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07-15-10, 08:53 PM
Midday around Knife's Edge.

"Ahh what a blessin' day. This be gud, this be real gud for me. Tha' klouds are rolling over my head, and tha' sun shines for me. I needum find my friends though. . .Where be Knife's Edge? Need to see them real bad. . .Been too long."

This is Yozo, a middle aged half-wit Human. He walks with a pronounced almost waddle like strike, distinctive of an individual with tired, wounded legs. These wounds have long healed, though. His skin is tan and leathery, his person decorated with various inscribes, tattoos, and piercings. If one were standing face to face with this barely 5'5 Ft. 200 lb creature, they would notice his one brown eye, and the other that his left has long glazed over; blind.

He bears a reinforced 3 ft. steel sword and iron sheath on the right side of his waist; heavy but it is of no consequence. An indiscreet military insignia rests on the handle. He has indiscernible amounts of cloth, steel chain mail, and leather draped across his bulky, yet discernibly muscular frame.

"Ahh.. I found you ssity."

The sun is high in the sky, and Yozo moves slowly, dragging his sheath against the dirt road. He is meant to rendezvous with a group of Human's, he works as a political adviser; his business is scarce, and his pay is meager. A leather pouch of 5 gold coins rests on his left side.

There isn't so much culture and society as there is grass in these plains surrounding his destination. The wind is moving in a way that would be gentle enough to only rustle the hairs on a persons head; not that Yozo can experience this sensation. He doesn't take pleasure in the finer things of life. The grass submits, gleaming and pouncing on the suns light in a way similar to water.

Besides grass, there are lonely islands of trees scattered about the landscape, with the occasional shrub for diversity.

Yozo's path is a dirt road and it leads straight into a far off forest, not before veering off in a sharp into Knife's Edge. There is a tree, old and fragile, positioned at the intersection of these three roads.

"Ayy. . .I be goin' into town but not without my gold koins, no... There be ROBINHOODS and pikpokkets to steal from me, no... I kan't do this. I kould leave my favorite koins on this tree here, yes. There is nobody to steal my bits here."

Yozo makes the choice of leaving his pouch of 5 gold coins hanging from the old tree at the intersection of the roads, to avoid "pikpokkets" and the "robinhoods".

3 pm. in the streets of Knife's Edge.

"Be dammuh where in the blood is my friendz? They be need my advise.. They need my advise, ahh.. What for me now? I think.. I've been thinking I leave now..."

Growl. Hiss

"MY GOHD ITS A KAT, IT IS, I SEE IT... Oh how I see it..."

A black cat is standing before Yozo in the midst of the streets, hissing. Yozo reels and his memory cuts back to his childhood, decades previous.

. . .
. . .

"Yozo... Yozo?"

"Wake up, a present for you."

"Happy birthday, its for you."

Yozo's mother has in her outstretched hands, a white cat. Its a frail example of the creature, perhaps best described as a few months at the oldest. Its fur is a simple, gleaming white.


"Oh it be such a nice kitty.. I have a kitty!"

Yozo embraces the cat, with each thought of his new found companion, he hugs harder.

"My kitty!"


"This is my favorite ..."

Still harder.



"My kitty, why do you be hissin'? I love you."

The hissing has become noticably louder.


Yozo's increasing pressure upon the cat from his embrace, causes it to deliver a swift swipe across left eye. His eye bleeds profusely. Enraged, he breaks the cat's neck.

. . .
. . .

4 pm. in the streets of Knife's Edge.



07-20-10, 04:42 PM
5 pm.

"I'll do my scientifik best to kommand your fleet."


"I'll do my khoreographik vest to demand your fleese."



Vincent, startled, awakes to find an ugly specimen of a person looming over him. Rolling beads of sweat and cloth encircle his new acquaintance.

As it happened, Vincent had been on the same road as Yozo, and by chance stopped to escape the heat underneath the tree with Yozo's dangling bag of gold coins.

He figured it wouldn't hurt.