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07-08-10, 10:58 PM
Name: Matthew McLorey
Nickname: Mags
Age: 24
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5’7
Weight: 187
Occupation: Survivor Alliance Soldier

Appearance: He likes to smile, even though there really isn’t anything to smile about. His appearance, outside of uniform, is easy going and completely content to simply loaf around. In combat standard, he looks identical to every other person in his squad due to uniform. What does set him apart is his zealous need to carry 3 – 4 extra magazines.

Personality: A pessimist by nature and a realist by training. With that said, he still retains the ability to joke casually, even if what he jokes about is slightly disturbing. His squad mates describe him as “morbidly silly.”

Racial Trait(s):
Human Adaptability – Conditions change, people come and go, and whatever’s bigger than him, usually tries to kill him. Matthew is able to adapt to situations and keep a disgustingly positive spirit, despite the situation. When the situation is grim, or being out numbered is a possibility, Matthew gains a resistance against fear and fear effects. Does not mean he won’t be afraid, just won’t be paralyzed by them.

Other Traits(s):
Survival Techniques – It doesn’t matter where. In a bombed out city, fallout area, wasteland, coast waters, or desert, survival is essentially the same. Gather resources, medical attention, secure a defendable location, and determine what is edible by small, controlled trials. Matthew is currently average in this ability.

Survivor’s Endurance – Food is a luxury and survival in a harsh frozen wasteland is difficult enough without everything trying to kill you. Matthew is able to keep himself going at 3/4 strength and speed with minimal amount of food that would leave normal humans at half function.

Standard Training – Military training has enhanced Matthew’s physical strength by x1.1 and endurance by x1.5 that of an average human. His speed is the same as an average human, but his reflexes are x1.2.

Cold Preference – Being used to a frozen wasteland, colder temperatures are preferred while hot temperature is avoided. This does not mean he has any resistance towards either.

General Firearm Trainings – Matthew is able to fire any type of small arms weapon. However, his accuracy with them is below average, unless stated otherwise.

General Firearm Maintenance – Matthew is able to repair and maintain any type of small arms weapons to an average level, unless stated otherwise.

Rifle Proficiency – Matthew’s ability to maintain and repair his rifle is above average while his accuracy with rifles is average. This is due to preference and familiarity with rifles.

Ammunition Crafting – A rifle is a glorified club without rounds. That said, Matthew requires quite a bit of material before he can begin crafting ammunition. With his zealous devotion to the art, he is above average in crafting rounds for small firearms. This includes: shotguns, rifles, hand guns and the ammunition press itself. Does NOT include arrow or bolt crafting skills.
Special Restrictions – Matthew requires a scrap metal, chemical components, work space (must be indoors), ammunition press, and time.

Firearm Construction – Knowledge of how to reconstruct weaponry is a must. Although interested, Matthew did not devote much time to perfecting this art. His skill with firearm construction is terrible. As the current time, Matthew cannot construct a firearm that fires without the risk of exploding in the operator’s hands. The chance of explosion is doubled if Matthew constructs a two handed firearm.
Special Restrictions – To train this skill, must have access to a work space, scrap metal, chemical components, time, and trial and error.

Hand To Hand Combat – Matthew is below average in hand to hand combat and the use of melee weaponry. Besides sparring with one another, most things that were able to engage in hand to hand combat normally tore the soldiers apart. Everyone, including Matthew, saw no practical need in perfecting hand to hand.

Sniper Training – Matthew was in the process of sniper training. His proficiency with scoped rifles is average.

NLA Assault Rifle – The rifle is base off older, existing designs of rifles used at the end of the world conflict. The weapon possesses a few key changes, in the ways the action works, caliber size, and muzzle velocity. The weight is also reduced for mobility. It is made from a combination of synthetic material and steel. Industry standard has the rifles treated to last at least a century in worst possible, elemental conditions. It fires 5.45 caliber rounds, housed in 30-round detachable box magazines. The iron sights are adjustable.
Special Note – Will be lost in entry/solo quest whether or not it is submitted for judging.

NLA Rifle Magazine(s) – Made of iron and contains 30 standard rounds. Matthew carries 4 on him.

Combat Knife – The knife is used more as a utility support, improvised screwdriver, or whatever other use one can think of. It is a last and final resort weapon. The knife is 6 inches with a 4 inch handle with hand guard. It comes with a synthetic leather sheath. The knife is made of average quality steel.

Combat Rebreather – Unless inside a “contained environment center,” a rebreather is generally recommended. Without it, most people would suffer from airborne toxins and irradiated particles. Due to micro-technology, the rebreather can forgo a scrubbing tank. The entire unit is housed in a cylinder attached to the left. The combat model has anti-fog treated lenses made of a bullet proof, heavy plastic, capable of stopping small caliber rounds.

Winter Enviro-Combat Suit – Heavy fabric and Kevlar based materials comprise the suit. It has 3 layers and a self pressurizing unit to prevent microbial entry. The outer layer is resistant to small caliber rounds, the middle is an insulated layer and not resistant to weaponry, and the inner most is a “containment” area for the pressurization and also not resistant to weaponry. Boots are included in the suit. The outer most layer does not have metallic or ceramic or slash/pierce proof inserts to prevent piercing or slashing attacks, as the metals or other resources are better spent on other things needed in the settlements. (Material strength wise, the suit is capable of stopping small caliber bullets from a medium range, but at close/point blank, it will not and does not offer protection against rifle caliber rounds. Stabbing/piercing and slashing weapons will meet the resistance of something close so soft leather.)

Field Ration(s) – Nondescript “food” stuff, stuffed into 3x6 inch plastic packets made to be resistant to wear and tear. It requires a knife or other cutting edge to open. Currently carries 3.

Born in the century after the “Last Great War,” Matthew McLorey grew up in one of the last known bastions of humanity, Winter. It was named for the obvious and constant snowfall and the frozen wasteland. Like most of the population, Matthews led a mundane life and joined with the military after turning 16. He was first assigned to scavenger teams, venturing into outer edges of destroyed cities, where the likely hood of attack by the mutated or “wild men” was considerably lower.

As Matthew got older, he was assigned to more dangerous scavenging missions, as well as exploration missions to other citadels. Life was always the same, people either tried to kill you and take your things, or things tried to kill you and eat you. One particular scavenger mission, things went horribly wrong, and nearly everyone in Matthew’s unit was killed by a wild man ambush. In the end, it was a complete stroke of luck that a cave-in managed to save those still alive.

During the encounter, nearly everyone in the unit had run out of ammunition, forcing the survivors to conserve bullets to use against the advancing wild men, instead of trying to rescue those just out of arm’s reach. After, Matthews began to devote himself zealously to ammunition making and made sure to carry nearly double the standard amount. Through this, he earned the nickname “Mags.”

Current day, Matthew and a large strike team are assigned to take control of an old military installation. The opposition of wild men and a few pockets of the mutated proved quick, as Matthew and the strike squad had superior firepower. Everything was going extremely well, until the group stumbled upon the chambers of an experimental device…

I realize that starting off with a firearm in Althanas, especially at level 0, is pretty OP, however, I have a plan! This is his profile and such before he actually enters Althanas proper. His entry into Althanas will be done in a solo quest (hence, mysterious “experimental” device…) where he will lose his rifle. This will effectively nullify 4 of his skills, while the 2 crafting skills require him an actual space of his own, which… he most likely will not obtain, until later levels… 4+ possibly.

07-09-10, 02:38 PM
I understand what you're planning to do, but I'm going to ask you to add a note to the rifle that states it will be used only in the first solo thread and lost from that point on, regardless of the outcome or whether or not the thread is actually finished. I'm pretty certain you wouldn't abuse it even without the note, but I need you to cover my bases. Also, I'm guessing the same will go for the rounds?

Now, onto the combat suit. I'm a bit confused. If something can stop a bullet, it can stop an arrow. And if it can stop an arrow, it can probably stop a sword as well. If you look at the specs of this (http://www.bpi-austria.com/catalog/2/41) vest for example, you can see that it can stop both bullets and swords/bayonets, and I reckon it's not that different from the composition of your suit. So this suit would likely protect your entire body against pretty much any projectile or slashing weapon. I'd be more comfortable if it was maybe as strong as iron chainmail.

Also, anything he makes with Ammo Crafting and Firearm Construction must be approved as a spoil at the end of a completed thread.

07-09-10, 03:54 PM
Huh... that's weird. I was pretty sure that knives and swords could stab through. I assumed an arrow would have the same mechanics as a knife since an arrow doesn't deform when hitting body armor while a bullet will when it hits an object. Uhm... here's a source (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BulletProofVest). I'm trying to find a more credible source at the moment.

But yes, his rifle will be lost, and in much later levels, he will likely go on a quest to find it once more, discover it is beyond repair, and strip it for parts. As for the extra magazines, I don't see what he could do with them even if he still kept them. No gun to actually fire them with... though I suppose he could throw them at a fire... or something... yeah I'll get rid of them somehow.

And for the crafting/construction, yup, I understand that part.

EDITED Update: Alright, from my understanding, the reason why some of the body armors are resistant to slashing and piercing weaponry is because of metallic inserts or ceramic or other sort of material underneath the Kevlar/bullet resistant material. As for the bullet resistant factor, if fired from close range, a small caliber gun will still pierce through the material. I guess strength wise, it's better if I designate it from the ratings in the wiki chart (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballistic_vest#Performance_standards). My original intention was to simulate a Type II bullet resistant vest, except that it'd be full body, and only the fabric.

I also googled if a knife can penetrate bullet resistant vests, and the answer was for the kind of vests designed to do so and that had the inserted strips (which also hamper movement from my understanding). There was an answer from yahoo questions with the same thing, and a former police officer said yes, it can, and that in his training academy, an instructor demonstrated that a knife can be pushed through a Type III vest quite easily.

Edited once more:
Changes made in red. If there is anything else I should do or make more clear, please tell me. Thanks!

07-10-10, 08:44 AM
Bullets, like guns, are a rarity on Althanas and because of that you could sell them for a wad of cash. Not to mention that if you ever get a rifle, you wouldn't need to buy or quest for any ammo for it, whenever/if that happens.

As for the combat suit, yeah, I guess it depends on the type. The changes you've made are quite satisfactory, though.

Hence, you are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.