View Full Version : Just a stray cat roaming

Break the silence
07-20-10, 01:40 PM
Name: Dark silence
Age: 21
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 120 pounds
Occupation: Ex con

Personality: Despite his name and occupation dark is a rather cheerful young man who enjoys the nightlife. He finds the company of women pleasing, and the shine of gold irresistible. His one main fault is his constant need to break the law, which landed him in his current predicament.

Appearance: Dark is your average charming cut throat. He wears all black and a sly smile. His black hair hangs at his eye level, covering his chocolate brown eyes. His lips are pale, matching his nocturnal skin tone. He is not overly muscular, but not out of shape either.

History: Dark's father was a priest, his mother was a whore, and he grew up in the underbelly of civilization. He first began his career as a bouncer for his mothers brothel, then moved on up to arson, theft, eventually murder, anything for gold. Then his mother died of a mysterious illness, an he began to lose focus. Then he got caught breaking into a nobles house. Then he met his father, who payed the jailers off to allow Dark to go free, on one condition. He would have to do an act of good. SO Dark set off for the smal town of Underwood, where hopefully he could do some good and not wreck his rep.

Skills: Lock picking: Dark's lifelong fascination with locks has led him to be able to pick almost any sort of physical lock, he can do very little however, to picking a lock sealed with magic or created with magic.

Sleight of hand: Dark's first criminal act was picking pockets, and due to his experience he has developed quite a talent for getting in and out of purses and pockets with ease.

Basic combat: Dark has become a decent fighter with his two long swords.

Equipment: Dark has two iron long swords that he keeps strapped to his back. He also has two daggers he keeps in his sleeves ready to strike if needed.

Familiars: A small black cat that follows around, its name is Train.

07-21-10, 01:07 PM
Nothing wrong with this. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.