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Silence Sei
07-07-10, 08:49 AM
(Closed to Dreamkit)

Sei looked around the small Scara Brae hut from the basement that lead to his Tomb. It seemed to be a simple enough house; a dirt floor, a fire place, the lavatory closed off by a small oak door. It was another adventure in exploring that had met with grand results. As the mute pushed the overhead door behind him, he began to climb the steps that would find him standing in the townhouse hut. The smell indicated that nobody had lived in this area for quite a while, and tiny beams of light were shimmering through what appeared to be a roof made of straw.

No wonder the place seemed to be abandoned, one good Scara Brae storm and it was gone. Sei continued to look around his surroundings to find a cot that had looked as if the moths went to lunch on it. Holes of various shapes and sizes were sporadically laid out across the netting of the cot. Shifting his blue orbs to the head of what was once somebody's bed, Sei found a small desk. The mute looked to his left, and then to his right, confirming that nobody was around to watch.

"Guess now is as good a time as any to practice my secret hobby." Sei grinned and walked over to the desk. The oak nightstand looked like the termites had also had quite the buffet over the years, as the legs looked like they would fall at any moment. a couple of profane words had been carved into the surface of the desk. Who was that angry that they just wanted to be vulgar while sitting? Sei dropped to his knees and reached to his side.

He pulled out one of his battle fans, and a couple of soenma flowers. The last time Sei had tried this, the enchantment only worked for one of the fans permanently. Now, he was going to attempt to work his magic on the other. Closing his eyes, Sei ignored the seductive smell of the flowers as they caressed his nostrils. Sei could feel the magic starting to flow from his fingertips, slowly starting to transfer the properties of the soenma into the fan labeled 'Ralyse'.

....And then the magic was gone.

Sei gave a frustrated sigh as he stood back up, putting the materials back in their rightful place. "I guess I better train a little harder with my enchanting before I try again." Sei had recently gained the ability to use his magic to enchant items. However, the process was slow, and not working half of the time. Sei was no artificer. That was something the Ixian Knights could desperately need.

Little did Sei know that fate was already answering his wishes.