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Jalim Mandren
07-15-10, 05:15 PM
Name: Jalim Mandren
Age: 28
Race: Human
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Green
Height: 6'
Weight: 180lbs
Occupation: Warder

Personality: A man of few words, Jalim seems to be cold, emotionless. He is, however, loyal and a worthy friend. He isn't one who suffers fools lightly. Despite being slow to anger, he is fierce and intense.

Appearance: A man all muscles and grace, he wears plain yet well-made attire, usually of greens and browns. His hair is cut short, and he is clean shaven. A certain readiness and danger permeates from him; even when relaxed, he looks much like a lion ready to pounce.

History: He was trained with the sword to be a Warder, protectors of women who use the One Power. He is bonded to such a woman called Mathwain Tetria. He was at best an average Warder in training, perhaps the reason Mathwain chose to bond him. Since the bonding, he has shown a steady improvement in skill. During his time with Mathwain, five years ago, Jalim has followed her lead, and serves well his 'purpose' - to protect and aid her.

Swordsmanship: Jalim's training has given him a very slightly above average skill in using his sword. His relative lack of experience, however, means that while he might have the edge over some people in terms of quickness in the wrist and feet, he does not possess the ability to accurately gauge movements. Anyone who has above average skill would easily displace him.
Woodsmanship: Jalim has a sound knowledge of things that grow - what can safely be eaten, what might aid in healing. He is an average tracker and can be relied on to choose suitable camping grounds when travelling.
Healing: Jalim knows very basic 'first aid'.
Temperature: As a part of his training, Jalim was taught how to hide the outward effects of temperature. He feels the heat, the cold, but does not sweat or shiver. This skill is really all about outward perception.

Sword: Jalim's sword is a basic one, with a slightly curved steel blade and a leather scabbard.
Warder's Cloak: This cloak is something of a trademark for Warders. It is disconcerting to look at, sometimes seeming to blend into the surroundings of the wearer - often making them seem to disappear, especially in woodlands and at night. Jalim does not wear the cloak often, however, especially when in cities and towns.

Familiars: In the past year or so, Jalim has shown signs of being able to speak with wolves. He tries to shut out such communications, but finds it ever more difficult with each day. His reluctance to further this ability does not lend itself as an ability yet, but is worth mentioning here as occasionally he receives warnings, telepathically, from the wolves. Indistinct more often than not, sometimes messages still breach his barriers against the animals.

((A quick note: The idea of Warders, and my planned companion character, Mathwain, use a lot of 'concepts' from the Wheel of Time, by Robert Jordan. I understand I can still use pre-created concepts, but will I need to alter the terminology etc used to make it entirely different to what is in the book?))

07-16-10, 12:32 PM
Yes, you may use pre-created concepts, but I personally find them an easy way out of creating something of your own. You can call an apple a pear and it will still be an apple, only under a different name. However, we all steal in one way or the other, so I'm not going to ask you to change anything. I will warn you that you that concepts is probably as far as you should go, and if some "oddly familiar" story pops up, somebody who's more familiar with the WoT series than me will catch up on it and then you'd be in trouble.

On that note, you are approved. Welcome to Althanas.