View Full Version : ~Lorenor Chronicles 1~ (Closed)

07-20-10, 05:11 AM
(Closed to Max Cannon)

(Note: This thread is a restart of ~this thread~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20697) and is a continuation of ~this thread~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18902), I am using my ~Level Ten~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21227) profile for this Quest, thank you very much)

(Radasanth ~Apartment~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21171) purchased in the link)


Broken into several districts, Radasanth was the home of The Corone Empire. The leaders of the empire were powerful Viceroys that rewarded their allies. One of the allies was a Salvarn nobleman, a member of The League of Salvic States, named Lorenor V'halkulus. Currently operating as a militant working for The Empire, Lorenor had discovered a certain operation. Fronting as a circuit of underground fighting matches, potential recruits for the military of The Empire were employed right out of the ranks of the fighters themselves. That's how Lorenor had joined the ranks of The Empire's soldiers. As of yet, the mutant High Priest was not a ranking member of The Empire's forces. However, he was well-respected and a feared unit that got the job done.

These days, Lorenor operated within the rank and file of The Empire. They provided a steady gold piece, and other benefits. Lorenor did not have to like The Empire to accept it as it was. After long journeys to Salvar and Raiaera, The High Priest made crucial strides to securing his place in the history pages of Althanas lore. On the surface, Lorenor was simply an soldier working for The Empire. Beneath the surface, the mutant was a critical member of the clergy of The Cult of N'Jal. Lorenor's multi-faceted role made him a mystery to those outside of the community of The Forsaken. The mutant had worked to build an intricate web of deception at home and abroad, all over Althanas proper.

A villain that rivaled the terror caused by the characters of the ancient stories, Lorenor had become a force of Nature herself. The recent events of The Cell, made Lorenor known to the world as he proudly emerged from the realms of darkness. Lorenor viciously attacked Seth Dahlios, without knowing who the man was, then he attacked the Red Marshall of Corone. The Red Marshall was successfully back-stabbed by the mutant who was merely inches away from killing Letho Ravenheart off for good. During the skirmish, a man named Elijah Belov released a powerful fire elemental spell that meant doom for Lorenor and many others in The Cell.

Recently, Lorenor made movements in Raiaera and Salvar. Though the movements in Salvar had become a mystery. The movements in Raiaera were closely linked to the Thayne, N'Jal. Almost over night, the mutant had constructed a township for the followers of N'Jal and her army. The township was located some distance away from the ruins of Valinatal in Raiaera. Lorenor's most loyal followers lived there. The Forsaken were members of the undead ranks that were freed from the control of Xem'Zund and his Death Lords. Now, they were loyal followers of N'Jal with their own free will. Creating a banner under the name of N'Jal, Lorenor and his minions had become a force to respect.

About two years ago, Lorenor discovered the underground fighting organization. Sponsored by members of The Empire's ranks, the group appealed to warriors of all walks of life. Corrupted by the recent civil war in Corone, Radasanth was no longer a place of Heroes. Now the time of villainy and darkness was upon Althanas. Lorenor quickly rose through the ranks of the underground fighter's league and held the title of a champion. This title was won a few moons prior to the present day. To this day, Lorenor held the title of Grand Champion in the league. It was a preparatory event for the forthcoming Citadel Leagues.


Tuesday, January 16th, C.P. 1807
3:30 P.M.

Day 1--

Currently, Lorenor found himself in the company of several members of The Forsaken. They were his escort and personal bodyguards. Watching The High Priest carefully, The Forsaken redoubled their efforts to protect their leader after a event (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20695), The Forsaken were weary of allowing anyone around their figurehead leader. Five members of The Forsaken's ranks were in various positions of the chamber. As far as living quarters represented, the apartment was not overly complicated. A recent purchase, the mutant had decided that a personal headquarters was needed. Outfitted with basic furnishings, the apartment complex was located near The Bazaar district of Radasanth.

A residential district was located to the West of Radasanth. Several square city blocks of buildings were isolated to suit the needs of the locales of Radasanth who could afford housing. There was a street named Nidolymus Street that was located in between two other famous streets. Pharon Street and Alyt Street were located to the North and South of Nidolymus. One Avenue was located to the West of Nidolymus Street, with The Bazaar district located to the East. A certain building marked 45 Nidolymus Street contained the apartment Lorenor owned.

It was a small, seven floor structure that was built in recent times. On all sides of the building were similarly built structures that were all residential outfits. Each floor in the building had several apartment complexes ranging from one bedroom, to multi bedroom flats on the upper levels. Lorenor's apartment was a simple, two-bedroom structure that had all the furnishings needed. Lorenor had acquired various items of interest in his adventures in Salvar and Raiaera. These items now decorated the complex. As requested by the High Priest, the windows were shut in. There was no natural light filtering into the apartment at all, and it had become a perpetual world of darkness. Only glow-orbs were used. The magical light was not harmful to the undead.

A lone fireplace was the central decoration point of the living room area. On the floor was carpeting that the mutant had installed himself. It was neutral suede colouring. The lighting in the apartment was not harsh. It was very dim, and provided a comfortable atmosphere for the undead to operate within. Though they did not need light, other servants of N'Jal, did. Lorenor currently sat on the floor in the middle of the room. Two members of The Forsaken's ranks sat on a nearby couch whilst the others stood up on various positions around the High Priest. All were relaxing. Located next to Lorenor was a small coffee table that had various food-stuffs and drink that the people within the room could consume at will.

Lorenor was reading from the pages of The Necronomicon. A fell working of N'Jal's ancient followers, the works were comprised of three books. Each book had pages that revealed the secrets of N'Jal herself. Written in human blood, and etched on human flesh, the books' words were visible only to Spider Magi. Reading from the fell pages, the mutant was performing his Priestly duties to the gathered followers. As a member of the clergy, Lorenor was responsible for spreading the word of N'Jal on Althanas. He spoke in a mantra, carefully reciting the teachings of The Spider Magi. As he spoke, the gathered folk around him repeated the words he said in the common-tongue. Only Spider Magi, or, skilled Scholars could speak the native tongue of The Spider Magi.

The followers of N'Jal were waiting for their next set of orders from The High Priest himself. After an two hours had passed, Lorenor's eyes finally sparked open. A burst of tremendous elemental energy flowed out from the depths of Lorenor's black soul. This dark-purple light filled the shadows of the room adding to the ambiance. When Lorenor's eyes opened, the mantra stopped as did the prayers of The Forsaken. All in unison. One of The Forsaken walked over to The High Priest.

"What does the lady command?" The Forsaken asked.

"My friends. The time has come to seek the relics of old. Lost in The Jagged Mountains is a Temple dedicated to our Master. It is this Temple we must unearth and reclaim its secrets. I must seek out the assistance of a man named Maximilian Cannon. Prepare your supplies my friends. We travel immediately when I return with Mr. Cannon." Lorenor bowed down to the works of The Necronomicon, and the rest of The Forsaken did the same.

"There is a device within the Temple. A device that only Max Cannon will be able to use. We must find him, and initiate him into our fold." Lorenor said. He was speaking the word of N'Jal. He knew that all of his companions would follow it. "I am going to seek out Max Cannon now. You and you, come with me." Lorenor pointed to two members of his entourage. Then, he gathered his belongings and proceeded to leave the apartment. The rest would stay behind, as he had given them copies of the keys to the apartment. Taking The Blade of N'Jal with him, and his Prevalida sword, Lorenor left behind various other items. Little knowing that soon, he would help Max Cannon uncover the brother of The Blade of N'Jal.

Soon, Lorenor was traveling down Nidolymus Street and heading towards the direction of the underground fighter's league. He knew Max Cannon would be there because N'Jal told him so. A grin was spreading across the mutant's face. This is going to be a good day. He looked up at the setting sun despite the fact that it's harsh light harmed him. Lorenor wore U.A.S.U. beneath The High Priest's robes he currently donned. Lorenor knew that Max Cannon would probably be fighting in the underground circuit. Lorenor did not have any matches scheduled until later in the week anyway. It was there that the mutant intended to start his search. As Lorenor walked, thoughts of N'Jal filled his corrupt brain. He wondered what role Max Cannon would play in the rapidly unfolding opera that was N'Jal's fold.

Lady Blackwell
07-21-10, 06:29 PM
Max jumped off the side of the cage and used the forward momentum to punch the guy straight in the face. He hit the ground and stood up, looking back at the guy as he slowly fell backwards, unconscious.

“Your slow, Even at falling.” Max said as he walked out of the ring and the crowd cheered.

“Another victory for the Champion of the Light weight Division!” The announcer cried out.

Max smirked as he walked backstage, Grabbed his winnings of twenty gold, His chest piece and cloak and walked upstairs to the setting sun. This crowded alley looked different in the sunlight then at night. During the day it was vacant, with the smell of dirt and sweat, at night it was filled with yelling, screaming, booze, dirt, sweat and blood.

Max threw on his cape and walked back down to the Dock's where he now called a local tavern there home. He had rented out a room in the back and all he did was fight in the Underground fighting arena. So the Owner could bet on him and win and reap the rewards. When Max arrived it was almost Sundown, he walked in the door walked up to the owner behind the counter and dropped the twenty gold coins on the counter.

“rent and a round on me” Max said as he walked back to his room with cheers being heard around the tavern. Max opened his door and sheathed his two swords and looked around the room for anything he might of missed. When he was satisfied there was nothing he missed, he locked the door and walked out to the bar where he sat in his seat and enjoyed a beer. Remembering the last time he felt this relaxed.

It was back when life was good, and he was sitting back in the town where he tried to settle down in. until 'He' showed up and ruined it all. The more Max though about it the angrier he got, soon he got so mad he stood up chugged back his beer and walked up to the owner.

“Sid! Hatchet time!” Max said as Sid turned around and grabbed the Hatchet for Max. Max grabbed it and walked out back of the tavern and started splitting logs down into fire wood, he did this every time he he remembered the mysterious man who knew of Max's past, and used it to ruin his life.

A few hours had passed and Max had created quite a big pile of firewood. When Sid came around back with a mug of ale.

“You know sooner or later your going to have to get over what makes you so angry Max, it isn't healthy to keep your emotions bottled up and take them out on these logs. Not that I don't mind the years worth of firewood you have cut for me. But maybe you should go somewhere for a bit, get your mind off things.”

Max grabbed the Mug and thanked Sid as he looked up at the star lit sky. At that Sid slowly walked away back into the inn. Max chugged back the ale and looked around. A figure emerged from the shadows and walked towards Max.

"Maximilian cannon the dark lady calls for your service" He spoke with a purpose.

“Wait … who is this Dark lady and you face is familiar …. wait your … Lorenor? Champion of the Cruiser weight division? Maybe Sid was right … I need to get away from here anyways. Alright Lorry let's go see this Dark lady of yours.”

07-25-10, 10:37 PM
(Bunnying approved)

Finding Maximilian Cannon was a simple matter for the mutant's enhanced sensory array. With his full capacity, Lorenor was able to focus in on one specific target goal. During the original battle with Maximilian Cannon, Lorenor memorized the scent of the bandit. Staring up at the inky-black sky, the mutant studied the familiar constellations of Corone's sky. He saw the ancient heroes of old. Malthusar the great, the great ship, "The King's Pearl, a king of ancient kings known simply as Rasantikan, and many others The North Star shown brilliantly and the moon was in one of its far quarters, facing the status of New Moon.

The ground of Radasanth was composed entirely of stone streets. Lorenor and his party stood on the street for a long moment. Turning his head, the mutant studied the signs that were stationed at the corner of each block of Radasanth. This street read Crimson Street and Slokan Way. The avenue intersecting the streets was known as Rose Petal Avenue. Lorenor knew this area of Radasanth's slum district was home to a much seedier crowd. Nearby to their position was a popular tavern and inn that served the clientele of another organization. Nearby, in the alleyway of Crimson Street was the base of operations of a secret sect known as The Hobgoblin's Stein.

Lorenor's target that night was not the fighter's league of The Hobgoblin's Stein, but the nearby tavern. It had a similarly shady name. Upon the front of the building there lurked a certain wooden sign that showed the emblem of the tavern/inn. Spotting the sign, Lorenor read it to himself once. Rouge Barrel. Lorenor knew all of the businesses and establishments in this area had strange names. Names that were not typical to Radasanth proper. They were far away from Radasanth Square and The Bazaar.

Contained within a low-built building, the stone structure was built within the last century. It was relatively new as far as the buildings in that section of Radasanth went. Lorenor's interest was not the building or the microcosm contained therein. His interest had moved to the back of the building. So, Lorenor called down a gate from Phantaria. He motioned for his fellows to place their hands upon him, and in a moment, they were all gone.

Manifesting a moment or two later, the door to Phantaria connected to a door that was located in the backyard area of the building. Stepping out onto the large yard, the grass was crunched beneath his boots. Several flowers were visible that Lorenor also stepped on and crushed. His companions manifested a moment or two later, taking flanking positions beside The High Priest. Lorenor's glowing purple eyes added an ambiance to the otherwise dark environment. He studied Maximilian Cannon and addressed him. When he was done with the initial purpose for arrival, Lorenor continued to speak to Max.

"I have a place here in Radasanth. We can discuss matters here. N'Jal always moves world-events. Right now we must plan in secret to prepare for what is coming. Come with me Max."

Lorenor extended his hand for Max to take, which was a cue for the others to place their hands on The High Priest once more.