View Full Version : ~Chapter 5~ Dyne ~V~ Irin Orlaxia

07-14-10, 12:31 AM
(Continued from: Dyne ~V~ MetalDrago Scorpio (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19974) & Dyne ~V~ Artemis Eburi (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21184) thank you very much)

Tuesday, January 3rd, C.P. 1813

Only one reason made Alberdyne Cormyr (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19429) leave the familiar city of Underwood. During his recent encounter with Artemis Eburi, a strange event had altered the psychological makeup of The Psionic. Recently, the youth's dreams became considerably darker. With nightmares plaguing his mind, the boy dreamed of his enemy, MetalDrago Scorpio. In a recent battle, MetalDrago Scorpio had literally cut the youth to pieces. Dyne had no anger in the act itself, the anger came from the fact that MetalDrago had made him look worthless and weak. I will find the strength needed to defeat my enemy. I will settle the score. Another event had occurred that worried Dyne greatly. His grip on The Firmanent was slipping with each passing day.

Long since, the youth was able to peer past the veil and interact with The Antifirmanent. This manifestation allowed the gifted boy to communicate with Phantoms. Phantoms were basically ghosts that were trapped in The Firmanent and capable of interacting with certain humanoids. This loose grip on reality caused Dyne to loose control of his sense of The Firmanent. When he was fighting Artemis Eburi, a strange event occurred. The event connected Alberdyne Cormyr with a strange Psionic bonding to the warrior known as MetalDrago Scorpio. So far, Dyne had no control of the bonding except that he felt an inexorable pull towards MetalDrago Scorpio.

That is what lead Alberdyne Cormyr to the war ravaged Nation of Raiaera.
Xem'Zund lead his burning crusade across the land of Raiaera. The Undead seemed like they would win the war against the living. News of the war spread to the rest of the lands of Althanas but few lifted a finger to help out. Not prepared for the utter devastation of Raiaera, Dyne's heart sank as he stared at the landscape. Evidence of the war against Xem'Zund was everywhere. Patches of dead earth were visible where necromantic powers corrupted the very land itself. Bladesingers from the remainder of the cities of Raiaera were still dispatching Xem'Zund's lieutenants and the undead monsters that were everywhere.


Dyne had arrived at Raiaera months earlier after taking a ship from the port city of Jadet in Corone. A morbid desire to seek out MetalDrago Scorpio is what lead him to Raiaera in the first place. Dyne had no leads to go on. When he first arrived at Raiaera, he had no idea where to go. A port city was the window to the Nation. The port city had no name of interest and was not on any of the main maps of Raiaera. It was simply one of the safest harbors remaining. Dyne could have paid for passage to Wyniaurient, but opted to pay for a more safe harbor.

The port-city that Dyne had arrived at was named Tel'Sakarian.
Somehow, the city had largely escaped the notice of Xem'Zund and his lieutenants. It served as an ample escape route for refugees fleeing Raiaera and attempting to find a safe haven...somewhere. Alberdyne Cormyr was one of the few crazies willing to travel to Raiaera and help bolster it's forces. Though he had ulterior motives, Dyne sincerely wanted to help the ravaged people of the Nation.

Taking what little money he had to his name and purchasing quarters in Tel'Sakarian, Dyne's first move was seeking work. In a port-city like that one, work was everywhere. Dyne could even pay for an education with the way the economy was torn to shreds. With the modest amount of gold that Dyne had managed to earn in The Citadel Battle Leagues, he'd managed to secure a rented apartment. Then, he'd also managed to secure a position in the locale headquarters of The Bladesingers' Guild. Getting work was easy in times of warfare. He'd been in Raiaera for months when he first heard the rumor of the vigilantes actively taking advantage of the war in Raiaera.

Training as a Bladesinger, Dyne decided to lead a mission to hunt down the vigilantes and criminals riding Xem'Zund's coattails. During his entire time spent in Raiaera, the youth had not found any leads about MetalDrago Scorpio and was forced to give up for the time being. All he knew was that there was rumors of a bandit camp operating somewhere near Niadath Pass. The journey there would be difficult, but he could make it if he tried.


I can't believe how messed up this place has gotten. Dyne thought to himself as he traveled on horseback. His horse had brown fur and as a stallion. On either side of him was The Great Forest, or Lindequalme. He could hear the calls of various beasts in the distance. Above was an afternoon sky and the sun was high. A few clouds decorated the blue ocean of the sky. Trees formed an organic maze on either side of the young Bladesinger. He wore the attire of a rookie Bladesinger without rank. All around him, Dyne could hear the voices of Phantoms begging for mercy, or some simply moaning songs of despair.

Xem'Zund had devastated Raiaera. The heroes of old rose against Xem'Zund, the recent death of The Necromancer spread through the lands of Althanas like a flash fire. The very thought of Xem'Zund made Dyne shiver with fear. Dyne lacked the power to make any useful stand against Xem'Zund's forces. He figured he could take out small groups of Undead on his own, but that's if he was careful. His bronze-grade equipment was very inadequate versus an army of the dead. The thread of an Undead attack was a constant hazard of living in Raiaera. It put Dyne on edge. Finding a suitable place to release his horse, Dyne slid off the saddle.

"Go eat for now my friend." Dyne whispered to the horse. "Just stay alive."

As he entered Niadath Pass, the heat in the air increased gradually. Looking off to the South, where Valinatal once stood, Dyne saw a great pillar of energy flowing from the depths of Lindequalme. He had no idea what he was looking at, and decided that he would ignore it for now. Dyne wandered over towards the ruins of Valinatal, hoping that his search for the pack of criminals would be a safe journey. The leader of the criminals was his target, a man rumored to have the name of Irin Orlaxia. Dyne drew his bronze shield and longsword equipping them carefully. He walked towards the ruins of Valinatal...

The entire time he had no way of knowing he was being watched.