View Full Version : The Rime Bound Cup (Competition)

07-18-10, 01:24 AM
Greetings fellow Althanians! (Althanasians? Althanay?)

Anyway, I'd like to introduce a little challenge, a little flair, and hopefully a little friendly competition to the board as an injection of fun. Heaven knows, this place needs some competitive spirit!

So, here goes:

500 word post, (not a word over, excluding titles!)

Theme: Ice

Style: Any, more obscure or different the better.

Time Period: One Week

Prize: A small frozen trophy, perpetually bound in ice, whatever the weather, and gold from my own coffers to spend as you deem fit! (And maybe a little extra!)

Post entries here, and have fun!

Enigmatic Immortal
07-18-10, 04:59 AM
Ya got a turn in date for this?

07-18-10, 10:44 AM
July 25th :D

07-18-10, 02:51 PM
Submission One: The Icy Waters (384 words)

It would not be too abstract to compare a man to a body of water. Further, to compare a man to fresh water and salt water. However odd it may seem, one man can become as important as the Pacific or Atlantic, or remain as nothing more than a pond behind a house. Yet to go even further, give emotion to such an analogy.

Perhaps one man is comparable to a fresh-water lake. When times become difficult, and the world seems cold, a shell forms over the surface to protect the life within. The colder the world seems, the thicker that sheet of ice becomes. At times, the armor the pond wears becomes so difficult to see through that we forget the immense complexity and beauty of what lies beneath. We simply look past the pond, and at times even make it our own joy to have our way with that shell, disregarding the secrets hidden below. The question arises of whether or not we even care.

Then we have bodies of water laced with salt that keeps them fluid. These oceans and seas, and the men that they represent, are much more tolerant of the havoc the world wreaks upon it. It is a more resilient entity, the ice forming only as a last resort, when not a glimmer of hope or warmth is left. Remaining exposed, taking the chance of being hurt, just as oil spills have shown. To take this risk, remain resilient, and demonstrate strength beyond imagining in any one individual.

We have a choice of what path to take. Some choose to ice over, clouding and obscuring who they are to the world in order to protect themselves in the way a small body of fresh water does. Others will push themselves into a vulnerable state, challenging their own insecurities in order to see the world through open eyes; to see the world through a clear lens and experience it rather than fear it.

Though it may seem easier to protect yourself, hiding behind a thick layer of ice, insulating your identity deep below in the dark and cloudy abyss, remind yourself of one important thing. Remind yourself, in the words of the legendary drow Drizzt Do'Urden: "You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness too."

Submission Two: The Flawless Figurine (493 words)

Though beauty can be found with ease, perfection is thought to be an impossibility. Yet I disagree. I have found perfection in an unlikely place, though likely to those who open their eyes. I have found perfection in the female body. It seems many believe that to see the perfection of the female body one needs the equivalent of a jeweler's loupe. I disagree.

Simple elegance is the simplest way to describe the transition of water becoming ice, as flawless crystalline structure forms, molecules merging and molding to one another to create a tangible result. So too does the woman's body as it develops from a girl into a young woman.

Watch as the process begins and everything takes shape. When catalytic conditions arise, the foundation is set in place. Energy is exerted and every molecule of the system cooperates with the other, allowing the skeletal structure to form. Impurities and imperfections cleansed from the base allow a flawless crystalline structure to form. The predetermined mold is shaken up throughout the course of events, ensuring that the surface is smooth. Using only the purest ingredients, the final product becomes a figure. If no mistakes were made, the result will be transparent, colorless, smooth and flawless.

So it is with the female body, reaching the right age, undergoing its own set of changes. As different sections begin to work cohesively, chemicals rush through the system as the event unfolds. Smooth and soft skin hugs the lean and curved muscular form of the woman's body. Shimmering hair refracts the light as an ice sculpture would. Eyes that glimmer like gemstones stare back at you, as pure as diamonds. The comforting smile is so shocking to the system that it burns as you make contact with ice. Unsure of how to react or what to do, you simply admire the flawless figurine in front of you. The smell of melons and flowers washes over you, stunning the senses and paralyzing the mind. She comes alive, walking over, hips swinging like a pendulum, counting down the moments until she is inches from your face. Hot breath hits your lips, her arms wrapping around you, embracing you as her body pushes up against yours. Suddenly, your own shell of ice melts, her touch penetrating to your very core, and your heart begins to boil, pumping hot blood to the tips of your fingers. Adrenaline mixes into your body, her lips an inch from your own. Reaching up, stiffness from being so alone and cold for so long leaving your limbs, you kiss.

Your eyes close, letting the moment wash over you and the wonderful joy linger in your thoughts. Your eyes open, no one is there. Your hand feels cold, and as you open it, you see a flawless ice figurine. Perfect in every way, except one: she's still just a dream, fading from my thoughts as the figurine fades from this world, melting, slipping through my grasp.

Visla Eraclaire
07-18-10, 02:56 PM
Both of these questions are answered in the original post.

"One week" "Post entries here"

Maybe Althanas should turn from being a writing workshop into a reading workshop

I'll edit this post to include my entry if I make one, but since the contest ends before the bar, I find it unlikely

Enigmatic Immortal
07-18-10, 03:11 PM
Nah, i just like to see the trolling when people do stupid stuff. Brings a little...flair to my day. :D

I'll edit this with my post when it's done.

07-22-10, 03:59 PM
We shiver and huddle, pressed close as one,
fearing the monstrous shrieking in the dark.
A futile dream of futile men who pray
to keep the specter of dawn at arm’s length.

But day’s cruel fingertips cannot be stopped.
They rise in contrast to men’s hopes and dreams.
And we, the ones called brave by green recruits,
can taste the sour fear their dryness brings.

Resigned, we rise to greet what lays us low,
our reason to be here quietly lost;
thoughts filled only with melted slush.
and the frozen sleet that drives us to quake.

Fie, merciless Boreas, Lord of Winds,
lounging in your stately northern palace.
We beseech thee, turn thy breath from our path.
We piteous ones under war’s cruel lash.

But our half muttered prayers are borne away,
the God laughing in jest as he cuts us
with the talons of hell’s cruel irony,
and pulls us ever on to frost rimmed graves.

Woe upon the heads of those who believe
the sordid tales of battlefield glory;
giving up foolish boyhood dreams for it.
For winter’s cold grip makes fools of us all.

07-27-10, 05:05 PM
Well, sorry for the delay, but it's been a hectic week at work.

Two very brief comments for each of the entrants:

Artemis - you write introspective and descriptive pieces of the short, jaunty variety exceptionally well. Not only do you have a grasp for the conceptual art of stating it as is and metaphorically creating the senses to see, touch and feel the item for the reader, you played a strong, literal reading of the brief and it delivered.

I favoured the second piece over the first, as it was more concrete, but both were inventive and intriguing. I hope you go on to develop this style in your work, excellent read.

Revenant - I have to go with you as the victor simply because the structure, rhythm and flow of this poem is outstanding. The use of metaphor is strong here too, but the thinking outside the box entry and the illusion to many common and uncommon 'ice' themes creates a tapestry of potential.

Sadly, this didn't get as much interest as hoped, but as my last act on staff, I present to thee both:


SirArtemis gains 100xp!

Revenant gains 100xp, 200 gold from my personal coffer, and an iron trophy permanently encrusted in a layer of ice, which can be broken off in little stalagmites which constantly reform and the ice never melts whilst it's touching the cup. It is thus a source of water, comfort and kool aid support wherever it is taken!

07-27-10, 09:14 PM
domo arigato

07-28-10, 08:51 PM
Added the exp and gold, and removed it from Duffy.