View Full Version : ~Cormyr Story Chapter 4~ (Open Challenge)

07-13-10, 12:33 PM
(( Closed to ~Sabatykos Maelstrom~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19358) ))

(Continued from ~Holy War~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19383) (Dyne ~V~ Sabatykos Maelstrom Part 1)
~Cormyr Chapter 1~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19974) (Dyne ~V~ MetalDrago Scorpio)
~Cormyr Chapter 2~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20024) (Dyne ~V~ Cydnar Yrene Part 1)
~Reunion~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21046) (Dyne ~V~ Cydnar Yrene Part 2)
Thank you very much)

Incense flowed through the air. For a few moments, it took Dyne a few moments to realize where the hell he was, exactly. After his last battle with his mentor, Cydnar Yrene (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21021), the neophyte was disturbed at the outcome of the events. A vicious Golem ran interference during the battle resulting in a temporary death for Dyne. The experience proved exceedingly traumatic for the young brawler. He'd spent some time recovering in the infirmary section of The Citadel's halls. Alberdyne Cormyr had no idea how much time had passed since the reunion event with Cydnar Yrene. Trapped in an accursed loosing streak, Alberdyne Cormyr was furiously attempting to refine his technique.

However, to be perfectly fair, the monks had placed him against a variety of exceedingly more powerful and exotic foes. The last man was Artemis Eburi (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21060). That had proven in bare victory, but an in-battle loss. He'd died then too, a dagger right to his maxilla that went right through his skull. A most embarrassing turn of events. Now, he was no stranger to the ravages of death. Death had changed Alberdyne Cormyr. He was more detached from The Firmanent, and he could hear the call of the other world, The Antifirmanent. The realm of Phantoms was a gray world that contained various gates to Phantaria. Furhermore, there were the gates of judgment that decreed if a soul went to The Pyre, or The After.

Dyne was not a follower of The Thayne Codex, but he was intricately synchronized to the events of The Antifirmanent. His out of body experience during the reunion with Cydnar Yrene proved to Dyne that he possessed a certain potential that needed crafting. Dyne needed to unlock his potential so that he could last within The Citadel's battle league. Althanas's most powerful warriors and wizards were waiting for him to become a contender. Most importantly, Dyne needed to become more powerful to prove a point. He would be forged successfully through the fires of war. Dyne was one thing if not persistent. He would be certain to have his goals come to pass.

With a plan forming in his head, Dyne realized that the medicinal energies of the monks had taken full effect. He felt somewhat light-headed, but that did not stop him. His strength had recovered and he was ready to get back on his warhorse and ride out. Alberdyne Cormyr of clan Cormyr sat up on the bed. Various jolts of aching pains coursed through his body but he struggled through it. His recent trials had made him powerful. Wearing scars on his person from the tides of war, Dyne had matured considerably. No longer a green brat, Dyne was now a veteran of The Citadel. Despite a few hard placed losses, Dyne was determined to continue fighting. I need to get stronger. I refuse to accept my own weaknesses. I've been getting better, my technique has become more refined. I just need to get a little bit stronger! He knew. More power meant he would last longer in The Citadel's halls. He knew. More power meant that he could protect his family from the ravages of Corone's civil war. The ravages forced on the general populace by The Empire.

Flowing through the air like thick clouds, the incense wisps fully woke Dyne up. Some of the scents Dyne recognized from previous visits to The Citadel's infirmary. Scents were sage, myrrh, and exceedingly more exotic variants. Hemp was also in the air derived from the medicinal properties of a plant known as cannibus. Dyne was sitting up for a bit flexing his muscles as he examined his surroundings. Resting in a bed, he saw his equipment nearby, food and drink was waiting for him. It was as if the monks knew exactly when their medicine would wear off and the youth would awaken.
A rumble passed through his stomach and he realized then how hungry he was. Food is the first order of business. He studied the various items that were on his dish, breakfast items. Fruits, egg, bacon, sausage and many other breakfast items.

Prepared by The Citadel's chefs, Dyne knew from experience the food would be tasty. He ate up to recover his strength. As he ate, he went over each of his epic battles in The Citadel's halls. Not too long ago, he'd fought against that kid, Sabatykos Maelstrom (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19358). Thinking back to that event, he remembered how he'd been able to refine his sword technique considerably. He didn't have to hold back against the kid. However, the differing fighting styles that were utilized during that battle had taken Dyne off guard. Dyne was a brawler, first and foremost. His fighting style didn't have the precision of a tactician or strategist. Dyne also remembered one crucial detail: at the end of the hour, he had defeated himself.

Something had happened during that battle, something that hinted at a darker secret. A particular potent memory had popped up during the final moments of the battle providing the opening his opponent needed to defeat him. Dyne still had no way to explain what exactly had happened to him during that event. Then, again, during his encounter with MetalDrago Scorpio (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21179), Dyne's weaknesses were revealed. Utilizing only bronze materials during that particular battle, MetalDrago Scorpio had literally cut Dyne to pieces. It had proven a tremendous blow to his ego. Dyne needed power something fierce. That battle with MetalDrago Scorpio inadvertantly set off a chain of events that would forever alter the young Psionic's perception of reality.

During his battle with Artemis Eburi, something else had happened entirely. He'd recalled his battle against MetalDrago Scorpio and the situation went downhill from there. Once again, the complex flashback defeated Dyne utterly. Artemis Eburi stabbed Dyne through the skull, ending him. But that was not before Dyne had gone into a psychotic rage, becoming irrevocably connected to the journey of MetalDrago Scorpio. Somehow, Dyne had developed a Psionic's empathic link with the Dragonian warrior, a link that would shake the foundations of Althanas. The link was an obsessive one and Dyne became corrupt with the idea of destroying MetalDrago Scorpio utterly. If only he had more power.

One day, Dyne swore he would have that power. His enemies would fall, and most importantly, he would avenge himself against MetalDrago Scorpio. For now though, there was a meal to be had, and a The Citadel Leagues to get back to. Little by little, Dyne was making progress. The next battle would end in his favor too, Dyne would see to it. There would be no mistakes for the young brawler. He just had to focus on his technique. The technique was there, he just needed refinement. With refinement, his skill would grow, and then the power he sought would be his. Dyne continued to analyze the previous battles in his head over and over, picking out mistakes in strategies, tactics that were flawed, and other errors. He also picked at his own strengths. Against Cydnar Yrene, he had gained some confidence.

Warriors with advanced abilities were clearly his bane. The apprentice needed to figure a way around everything. Once he was done eating, Dyne removed the heavy bandaging around his body to reveal the scars of skirmishing warfare beneath. He had several discoloured markings from where the golem named Praxis had shot a powerful magma breath weapon at him. Dyne was the victim of two such strikes until he'd died at the hands of Praxis. A deeper conspiracy was revealed during that event as the monks lost control of the magic within their chamber. Something dark had sabotaged their chamber. Dyne explained the situation to the monks and learned that currently, there was nothing that could be done.

Either Cydnar Yrene or Alberdyne Cormyr had made a powerful enemy somewhere along the way. This powerful enemy was willing to tamper with the seals of The Citadel to trap them forever. Chilling Dyne to the core, that thought was pushed to the back of his mind. Currently, there was nothing he could do about the newly discovered conspiracy. If they were not safe within The Citadel's halls, where were they safe? The last few moments of that event were a blur to the youth. He could not recall what had happened to either Kireg Lukas, Cydnar Yrene, or himself. All he knew was that he woke up in the infirmary ward. Very much alive.

A presence stirred nearby. Dyne was eating his food as he turned towards the presence, it sent a familiar chill up and down his spine. When Dyne realized who the presence belonged to, he felt elation. Seeing a friendly face after the dark events of recent times was a godsend. Dyne looked at the face of Kireg Lukas. In his Phantom form, he was a glowing green apparition. Partially see-through, the fellow had certain key features. He wore a commoner's clothing but was much more than a commoner in his previous life. The advice of Kireg Lukas whispering in his ear had proven to be an invaluable asset to Alberdyne Cormyr. The ability to speak to Phantoms was a critical one and at least that much set him apart. Dyne could see the familiar hat that the Phantom wore, glasses, and leather gloves. His companion sat with one leg crossed. His legs were barely visible.

Kireg Lukas gave off a tremendous vibration of power that was a direct result of his ectoplasm. It was the ectoplasm that made him glow green and sustained a form in The Firmanent. A potent energy substance, it was the very core of a Phantom. Without ectoplasm, there would be no Phantoms haunting The Firmanent. Dyne examined his friend further, there were no changes since the encounter with Cydnar Yrene. He was the same as well. When the man spoke, Dyne could hear him as clearly as he heard any other person. But only certain folk were capable of seeing Phantoms, Dyne was one of them.

"That was a shady business back there I'm afraid Dyne. Them monks are clever fellas indeed." There was a thick accent that was also hollow and deep, yet it was rich with a Jadet baritone. "It takes a considerable amount of preparation to tamper with the power of the monks." Dyne considered the conspiracy carefully. He had no idea who he could have pissed off that badly. They were them Orcs. Corone origin, not Haidia origin. I read about them in my history books... "Looks like you are becoming infamous to some faction or another my student." He said. He continued to speak to Dyne. "Either way, you had a very powerful experience back there. That golem-thing managed to completely detach your Phantom form from your physical vessel."

"I was dead." Dyne responded with a grim expression on his face. "That's not necessarily something to be proud of."

"Even so, your ashes remained on The Firmanent. With their tremendous healing power, the monks were able to cast their life-spells on you. With your Phantom-form intact, you were able to return to the land of the living my good lad!" The Phantom clapped his hands together with excitement. "Impressive feat to pull off there my young apprentice!"

Despite himself, Dyne laughed at the Phantom's commentary and critiques of the battle. "I lost. I fought against Cydnar Yrene and lost. His
Salthias Fighting Style is too complicated for me to handle." Dyne sighed heavily. He was also thinking of his battle against Artemis Eburi. "I will admit I'm proud of how long I was able to hold my own until that event occurred."

"That's the proper attitude. Your training has come a long way, Dyne."
Kireg Lukas said. "You have to maintain resolve in the coming days and weeks. Dark times have come to Althanas. A second age of darkness. Many wars all around. Haven't seen these times since them Demon Wars of long ago." The Phantom shook his had. "Sad state of affairs those, many good folk lost their lives."

"What do we do now?" Dyne asked. He rephrased the question. "What will you do now?" Kireg Lukas was Dyne's only friend next to Cydnar Yrene. Dyne had family that was living, but that was a different matter. His Clan was still his Clan.

"I swore an oath to mentor you until you no longer need my protection. So that is what I intend to do. We are bonded you and I. I will always protect you." Kireg Lukas said casually. He moved to place a hand upon Dyne's shoulder. Dyne felt a shiver. "For now, you must get back to your training. There are events moving against us now, we must prepare."

'Very well." Dyne finished his breakfast and began to prepare to face the next challenge...



Battle-chamber number twenty-seven of The Citadel's battle league stood before Dyne now. Sometime had passed since the conversation with his friend and mentor, Kireg Lukas. Putting aside all of his distractions, the young man prepared to enter the chamber. He felt the rush of his heart fluttering in his chest, and the desire for tactical warfare burning in his mind. He was desperate to refine his strategem. Dyne looked at the large, powerful double-doors of chamber number twenty-seven. He'd placed an open challenge with the monks of the order. His eyes narrowed as he looked upon the structures before him. He opened the doors of his own physical strength and pushed them inward. A bright light triggered the monk's magics within the chamber. Their illusion-manipulation powers was legendary throughout Althanas. Even as Dyne passed the threshold of the battle-chamber, he felt a chill go up and down his spinal column.

Power coursed through the empty chamber. The walls were made of polished stone and the ceiling was so high that he could no see it. Dyne's boots easily walked across the smooth stone. Complex symbols were etched in various colours across the surface of the floor, the walls, and presumably, the ceiling. The symbols were the archaic workings of the order. Dyne was familiar with some of the symbols, but not others. He did not know their inner workings, so he simply admired the elegance of the writings. Though he was a member of The Citadel Leagues, Dyne was not high-ranking enough to know the inner workings of The Monks of Ai'Bron. Stepping across the large floor, Dyne studied the chamber before him. It was a room that was roughly fifty yards by fifty yards. The height of the chamber was unknown to Dyne.

Dyne left Kireg Lukas at the door, there could be no interference between the Phantom and the battle. There were rules in place to protect the participants of The Citadel Leagues. A moment or two later, the various arrays of symbols began to glow and move of their own accord. Some symbols shifted across the floor, others rotated, some floated up or down, and others made movements that confounded all logic. Dyne closed his eyes even as a brilliant light flashed across the chamber, the monks' magic locked in place. When Dyne opened his eyes, there was an exact replica of the battlefield he'd requested.

A crystal clear lake was visible. The fields of the Yarborough district of Corone were now surrounding the youth. An endless field of grass manifested that was decorated with various variations of yew and oak trees. Many conifers and other types of trees were visible as well. It was a lovely landscape. Further off a ways was Cocnordia Forest, and still further North was the peaks of The Comb Mountains. Dyne could barely make out their expanse in the distance. There were no people present in the Yarborough district, only animals that maneuvered through the field. Dyne walked over towards the lake. It was connected to the Bradbury River. The lake had no name, this was all in Dyne's imagination anyway. Sitting down on some rocks by the lake, Dyne waited for his opponent to arrive.

^Enter here.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
09-30-10, 03:48 AM
Wandering through the fields of Yarborough District, Sabatykos Maelstrom ventured towards The Bradbury River. It was a sunny afternoon, a few clouds decorated the blue sky. In the distance, the lonely but proud Comb Mountains were barely visible. Somewhere in those mountains were Dwarves that mined the caverns for the treasures of the abyss. Sabatykos knew that because he was a scientist and it was his position to learn various matters of the world he lived in. A breeze traveled across the field which made the youth shiver. He felt something strange in his gut, a feeling of complete uncertainty of the events that would unfold.

He'd wandered into Chamber Number Twenty Seven on an impulse. Of late, he'd made several trips into The Citadel due to another, related situation that was beginning to take it's toll on his sanity. Sabatykos Maelstrom was a different man now that he'd completed his first battle in The Citadel. His opponent had been a youth named Alberdyne Cormyr, Son of Melothac Cormyr. The battle had proven an intense one and the two had tested each other's limit. In the end, his opponent had bested himself due to some sort of a psychological melt-down. Sabatykos could not understand what had happened, the youth was clearly the better of the two warriors.

Feeling his shoes crush the earth beneath him, the youth wandered towards a lake that he saw just up ahead. Birds, canaries, chirped in the distance adding their sing-song to the unfolding event. Sabatykos saw someone moving just up ahead. At first, he couldn't tell who the stranger was, but when he got closer, he was shocked to realize who it was. The proud symbol of Clan Cormyr was emblazoned on the fellow's cloak as it flapped in the breeze. His hood was up so Sabatykos Maelstrom could not see who the man was, but he knew by then who it was. Alberdyne Cormyr. Heir of Clan Cormyr.

Excited by then, Sabatykos Maelstrom quickened his pace at that point and ran the rest of the way towards the fellow. Knowing that the man would not see him as a friend, but as a rival, Sabatykos was glad that he would be destined to meet that man again in battle again so soon. As Sabatykos caught up to the fellow, he made an attempt to reach for the man's shoulder in a friendly gesture. At the same time, Sabatykos called out to the other boy. Though by that time, they were both men from the viewpoint of their respective households.

"Cormyr! So, we meet again, friend. Funny to meet in a place like this twice, when not so much time has passed."

Sabatykos' mind began to analyze the statistical odds of confronting Alberdyne in The Citadel once again. His heart felt elation, he was happy for the first time in Thaynes knew how long...

"I trust time has treated you well Sir Cormyr?" Sabatykos asked.

09-30-10, 04:06 AM
The lake up ahead sparkled brilliantly. A reflection from the trees that made up the starting point of Concordia Forest reflected on the surface of the lake to create a rather serene sort of beauty. Flocks of birds and other animals were visible but not a single other humanoid was. Alberdyne Cormyr continued to walk towards the lake with the intention of exploring Chamber Number Twenty Seven further. This imagined version of Corone had secrets to conquer, and Alberdyne's philosopher's mind wanted to know the intricacies that lurked within the phantom world. A part of him was lost to the illusion of The Citadel as he wandered towards the lake, and he became used to the isolation.

Time flowed like The Bradbury River. As he got closer to the lake he could hear the water splashing against the rocky shore. Splashing sounds were audible by then and became the main symphony that accompanied the sounds of birds and other animal calls. He was near Concordia Forest, so it was possible small monsters or thieves would attempt to accost him whilst he journeyed towards the lake.

Unsure why he traveled to the lake in the first place, Alberdyne felt an inner compulsion towards that body of water. Perhaps, some secret waited within the serenity of the waters therein. Suddenly, the serenity was disturbed and another presence moved quickly behind the youth. He could hear loud boot falls crunching the ground beneath them as they made their way towards his position. Quickly, instinctively, Alberdyne's hand went to his sword's grip as he prepared to draw the weapon against the potential assailant. Then, a voice called out to Alberdyne's person. A familiar voice, a voice he was quite intimate with. Sabatykos! Dyne thought to himself and relaxed his grip on his weapon.

Sabatykos was not really a friend, but he was not an enemy either. He was a training partner. A rival. For a moment or three, Alberdyne's muscles tensed and bulged through his clothing. After that moment of tension passed, Alberdyne found himself feeling an awkward sensation in his gut from the arrival of his rival. The powers that be ruled Sabsatykos Maelstrom the victor of their last meeting, and Alberdyne Cormyr had always wanted to settle matters between them. When Sabatykos' hand gripped Dyne's shoulder in a friendly fashion, Dyne relaxed his guard and prepared to confront his rival. It was a friendly meeting after all, and they were on the outskirts of Corone in a place they could duel without worry of reprisal.

A full minute passed when Alberdyne finally responded to Sabatykos' questions.

"Ah. Sabatykos, it has been a long time indeed. Time has been...a test, if you catch my meaning. Though it has been kind at the same time. My family has prospered in the political turmoil of Radasanth. My Father and most of my Clan has aligned themselves with The Viceroys of The Empire and reaped the rewards of such an allegiance." Dyne stopped walking and turned towards Sabatykos. He lowered his hood. "Times are dangerous in Radasanth, things are not safe for us young-folk." Alberdyne Cormyr found himself saying. "The guards persecute those who would attempt activism against The Empire. So I have done one better and chosen to join The Empire's military as many of us have done to avoid respite." Dyne said carefully not sure if Sabatykos was friend or foe. "Has your Clan prospered, Sabatykos?" Alberdyne asked, sincerely concerned for his former enemy.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
09-30-10, 04:24 AM
Sabatykos listened to what Dyne was talking about. He knew that they were currently living in dangerous times. Allegiances had to be drawn for the prosperity of one's family. Political turmoil was at an all time with the rise of The Viceroys, and Sabatykos knew that his people would one day suffer fall out from the new Empire's rise. Largely though, Sabatykos did not like politics and kept his viewpoints to himself as he was largely a leftist on many political views anyway. He didn't agree with right-wing religious fanatics starting holy wars for profit or other lame reasons like that. Sabatykos just didn't want any parts of it. However, he was no fool. As he listened he picked out the details that were crucial to his personal repository and discarded the rest. At the end of the day, he was still a scientist. Scientists were concerned with hard fact, not speculation.

When Dyne was done talking, Sabatykos nodded respectfully. Then he spoke soon after Dyne had finished.

"My Clan fairs well. We are in the business of making things and repairing things, so we have prospered for the time being." Sabatykos said. "My Father is a businessman in Radasanth, Akashima, and Scara Brae. He has many liaisons. That's his business though, not mine. I am merely a student of science and I am looking to leave my own mark on the world." Sabatykos said with a soft grin. "Since we are both here now, logic begs the question: do you wish to duel?" Sabatykos asked, inviting his opponent to partake of the very reason he had ventured into The Citadel in the first place.

"I trust you have refined your combat skill since the last we dueled, Alberdyne Cormyr." Sabatykos said with a soft smile on his face. "I have learned much, I do-not wish for you to hold back."

Then, Sabatykos Maelstrom drew his iron broadsword and moved into a relaxed combat position. His legs were spread wide, and his shoulders were relaxed. The tension he felt earlier was rapidly fading, replaced with a new sort of tension in his stomach. This feeling was a welcome one that ventured into his gut, and Sabatykos could forget about his troubles in the world. Of course, he hated lying to a friend. Things are not well, but how can I place my troubles on this man's shoulders? Sabatykos thought to himself. The iron metal of his sword flashed the sunlight across the length of the blade as it was pointing towards the ground in a low center of gravity.

Sabatykos was no expert swordsman, but he had learned a lot from his original duel with Alberdyne Cormyr. He hoped that Dyne had increased his knowledge as well. Sabatykos could feel the weight of the contents of his backpack, and moments earlier, had placed his backpack on the ground before moving into combat position.

"A battle then friend. I beg ye, draw first blood. If you are able."

09-30-10, 07:01 AM
Drawing his own bronze longsword, Alberdyne Cormyr moved into a combat stance that was slightly tighter than the one Sabatykos chose to use. Dyne kept his body at a controlled angle facing Sabatykos, his eyes locked on those of his opponent's. With the tip of his longsword facing upward, and the grip held with both hands, Alberdyne's center of gravity was mid-level favoring upwards mobility. Dyne held his legs at a slight forty-five degree angle bent at the knees in a basic horse stance. Prior to shifting to combat position, Dyne placed his other belongings upon the ground just as Sabatykos had. Dyne now faced his opponent for the second time in his life. He seems more confident than last time, I cannot allow a repeat of what happened the other time occur again. Too many bad memories. Dyne hated the idea of having to repeat a situation similar to the last time.

"You say to hit you, Sabatykos, you wound me." Dyne began. "However, I shall honour your request." Dyne grinned at that point.

"Very well then, hit you shall be!" Dyne called out to Sabatykos and began his attack.

Following his brawler's instincts, Dyne rushed towards Sabatykos and covered ground quickly. Though his speed was not superhuman, he was still capable of moving with the capacity of a trained swordsman. Planning his maneuver with precise thought, Dyne visualized the technique seconds before he released it. Rotating his arms in an upward fashion, Dyne skillfully utilized all of his muscle groups in the movement. At the last possible moment, Alberdyne Cormyr struck like a coiled viper. Thrusting his body weight forward, Dyne lashed out. The tip of Dyne's weapon was aimed right at the chest of his opponent. Dyne was hoping to at least score some sort of a hit at the start of the battle...

Sabatykos Maelstrom
09-30-10, 07:25 AM
When Alberdyne Cormyr attacked, Sabatykos was impressed with the boy's skill increase. Technique, understanding, and aesthetics of combat were all there. The only thing that lacked was finesse. Using his scientific mind, Sabatykos made mathematical preparations and calculated basic physics equations. Sabatykos studied the man's combat maneuvers and tactics with a careful analytical eye. As Dyne's blade came in for the kill, Sabatykos released the tension in his muscles. Taking advantage of the forward momentum that his opponent wielded, Sabatykos used his slightly enhanced reflex capacity to it's full limits.

The vibration of cold bronze cast it's sound through the air as it inched closer to Sabatykos. Sabatykos shimmied to his side with as much skill as the scientist could possibly muster. Feeling the weight of Dyne's longsword bearing down upon him, the youth knew that Alberdyne Cormyr possessed superior muscular capacity. I cannot make an error in judgment. Sabatykos thought to himself even as cold bronze, sharpened to perfection, sliced across his epidermis. The sword tore through his face, at the left cheek-bone area, and a gash immediately developed. Blood sprayed out from the wound as the rest of the blade followed up.

Sabatykos was in the close-range he needed to be. His eyes flinched when the cut was produced on his face. When his unarmoured foe got close enough, Sabatykos revealed the purpose of his chosen combat stance. Lashing out in their up-close proximity, Sabatykos made a thrusting movement with his sword with one hand tightly holding the grip of his weapon. He sacrificed one side of his body in a tactical decision, assuming that he was still faster than Dyne. Blood began to trickle down Sabatykos' face in rivulets. When Sabatykos attacked, he slashed downward towards his opponent's leg in a movement meant to impale. Sabatykos did not need to hope or pray for a success, he knew it would happen. His scientific mind had no room for doubt...

09-30-10, 07:38 AM
Dyne's longsword tasted blood. A feeling of elation crossed the youth's mind as he sliced and injured Sabatykos. Attempting to move back now, Dyne understood that he had placed himself in a great deal of physical danger. In a panic, Alberdyne Cormyr attempted to back-peddle his way out of the situation. However, he was not fast enough to avoid the incoming attack. His all-too-human muscles prevented the evasion of the next maneuver, a counter, and Dyne braced for impact.

Tightening his thigh muscles quickly, Dyne could not even see the attack beneath the obfuscation of the current combatants. Attempting to pull away, all Dyne could do was shift his body weight as Sabatykos' sword came stabbing through his pants. Dyne wore no armour, he believed the flesh could become more powerful than steel. Releasing a cry, Dyne felt the blade tip pierce through his flesh and came crashing through his upper leg. The leg was completely broken at the upper portion but Dyne held fast. He was just stubborn like that.

Blood swelled out of the fresh injury even as Dyne felt Sabatykos quickly remove the blade further adding to the injury. A spray of blood touched the ground beneath them, splashes landing on the grass. Alberdyne Cormyr felt tears swelling in his eyes, but he fought them. His losses at the hands of both Artemis Eburi and MetalDrago Scorpio, had detached the young warrior from any sense of sanity. Reacting now to the movements that his opponent made, Alberdyne Cormyr sent a swift backhand with a free hand, one hand still on the grip of his weapon, and attempting to strike across the side region of his foe's skull. Somehow, endorphins ran through his body and Dyne barely registered the tremendous pain he was in...

Or maybe, that moment signaled the rest of the battle that was to come.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
09-30-10, 07:51 AM
The broadsword was decorated in his opponent's blood. There was no room for sympathy, no room for mercy. Sabatykos was a scientist, and scientists often had a cruel way of looking at the world. Though the natural serenity of his face war marred, the landscape would remain the same. Sabatykos did not care for physical beauty, he wanted to hurt his opponent. It would take the mind of a scientific genius to break down his opponent to a lesser shell of himself. Sabatykos moved so that he held his sword with both hands once again despite the fact that his opponent was in the middle of a recoiling movement.

Sabatykos used his enhanced reflexes liberally in the battle to give himself an edge in combat. Moving to the side now, he did not bother assessing how much damage was actually done to his face, the detail was not as important as defeating his enemy. Sabatykos broke free from the close-quarters range first, his body moving quickly a few paces off to Dyne's left. Again, Sabatykos held his sword in a downward pointing angle. A basic fighting stance to be sure, but an elegant and effective one in combat. Sabatykos only bothered using what worked, and perhaps, that was his only flaw.

With a crimson mask flowing down his face, Sabatykos stared at his opponent with a grin.

"Having trouble walking?" Sabatykos taunted. "You can give up now if you must..." He said, little knowing the reaction that those words would cause in the deluded mental state of his opponent.

09-30-10, 08:21 AM
Vaguely, the words registered in the back of his mind.

Some part of his mind was aware of the next few moments and that made the situation all the more terrifying. Limping in place Dyne was having difficulty standing for more than a few moments at a time. His leg had gone numb, blood was flowing from the injury and the crimson red made him think of another situation. It made him think of his enemy, MetalDrago Scorpio. When that happened, his mind began to flash across the last few moments of the battle against MetalDrago. Blades of energy flashed across his person and he still felt the pain that came with that vision. Limping in place, Dyne took a couple of steps backwards and then looked at Sabatykos Maelstrom.

That was the last thing he remembered. At some point soon after that, Alberdyne Cormyr completely flipped out. His brain altered in it's basic architecture releasing various chemical streams throughout his whole body. These chemicals were unique to the process of being a Psionic, and they poured through his body at an extreme level. When the chemicals coursed through the memory-dreams portions of his brain, nightmares erupted outwards and altered his personality greatly.

Dyne howled like a beast, where he should have laughed like a sadist. In his mind, he saw MetalDrago's face flashing over and over with a strobe-like effect. That haunting laughter touched his very soul as he became. No longer was he Alberdyne Cormyr, but instead, he was a monster. With blood flowing down a broken leg, Dyne suddenly took the blood from his injury and rubbed it down his face creating a dripping mask. He was growling and snarling like a monster the entire time. His eyes were filled with a certain hate that signaled the change he'd undergone.

Dyne held his sword's grip tightly returning to his former combat stance but taking a much more aggressive posture. Everything about the boy suddenly became more feral as he continued to see images of the enemy in his head. His peripheral senses were gone now as the other took over. He did not know what the other was, only that it had finally broken a subconscious gate in the back of his head. The truest form of schizophrenia, Dyne was no longer Dyne, Dyne had unlocked The Other. This Other, was closely related to his battle with MetalDrago Scorpio.

As endorphins ran through his body alongside a barrage of other bio-chemicals, Alberdyne Cormyr suddenly rushed at Sabatykos. He swung his weapon in a wide, arching movement meant to completely slice Sabatykos into two clean pieces. There was no elegance in the movement, only hate. Dyne could not stop himself even as he struck with murderous intent. His eyes had gone a darker shade of green as they stared from beneath the blood-stained mask. His muscles had tightened considerably as he attacked, and perhaps, other changes may have occurred. As he lashed out with all of his hate and rage, eternity seemed an unforgiving observer as he waited for his weapon to connect to his target.

The Other was loosed.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
09-30-10, 09:08 AM
For all of his reaction time, Sabatykos Maelstrom had no idea what would happen next. He saw his opponent have a similar melt-down to that time that he met him before, but this was something entirely different. When his Alberdyne released that blood-curdling howl, Sabatykos felt a chill go down his spine and a feeling of despair. A part of him knew what was coming next. Insanity was difficult to calculate in any scientific fashion. When his opponent came running at him, Sabatykos prepared for the worst. Just as he had suspected, Dyne attacked with all the rage and anger he could muster. This is not the same man I was talking to moments ago, this is someone or something else entirely!

Using his enhanced reflexes, Sabatykos managed to step half-a-step backwards when the attack came. It caught flesh. The longsword's reach was a matter that Sabatykos could not calculate for. He felt piercing pain as his tanktop was torn easily apart by the sword and his stomach was sliced by the tip of the blade. Sabatykos growled loudly as fresh blood poured down from the wound. Thankfully, his injury wasn't as serious as it could have been though it hurt him so. Sabatykos knew that he had to end things quickly.

As he moved backwards, he held on to his sword. Close-range combat is no longer an option. Sabatykos thought to himself as he grabbed one of his iron daggers and blindly threw it at Dyne's general position. After that, Sabatykos took several more steps backwards attempting to regroup after that vicious assault. Sabatykos knew that he wouldn't last much longer against the new Dyne. He stared at his opponent carefully to see if his first dagger would connect, then, his mind prepared with follow up attacks...

Meanwhile his injury was much more serious than his mind had previously calculated.