View Full Version : Vincent Ravier

07-14-10, 08:53 PM
Name: Vincent Ravier
Age: 18 (approximate)
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Height: 180 lbs
Weight: 6'3
Occupation: Odd jobs.

Personality: An uncertain individual, Vincent isn't able to approach others with ease, in fact his demeanor is repulsive to his surroundings. Quiet and detached, Vincent is prone to avoiding the "other," in favor of a quiet composure. There is no interest or pleasure in communication for Vincent, unbearably afraid of people and society, he consoles and confides only in his bakekeno.

Appearance: Vincent has skin that is unmistakably pale and without fault, except for burns. His build could be described as reminiscent of modest manual labor. He is tall and gaunt, fitted with a black cloak and wearing (below average iron) brittle chain-mail underneath. A sword sheath fastened to a leather belt is positioned on the left side of his waist. Wearing only simple leather sandals and cloth pants. There are noticeable third degree burns running the length from his right hand down to his right foot. His bakekeno is situated on his left forearm for the majority of the time, retaining the form of a leather armlet with a vaguely discrete military ensign. His name appears on the armlet.

History: Vincent has no immediately accessible memory, save for massive spread of third degree burns that cover the right side of his body besides his neck and face, to serve as a line to his past. He is unsure of the origin of his bakekeno, which infrequently switches between a small cat and leather armlet fit. Though, the ensign is suggestive of a possible connection to a military past. He is unsure of even the origin of his plain short sword. What is certain though, is that he is able to project small quantities of electricity into his (average quality) steel sword and other willing items, through the presence of his bakekeno.

Vincent wanders Althanas in hope of fulfillment.


Average amount (x1) of physical strength.
Average amount (x1) of endurance.
Average amount (x1) of swordsmanship.

Thus far his bakekeno has provided him with (x2 physical strength) weak amounts of electricity that he can direct into receptive, conductive materials. Vincent receives pain (fatigues at a rate x2 greater than average) that is proportionate to the amount of electricity released from his bakekeno.

Familiars: Bakekeno or, "ghost cat," is Vincent's current and only companion, residing on his left forearm for the majority of the time as a leather armlet, bearing the name Vincent Ravier and a vaguely discrete military ensign. On occasion, without provocation, the leather armlet undergoes a transformation that could be described only as melting, into the form of a small black cat with not distinguishable markings. The transformation is similar in its change from cat back to armlet. Vincent has no recollection as to the origin of this demon.

Equipment: In possession of only a cloth black cloak, (below average iron) brittle steel chain mail, leather sandals, (average quality) steel short sword, cloth pants, and bakekeno.

07-15-10, 05:03 AM
I usually don't allow x2 strength at level zero, but given the pain he has to endure and the fatigue rate, I think it's a fair trade-off.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.