza to recollect what the voice had just whispered in her head. Her eyes had begun to droop but they opened in confusion once more. “You?”

In time. When you are ready you will know. There was an awkward pause, between the voice and Azza, before it finally began once more. I hope you can center yourself soon. I don’t want to lose you again.

“Again?” Sitting up, Azza looked about the room. She strained to hear the voice answer her question, but it did not. Laying back down in disappointment, she wondered if she was really going insane. She did after all, act like a very bad child today.

Without meaning to, her mind wandered to her adoptive parents that she had today. The only day that she knew what it was like to have parents. Of course Mother Holly did her best to provide what she could for the children, but she was only one person for an orphanage of twenty or so.

There was a loud sigh from the room where Mother Holly had her desk as a small thud of something was planted onto the wooden table. Then the sound of a bottle being opened followed. Whatever it was, Azza decided that perhaps sleeping would make her feel better in the morning. With a sigh of her own, she closed her eyes to try and nap at least.

The candle in the aging woman’s room had yet to be snuffed out. The paper work she had strewn about her desk had her wondering if the choices she had made were right. It was only now that she realize that perhaps other adoptions were faked as well, except much better masked and played. That perhaps the good future she hoped for those children was wasted. Was she too trusting of those who seemed genuine? Heaving another heavy sigh, she picked up the bottle and poured a bit of medicine for her headache. The taste made her cough, but after a moment, she choked it down.

Azza’s adoption sheet sat off to the side, already crossed out. It wouldn’t have been a legal adoption now that she thought about it. She had forgotten to correct the child’s age to thirteen on the sheet. “Cursed bureaucratic shit...”

Holly continued to mumble swears as she thought about the whole process and her potential past mistakes. When she finished Azza’s new papers, she glossed them over without much satisfaction. Taking another look at the bottle, she cursed again as she saw the label. “Fire brandy… that’s where it was…” Looking at the medicine cabinet behind herself, she pulled out an identical bottle sporting a different label. After some consideration, she kept the brandy out.

A smile began to slowly creepy across her face as she drank some more, realizing that it was a gift sent to her a few years back from one who had been adopted. She chuckled and closed her eyes in relaxation. Perhaps she was too pessimistic in thinking all of them ended up badly. Still, even if one ended up badly because of her, it would be one too many.

A soft knock on the door startled Holly as she looked about in a mild confusion. She could only wonder who at this late hour would even visit an orphanage. The brief thought of inspectors invaded her mind. At once, her pleasant demeanor soured as she stalked towards the door with candle in hand.

What greeted Holly when she opened the door was the last thing that she expected: Jensen and Stephanie. Her eyes might as well have been made from ice as she stared at the two. The only thing keeping her from simply slamming the door was the thought of the sleeping children. Perhaps it was the alcohol going to her brain hampering her ability to think of what to say, but after staring at Jensen and Stephanie for a dozen or so uncomfortable seconds, she nodded to them. “Evening…”

Enigmatic Immortal
07-29-10, 09:17 PM
Jensen looked to Mother Holly with apologetic eyes, as Stephanie shirked from her stern gaze. The tension from before when they left Azza all alone was nothing compared to what currently was taking place, and the immortal let the older woman make the first move. Albeit, by placing his foot in the way of her shutting the door in the event she tried to slam the door.

He whiffed the air and smelled the strong scent of liquor, and he didn’t blame the old crone. She had seen quite a bit of drama unfold by his hands, and the thought of seeing him again so soon was baffling. The two knights waited, and when she frustratingly muttered the words of greeting it sounded more like a threat.

“Or good morning, depending on who you ask,” Jensen joked with a smile. Holly didn’t smile. “Guess I shouldn’t ask you…” Jensen noted. Stephanie in turn slapped him across the arm to get the knight to wise up.

“May we come in, please?” Stephanie asked. Holly looked to them both and instead stepped out shutting the door behind her. Her attitude and demeanor had turned darker, and she crossed her arms over her chest.

“I’d prefer you stay the hell away from Azza,” Holly warned. “I don’t know much about you two, but it’s clear the you both didn’t care about the girl. Is she some sick joke to you too?” Holly rolled her eyes. “Is this your two’s way of exciting your passion.”

“Uh no…It’s actually part of a mission we were sent on.” Jensen spoke. Holly looked to him with wide eyes of confusion. Sighing the immortal lifted the dossier out of his jacket and handed it to her, and with a scrutinizing eye she read the details before scoffing, tossing it aside.

“How tasteless. You have no heart, Mr. Ambrose. If that’s even your real name…” she joked with a cruel chuckle. “You two here to adopt her again for a day? Need another child to fulfill your goals? Is destroying the life of the sweetest girl on Althanas not enough that you need more!” Holly spoke increasing her tone as she picked her finger up and tapped Jensen on the chest repeatedly.

Stephanie stepped forward quickly, raising both hands up in surrender. “We’re both not here to do that. We came on our accord.” Holly gave her a dirty look and Jensen spoke up next.

“We came because we want to do something, something we should have done hours ago.” Holly saw where they were going and she lifted her hands up to stop them.

“Out of the question! You two are clearly not fit to be parents! She could have died today!” The owner of the orphanage did her best to prevent herself from screaming at the two. “Not to mention you both lied to her and to me. What bargaining position do you think you even have? I should have both of you hung for your deceit!”

“I put my own life at risk for that girl!” Jensen said heatedly. “Stephanie did as well! I would have rather died than let anything harm Azza! Stephanie didn’t sit by idly either, she fought off armed guards to get into that Wolf Den!”

“I wonder if that was for her good, or for your own good…” Holly muttered, her courage to say such rude words coming from the fire in her chest. Jensen felt the urge to slap her hard, but restrained himself as Stephanie spoke next.

“We did it because we care about her! When she was with us we didn’t even bother with the mission! In fact, both of us are in big trouble now I think about it…but we don’t care. All that matters to us is that little girl!” Holly shook her head in defiance.

“It all means nothing now! You already broke her heart! I can’t risk you doing that again!” Jensen felt the words strike him and he lowered his head in shame. Holly looked to him, seeing that defeated look in his eyes, but he raised his head, determination etched on his face despite how futile he felt the conversation would be. For that, she gave him a bit of respect. It wouldn’t do any good however.

“I screwed up…I know that.” Jensen said to her in a low tone. “I have done a lot in my life, Holly, a lot of things that would make a street corner worker blush, a grizzled veteran warrior go slack jawed, and surprise even a demon.” Jensen wiped his hand in front of her to emphasize his coming point. “Nothing I have ever done before I regret. I’d do it all over again in a heart beat just for the laugh. Today, when I turned my back on Azza, I regretted my actions. I want nothing so badly than to take it back, but I’m no time mage and there is no point to bother with regret. I have only now to look at with my own eyes, and I want Azza back in my life.”

Holly listened to what he said, heard the truth in his words and felt the convictions in his speech, but still she shook her head. “You made her cry, Mr. Ambrose!” She said sternly, but her edge was long gone, the hostile tone was missing. This time Mother Holly was speaking with truth and the pain of a guardian who watched something they protected get hurt.

Holly stood her ground, looking to the enigmatic immortal. “I don’t care if you had time to regret your actions, the simple fact is you performed them, and because of you carelessness, you hurt the sweet soul of that girl. She’s turning into a vegetable because something she put her heart into let her down! Can you even imagine what that-” Holly stopped as she looked at Jensen, and she felt her own brain going fuzzy. What she saw made her want to take another sip of her drinks, or be splashed with cold water to assure she was seeing what she saw.

Jensen Ambrose was actually crying.

“I know…I know I fucked up!” Jensen said with straining effort. “I know how that feels, I know what is like to be abandoned by people you love. Maybe that’s what made doing it so natural to me. I’m sorry and I’d give anything to take it back, but I know deep down I love this little girl.”

“The same goes for me,” Stephanie said softly. “Jensen and I may not be married, or even together, but we both love her with all our hearts. We disobeyed orders from one of the Ixian Knight’s nine generals to make sure Azza had a day she would never forget. But our intent was never to make it the worst day of her life.” Holly looked to them both and her mouth was held open slightly.

“The Ixian Knights?” She repeated. Both nodded. “That’s Orlouge’s group of warriors bent to save the world, right?” They nodded again. “And he set you up to destroy a little girl’s life?” Jensen shook his head.

“There are facets in every army that the main populace can never know about to ensure the job gets done without the public’s notice. This general is one of them…She gave us the orders to use a child as a tool, but we both refused to hurt Azza like that.” Stephanie replied, filling the gaps. Holly, who’s military background kicked in, thought about those words and realized they did indeed make sense. She had been hired more than once to do somebody else’s dirty deeds. Still, she had morals.

Yet when she looked to the two of them she saw that they did as well. They seemed genuinely sorry for their actions, and the more she thought about it, the more it made sense for Azza to be more attached to loving people who cared about her. They maybe didn’t use her after all. Maybe, just maybe, they had merit to their words, forsaking a mission and instead spending time with Azza. If so, they risked a lot to do so. Holly turned and opened the door, offering them inside.

Jensen took Stephanie’s hand in his, squeezing it tight as they walked inside. The wood creaked as their boots stepped upon the floor, and she led them to her office where she offered them seats. Then, with a shrug she opened a desk drawer and pulled out two more tumblers and poured some drinks for them both. She offered the liquid to them, and both took it with a thank you. She sat down, looking to them, and then with a deep sigh and a heave of her chest she took a swig and wiped the back of her mouth with her hand. The alcohol burned her throat and tingled her chest as she smiled tipsily, but when she opened her eyes they were stern.

“No.” She said gently. “The risk is far to much.” she continued before they could protest. “You convinced me that you two aren’t demon’s in sheep’s clothing, but news that your part of a band of warriors proves to me that you both have no clue how to be a parent. I no longer question your love for Azza, but this passion is on the air of brashness. You are not thinking of her or her well being.” Holly sadly smiled to them. “Unfortunately, though I wish this was the case, love is not enough. She needs a stable home, parents who will not die suddenly on her, education, attention, and hundreds of other things you cannot give by being in the army. I should know…” Holly said saluting them with their drink.

Jensen lifted his glass to her in understanding, and they both drank. Stephanie looked to him with a dark look, but he smiled as he pulled out a small envelope that was sealed and shut. On the front written in neat, fancy hand writing was Holly’s name. Jensen let her take the note and she gave him a suspicious look before grabbing her letter opener and getting to the single folded page.

Her eyes scanned the page while Stephanie’s looked to the envelope, not knowing about it until just now. When she studied the seal she realized who it was and her hand gripped Jensen’s tightly. Holly looked to the letter a few more times before putting it down and sighing as she looked to Jensen with a sly smile.

“Already thought of that, didn’t you, Mr. Ambrose?” Jensen nodded.

“The only thing I wasn’t sure of was regaining your trust, but Stephanie,” he said looking at the female knight with an affectionate smile, holding her hand tightly before bringing her in and wrapping his arm around her shoulder. “She told me if we loved her enough in our hearts than we would be able to do it.” Holly nodded as she looked to them, and then with a shrug she looked to her brandy and refilled their glasses.

“Well, who can really argue with the hero of Radansath?” she said with a grin. “If Sei Orlouge can vouch for your character, Jensen Ambrose, than I suppose it will be enough for me.” She lifted her glass up to them. “This time, you better mean it. If you break her heart again, I’ll find a fate so terrible you’ll wish you both were under the gaze of the Gisela Reaper.”

“Really?” Stephanie and Jensen said as one, both sitting upright at the same time, excited looks on their faces.

“Really.” Holly said with a nod taking a swig of her drink. “Her room is the third on the left, the second bunk.” Jensen was up like a bolt of lightening as Stephanie felt a rush of giddiness overwhelm her, getting up and striding in two bounds to Holly and squeezing her tightly. His exuberance bounded down the halls while Stephanie and Holly searched for the adoption papers on her messy desk.

“Jensen, your other left sweetie…” Holly sighed calling down the hallway.

In big bounds of swift feet Jensen ran in the right direction, a wild grin on his face as he searched for his daughter.

07-30-10, 04:25 PM
Sleep didn’t come to Azza at all. Instead, a strange comforting haze did as her mind danced in and out of consciousness. The sound of raised voices outside the orphanage, floating in through open windows, did catch her attention, however. She paid no heed to them and continued to drift.

Then the door opened with its own telltale whine while the floor creaked with the sound of several people. Azza yawned and kept her eyes closed. Perhaps it was Mother Holly’s friends, but most likely, someone bringing in another orphan.

Voices and the sound of more glasses seemed to confirm Azza’s guess. Satisfied, she gave another yawn and continued to try and sleep. She had nearly fallen asleep when she heard excited movement rushing about the room. At first, it was in the opposite direction, but a call from Holly sent whoever it was rushing back and down the way towards Azza.

Curiosity got the better of the girl as she rose up to sit, rubbing her eyes to rid herself of sleep. All along the bed, she could see a few others sitting up, yawning, as they looked about themselves in confusion. A familiar shape was moving about the beds though, searching frantically.

Then suddenly, the person muttered something. “Shit, can’t see anything.” Instantly, Azza recognized the voice as Jensen’s and moved to rise, but something held her back. Surely this was a dream: A rather sick and twisted dream. However, as she blinked her eyes and rubbed them, she knew it was real. When he came close enough, they stared at each other for a second before Jensen moved first to hug her.

Confusion, joy, anger, and sadness all welled up at once inside of the small girl. She had never in her life wanted to hurt anything else, but it was as if something deep inside of her telling her to do so. At the same time, she was happy to be able to see her adoptive father once more and made to feel safe in his embrace. Yet, how long he was here for was to be determined. Did he come back to just say farewell?

Jensen pulled away and waited for her to say something. Seeing Azza starting to tear, he wiped it away quickly with a careful thumb.

“You came back…” Azza strained to hold back from crying, figuring that Jensen wouldn’t like vomit on his clothing. “Daddy left but came back.”

“Sure did.” Even in the lack of light, Jensen’s smile was visible to her.

She wanted to ask if he would take her with him, but after what happened today, it would have taken a miracle for Mother Holly to agree. Instead, she whimpered hesitantly, “Daddy… came to say goodbye?”

“No. We’re taking you home with us.”

Those words shocked Azza as she stared in disbelief. The sound of more footsteps behind Jensen made the small girl peek over his shoulders. Jensen turned as well to find Holly and Stephanie both smiling.

“Is it true, Mother Holly?”

Holly nodded, tired from the long day. “Yes Azza. I made them promise to take care of your forever this time.” She then looked to Stephanie for added reassurance. The smile Stephanie gave, gave Azza’s heart enough strength to finally embrace Jensen once more.


It didn’t take long to gather the few things Azza had. In fact, everything she had could fit into the small cloth satchel she made herself (with some tips from Holly). Jensen and Stephanie were brought back to Holly’s office to finalize a few more things. While that happened, those who had awoken were wishing Azza well.

“Azza will come back and visit?” The small four-year-old whined softly. She had taken Azza on as her older sister ever since she had come to the small orphanage.

“Of course.” Ruffling the smaller child’s hair, she then guided her back towards bed. “If Mother Holly says you’re good, I’ll bring sweetroot.” Grinning, the four-year-old nodded and climbed into bed.

As those who were awake said their farewells and left, a boy came up to Azza decisively, though still obviously nervous. He was older than her by a couple of years. By law he would have to leave next year at 16. “I uh… made this for you.” He pressed something small and wrapped in paper into her hands.

She struggled to recall his name, as other than seeing him now and then, the boy spent the majority of his time at his blacksmith apprenticeship. Looking up and seeing the scruff brown hair reminded her suddenly. “Thank you, Coyo.”

“Azza, are you ready?” Holly called out softly as she stood by the door with Jensen and Stephanie. The pair turned to look at them before looking to each other a bit awkwardly again.

“You better get going Azza and I should sleep,” he offered abashed.

“Alright.” Bowing her head, as taught by Holly when receiving a gift, Azza then hurried to her adoptive parents' side.

Jensen lowered himself and then turned so his back faced Azza. “Come on, you get to ride home tonight.” Stephanie and Holly both chuckled as Azza climbed on, not entirely sure where to hold onto. Once Jensen felt Azza take hold, he held onto her legs and started out the open door. Stephanie lingered a little to thank Holly, who only waved her on. It was, after all, getting rather late.

The road back to Sei’s Tomb was uneventful as the group travelled under the soft glow of the moon. Azza had drifted to sleep on Jensen’s back while Stephanie made sure the girl wouldn’t fall off.

Once inside, Azza remained asleep and oblivious to the wondering and questioning eyes of some of the soldiers keeping watch or simply burning the midnight oil: Jensen, the enigmatic immortal, carrying a child on his back? Jensen himself could care less about what the others thought. Azza was his and Stephanie’s child.

Azza's room would have more luxuries than she could have ever dreamed; absolutely nothing broken or patched up. Jensen laid the girl's sleeping form down onto the softer-than-air bed, then stepped back. Quietly, he returned to Stephanie who was standing nearby.

“Do you think she’ll like life here?” Stephanie asked, a bit of worry now creeping into her features.

Jensen scoffed slightly. “She'd better, her room's better than mine at her age.” The remark earned him a slap on the arm, but he grinned at her. “I’m more worried about her getting lost.” A yawn from Stephanie signaled her own need for sleep. Her hand wandered down and held onto the immortal’s to squeeze.

“We should sleep too so we can wake up before her. It’d be bad if she ran into Remi, somehow.” Jensen nodded in agreement, especially after his bold move of slapping the Gisela Reaper in the face. They closed the door quietly and retired to their own new room right across the hall.

In truth, luxuries would be wasted on the small child. She would be able to appreciate them, but she would always secretly want simplicity. The soft bed would feel unnatural in time, and clothing would be another matter while she grew older. But for now, at the current moment, the girl had everything she could ever have hoped for. A mother, a father, and somewhere she truly felt happy and could finally call home.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-08-10, 08:25 PM
Jensen and Stephanie shut the door to Azza’s little room, both sighing softly as they looked to each other with bright smiles. Unable to control herself she grabbed Jensen by his torso over to her, and hugged him tightly, the knight coughing awkwardly before he sighed again, holding her back.

“She’s our daughter now,” the woman stated as fact. “Her life is in our hands.” Jensen nodded as they both stepped into the front room. Sei had really been to kind for the immortal’s tastes. The apartment he gave them in the cave was fashioned out only recently from the bedrock, Sei’s crew of workers doing the best to facilitate the homes of the their new soldiers. He was now living on the opposite end of the cave from where he last slept, closer to his lord and the other nine generals in what Anita coined, the ‘family’ district. There was a cavern where kids could go to play that had access to sunlight and a little wading pool. During the more carefree days of the army’s availability someone could take the kids to the Radansath parks above ground.

Stephanie pointed to the front room where they walked towards, a sly smile on her face. "So you made me wait twenty minutes to get Sei to write you that letter of recommendation, huh?" The immortal nodded. "I thought you hated him, and wanted nothing from him. You've been growing up a lot, haven't you, Jensen?" she teased, but instead of rebuke he softly nodded.

"I did whatever it took to get that little girl back in our lives. If that meant having to make a deal with...Sei, then I'll deal with Sei." he said ending the matter.

The front room was decently furnished, a table, a couch, a rocking chair. Not much to brag about, but it did have it’s own quality that Jensen enjoyed. He had noted, much to his annoyance, that Sei had left pictures of Jensen and the fairy king doing various activities. Anita’s little camera was apparently working overtime as of late, but there was one picture he hadn’t known she took that made him smile.

On his shoulders at the zoo was Azza, Stephanie smiling up at him as Jensen looked to his daughter, a big grin on is face as a map was being tossed behind them.

Stephanie saw the pictures and she traced her fingers along all of them, as if absorbing the memories from the touch. As she observed them she turned to see the picture of the three of them and she smiled to herself, silently thanking Anita and her stalker like tendencies of Jensen. The mystic daughter of Sei would do whatever it took to prove the immortal was no good for her father, and today it really panned out. Maybe she had other motives, but she left that for another day.

“We look really happy huh?” Jensen whispered as Stephanie stood next to him. She nodded her head, yawning loudly. Jensen continued to look at the picture before he gripped his jacket tightly, as if afraid to let something go.

“A problem?” Stephanie asked. Jensen kept his eyes shut for a moment, then with a soft exhale of breath he lifted his jacket and took it off, placing it on the coat rack next to the door before looking at Stephanie. She eyed him, getting a strange vibe from him she hadn’t felt in a long time, but she stood ready to aid her friend in whatever way she could.

“I don’t know what to say, or what to do…” Jensen spoke softly. “But…I think…I think if I just talk I’ll eventually get there. Mind listening, Steph?” Immediately she nodded her head, motioning for him to talk. Jensen took in a deep breath, and then with another soft exhale he spoke in barely a whisper.

“It took me forever to accept that Denzel, Chanelle, and Miguel were all dead. It took me even longer to move forward from the fact that they wouldn’t be in my life at all in anyway shape of form. I had Xavier Sigma to help me, but that…that was to much for anyone to bare on their own. After the events in Death’s Cradle, I sorta…gave up. Like a kid. Like a whiny, scared kid. I’m no emo…well…maybe I am. But instead of standing in the rain to hide my tears, I stand in a shower. Where nobody can see…”

Stephanie smiled to him as she lifted her hand out, grabbing his and dragging him to the couch where she let him sit. He looked at her for a long time, then continued on. “That was my defense, that was how I lived without losing it. Sure, I pretend I’m insane, but am I really? No…just a boy. I think along the way I found many things that I would die for. I’d die for Azza, for you, Adolph, Aislinn, Fur Ball Felicity, Kyla,” he chuckled. “Even the Faggot Fairy King and his bitchy daughter Anita. I’d die for them all in a heartbeat. I’d…die for them, but you know…it doesn’t feel like I’m really saying anything.”

Jensen inched his hand over to Stephanie’s where he gripped it tightly, feeling her heart beat in time with his in that simple connection. For once, the world stopped moving and all he could see was her, for the first time. What he had been blind to, what everyone told him to wake up and see, and now he saw it. In all of its glory and all of its beauty, he saw Stephanie in the way she wanted him to see her.

“I have forsaken the ideas of friends thinking that would get my by, and in a way it did, but it sure blinded me to things. The brightest light in the world and I couldn’t see it not two inches from my face. Now…Now I do. So I guess what I am saying is…uh…that Stephanie I would die for you a million times, but I think what I would rather say is,” he waited a moment and thought about these upcoming words. What he was thinking was about to bury alive the Jensen Ambrose he had lived for the past several years. He looked at Stephanie, saw she wasn’t pushing for him to speak, and he smiled to her finding the courage to speak his feelings.

“Stephanie I know I want to live for you, if that makes sense.” The jaw on Stephanie dropped, her eyes teared up as he gripped her hand tightly. “I don’t want to die for you, I want to be with you and live for you. I haven’t really done that for anyone at all. Not even Kyla. I want to explore what we can be, I want to do this right. You’ve been my best friend for four years, ah fuck Stephanie outside Xavier Sigma you are my only friend I could count on for anything. So…what I want to say is…I don’t want just your friendship, I want you.”

Stephanie looked at Jensen and she began to tear up heavily before lifting herself up enough to pounce on Jensen, holding him in a tight bear hug as her hands locked his arms upwards in a hold. What he thought she was doing was hugging him, but realized she was trying to put him in a full nelson.

“Idiot!” she bellowed. “You insensitive jerk!” she cried out. “You made me wait for four years, asshole! Four years! I promised myself I wouldn’t cry if you ever found out, and now look what you did, ya bozo! I got tear stains all over my shirt!” She carried a mask of rage, shouting at him and hitting him, but Jensen just smiled until she pooped herself out, breathing heavily as she slid into his arms, holding him and crying.

“You had me sold on living for me…” she whispered. “I love you, Jensen.” The immortal looked down at her, smiling as he ran a hand through her hair.

“I love you too, Steph.” he whispered into her ear, kissing the top of her head. She snuggled under his chin, smiling as he wiped her tears away, both relaxing as they never separated once. Jensen knew that she was special, and she was the one for him. It would take an act of god to separate them now. He would fight for his family, and most importantly, he would live for them.

In the morning, Azza would wake to find her parents sleeping on the couch. Jensen would offer to take them out to eat, and they would all go to grab pancakes at a local restaurant. Azza would experience the joy of a sugar overload, and Jensen would make a fool of himself chasing her all around a park. Stephanie would make a thousand apologies that day to complete strangers, and she would never once mean a single one.

Whatever darkness loomed over the horizon could wait. The trio were happy, and that was all they wanted.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-08-10, 08:36 PM
I feel for flow’s sake our spoil list should be separate entities from the main story.

Jensen receives the new abilities:

Adoption: Jensen Ambrose and Stephanie have adopted Azza into his home. The little girl officially gets all titles and rights as befits her station as daughter to the Ixian Knight’s prime bodyguard. She also unfortunately inherits all of Jensen’s not so good monikers, ideally the eternal hassle of dealing with stories of the Noodle Incident. There is nothing he wouldn’t do to ensure her safety so Once per thread, if Azza is in danger, Jensen Ambrose can gain a full two posts in a thread to fight as if he wasn’t wounded to defend her. There are limits to this, IE Broken limbs are still broken, so if he loses an arm he can’t magically start using it. It’s just a rush of adrenaline.
-> Note: Jensen can’t use this ability if he already used it for Stephanie.

Soul Mates: Jensen has accepted the truth before his eyes, and has opened his once shut off heart to Stephanie. She is his soul mate, and thus there is nothing he won’t do when around her to ensure her safety. Once per thread, if Stephanie is in danger, Jensen Ambrose can gain a full two posts in a thread to fight as if he wasn’t wounded to defend her. There are limits to this, IE Broken limbs are still broken, so if he loses an arm he can’t magically start using it. It’s just a rush of adrenaline.
-> Note: Jensen can’t use this ability if he already used it for Azza.

He also receives the following NPC ability:

Hatred: There is no denying it, but when Jensen’s fist crossed Cassandra Remi’s mouth he made an enemy of something far dangerous. While this offers nothing for in battle or tactical abilities, this demonstrates that Jensen Ambrose HATES Cassandra Remi, as she does him. This ability will also surface into Requiem of Insanity’s account.

((Though this looks like two abilities, they are in effect the same ability, just determines which person I use it on. To reiterate the note, he can use the ability ONCE PER THREAD, and on one character only. ))

08-08-10, 09:09 PM
Requested Spoils List-

Changes in Physical Appearances and Abilities:

Adoption: Jensen Ambrose and Stephanie have adopted Azza into his home. The little girl officially gets all titles and rights as befits her station as daughter to the Ixian Knight’s prime bodyguard. She also unfortunately inherits all of Jensen’s not so good monikers, ideally the eternal hassle of dealing with stories of the Noodle Incident.

Parents’ Instructions: Azza is willing to believe whatever Jensen or Stephanie tells her, unless she already holds an opinion of the matter in question. Even then, they are able to sway her considerably.

Items Gained or Lost:

Copper Hairpin: After remember that she was given a gift, Azza has unwrapped a small brass hairpin. It has three prongs and a carefully, but crudely made flower decoration in the shape of a lily. Azza would never sell it.

Cloth Satchel: A poorly stitched, but durable, satchel that was used to hold flowers and other items to be delivered. It was recently used to carry all of Azza’s belongings with her.

Hardtack (lost): Azza has lost the hardtack to the Salvarian Mountain Llama.

Silence Sei
08-09-10, 03:08 PM
• STORY ~ 25/30
I enjoyed this thread a lot. It was a good story that had the right amount of action, heartache, love. It really had everything I could really hope for in a thread.

• CHARACTER ~ 28/30
I might catch some hell for this one, but I don’t care. We saw the evolution of three characters emotionally through this story. We learned that Jensen Ambrose really isn’t a dick, we learned that Azza is without a doubt one of the cutest characters on Althanas, and we learned that Stephanie would make a great mommy, despite her arguments with Jensen. I also learned a decent bit about Mother Holly, and a few interesting details about random NPCs who may not ever be used again. The slight miss from a perfect score is due to the random kids saying things to Azza, but only one actually having a name or any semblance of a background. I really couldn’t picture any of the children other than just ghouls from ‘The Orphanage’

Okay, EI, you have a serious problem with differentiating the words ‘to and ‘too’. Also, during the fight with the wolves, I got a bit confused about Jensen’s actions. We also did not really touch on Azza’s metamorphosis at all, which disappointed me, and just serve to make the thread a bit confusing at times.

Wild Card ~ 7/10 If I hadn’t had to re-read a few posts here and there for clarity, this probably would have been a perfect score.

Final Score: 80/100

Jensen’s abilities are approved pending RoG approval. Items are approved/lost/

EI gets 3250 EXP, and orphans gets 900 exp.

Furthermore, Sei is so impressed by Jensen’s coming to him for help, he has given the immortal a raise in his pay rate. As such, EI gets 830 GP.

Sei was very upset when he heard of Cassandra’s mission to the two KoA Because she is the sole reason Azza was without a family for a few hours, 200 GP is taken away from Requiem of Insanity’s GP and given to orphans on top of the 530 GP she earned from this quest, totaling at 730 GP to put in a piggy bank, given to her by Uncle Sei that also can not be sold.

Silence Sei
08-09-10, 03:12 PM
GP exp added.

EI is level 6, and that's cool, but GUESS WHAT?! ORPHANS IS LEVEL 1 BABY!