View Full Version : The Fisherman's Tale

07-17-10, 05:49 AM
Name: Mico Levitas
Age: 22
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black/Grey to Blue
Eye Color: Copper
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 160 lbs
*Occupation: Traveling Fisherman

*Personality: Mico is freely outgoing. He's fully willing to boast his catch or show off his marksmanship, especially around the lady-folk. Ever-optimistic, he wears a confident grin nearly all the time, provided that he's in a normal mood. When he fishes, he seems lazy, since he'll often lay back and take a nap while the bait is in the water, waking suddenly, at the slightest vibration or noise, to tear a fish from its watery home. His winning smile and good looks belay his dark side: his eye for the ladies causes him to stare or even grab rather often. His second most commonly called name, next to Mico, is "Lecher."

Appearance: A hat made from straw with a pair of black kitty ears (cleverly crafted from dyed animal furr) poking up through it rests on this grinning man's head to block out the sun from his eyes which shine a bright copper. His long hair flows back between his shoulders and a few inches past the base of his neck, its roots black, fading to grey in the middle and blue at the ends, his bangs parted at the center of his forehead and framing his face. The skin of his face is cleanly shaven and slightly tanned as the rest of his bare skin. A cloudy-sky blue shoulder-kimono flows over his left shoulder and arm whose hand carries his trusty fishing pole and tacklebox. The other arm and shoulder carry his bow and arrows (over the shoulder) and his fishbox, a leather and oak-fashioned creation filled with ice and fresh fish. The right-half of Mico's chest is bare, the kimono only covering the left. He has average muscle.

History: Mico's parents, Mira Levis, a great cook, and Hendricose Levis, an archer and expert fisherman, were a fishing pair who lived in the land of Scara Brae on the ocean south of the Brokenthorn Forest, spending most of their time out at sea, fishing, or in the nearest town to sell their catch. Mira became pregnant but did not let it stop her from going out to fish with her beloved husband. During a fishing expedition, a sudden and unexpected storm struck just as Mira had gone into labor. The child was born, but Hendricose was no doctor. He could not save his wife. The storm raged, the baby cried, and the boat was dashed upon the rocks. Miraculously, the pair survived, and Hendricose brought his newborn child back to his home, naming him Mico Levitas after the storm that destroyed his livelyhood and love.

The child grew and learned to fish by his father's steady and patient hand. He was also taught the family's secret preservative methods for transporting and keeping fish, and he taught himself how to cook with his deceased mother's supplies. When the boy was ten, he was taught archery. By the time Mico was 15, Hendricose had built a new fishing boat, and left to fish in the open seas, leaving his son to "hold down the fort," as he called it. He assured Mico that he'd be back the next day but never returned. Mico held the home for months, fishing when he needed something to eat, practicing his chef's hand with the array of spices his mother had left him in her passing. Months became years, and Mico built his own boat. He finally left home at the age of 20, readying himself to follow his father out to sea for better or worse. He put up a pair of large stones before he left, setting them deep into the ocean bank and far enough away from the sea so that the tide would not take them, in memory of his parents, the second only in case he never found his father.

While out at sea, he kept himself busy and alive by fishing and cooking, keeping a constant vigil for another boat which he never found. Weeks later, he landed on the shore of what he later found to be Coroné. He traveled the continent looking for his father, giving up on the hope that his father was still alive after about a year. He traveled about for another year, joining archery, fishing and cooking competitions to better himself, eventually finding himself in the town of Underwood.

Marksmanship - Mico is an average archer.

The Arte of Fishing - Mico is a near-master Angler, the trade passed down through his father's family.

Cooking - Mico's cooking is above average; his mother's blood flows through his veins. He excels in fish dishes.

Levis Arte - The chilling magic of the Levis clan is inherent in this one. Its cooling properties are used to chill water to ice to prolong the freshness of the catch. However, the masters of the Arte used it on their weapons in battle to freeze opponents in their tracks. Mico can freeze water very quickly; as for other substances, it takes much more concentration and time to cool them, as he's only practiced the Arte on water.
Arte is enacted by concentration and touch of a vessel/container of water or the water itself.

Fisherman's Twitch - Fishing has brought Mico an understanding of nature's noises, allowing him to pick out oddities, even while asleep. A strange vibration or noise will wake and alert him. To achieve this ability, he has to spend at least a day in the environment (non-cumulative). If he's spent a week in that environment (non-cumulative) before, it only takes him a few hours to re-attune himself. City environments are impossible for Mico to attune to; towns are difficult. Because of this, he finds it much harder to sleep restfully in these places and will often sleep outside of a city or town.

Guts - Mico can artfully clean (gut) and fillet a fish. He's a near-expert fish cleaner, if that's what you'd like to call it.

Long-bow: Oak, slung over-shoulder and held in the arrow quiver.
9 Arrows: Steel tipped, Oak shafted, Sea-bird feather-fletched.
Fishing Pole (7-feet long): Oak, ocean-strength Line, Steel rig/bindings/reel/rings, steel bait-casting reel; tropical bird feather bobber.
Tacklebox (3x5x10 inches): Oak/Burlap, containing one extra bait-casting reel, lures, steel hooks, cloth fishing flies, replacement lines (different weights for different environments), different bobbers, etc.
Fishbox (24x40x6 inches): A down-sized version of a Levis-crafted device designed to carry and preserve fish by acting as a cooler and sun-shield. Made of oak, leather, and burlap. Waterproofed. Burlap straps allow it to be worn as a backpack or carried easily by hand.
Pocketed Obi, Ocean Grey: A sturdy silk belt with pockets for traveling supplies. (Often holds gold, lures/hooks/bait, flint, whetstone, empty burlap bags, etc.)
Straw Hat with fuzzy black kitty ears (made from animal fur and dyed).
Clothing (Linen-lined wool): Blue shoulder-kimono and hakamas.
Sandals: Oak, wool straps
Multi-purpose knife (5'' handle, 6.5'' blade): Iron, burlap-wrapped grip.
Spice-box: A box that is a bit smaller than Mico's tacklebox and that attaches to said box, holding several dwindling spice supplies.
8 feet of rope: Hemp, coiled around Mico's waist under his Obi.

*Familiars: None

07-17-10, 07:32 AM
Keep in mind that he should be able to cool/freeze small amounts of water for now.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.