View Full Version : Aimless

07-11-10, 08:27 PM
Name: Drakin
Age: 3,849
Race: Drakkian
Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: Crimson
Height: 8’10”
Weight: 1,175lbs
Occupation: Mercenary

Personality: Ill-tempered, sadistic and void of joy summarize Drakin. To determine his true personality would require decades of study, for the Drakkian despises conversation and remains blunt when speaking, however, what one could quickly detect when Drakin does part his fangs is the deep seeded maliciousness in his tone. The parameters which measure Drakin’s happiness and anger are highly skewed in favor of the latter, wherein in the zenith of his pleasure he would still appear highly annoyed, yet the depths of his anger remain unfathomable. Despite his annoyance at most humanoids, Drakin is slow to anger for he views their idiocy as instinct, much like maggots feasting upon carrion.

Appearance: Charcoal colored arrowhead shaped scales cover the entirety of the Drakkian, hardened to the strength of tempered steel. Crimson eyes stare out over a long snout that shares two ovaled nostrils, between which rests a large sharpened stained horn that stretches skywards. Yawning, spectators might glimpse an amethyst hued tongue, coated in a neon green acidic substance, such a glow radiates from the liquid that the sheer size of the serrated fangs that form the parameter of Drakin’s mouth may be overlooked. Razor-edged spikes made of bone begin to emerge at the back of Drakin’s neck, minuscule at first but jutting out to almost a foot near the center, from which they begin receding in size until vanishing three-quarters down Drakin’s tail.

Traveling down an angled neck leads to a protruding upper torso that bulges from both thick scales and muscle. Running parallel to his torso are the Drakkian’s enormous arms, muscle aside, his arms host several purposes. First, Drakin’s elbows host miniature jagged domed bones which are used for shredding flesh. Second, running alongside his forearms are hardened bone platelets that excel at deflecting sharpened blades, a tactic often endorsed by Drakin from the tail-tell signs of the blade scarring throughout these areas. Third, bulging shoulders which are made of reinforced scales that act as shock absorbers from his violent assaults involving his shoulders. Lastly, were opponents to break past Drakin’s halberd, finely sharpened claws at the tips of each of his fingers eagerly await to slice through his opponent’s flesh.
Further down the Drakkian’s legs jut inwards as if bent at the hips in typical dragonkin fashion. Only muscle tone and several scars are of note upon the creature’s hips. However, at the knees the contrast of charcoal changes to a darkened grey due to a thick layer calloused hide covering the entirety of Drakin’s knees. The masterpieces of the Drakkian’s body exist within his wings and tail. Extending from his spine, Drakin’s tail stretches several feet, muscles prevent it from dragging upon the ground. Towards the tip of the appendage lies a long serrated bone mass that appears to be a spear point, which can separate into three different sharpened segments. Wings tower behind the creature, fully outstretched Drakin’s wingspan is roughly twelve feet. Charcoaled bone web throughout the wings, supporting the soft black fibers that act as the actual scaled wing fibers.

History: Drakkians, dragon and mountain lizard hybrid, were not born from a natural act of nature but manufactured. When man was still struggling to walk dragons ruled on high governing the world, wars were not fought and the balance was equal. However, as time continued the human race bore into its own, cowardice, betrayal and war became common place in their existence and though tolerated by most, select dragons felt an urge to tamper with nature. These dragons left their circle to form a new order which would strive to erase the mistake known as man. Sharing a common hatred for humans, a nomadic lizard tribe brokered a shaky alliance with the order and the culmination of their intellects and hatred bore fruit, the Drakkian. The Drakkian was everything a weapon should be, and would have executed the annihilation of man without hesitation were it not for the Protective Order of dragons decimating the facility and most of the Drakkian’s. The Order spared several Drakkian’s, the one known as Drakin among them.
Though abolished from a fate of exterminating mankind, one cannot escape the destiny they were created for. Whether slaughtering for the pursuits of nobles or a syndicate overlord, Drakin’s objective remains the same, the death of humanity.

Racial Traits

Fighting: Favoring the Halberd as his primary weapon, Drakin’s skill level is currently above average. Aside from the halberd, Drakin can fight utilizing his fists, legs and tail in a martial art style that Drakin is below average at.

Logical Aptitude: Harkening from dragon heritage, the wisdom of the ancient bloodlines courses through Drakin’s veins. This wisdom aids in solving puzzles, figuring out a foreign language or most difficult intellectual challenges, Drakin is average at understanding them.

Winged Grace: Though hatched with wings, Drakkian’s are not gifted with the natural ability to fly, only through rigorous training are they finally able to achieve flight. Currently, Drakin is below average and may only increase the distance jumped by several feet (pending upon his environment) by vigorously flapping his wings whilst in midair, as well as allowing him to regain his balance if projected skywards. Currently, the armor attached to his wings remains sinewy and highly vulnerable from attack.

Natural Resistance: Due to his lizard heritage, Drakin is average at resisting most basic and natural poisons.

Thick Hide: Drakin's scales remain his strongest defense of thwarting attackers. Currently, the defense rating of Drakin's scales that cover the entirety of his body are that of leather.


Mental Fortitude: 1.5 times awareness capacity when detecting traps and things out of the ordinary. He can see through illusions cast by characters or NPC’s of equal or lower level.

Tail-ent: Despite his enormous size, with his tail Drakin is able to have average footwork and balance. Alongside these benefits is Drakin’s ability to have full mobility of his tail, allowing him to utilize the serrated back and sharpened bones on the tip as a weapon.

Shattering Strength: Accompanying his massive size is an enormous strength that allows Drakin to be 1.5 times stronger than average.

Experienced: Humanoids are not unique, centuries of existence has taught Drakin what to expect from most opponents, viewing their muscle structure to hint at their fighting style, allowing him to occasionally predict what opponents next attack will come from. (Drakin is average in this ability, and it may only be used four times per battle against humanoids only.)

Toxic Scales: Secreting a poisonous sweat from his pores has covered the majority of Drakin’s body in a substance that if contracted, the person shall become slightly fatigued; Drakin is currently below average at afflicting opponents with the poison.


Steel Halberd- Towering at twelve feet, this basic weapon has a sharp curved blade at the tip on one side, another curved blade shaped on the opposite side, with a pointed tip at both top and bottom.

Iron Platemail - Basic armor covers Drakin’s torso, legs and tail with silver tinged armor, decorated in various tribal carved decorations.

Basic Traveling Pack- A small clothed backpack which is used to carry various medium sized items.

NPC Companion: An undead master blacksmith known as Rexar Loudos follows Drakin under the orders of N'Jal. Under the guise of a noble title and blackened plate armor, the only signs of Rexar's fate are his beaming red eyes that shine through his armored visor and a foul stench that lingers amongst his presence. Aside from his armor, Rexar uses a two-handed claymore in battle of which he remains below average at wielding. Currently, both platemail and Claymore are made of iron.

07-14-10, 07:13 AM
I need to know which parts of his body are covered in scales. If it's his entire body, I cannot allow it to be as strong as steel at this point. If it's just parts of it with weak spots (akin to what it would be when someone wears a suit of armor), then it's fine.

Also, be careful with "Experienced". I'm not going to ask you to edit it, but don't overdo it and go dodging everything. Keep in mind that people with advanced battle skills are harder to predict.

Your familiar can't be a familiar, but rather an NPC. As such, you cannot use him in a battle.

That's about it. Fix that and you're set to go.

07-16-10, 02:00 PM
Alright, the armor was reduced to leather and the familiar changed to NPC only viable for combat in quests.

07-17-10, 07:16 AM
Awesome. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.