View Full Version : Choma mark I

Chroma the lost
07-19-10, 02:33 PM
Starting up......
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Name: Project E10 codename Chroma

Race: Synthetic life form created by lost Althanas technology.

Age: Created Circa two million years ago.

Gender: Presumably male

Appearance: Chroma has been created to be perhaps the most attractive being ever produced. He is about six and a half feet tall and slightly muscular. He has long blond hair that hangs over his handsome face. His eyes change colors every day, his skin is slightly tan as well. He weighs about 100 pounds.

Languages: He has an automatic translator that makes others understand what he is saying, but it is faulty.

Occupation: Wanderer

Personality: Chroma is a artificial intelligence, one of the E series (E for emoticon.) So he and his "siblings" are basically robots with emotions. Due to his long stint in hibernation he is having to recreate his personality.

History: Chroma is one of ten Emoticons, artificial beings with emotions created by a prehistoric advanced race that left Althanas long ago. Unlike models E1-9 E10(chroma) was left behind. Now a freak storm has powered the lab he was in, and awoken Chroma, but a corruption in his programming has left him with no knowledge of his orders, or basic functions. So Chroma set off to find a purpose in life, not knowing exactly what he is.

Weapon: none

Armor: He wears a dark trench coat and black slacks regardless of the weather.

Liquid form: Chroma is basically created form silver fluid that forms into whatever form he requires, but in order to take a form it must meet several requirements. It must be generic like a species, and he must have studied it and brought it into his data banks with a full understanding.

Application shutting down....

07-20-10, 11:25 AM
Oh, a T-1000. I don't remember us having one of those on Althanas yet. ;)

I need to know one thing, though. Can he actually take damage? I mean, I understand that her's made out of liquid material, but there should still be ways to hurt him. Magic maybe?

Chroma the lost
07-20-10, 11:37 AM
Oh he can take damage, he is slightly more resistant, but he can still take damage from most things besides minor scratches.

07-20-10, 01:27 PM
Awesome. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.